"Sorry, I got a little out of control."

After a brief outburst, Han Ying took the lead in apologizing.

Wang Luo nodded: "It doesn't matter. I know this was not your intention. The auspicious spirit deer has always been docile and will not bite unless absolutely necessary."

"...If you keep talking, I won't rule out letting you see another side of Linglu."

"So, what's going on, and how can I help?"

Han Ying was silent for a long time and sighed: "Then I'll try to start from the beginning, be patient."

Wang Luo nodded again, and took advantage of the situation to set out the lotus stand, tea table, tea cups, and the flat-bellied buns on Xiangshan Road.

"...You don't need to be so patient!"

After giving Wang Luo a sideways look, Han Ying sat down, picked up the tea cup, and started her story.

Theoretically, Zhu Wang's royal power comes from the common recognition of the Immortal Alliance and the people... But of course this is nonsense. The royal power comes from the Amyrlin, and the Amyrlin comes from the lord Lu Zhiyao. In other words, Lu Zhiyao believes that whoever is the leader of the country is the leader of the country.

Before Wang Luo appeared, Lu Youyou was the only descendant of Lu Zhiyao for five hundred years. She inherited the ancient Lingshan Taoism, inherited the new immortal calendar Taoism that Lu Zhiyao weaved under the framework of the Great Law, and even inherited her Yao sword.

Then, before Lu Zhiyao retired to seclusion, she personally carried Lu Youyou onto the throne.

For the next five hundred years, Lu Youyou always stood high on the throne, closely connected with this symbol of royal power. Whether it is the eastward reversal of the desolation tide or the conspiracy and turmoil within Zhuwang, they have not shaken it in the slightest.

The throne of the Amyrlin Seat is not just a symbol of power, it also contains almost miraculous power. Before Lu Zhiyao retired to seclusion, she had carefully taught Lu Youyou many techniques for skillfully using royal power. One of them was: using royal power to strengthen the magical power of the external incarnation, it could help those who were destined to die and make up for their shortcomings...

However, ever since Lu Youyou met and shook hands with Wang Luo, the authority from the Amyrlin Seat began to drain away rapidly, and without the royal authority of the Amyrlin Seat, this magical power that saved people from dying and went against the will of heaven was naturally counterattacked by the law of heaven. So...he has this embarrassing posture now.

"That's it." After patiently listening to this story, Wang Luo put down his tea cup and tried to understand the complex situation of the other party at this time. "No wonder you think that I have sucked your authority, but in fact, I don't have anything extra here. "

Although in front of the jade statue in Rongcheng Academy, the Ascension Record in his hand suddenly unlocked many permissions, it was a gift from his senior sister, and it happened before he met Han Ying. When Wang Luo saw Han Ying and shook hands with her, he did notice a difference in her expression, but he didn't feel anything special at the time.

In other words, the royal power was only lost, not transferred to him.

Han Ying sighed: "I know. After I noticed the loss of the royal power, I actually used many methods to confirm... At least the royal power does not belong to you. It was just a moment of impatience and you said something indiscriminately. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's understandable, but I'm a little curious: No matter where that authority goes, it is lost uncontrollably. You have been the king of the country for five hundred years, can't you control this authority freely?"

Han Ying said: "Strictly speaking, the royal power of Zhuwang always belongs to the Lord alone, and I only temporarily manage it on her behalf. As for the mystery of royal power, I have not been able to fully understand it so far, let alone control it freely... I don't even know how to control it. I don’t understand why just meeting you and shaking your hand will lead to the loss of royal power!”

Wang Luo said: "At least it can't be because senior sister likes me more."

Han Ying was startled when she heard this: "What did you say?"

Wang Luo said: "If you think that the loss of royal power is due to senior sister's preference, then it should be transferred to me immediately after leaving you. What's more, I have only been with her for less than twenty years. You We have been together day and night for thousands of years... Senior sister, the person she values ​​most is you, and she will never give the gift she gave you to others just because I woke up. "

Han Ying couldn't speak for a long, long time. It wasn't until the tea in front of her became cold and Wang Luo poured new tea for her that she sighed quietly: "Thank you, I never dared to think so."

"It is understandable that the auspicious spirit deer is a creature that is cautious by nature and tends to have low self-esteem..."

"I said thank you, but I didn't say I wanted you to do a psychological analysis on me! Besides, I've already transformed into a human!"

"Sorry, I made a mistake."

Han Ying sighed: "No, it's me who should be sorry...I've been deeply affected by this incarnation, so sometimes I can't control my emotions. In fact, I don't mind being discussed about my background. No matter what I look like now, I used to be just a weak spiritual beast chasing people for cakes, and there was nothing invisible about it. But Han Ying, she seemed to have a kind of blind worship for me - even though she kept a deer doll on her bed... …”

Wang Luo heard this and said thoughtfully: "So, you are very pressed for time now."

"Yes, even if you don't consider the influence of the Amyrlin's suspension, or even Han Ying herself...if I stay in this incarnation for too long, I can't guarantee what I will become. The worst possibility is my consciousness Completely assimilate with Han Ying, and then die together as her lifespan approaches. "

Wang Luo said: "So the top priority is to return the lost royal power as soon as possible. So do you have any ideas?"

Han Ying smiled bitterly: "If there was, I wouldn't be here to drink tea with you. Just now, relying on the connection between Tianque and the resonance with the Jade Throne, I finally got Mo Yu to help me sign a few documents, but I really have no idea how to regain the lost authority."

Wang Luo stretched out his hand and knocked on the tea table, pondering: "After all, since the kingship belongs to Senior Sister, why don't you call Senior Sister up and let her re-authorize you?"

Han Ying was stunned, then shook her head and said: "If someone can wake up the Lord, I would rather give him everything including the kingship... When the Lord retired, she didn't explain anything to anyone, but suddenly asked me to take her place. Soon after, she put herself into a state of sleep that was almost suspended. I tried many ways, let alone wake her up, I could hardly touch her, as if she was no longer in this world."

"But she's still alive, right?" Wang Luo asked solemnly, with a hint of urgency unconsciously mixed in his tone.

Han Ying glanced at him and said, "Of course, I can clearly feel that her will still covers, or protects this land... But other than that, I haven't heard her voice for a long, long time."

This sentence made Wang Luo feel a little strange: "Do you mean you have heard it before?"

"Yes, about two hundred years after she retired, I can vaguely hear her voice every year at the Golden Deer Festival."

"Oh? What did she say?"

"..."Han Ying was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and said, "Sometimes she praised me for growing taller, sometimes she said that she must have seen it wrong last year, I am still a child who has not grown up... Sometimes she would ask me not to forget to help her finish the unfinished book, she said that people can't be eunuchs even if they die."

"..."Wang Luo couldn't help but be silent, and then nodded, "It is indeed something she can say."

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