Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 15: It is not something to be proud of to cheat others’ kindness, but there is often no othe

Strictly speaking, Wang Luo's seduction technique was not absolutely necessary.

Although the story of the night snack group was not impressive enough, as long as Wang Luo applied, the staff had to follow the regulations and carry out the follow-up procedures for him.

Whether his story was credible did not need to be judged by a girl in white who did not even have the qualification of Qingyi.

But obviously, anything can be done with half the effort if there is an enthusiastic promotion from an insider.

So since Wang Luo saw that the woman in white had a pretty good talent for physical cultivation, he did not hesitate to give her a little Taoist body mystery.

Unfortunately, the talent of the woman in white was just barely good, far less outstanding than Zhao Xiuwen, so after looking at her for a while, her eyes softened and her attitude changed from cold to ordinary.

"The people of Nanxiang need to go through a lot of procedures to apply for the Jianmu seeds, and it can't be done in one day."

Wang Luo smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm not in a hurry."

"Then fill out these forms first, and remember to use this pen." The woman in white said, handing over a unique ink pen that seemed to be made of countless thin lines.

When Wang Luo took the pen, he felt the pen tremble slightly, and the thin lines untied themselves, turning into tentacles with bared fangs and claws, piercing into the right hand holding the pen.

There was no feeling, because the tip of the thin line turned from solid to virtual when it touched the skin. They sank into Wang Luo's body, attached to the blood vessels and meridians, without causing any harm, but could judge whether a person was insincere through the circulation of qi, blood and true essence.

The person holding the pen would judge the authenticity of every word he wrote.

It was another small magic weapon that was not particularly magical, but extremely practical. These invisible lines entered the body, requiring the pen holder to completely resist, and relying on qi, blood and true essence to judge the authenticity was not absolutely reliable. People who could skillfully control their bodies had many ways to hide from the magic weapon.

But as a standard magic weapon for the window of an office, it was already useful enough.

Under the gaze of the woman in white, Wang Luo held the pen and wrote on multiple forms in an orderly manner.

Most of the forms were about him telling his life story, including where he had lived, his relatives, what skills he had practiced, his attainments, and whether he had ever come into contact with the Wild Demon... Wang Luo filled in half of these based on the stories of the Night Snack Group and half based on local conditions. He quickly filled them out.

Some other contents were about whether he had a stable residence in Rongcheng, as well as his contact person and guarantor. Wang Luo naturally pushed all these contents to Shi Yue.

Soon the forms were filled out, and the tentacles on the pen retracted one after another.

The woman in white took back the pen, checked it, and was a little surprised: "All of them were filled out truthfully. It's rare to find someone as honest as you among the wanderers."

Wang Luo smiled. In those forms, except for his real name Wang Luo and his gender male, nine out of ten words were fabricated.

"After filling out the form, you need to have a physical examination, and then go through another round of interviews. After you pass all of them, someone will be arranged to connect you to the Great Law and condense the Jianmu seed that can prove your identity."

Wang Luo nodded: "I understand. Then when can I have a physical examination?"

The woman in white wanted to say that she would go home and wait for notification, but Wang Luo happened to raise his hand at this time, and the arm hidden in the long sleeves was exposed. The flawless muscle lines of the forearm made her turn the subject on the spot.

"Wait a moment, I will help you see if you can cut in line...Room No. 3 on the second floor is vacant now, you can just take this form and go up."

The woman in white neatly stamped two seals on the form in succession, and stretched out her hand to point Wang Luo to the way to the second floor.

And then, a milky white ball of light was released from her fingertips, floating in front of Wang Luo, leading the way for him.

Such thoughtful service not only earned Wang Luo's thanks, but also surprised the people of Shijie who came to do business around.

"Has a senior red-clothed official come to inspect Qingping Division recently?"

"Is this your first day in Shijie? If a senior official really came, he should have sent out eight hundred green-clothed officials to turn Shijie upside down, demolish what should be demolished, expel what should be expelled, and seal the complaint box... just like the special task force in the past few days."

"That means the girl at that table has just graduated from the academy and doesn't know the rules of Qingping Division yet?"

"Are you blind or have you been single for too long? If that girl is considered a young girl, you and I are both in our prime! I went to her to get a new certificate before, and a Jianmu seed made me run back and forth eight times!"

Amid the noisy discussions, Wang Luo had already arrived at the door of the physical examination room on the second floor.

This time he was unlucky. The person in charge of the physical examination was a senior green-clothed official with mediocre cultivation and no talent for physical cultivation. When he saw Wang Luo coming, he didn't even bother to lift his eyelids, but nodded and motioned him to go in and do as he pleased.

It was really free. There was no magic weapon in the physical examination room that needed Qingyi to operate manually. There was only a very large floor-to-ceiling mirror. As soon as Wang Luo entered the room, a layer of water-like light appeared on the mirror, and then Wang Luo felt a few cold and invisible rays of light sweeping through the mirror.

These were all magic techniques that had never existed in the old times, but the effects were basically clear at a glance. They were nothing more than detecting a person's various physical indicators... and for the physical examination mirror of Qingping Division, the more important thing was to check a person's "pollution value".

Many people from Nanxiang were carrying the pollution of the wasteland, either light or heavy. Those with mild symptoms were nothing more than partial body deformation, and the whispers from the evil land would often echo in their minds. But as long as they took the medicine regularly and stopped contacting the wasteland, these symptoms would soon disappear.

But serious problems cannot be suppressed by simple drugs. Not only will the bodies of heavy polluters be severely mutated, but their minds will also be distorted at any time. More importantly, severe pollution will isolate the Great Law and make society control measures for individuals. Almost ineffective. Putting such people into modern society is equivalent to indirectly causing a horrific tragedy.

Therefore, once the medical examination microscope shows that the subject's pollution value exceeds the standard, Qingpingsi must immediately control the person and use various elixir techniques to remove the pollution to within the standard value before he can be released into a civilized society.

But it was obvious that Shijie Xiaobailou didn't care much about this process. Qing Yi, who was in charge of the physical examination, crossed his legs in front of the door and was lost in thought.

Because normally, it is impossible for a wanderer who suffers heavy pollution to come to Rongcheng. From Nanxiang to Rongcheng, there are countless checkpoints, like layers of filters, filtering out all threats that are not conducive to civilization. In fact, there are more than 200,000 regular troops stationed in Nanxiang alone. Anyone who leaves Nanxiang and goes deep into the hinterland of civilization must first go through military review.

So far, no fish has slipped through the net in nearly a hundred years. Therefore, Qingpingsi's physical examination is just a procedure. If there is a real risk, it is impossible to arrange the physical examination so late.

Soon, the physical examination was over, the floor-to-ceiling mirrors were filled with light, and finally a gentle green light appeared on the frame.

Outside, Qing Yi greeted lazily: "Okay, if you pass the inspection, take this report and go to the next level... Damn, we were killed again in the middle. Why haven't these Mongolian students started school yet?!"

Although Wang Luo didn't understand the second half of the sentence, he knew that he had successfully passed this test, so he went out and took the standard-generated physical examination form from Qing Yi, who was meditating with his eyes closed.

The form records the results of the diligent work of the medical examiner. Basically, except for height and weight, nothing is correct. Obviously these new era technologies are not perfectly suitable for practitioners of the old era.

Fortunately, although the data is wrong, it is not outrageous. According to the table, Wang Luo should be a human male under the age of 20. His cultivation level is in the middle stage of foundation building. His physical accomplishment is slightly higher, which is slightly lower than the average male wish. Ordinary people can be seen everywhere on the street. Wang Luo glanced at the form and felt that the result was pretty good.

In his current state, in this highly prosperous new world, there is no need to reveal his true trump card to everyone. It would be best to be able to hide in the city.

The next step after the physical examination is the interview. Logically speaking, this step may take a long time because the person in charge of the interview must strictly review the previous examination results before deciding on the content of the interview.

But relying on the connection of the woman in white, Wang Luo successfully met his interviewer directly after the physical examination.

An old lady wearing green clothes and a red hat looks to be nearly a hundred years old. The golden elixir in her belly is dim, and her energy, blood and true energy have obviously declined...but her face is still rosy and her expression is even more generous. Friendly, a pair of round lenses clamped on the bridge of her nose, but it did not shorten the distance between her and others.

When she saw Wang Luo, she showed a gentle smile, waved and said, "Come sit down and talk, don't be nervous, just some simple questions."

Wang Luo confirmed that the old man had no talent for physical cultivation at all, so his attitude was obviously not to covet his natural body.

So what is she after?

"Haha, when I was young, I was also from Nanxiang. I didn't move to Rongcheng until I was 30 years old. I lived there for more than sixty years. But the appearance of Nanxiang is still fresh in my memory."

However, the next moment, the old man's smile did not change and he began to examine Wang Luo. The gaze behind the lenses was not harsh, but rigorous enough.

Wang Luo immediately realized that although she had a kind personality and had a natural affection for the wanderers from Nanxiang, it did not mean that it would be easy to pass the interview.

In fact, Zhao Xiuwen also reminded that ordinary Nanxiang people would face some obstacles if they wanted to move to Rongcheng. It is even more difficult for unidentified wanderers to obtain Jianmu seeds in Rongcheng. Because there is a very simple reason: If they are really wanderers in Nanxiang, why don't they replant in Nanxiang instead of coming to Rongcheng?

Without the seeds of building wood, how did you get here? Didn't those layers of filter-like checkpoints stop this wanderer?

Therefore, rather than genuine Nanxiang drifters, they are more likely to be fugitives who were forced to give up their original identities and change their appearance due to some illegal activities!

Xiaobailou of Qingping Division does have the function of re-issuing identity certificates, but it does not mean that they have to perform this function!

Fortunately, Wang Luo had already prepared for these problems.

After sitting down, the old man nodded and asked: "The form says that you are from Nanxiang and have been living in the wasteland. I remember that there are not many human settlements in the wasteland around Nanxiang because the living conditions are so harsh. , has it gotten better in the past few years?”

Wang Luo said: "It was pretty good until the wild demon broke through the barrier and slaughtered all my family and friends."

"Uh, sorry." The old man was startled and said apologetically, "I forgot that you, the hunter who rescued you and told you the story of Rong City, do you still have contact with him?"

"Yes, I pray for his soul every night. I even dreamed of him last night. He talked to me a lot and congratulated me on my successful arrival in Rong City."

"..." The old man's mouth twitched unnaturally, and he turned to the next question a little stiffly, "After you left Nanxiang, did you just come to Rongcheng alone? Didn't you make a stopover in other towns?"

Wang Luo said: "We actually passed through several small towns along the way, but every time I wanted to stop and rest, he would appear in front of me and tell me that it was not Rongcheng."

The old man quickly re-read the form in his hand: "Your mental test results seem to be normal."

Wang Luo said: "Well, he told me last night that since we have come to Rongcheng, we don't need him to guide us in the future. From now on, we really have to say goodbye."

"..." The old man's hands have begun to tremble slightly. She took off her glasses and repeatedly checked whether the polygraph was malfunctioning.

Wang Luo sighed: "In fact, when I left Nanxiang, I also received a similar examination. I told the interviewer about my experience, but he would rather crush the lens than lock me up in the pollution cleanup center. He said that he would rather kill the wrong person than let him go."

The old man's hand wiping the lens could not even tremble.

"So I walked all the way to Rongcheng before I dared to come for the inspection and apply for the Jianmu seed. After all, he also said that other places might misunderstand me and reject me, but Rongcheng would definitely accept me."

The old man put on his glasses again, his eyes were full of guilt and sympathy, and his questions became more gentle: "I saw that the contact person you filled in was from Shijie. How did you meet her?"

At this point, the question had almost disappeared, and it was just an old man chatting about family matters, and the topic was no longer about Nanxiang and the wilderness.

In response, Wang Luo responded fluently, and at the end of the interview, the old man even took the initiative to give Wang Luo his contact information.

"If you have any difficulties, come to me at any time. We are all from Nanxiang, and we should take care of each other."

Wang Luo took a small piece of paper handed over by the old man.

"Ms. Yuzhu, I've written it down."

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