Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 16 No matter how glamorous the title is, it is just vain. Only working hard to get rich is t

After leaving the interviewer Yu Zhu, Wang Luo wrote down the name carefully.

This was the first favor he received since coming down the mountain. You must pay it back if you have the opportunity in the future.

Shi Yue obeyed him because he repeatedly demonstrated the mountain master's supernatural powers in front of her, and the girl who protected the mountain obviously wanted something from the mountain master. This deference was admirable but not a favor.

Li Ji's roast pork meal was very delicious, but it was for Shi Yue and not against Wang Luo, so it was not a favor. What's more, Wang Luo expelled Li Dongyang, which was a favor to him.

Zhao Xiuwen's late night snack skills were very high, and many of the common sense he explained to Wang Luo were quite practical, but this was because he had witnessed with his own eyes the beauty of the innate Taoist body.

Only for this interviewer, Wang Luo deceived him first, and she allowed him to go through the rules. This is an out-and-out favor.

And Wang Luo has never been in the habit of not paying back favors.


After passing the interview, the entire process of applying for an identity certificate is basically completed. After that, as long as Qingpingsi finds a "Uekishi" with certain tuning abilities and connects to the Great Law, Wang Luo can obtain A unique tree species.

With this seed, it is equivalent to officially integrating into the new world. From now on, the five states and hundreds of countries on the right side of the sky can travel freely.

If you are interested, you can even go directly to the current Zhuwang Capital and visit the "remains" of Senior Sister under the tree that is said to have been the seat of Lord Zhiyao...

However, as the saying goes, a person who travels a hundred miles is only half a mile, and things often undergo unexpected changes at the last minute.

As it is now.

When Wang Luo collected the forms, returned to the service hall on the first floor, and applied to the woman in white to advance to the next step. The other party agreed calmly and said that senior Qingyi who was the Uekishi happened to be working in the Xiaobai Building. If everything went well, he would be able to get the Jianmu Seed before noon.

But soon, surprise appeared on the woman's indifferent face.

"Huh? No one?"

She looked at the manual for communicating with colleagues on the desk, which was glowing red. She felt confused and asked her colleague who was also wearing white, "I see in the directory that Senior Sha is on duty today. How can I contact him now?" Not a good person?”

Sitting next to her was a woman who was less than 40 years old and well-built. When she heard this, she said without raising her head: "Sha Shuang? It's almost lunch, of course there is no one to be found."

"You still have half an hour before lunch break, right?"

"Isn't that fast?"

The woman in white blinked and sighed helplessly: "Wang Luo, please wait. I will call you when I go to work in the afternoon."

Wang Luo nodded and said hello.

Normally, if a wanderer from Nanxiang wants to get the Jianmu Seed from Xiaobailou, Qingpingsi, Rongcheng, even if every level is successfully passed, the whole process will often drag on for three to five days or even longer. Being able to complete all the procedures in one day is an unexpected blessing.

Waiting for noon is not a big problem.

However, after waiting until half of the afternoon working time, Wang Luo still had not waited for the last step.

At this time, an old man sitting next to him suddenly said: "You are waiting for Sha Shuang, don't wait, go home, try your luck again in a few days, change the Ueki user, maybe it will be alright." "

Wang Luo turned his head curiously and saw a hunchbacked old man wearing a white shirt and gray waistcoat. His appearance was ordinary, and his cultivation was even more mediocre, but his eyes hidden under the thick-soled lenses were quite bright.

"What's wrong with Sha Shuang?"

The old man said: "He doesn't like Stone Street, he doesn't like Nanxiang people, and he doesn't like Qingpingsi where he is."

Wang Luo summed it up: "Weary of the world?"

The old man was startled: "This is the first time I heard someone use this word to replace cynicism."

Wang Luo said: "Whether he is cynical or world-weary, now that the procedures in my hands are complete, doesn't he need to perform his duties in accordance with the law?"

The old man smiled: "Since you have seen people like Li Dongyang in Qingping Division, you should know that performing duties in accordance with the law is actually the most difficult thing."

Wang Luo was a little surprised: "Do you know me?"

"In less than two days, half of the people in Stone Street will know what happened last night. I just didn't expect that you are from Nanxiang. You don't look like a Nanxiang person."

After saying that, the old man shook his head again: "However, it doesn't matter where you come from. As long as you have good intentions, Stone Street welcomes you. I am Kong Zhang. I usually set up a stall in the Triangle Alley of Stone Street. Today I am here to continue my work." I don't want to meet you... If you have time in the future, you might as well come and sit at my place. I can always entertain you with a cup or two of crude tea. "

"Okay, I've written it down."

"By the way, there is something I still want to remind you. After all, even if I don't say it, others will. You were brought back by Shi Yue and you are now renting in her yard, right?"


"That child has a good character, is talented, and always works hard. Unfortunately, luck is never on her side."

Wang Luo nodded: "I can tell."

Kong Zhang added: "And bad luck is often contagious. If you plan to stay in Stone Street permanently, you must be mentally prepared."

After saying that, the old man smiled, put his hands on his knees, stood up and left.


The old man's words seemed like an unfortunate motto.

It was getting late, and many people in white clothes were already packing their bags in the office hall on the first floor, preparing to get off work. Wang Luo finally realized that he couldn't wait for his due process today.

He stood up and once again found the woman in white with good physical fitness.

"Isn't Sha Shuang back yet?"

The woman in white had just dealt with a confusing clerk and was a little impatient, but she looked up at Wang Luo and saw the lines of his trapezius muscles, and all her anger disappeared immediately.

Then she leaned forward slightly and said softly: "Senior Sha should be in his office, but for some reason, he has been refusing to respond to the procedures here. Just now I saw that he has left work and left... If you are not in a hurry , you can come back in two days, by then Senior Sha may not be on duty.”

Wang Luo nodded. This suggestion coincided with Kong Zhang's, which showed that Sha Shuang's world-weariness was well-known.

Of course he didn't want to wait two days in vain. Patience was a beautiful quality, but wasting time was not.

"Where does Sha Shuang live?"

The woman in white was shocked: "What do you want to do?"

"I want to get my own Jianmu Seed."

While talking, Wang Luo glanced at the work manual in the hand of the woman in white. It should have detailed information on every staff member in Xiaobai Building.

"Can you lend it to me?"

"Of course not!" The woman in white was shocked and quickly put the manual in her arms. "Don't be impulsive. I'll help you push it when you go to work tomorrow!"

Wang Luo thought for a while and smiled: "Okay, then I'll trouble you."

The woman in white was silent for a moment and said: "To be honest, you'd better wait a few days. Senior Sha has always hated Nanxiang people, and he has been in a bad mood recently. If you insist on pushing the application to him, you may be found." The reason is that it’s been a long time, so it’s better to wait a few days and replace him.”

Wang Luo curiously asked: "Is it okay for him to be so blatantly sabotaging work?"

In response to this, the woman in white could only smile bitterly. At this time, a colleague in white who had packed up his clothes happened to ask her to go home with him. She hurriedly responded and then waved to Wang Luo.

"Anyway, I'll let you know when there's news. I'm off work. Goodbye."


When we left the Xiaobai Building, the outside of the building was already glowing like blood, the queues had long since dispersed, and the congested streets were finally clear. Only some people who couldn't get things done were complaining, and some people in white and Tsing Yi who had just gotten off work were discussing where to go for dinner... ...Wang Luo looked into the distance and saw the outline of Lingshan Mountain in the gaps between the sword forest-like buildings in Rongcheng.

Lingshan and Rongcheng are not far apart. Now that I have nothing to do, why not...

Wang Luo was considering whether to hike back to Lingshan Mountain to take a look when he suddenly felt someone approaching from behind and reached out to pat him on the shoulder.

So he immediately turned around and faced the person face to face. The speed of his sudden turn made the other person tremble with fear.

"What the hell!?"

Shi Yue took two steps back, and his raised right hand stopped awkwardly in mid-air.

Wang Luo shook his head: "Why do you think you can succeed in a sneak attack?"

Shi Yue said angrily: "Why do you think I'm here for a sneak attack!? I was just passing by after work. I saw you and wanted to say hello, but you were startled... How about it? Did things go smoothly?"

Wang Luo briefly explained the process of the day. Shi Yue was dumbfounded in the first half, but his expression suddenly turned gloomy in the second half.

"Sha Shuang, it's indeed something he can do..."

Wang Luo nodded: "I'm going to wait for two days before looking at it, and I'm not in a hurry to prove my identity."

Shi Yue hesitated for a moment and said, "I may be involved in this matter... Sha Shuang doesn't usually come here to take turns."

Wang Luoqi said: "Whether he comes to take turns or not, what does it have to do with you?"

Shi Yue sighed: "It really doesn't matter, so just think that I'm just being sentimental. But in the past two years, many people have been in contact with me for a long time, and their luck has suddenly turned bad... You can live in Shijie again." In the next two days, you will probably meet someone telling you to keep your distance from me.”

Wang Luo smiled, it would take less than two days.

But he doesn't care at all about such nonsense.

"Don't think too much, how can the mountain protector defeat the mountain lord of Lingshan? When the old demons in Mozhou were at their most rampant, they secretly attacked the outer mountain gate and sacrificed the blood of thousands of cultivators to cast curses, but they could not take away half of the mountain lord's blessings. . There was a lot of blood on your ancestor’s face at the time... It didn’t matter. "

Shi Yue forced a smile: "I'll just assume you are comforting me. Then, what are your plans next? Are you going back for dinner?"

"Okay, should Li Ji roast pork?" Recalling last night's vinegar-cooked alfalfa and braised pork strips, Wang Luo was indeed a little unsatisfied.

Shi Yue's smile turned tragic on the spot: "Don't be ridiculous, Lord Mountain Master, do I look like I can afford to go out to restaurants every day? Of course I will go home to cook... If you have to eat out, the most I can do is treat you. Have a bowl of noodle soup.”


A moment later, the famous cheap dining area "Southwest Corner" of Stone Street.

"Two bowls of shredded pork noodles, thank you."

Half amused and half helpless, Shi Yue used the remaining cash in his hand to bring each of them a bowl of hot noodle soup with 4 soul leaves.

A few green vegetables, a few dried beans, a few vaguely unknown shredded meats, and a lot of noodles. The price of 4 spirit leaves is a model of conscience even in Stone Street.

A large group of promising young people gathered around the Conscience Noodle Shop, most of whom were above or below the threshold of foundation building. That is to say, some could barely build a foundation, while others could barely build a foundation. Shi Yue, a young girl with a great foundation, simply shines here.

Seeing Shi Yue, the young people greeted him warmly: "Why are you here, Xiao Yue?"

"Bringing your boyfriend with you?"

"Long time no see. How is business lately?"

The attitude was basically friendly, and there were occasional cross-line jokes, which were quickly stopped by his companions. So Shi Yue responded to everyone neatly, and then picked up the chopsticks and sighed to Wang Luo: "Master, please forgive me for the poor hospitality."

Wang Luo pondered for a while and said: "Before, my master asked me to go down the mountain alone to visit a famous talisman family in Lingzhou. At that time, I was only twelve years old and had just completed my foundation building. The other party had a combined ancestor and three first-class families in the God of Transformation. But that night, they prepared an extremely luxurious banquet for me, with many delicacies that were rare in Lingshan Canteen."

Shi Yue shrugged: "Forgive me for my incompetence. I can only let Master Mountain recall the past."

Wang Luo said: "However, in my opinion, that dinner is not as good as this one in front of me. A bowl of shredded pork noodles. Although the dinner was sumptuous, it was just a drop in the bucket for a wealthy family of immortal cultivators. But this bowl of noodles is all the cash on hand for you. "

Shi Yue was stunned: "You make me feel embarrassed."

"So how did you become so poor? I remember that after paying the bill at Li Ji BBQ yesterday, you still had a few hundred spiritual leaves on hand, and you gave me fifty pocket money this morning."

Shi Yue put down her chopsticks, revealing a bitter expression of not being able to eat: "...The bank said that my debt interest rate would be slightly increased, so I had to use all the money to pay the interest, but fortunately I barely made up for it."

Wang Luo was a little curious: "Speaking of which, I have always wanted to ask, how did you owe so much money?"

In fact, Wang Luo had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

Shi Yue was silent for a while, and said: "My father is a gambler, and he was calculated by someone to mortgage the management rights of Lingshan, lost everything, and then left."

"Hiss..." Wang Luo suddenly felt that the noodles in the bowl were a little less warm.

Although he knew about Shi Yue's debt-related personality not long after meeting her, he didn't expect that there was such a sad story behind her personality.

Shi Yue smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Just think of it as reality motivating me to strive forward and prevent me from lying flat. And although the debt is heavy, I can still make a living with the rent and Lingshan's management subsidy. I'm just not proficient in some part-time jobs now, and I will get better slowly in the future."

Wang Luo has always appreciated those who are down-to-earth and optimistic. While raising Shi Yue's evaluation again, he also said, "You are in financial distress now, and I can't rely on you to support me. Is there any way to make money for me?"

Shi Yue was shocked when she heard this, and then said seriously, "Master Mountain Master, since you asked this, I will be honest: I really can't afford to support another person now. After eating this meal, there is only a little food left at home. We can't expect to go to Xiu Wen's supper every night, and he is not well-off. Are you willing to make money yourself? , I really have no reason to object. ”

Wang Luo said: "Senior sister always told me before: The best way to integrate into society is to work, although she usually said this to trick me into helping her secretly print books. ”

Shi Yue smiled and said: "The mountain master asked, what are the ways to make money. With your ability, there are certainly many ways to make money, but if you don't consider the evil way of breaking the law, then most of them will have to wait for you to get the Jianmu seed, that is, the identity certificate. And the identity certificate is only the first step, and then there are cultivation certificates, magical certificates, and magic certificates. Only with these qualifications can you take on the work. The more profitable the job, the more stringent the requirements for qualification certificates. ”

Wang Luo said: "So what can I do now? ”

Shi Yue was silent for a while, and turned his eyes to the recruitment notice posted on the wall of the noodle shop.

"Wanting: waiters, cleaners, requirements... preferential treatment."

Wang Luo was very interested: "Isn't this good?"

"Are you serious? Master of Lingshan, working as a cleaner for others?"

"Why do you, a working class, have occupational discrimination?"

Shi Yue explained: "I thought you would... The book says that ancient monks generally look up to the top and disdain to work."

"The book also says that the Shi family banquet is famous all over the world..."

"Stop scolding me, I was wrong. In short, it's good that you are willing to work, but don't come to this place. The salary is low, and the boss likes to find reasons to deduct money."

Before he finished speaking, the noodle shop owner scolded: "Shi Yue, you have no conscience at all, and I even gave you a handful of extra shredded pork! When did I find a reason to deduct money? Xiaoli, what are you looking at? If you look at it again, don't ask for this month's salary!"

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