Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 2 Please witness the magnificent view ahead

Standing in front of the Qiling Hall, Wang Luo felt an unprecedented absurdity.

Because I am the only one who has not ascended, I have to take over as the master of Lingshan Mountain and enjoy a leisurely life?

The problem is, this world where only I have not ascended, from another perspective, is actually a world where Lingshan was exterminated!

How could the world be so unreasonable that the whole family was exterminated because of collective ascension?

But besides the absurdity, Wang Luo realized that this matter did have some rationality.

With the strength of Lingshan, no external enemy can shake it in the slightest... But if the change comes from the sky, that's another story.

Is there a possibility of natural change? Of course there is, such as the legend that has been circulating for thousands of years: the immortal gate opens and ascends in broad daylight.

This legend means that sometimes the immortal fate will suddenly favor someone for no reason, making his cultivation crazy and even ascending on the spot. It's as if the door to the immortal world opens from the top of his head and absorbs the cultivator.

The legend seems illusory, but it has actually happened in the long history. Even the immortals in the immortal world can't explain the specific reason. They only know that some people are really lucky and can ascend without any effort.

In fact, with the development of Jiuzhou Immortal Dao, this illusory legend has occurred more and more frequently. It may have happened only once every thousand years in the past, but it has appeared three times in the past fifty years, so that some practitioners simply lie down and wait for the immortal fate to fall from the sky.

But the people of Lingshan have never been interested in this legend. On the one hand, it is easy to ascend, so many people simply have a hypocritical mind and don't fly even if they can; on the other hand, the opening of the immortal gate is a purely random event, and it will not take special care of any cave paradise. Even though Lingshan is the leader of the immortal way, it has never encountered a fairy gate opening in more than ten thousand years.

So, no one knows whether the practitioners have a choice when they really encounter the fairy gate opening and are forced to ascend...

But Wang Luo at least knows that once you go up, you can't come down.

Since the Immortal Ancestor Chicheng opened up the Immortal Realm, the Immortal Realm has had a great influence on the mortal world, but there has never been a precedent for immortals to descend to the mortal world, even if the Immortal Ancestor Chicheng could not do it. So if Song Yijing, Lu Zhiyao and others really encounter some unexpected events and ascend collectively, then...

That would really be equivalent to the extinction of Lingshan, and the only survivor would have to take over the position of the mountain master with tears.

For a moment, Wang Luo didn't know whether to congratulate his master, senior sister and others for successfully reaching the end of their cultivation in the mortal world, or to lament that his closest relatives and close friends were separated from him overnight... Well, there is no need to lament. With Wang Luo's talent, it would take at least a hundred years for him to ascend to the immortal world, and he did not have the mortal complex of his fourth senior sister Bai Cheng and fifth senior brother Qin Muzhou, so he would still want to ascend if he could. So when the time comes, they will reunite in the Immortal Realm, and there is no need to worry too much.

The problem that needs to be paid attention to now is that the position of the 84th generation mountain master is really not easy to take over.

In the history of Lingshan Mountain for more than 10,000 years, there has never been a mountain master in the foundation-building stage, and it is impossible for a cultivator in the foundation-building stage to master the position of the mountain master.

Looking at the empty Qiling Hall, Wang Luo has realized that it is not that the Qiling Hall was confiscated by Lu Zhiyao, but that the current mountain master in the foundation-building stage is not qualified to "see" the exquisite treasures in the hall.

In addition, he did not unlock a few of the rights that the mountain master should have: after succeeding the mountain master, the Ascension Record should have had several more functions. For example, he had seen Song Yijing remotely control the Qiling Hall with the mountain master version of the Ascension Record, prying the entire Lingshan Mountain, and in just a few breaths, the mountains and rivers were diverted and the ground veins were reorganized. He had also seen Song Yijing directly grab the elixir that was ranked among the treasures of Lingshan in the Jinxiu Pavilion from the Ascension Record.

But now, the 84th generation mountain master can't even make the sea of ​​clouds in the mountain retreat.

The so-called virtue is not worthy of the position, and there are risks in not being worthy of the position.

Lingshan is the leader of the Jiuzhou Immortal Path. It is not that there are no enemies, but there are more competitors. It's just that no one has been able to shake Lingshan's position for more than ten thousand years.

But now that Lingshan's entire family has ascended to heaven, who can resist?

And once they start, can the mountain master, who is only at the foundation-building level, resist? Moreover, even if there is no invasion by foreign enemies, Lingshan, as the leader of the Jiuzhou Immortal Path, has a huge influence, and its existence itself needs management and maintenance, and Wang Luo obviously does not have this ability at present. Moreover, although Lingshan's formal establishment is not large, the outer mountain gate that handles general affairs is large in scale, and Wang Luo has not dealt with them much before.

Wang Luo pondered for a long time in the Qiling Hall, and felt that a thousand thoughts came like a tide, but they were all frustrating. Fortunately, he is one of the two people in the whole Lingshan who knows nothing about frustration and discouragement.

Wang Luo did not get anything in the Qiling Hall, and he simply left the hall and walked elsewhere.

He didn't believe that the entire Lingshan Mountain was really swept away. Even if the master, senior sister and others were forced to ascend, and even had no time to wake up Wang Luo in the Dingling Hall... it would be okay to leave a note, right? Even the position of the mountain master could be left behind, there must be other clues.

But in the next half day, Wang Luo found nothing.

Or rather, Lingshan did not open the slightest clue to the new mountain master. In this half day, Wang Luo walked through the hundreds of halls in Lingshan, but every time he saw the door was closed, and it could not be opened with the authority of the mountain master. Then, Wang Luo really didn't even find a note.

Things have begun to become a little weird.

Because Wang Luo didn't just walk in the sea of ​​clouds in this half day, he carefully read the Ascension Record at hand, and didn't find clear clues, but found many doubts.

After inheriting the position of the mountain master, the functions of the Ascension Record did not increase, but shrunk significantly. Even the simple Xumi mustard seed function could not be activated, so that the materials Wang Luo placed in his personal warehouse were sealed.

In addition, the function he valued most: Lingshan Chronicles, stopped updating after he entered the Dingling Palace, and did not even record how Song Yijing and others ascended!

The most outrageous thing is that even the calendar function was damaged, and the ink on the date column was distorted, like a ferocious beast... so that Wang Luo could not even judge how long he had been in seclusion in the Dingling Palace.

With more and more doubts, Wang Luo decided not to waste time in this swamp-like sea of ​​clouds, but to walk out along the mountain road.

On the one hand, there were really no available clues in Lingshan; on the other hand, there were even no available resources. With the personal warehouse of the Ascension Record sealed and the door of the Jinxiu Pavilion closed, he could not even find elixirs to nourish his Dantian Yufu, and even dinner was nowhere to be found...

So it was better to go down the mountain and hope that the outer mountain gate would bring him a little surprise.

It took another half a day to walk along this road. As Wang Luo gradually approached the foot of the mountain, the clouds and mists around him gradually faded, revealing a golden red color sprinkled by the setting sun and the outline of the sky and earth in the distance.

However, at this time, the mountain road suddenly dived down and came to a winding valley. The golden and red misty scenery was suddenly blocked by the towering rocks on both sides, which seemed quite disappointing.

But Wang Luo was familiar with the terrain and knew that after crossing this valley, he could stand on a spacious platform. The platform was not impressive, but it was the place where the Chicheng Immortal Ancestor ascended to heaven. It was of great commemorative value... In addition, although the Dengxiantai was close to the foot of Lingshan Mountain, its height was still the highest in hundreds of miles, enough to overlook the distant view.

But before turning around the valley, Wang Luo heard a burst of fragmented human voices not far away, as if there were dozens of people, talking and laughing all the way!

For a moment, the breathing of the 84th generation mountain master suddenly stagnated.

Not fear, but caution.

Although this place is close to the edge of Lingshan, it is still the real Lingshan territory after all, and it is also a real no-entry for outsiders.

In fact, let alone outsiders, even the leaders of the outer mountain gate and the direct descendants of the mountain-protecting family are not allowed to enter Lingshan without authorization, let alone approach this memorial-worthy Dengxiantai!

So, who are these dozens of people? Has the formation outside Lingshan failed?

Out of caution, Wang Luo immediately hid in the dense vegetation beside the path. Several clumps of peace ferns were like clingy puppies, pressing their broad leaves against him. It felt slightly cool, but it perfectly covered his figure, which also made him feel a little relieved.

At least the plants and trees of Lingshan still recognized him as their master.

And under the cover of vegetation, Wang Luo quietly turned the corner and saw the scene where the sound came from.

The mountain platform still has some similar outlines to the one in my memory. There is a staircase surrounded by green shade at the other end, and then...

The first thing that comes into view along the staircase is a swaggering and lively little red triangular flag. The flagpole shakes and climbs up the steps, full of vitality. Under the red flag is an equally eye-catching little red hat. A youthful girl wearing a red hat on her head jumps up the steps, as if the sun is rising, which makes people's eyes bright.

And along with this ray of light, there is a series of crisp and bright opening remarks like the sound of morning birds singing in the valley.

"Everyone, please look here! The last stop of our trip is in front of us, Tianzhui Valley. It is the largest disaster relic in the history of human civilization, symbolizing the end of the classical era."

After a pause, the young girl said loudly: "A thousand years ago, the world was in great calamity, the immortal world fell, the earth turned upside down, four of the nine states were lost, and the way of heaven became wasteland."

"And during the great calamity, the immortals of the heavenly court fell here, and the body of the ancestor of all immortals, Chicheng Immortal, rotted and sank in his own place of ascension, gradually sinking into the dark soil and turning into a land of eternal calamity. Fortunately, it was suppressed by the great law, so we, the descendants, can be safe and sound on this land and pay tribute to the former owner of this place."

"As everyone knows, In the classical era, Lingshan was the leader of the immortal world. Its reputation was known to everyone from the immortal world to the netherworld. By the time of the 82nd mountain master Song Yijing, Lingshan had reached an unprecedented peak. Almost all the mountain people of the previous and next two generations ascended to heaven in one day, and regarded the road to immortality as a smooth road. "

"However, it was this unprecedented achievement that completely unbalanced the immortal and mortal worlds. The power of the sky could not support the prosperous immortal world, and finally the heaven fell and all the immortals perished. "

"The ancestral hall in front enshrines the ancestors of Lingshan who died during the heavenly calamity, from the sincere immortal ancestor to the last mountain people. It is not only a commemoration of the classical era by our descendants, but also a silent warning. The crisis a thousand years ago tells us..."

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