Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 190 Exhausting All Possibilities

The anecdotes about Lu Zhiyao have become a close link connecting people on both sides of the tea table. When the teapot bottomed out, the relationship between the two seemed to be more familiar and no longer so subtle.

Wang Luo asked: "So, since three hundred years ago, no one can contact Senior Sister anymore?"

Han Ying said: "Yes, not just me, but others too. A hundred years ago, when Yueyang's pioneering was frustrated, the Immortal Alliance held an emergency meeting and tried to awaken her with the power of Taixu Tianzun, but the result was still not achieved Respond. I know very well that she is still alive, but for some reason, she no longer responds to any calls in the world.”

Wang Luo asked again: "So, you don't know how to recover the lost authority now."

"At least I have tried all the methods I can. Including the Yao Sword, the Jade Branch Medal... So, Master of Lingshan Mountain, what can you do?"

Wang Luo pondered for a moment and stretched out his hand to the other party.


Wang Luo explained: "If power is lost through a handshake, maybe it can be returned through a handshake."

"..." Han Ying was a little stunned, "Do you have basic logic in what you say?"

Wang Luo asked, "Can logic help you regain your royal power? And since the Amyrlin was made by Senior Sister, why do you still expect it to follow normal logic?"

Han Ying was suddenly speechless.

"You've tried everything you said you could, but obviously there are still many ways you haven't tried. Come on, let's shake hands first."

Han Ying pondered for a moment and held Wang Luo's hand helplessly.

There was no flow of royal power, no other magical reactions, just a man and a woman reaching out and holding each other.

Han Ying was a little disappointed and a little relieved. After taking back her hand, she said with a smile: "Speaking of it, this handshake ceremony was popularized by the Lord. At first, everyone thought it was strange, but now they are gradually getting used to it."

Wang Luo couldn't help but think: "At present, it seems that with the loss of royal power, there is no necessary practice for physical contact... Or do you want to try other methods of contact?"

Han Ying smiled and shook her head, her posture indifferent, but her body was already connected to the lotus platform, and she quietly moved back a few feet.

"Okay, it seems that the contact method won't have any effect... Do you want to try the authority method next?"


Wang Luo explained: "The loss of royal power may be compensated by the granting of other powers."

Han Ying was dumbfounded again: "Do you have any basic logic in what you say?"

"Can logic help you regain your royal power?" Wang Luo asked, "Is your so-called attempt to do the best you can, just a self-comfort bound by common sense?"

"...Okay, how do you think I should make up for the royal power through other powers? Let the Golden Deer Hall set up ten special working groups, all with me as the leader?"

"No." Wang Luo said concisely, and then summoned Feisheng Lu, "I want you to return to Lingshan."


Han Ying was extremely surprised.

Wang Luo said: "This Ascension Record was left to me by my senior sister. When I opened it, it automatically gave me the authority of the 84th generation mountain master, so..."

"So you plan to give up the position of Mountain Lord to me?!" Han Ying's surprise was overflowing. "Do you think the Lord of Lingshan Mountain can replace the throne of the Amyrlin Seat?!"

Wang Luo was silent for a moment, took back the ascension record, and said: "I just want to say that in the name of the mountain master, I can recruit you back to the mountain again, and try to replace the king's power with the permission of the 'Lingshan people'."

"..." Han Ying was silent for a longer time, her two beautiful eyes closed tightly due to embarrassment, "Sorry, I'm a little pretentious."

Wang Luo cleared his throat and said: "The entire content of this Ascension Record is not revealed to me, probably because my current cultivation level is too low, and probably because today's Lingshan is as dilapidated as me. But in any case, as a mountain Lord, I still have the authority to recruit new people.”

Han Ying frowned slightly when she heard this: "So..."

After hesitating for a while, Han Ying completed her question: "So, my name is not on your ascension record now?"

Wang Luo was also startled: "Should there be your name? Senior sister later officially recruited you into the mountain?"

"No, she rarely even mentioned anything about Lingshan to me, but, but I thought..."

Wang Luo said: "Be patient, the ascension record in my hand is not complete, and many contents are unfolded as events are triggered. For example, the directory of the Waishanmen was only shown to me after I met Shi Yue... interesting Yes, Shi Yue himself was naturally placed under the Waishan sect at that time. Obviously, the oath of the Hushan family has not disappeared for thousands of years. "

While talking, Wang Luo flipped through the Ascension Record, while Han Ying watched in concentration.

Until Wang Luo turned directly to the spiritual pet column...

"That's enough, no need to watch anymore!"

Wang Luoqi said: "Don't you mind discussing your background?"

"Han Ying mind! Can't you!?"

"Okay, I also think it would be unreasonable if your name is on this page... In short, I now invite you to join Lingshan, please confirm to accept the invitation."

Han Ying did not answer immediately, but after a long silence, she said: "My Lord, she has warned me many times not to get close to Lingshan, or even have more to do with it. So, I am not sure whether I should... "

Wang Luo shook his head: "You are standing next to Yongxia Palace, and you are still talking about these useless rules? Her warning happened at least five hundred years ago, and it has expired for an unknown period of time."

Han Ying sighed and made a decision silently in her heart.

The next moment, golden light bloomed on the Ascension Record, and a brand new name appeared on the list.

However, what surprised Wang Luo was that the name was not Lu Youyou.

But Han Ying.

But Han Ying herself was not surprised: "Strictly speaking, I am indeed Han Ying now, but I have Lu Youyou's personality and memory, as well as part of the soul cultivation. This is the key to filling the gap in destiny. In short, I Are you already from Lingshan? It feels like nothing has changed..."

Wang Luo muttered: "Well, it can only prove your identity as a Lingshan person, and it will not help you gain recognition from the Amyrlin. But at least this identity is genuine. Look, your name is right behind mine. We are currently the only remaining staff members in Lingshan. ”

Han Ying suddenly asked: "What about the Lord?"

"She cut it so thoroughly that even the 83rd generation was skipped in the list of past mountain masters. From the 82nd generation Song Yijing, he went directly to the 84th generation Wang Luo."

Han Ying laughed at herself: "But in order to make up for my mistakes, I ignored her warning and returned to Lingshan..."

Hearing this, Wang Luo had an idea flash in his mind.

"Do you think the loss of royal power could be due to the king's lack of morality?"

Han Ying couldn't help but open her mouth, but she couldn't say a word, she just screamed in her heart...

Why should I discuss this issue with this person? ?

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