Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 191: The Book Has Its Own Beauty

Wang Luo understood the other party's resistance very well.

A leader who has guarded Zhuwang for five hundred years and enjoys supreme prestige in the country and even the Immortal Alliance will obviously find it difficult to accept relatively harsh criticism. Especially the auspicious spirit deer, who are naturally timid and have low self-esteem, tend to have a more sensitive self-awareness than other people.

What's more, the position of the country's leader not only means power and strength to her, but also Lu Zhiyao's trust and trust in her. Accusing her of being unvirtuous as a king is like accusing her of betraying the Lord's trust.

"I'm sorry for provoking such an unpleasant topic." Wang Luo apologized first, "However, senior sister has said that hypocritical ethics should not be a shackle that restricts our pursuit of truth."


Wang Luo explained: "I want to quote what some senior sisters said to prove that being immoral is actually not a serious problem. If you don't believe it, I can excerpt some of the evaluations of her by people in Lingshan back then. For example, Master Song Yijing once said... …”

Han Ying gritted her teeth and said: "No need to say it! After all, it is me who is at the end of the road now, and it is also me who caused Zhu Wang to leave the throne empty at the critical moment of pioneering! I have nothing to say if you accuse me of being unethical as a king!"

This statement clearly implies that she has too much to say.

Wang Luo explained: "Dereliction of duty and immorality are two concepts. Manpower may sometimes be poor, but heaven is strong and a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement."

Han Ying was even more angry at this sentence: "For the time being, I don't care why a loss of morality will lead to the loss of royal power. I would like to know where I lost my morality? For five hundred years, I dare not say anything about my work How flawless, but at least it can’t be said to be a king’s fault!”

Wang Luo further explained: "Senior sister once told me seriously about the concept of a king losing his virtue. She has always had a very unique view of governance, but she has never had the opportunity, let alone the interest in establishing her own kingdom. It's just a natural disaster. After that... I thought that as the leader of Zhuwang Kingdom, you should know these things. As for whether you have lost your virtue, I have a little trick here. I wonder if you are interested in trying it. "

When Han Ying heard the first half, she couldn't help but look solemn, obviously thinking of something. But in the second half, curiosity arose: "Little trick?"

"Yes, it is one of the few immortal arts that my master personally taught me. Although he is my master in name, he actually taught me not many things, and most of them have lost their effectiveness with the changes in the way of heaven. Only This magic method is quite effective.”

"So, what is it?"

"The Art of Confession."


Wang Luo explained: "The caster will torture himself based on his own conscience, look into every corner of his heart like a mirror, and confess every crime he has committed."

Han Ying said: "It sounds like a kind of mind-cultivation technique."

"The Confession Technique is only responsible for helping you find the problem, not solving it, so it is at best a means of assisting in cultivating the mind. Back on Lingshan Mountain, it was first used to make the senior sister confess her crimes, but obviously the senior sister's conscience is different. It is different from ordinary people, so Master taught it to me to always ensure that the conscience of this closed disciple can still be saved."

"..." Han Ying frowned, obviously not interested in the Lord's dark history story.

"Anyway, since you think you are not immoral, why not try the confession technique?"

Han Ying sighed: "A visit to your Yongxia Palace is really expensive... Well, teach me the magic."

Wang Luo then used his spiritual thoughts to wrap up the knowledge about the Confession Technique and sent it into Han Ying's sea of ​​consciousness. The other party did not resist and easily digested the knowledge. The next moment, those blood-like eyes were as bright as rouge. Light burst out from within.

"What a powerful fairy magic! Although it is a low-level magic, but..." In the midst of sighing, Han Ying naturally mastered it and activated it smoothly, so her sigh stopped abruptly.

After a while, the light in Han Ying's eyes gradually faded away, and the surface was covered with a white mist, and then she seemed to be singing ethereally, murmuring some subtle words.

Although it was subtle, Wang Luo'er was very smart and could hear it clearly. He even had enough energy to plant a sunflower with more than a thousand sunflower seeds horizontally and vertically in the flower plate, which allowed him to capture the scene in front of him in detail.

as evidence.

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

Han Ying's opening remarks were full of the auspicious spirit deer style. For comparison, when Lu Zhiyao used this technique, his first sentence was "Another unscrupulous person is trying to harm me..."

What about yourself? In my impression, when I used the confession technique, my first sentence was: "The following statements are for study reference only, please forget them within 24 hours..."

After being lost in thought for a while, Han Ying said again: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stayed in bed. The previous attendance officer would wake me up on time, but Mo Yu..."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be picky about food, but the meat rice dumplings are really unpalatable..."

"I'm sorry, I often stay up late and don't follow the cyclic schedule taught by the Lord..."

"I'm sorry, not only did I secretly watch the mirage of Taixu while Mo Yu was away, but I also gave a reward to the master of Qinglu..."

Listening to this nagging, sincere and apologetic confession, Wang Luo didn't know what to say for a moment!

You also say that you are not a king and have no virtue! There are so many crimes, and if you put them in Meng College, you will be punished by standing there until the end of the school day! When the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to pick him up, he would definitely be scolded by the instructor until he couldn't hold his head up!

After calming down for a while, Wang Luo still felt a little ridiculous.

I wish you all the best, and this is the result of looking into my heart with a bright mirror?

Now he didn't even know whether he should destroy the evidence sunflower next to him! When Han Ying wakes up and sees the evidence in court, will she feel relieved or angry?

Or both?

However, just when Wang Luo was considering whether to put away the sunflower, he saw Han Ying's face suddenly turn pale, sweat oozing from his forehead, and his words became trembling.

"Yes, sorry, I shouldn't, I shouldn't, I shouldn't..."

The once ethereal voice was like a cursed dream, and every syllable was like a noisy pollution.

"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..."

Wang Luo immediately stood up and tried to interrupt the other party's obviously faulty confession with his mind. However, as soon as his mind touched Han Ying's sea of ​​consciousness, he felt a storm that was enough to overturn everything.

Wang Luo was caught off guard, and his mind was like a lonely boat hit by huge waves, and it exploded in an instant.

The soul was agitated and screamed, causing the resonance of the true essence, qi and blood. The next moment, black blood oozed out of Wang Luo's seven orifices at the same time!


Wang Luo reached out and wiped the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, he was well-trained and strictly followed the rules when saving people with his mind. He only extended one tentacles, so the backlash damage was limited. Otherwise, the previous blow would almost be fatal!

The humble little deer in front of him was undoubtedly the number one in the current Immortal Alliance. Her soul cultivation - even if only a part of the soul was shackled in the flesh, it was already incredibly powerful.

That was no longer the power that the Nascent Soul Realm could contain. With his current foundation-building level, he was lucky to be slightly injured if he rashly touched her.

But seeing Han Ying's condition deteriorating rapidly, Wang Luo had no choice at this time.

Han Ying's soul was at the level of the Super Nascent Soul, so the mind method was completely ineffective... but her body was only at Han Ying's level.

So, let's use the physical method.

Of course, relying on a natural body that has not yet reached the perfect foundation-building stage is probably not enough.

Therefore, Wang Luo held the Flying Record in both hands and smashed the square golden thick book into Han Ying's face with all his strength!

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