Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 3 I saw myself in a place where I shouldn’t have seen myself

The Dengxian Terrace under the setting sun was as gorgeous as Wang Luo remembered.

But with Little Red Riding Hood's excited explanation, all the splendor gradually fell apart.

The crisp voice like the cry of morning birds seemed to be twisted into a harsh noise like tearing metal at this moment. Every word she spoke was like the curse and blasphemous words of the inner demon surrounding the soul, which was ear-splitting. The side is buzzing and the heartbeat is speeding up.

Thousands of years ago?

Thousands of years ago!

The fall of heaven?

Heaven falls!

All immortals are destroyed?

All immortals are destroyed!

The combination of question marks and exclamation marks rising in his heart made Wang Luo finally realize at this moment how his master Song Yijing felt when he raided Lu Zhiyao's private workshop and witnessed the fan version of the Song brothers and the Tentacle King of Chidang Mountain. A kind of shock that reverses the three perspectives.

Just a few words are enough to make people doubt their lives.

However, precisely because he thought of his master and senior sister, the wavering in Wang Luo's heart only lasted for a short moment.

No matter how shocking the story is, it is just a story after all. Compared with the imaginary pineapple book of a different world written by the senior sister, the story of Little Red Riding Hood is not too strong. After all, it is better for thousands of immortals to fall than for thousands of immortals to become white... Moreover, there is currently no evidence to prove it. Prove that Little Red Riding Hood's words are true. Besides, even if it were true, being hysterical in the col would not help.

In the story of Senior Sister, those seniors who traveled through time, were reborn, and then made great achievements were all overjoyed and looking forward to a new life for the first time, and then went around looking for the little beast-eared girl who was waiting to be fed. They rarely beat their chests and missed their original family.

Accepting reality is also a required course for every Lingshan person.

So Wang Luo patiently stopped and listened to the next story of Little Red Riding Hood.

"Although this ancestral hall looks a little dilapidated, it is a historical relic built by the founders of our New Immortal Calendar. It has been more than a thousand years ago and is a national historical and cultural heritage certified by the Golden Deer Hall. In the ancestral hall Not only are there memorial tablets enshrining Lingshan people from past generations, but there are also many craft souvenirs with great historical value, which are very suitable as souvenirs of our trip..."

Through the gaps in the leaves of the peace fern, Wang Luo saw the little red hat holding a red flag on its shoulders and talking non-stop. Opposite her, more than 20 men and women wearing red hats were already walking down the steps.

Most of them were between middle-aged and old, wearing strange clothes that Wang Luo had never seen before, making noisy noises as they walked, like a marching pack of rats.

An old woman walking at the front had a head as small and pointed as a pear, and a body as thick as a spindle. Her voice when she spoke reminded Wang Luo of the ferocious cattle that once galloped on the Fengzhou grasslands.

She silenced Little Red Riding Hood's gushing with just one sentence.

"Okay, okay, stop selling your fake products. Where's the next attraction?"

The girl in the red hat was obviously choked. She was stunned for a long time before saying: "No, Tianshui Valley is the last stop. In fact, this Lingshan Temple..."

Before he finished speaking, Lieniu raised his eyebrows and said, "Why is there no more? Today, Chuigu has just arrived at the foot of Lingshan Mountain. Have you not seen so many things on the mountain? When you sold the tickets, you said you could take a one-day trip to Lingshan Mountain. Just swim to the bottom of the mountain and be done with it?”

The girl in the red hat explained: "Further up is the restricted area. It has never been unblocked since the era of Dinghuang. You can ask the locals in Rongcheng and they all know it. Therefore, the scenic area of ​​​​Lingshan only reaches Tianchui Valley. And there’s actually nothing to see in the restricted area…”

"You're here to sell tickets when there's nothing good to see? Are you sorry, little girl? Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you. We went back when there was nothing to see. There's no need to look at the small ancestral temple." Lieniu said, shouting behind him. People asked, "What do you guys say? Do you want to go home?"

For a while, there was an endless stream of responses from the rats.

"Withdraw, withdraw, this trip is really nothing to see."

"This is a national historical and cultural relic. It's really not as good as that money-making Lingxi Ancient Town. At least they can organize a song and dance performance."

"It's a shabby road and there's not much scenery to see. It's just selling local specialties and purely inducing consumption. I'll file a complaint against her when I get back."

The chorus of accusations immediately made the red-hatted girl a little angry, but she bit her lip and still maintained her enthusiastic smile.

"Now that everyone is tired from playing, let's go back for dinner. According to the previously agreed itinerary, I have ordered a group meal for everyone at Jinxing Restaurant..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted again.

"Don't go to Jinxing Restaurant! We've already checked it on Taixu. That restaurant has a very bad reputation. They just use pre-made dishes to cheat money!"


Lieniu said again: "Everyone, I just decided on the location of Xueshuang Tower. Let's go to Xueshuang Tower to eat frozen hotpot!"

"Let's go, let's follow Sister Lin!"

"The frozen pot is great. I heard it is a local specialty that has become very popular recently. Go try the frozen pot!"

A group of middle-aged and elderly people quickly unanimously agreed, leaving Little Red Riding Hood helpless. She took a deep breath, smiled and said: "Shuangxue Tower is also fine, then I will summon Zaiyun to lead everyone..."

"You don't need your Zaiyun." Aunt Lieniu waved her strong arm, "I have already checked it out on Taixu. The Zaiyun in the scenic spot is purely a scam. It is more cost-effective to use Dengden Shared Cloud. We With so many people, one big cloud and three hundred spirit leaves are enough."

After saying that, not allowing the girl to argue, Aunt Lieniu suddenly rolled her eyes, raised her head to the sky, shook her body, wiped her nose, and cheerfully said to her companions behind her: "You'll be here soon!"

This moment was real. Not long after he finished speaking, he saw a thin orange cloud falling from the sky, wrapping it like cotton wool at the feet of all the uncles and aunts.

Aunt Lieniu looked down at Cheng Yun and said loudly: "Let's go to Shuangxue Tower on Yuexie Street!"

Zaiyun then flashed with a burst of gentle orange light, illuminating everyone in a strange and strange way. Then, Zaiyun swayed off the ground and staggered down the mountain with everyone like a black bear in labor.

When leaving, the aunt suddenly turned around and roared again: "Little girl, please remember to refund us the meal fee and cloud transportation fee! Otherwise, I will file a complaint against you!"

An aunt next to her smiled and said, "Sister Lin, you are really good at calculating. After such a trip, each of us spent dozens of spirit leaves."

Sister Lin said disdainfully: "This is to save some face for that little girl. Otherwise, if we complain to her later and write some bad reviews on the Wenyou Department's photo studio, she will still ask for our money!"

"Sister Lin is really amazing!"

"Let me tell you, when you go out, you must prepare a strategy in advance. There are many Qinglu laymen in Taixu Illusion who teach people how to eat, drink and have fun. I also learned this from a local Qinglu layman in Rongcheng. He went there before A day trip to Lingxi Ancient Town only cost 20 Lingye! ”

As the triumphal sounds of the aunts faded away, the tranquility that had existed for hundreds or thousands of years returned to the Tianzhui Valley. Even the mountain wind blowing the branches and leaves of the forest became silent.

Only Little Red Riding Hood's sigh echoed in the valley for a long time.

Just like the sigh in Wang Luo's heart.

If the first few paragraphs of Little Red Riding Hood were like a fanfic privately printed by a senior sister, shocking people because of their strong first impression, then her lively conversations with a group of middle-aged and elderly people have truly transformed the story for thousands of years. The fictional setting of the great catastrophe of the previous world has been moved into reality.

But if you calm down and think about it, this fictional setting is actually reasonable.

First of all, it explains the strangeness of Lingshan Baidian. Why do the hundred palaces of Lingshan, filled with immortal energy, become shrouded in clouds and mist, and become silent and deserted?

Because this is already a world a thousand years later, and all the people in Lingshan have died!

As for why Wang Luo, a mere foundation-building monk, could sleep for thousands of years without running out of life and sitting still, it was all due to the Dingling Hall. As the most prestigious retreat holy place in Kyushu, Dingling Hall can perfectly protect the practitioners in the hall, whether it is a natural disaster outside the hall, or the people inside the hall are possessed by evil spirits, or of course, the depletion of Yangshou.

Theoretically, hiding in the Dingling Hall can indeed prolong life, but this method is worse than stealing heaven's secrets. It is basically robbing heaven's secrets... The backlash will only make people lose more than they gain. Therefore, few people have done this in Lingshan's more than 10,000 years of history.

But this explains Wang Luo's weakness at this time. Before entering the palace, he was almost 120,000 sure that he could condense the elixir. So when he woke up, he found that he had failed to condense the elixir... Accepting reality is to accept reality. That kind of The sense of unrealistic absurdity is actually no less than that of the thousand-year story of Little Red Riding Hood.

Now it seems that the answer is very simple. Not long after he entered the palace, Lingshan or Jiuzhou Continent suffered a catastrophe, and the way of heaven turned into desolation. Therefore, his wonderful golden elixir, which closely aligned with the way of heaven and aimed directly at the ascension, naturally became a tree without roots and could not be tied together.

But the preparations for condensing the elixir did not disappear. The materials prepared for Wang Luo Ningdan in the trenches of Lingshan are enough to make some Mahayana monks excited. With these treasures of heaven and earth, coupled with the power of Dingling Palace, it is not difficult to keep a foundation-building tooth fresh for a thousand years.

Wang Luo, as a closed disciple of the best person in the world at that time, had unusual talent and bones, and his longevity was different from that of ordinary people.

Not long after, before the girl's second sigh was heard, Wang Luo roughly sorted out his thoughts in his mind, accepted the reality, and said, "I am the only one who has not ascended, so I have to take over as the mountain master and enjoy a leisurely life." The title of his life was changed to: Enjoying a lonely life in a different world a thousand years later.

While walking in the sea of ​​clouds, he occasionally imagined the scene of ascending to the immortal world a hundred years later and reuniting with his master, senior sister and others. But now that his master and senior sister have encountered a wave of ascension and the fall of thousands of immortals, the two sides can only meet in another world. Already...

At this time, no matter how good I am at accepting reality, the pain in my heart cannot be contained.

On the other side, the girl also sighed, took off her red hat, and squatted down with a tired face, her face buried between her knees. Although she didn't say a word, her inner frustration and irritability were evident.

Wang Luo watched from a short distance away, feeling that she looked more like a lonely person who had traveled a thousand years later and lost everything.

But the girl did not sink for too long. She quickly stood up straight and slapped her face twice with her palms to cheer up.

She took a deep breath and walked towards the corner of the Immortal Platform.

Wang Luo looked along and saw a dilapidated wooden ancestral hall standing in a remote corner of the Immortal Platform. A black plaque hung on the door with the words Lingshan Temple written in large gold characters. The wooden door is half open, and you can vaguely see a number of tablets neatly enshrined inside.

Little Red Riding Hood took a few steps to the door of the ancestral hall. Instead of entering, she bowed her hands to the tablet behind the door and whispered: "Shi Yue, a disciple of the Outer Mountain Sect, pays homage to the immortal ancestors of Lingshan."

Wang Luo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Although the posture of Little Red Riding Hood's salute was casual, the gesture of touching her thumbs and pointing straight upward when she cupped her hands was the standard posture of worshiping the mountain at the outer mountain gate.

Is she a disciple of the outer sect? !

Wang Luo immediately took out the Ascension Record and silently gave the mountain master's instructions in his heart.


As the pages turned, a few thin sheets of paper appeared out of thin air behind the list of Lingshan people on the last page. They were filled with names. It was the list of the Outer Mountain Gate from all generations, with a total of one million people... But as Wang Luo's mind turned, the invalid information on the paper immediately sank, replaced by the only remaining line of text.

Outer Mountain Gate Disciple: Shi Yue

With the mountain worship ceremony and the Ascension Record as evidence, Wang Luo immediately confirmed the other party's identity.

She is indeed from the Outer Mountain Gate, and her surname is Shi, which means she is a descendant of the Shi family, the mountain guardian family, and belongs to the upper class of the Outer Mountain Gate.

Judging from her gait and breathing, her cultivation foundation is quite solid, and she should be at the level of building a successful foundation. Considering that she looks at most 18 or 19 years old, this progress can be called a genius in any famous sect.

Unexpectedly, a thousand years later, Lingshan was destroyed, but the descendants of the Outer Mountain Gate grew stronger and stronger... But it makes sense. Civilization must develop after all. Even if it has experienced the catastrophe of the extinction of all immortals, modern people a thousand years later should always be better than the ancients.

Wang Luo thought about this and considered showing up to greet the other party, but he couldn't help but stop his feet when he saw it.

He didn't look carefully before, but now he found that the tablets in the ancestral hall were all written with extremely familiar names.

Song Yijing, Song Yiming, Zhou Fubo, Hu Wanyang... and then the next generation of Fu Li, Kong Fang, Bai Cheng. These names confirmed what Shi Yue said about the thousand-year catastrophe and the fall of all immortals.

However, at the very end, on a wooden sign placed in the corner of the table, there were two words written.

Wang Luo!

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