Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 24 Is Shi Yue considered a human being?

After bidding farewell to Kong Zhang, Wang Luo turned around and returned to Shifu.

The maroon courtyard door slowly closed behind him, and the small square outside the door had returned to its former tranquility, as if everything that had just happened was a dream.

But inside the courtyard gate, Shi Yue was already kneeling down beside the screen wall.

"Lord Mountain Master, I..."

Wang Luo didn't wait for her to continue speaking, he raised his hand and held her up with his soft true energy.

"In the past, the Hushan family has served Lingshan for thousands of years, and the ritual of prostrating has never been popular. It's better to stand up straight and speak."

When Shi Yue stood up, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to wipe his eyes, and then said with relief: "Thank you, Lord Mountain Master. I didn't intentionally hide the matter about the Jade Master..."

"I understand."

Wang Luo came to Rongcheng from Lingshan only two days ago. As a remnant of the old era, he had too many things to learn and digest, and the Jade Master of Stone Street was not an important piece of common sense that he had to know immediately. For Shi Yue, the title of Jade Master has neither glorious historical significance nor practical value. It is understandable that he did not have time to mention it for a while.

Wang Luo's understanding made Shi Yue even more relieved. She pondered for a moment and began to use her expertise as a part-time tour guide again.

The name of the Stone Street Jade Master comes from three "jade talismans", and the Stone Street Jade Talisman comes from the special history of this street.

Thousands of years ago, the founders of Dinghuang restarted civilization in this wasteland. When they established Rong City, they received great help from the local people represented by the Shi family. It can be said that more than half of Rong City was built on the ruins of Waishanmen. . Therefore, Rongcheng also gave the Shi family a great privilege - autonomy.

When Rong City was founded, "Stone Street" was a city within a city, and the Shi family was also the uncrowned king of this city.

However, thousands of years have passed, and as the Shi family has declined, the autonomy that once covered half of the city has shrunk to only cover this slum, and the word autonomy is in name only under the cover of Qingpingsi Xiaobailou. The remaining power was even divided into three parts, shared by the three people holding the jade talisman.

But even so, the influence of the Stone Street Jade Master is still extraordinary. For the people living at the bottom of Stone Street, the Great Law, the Golden Deer Hall, and even the Little White Building all seem too far away to guide their daily behaviors. It is tradition, and the spokesperson of tradition is the Jade Master of Stone Street.

Holding a jade talisman will not improve your cultivation or accumulate wealth, but it will gain the respect and recognition of the Shijie people. The rules jointly set by the three jade masters are the laws that the Shijie people must abide by. To put it simply, Jade Master is a typical clan elder.

As the orthodox and sole heir of the Shi family, Shi Yue happened to hold such a jade talisman. But in her current situation, it is obvious that she cannot exercise the power of the Jade Master normally. Even the jade talisman was snatched back for her from the crazy gambling dog Shi Xiu Sheng. Therefore, until she can truly stand on her own feet, the jade talisman is of no use to her.

Although the people of Shijie loved and even respected Shi Yue, they obviously did not respect her as an elder or a respected person.

Shi Yue originally thought that it would take a long time for him to regain the family prestige squandered by his father and hold the jade talisman upright, but Wang Luo's appearance greatly accelerated the process.

"So, Lord Mountain Master, I really don't know how to thank you..."

Wang Luo said: "Strictly speaking, it is me who represents Lingshan to thank you. The Shi family has never left Lingshan for thousands of years after its decline. It was Lingshan that failed you first."

"It makes people even more embarrassed when you say that. After the catastrophe, the Shi family has been living well by relying on the remnants of the past. And most of the Shi family have no intention of keeping festivals for Lingshan. In hundreds of years , one after another moved to other places with the divided family property. The reason why our family declined like this later was actually due to our own failure..."

Wang Luo said: "Generally speaking, when a leader commends a subordinate, it is enough for the subordinate to decline once. Any more would be considered a lack of face."

"...I was wrong." After a pause, Shi Yue sighed with some disappointment, "Over the years, I have been trying hard to prove myself, but just two debt collectors left me powerless."

Wang Luo said: "They are professionals."

Shi Yue said: "But the mountain master handles it with ease."

"Because I'm more professional than them."


Wang Luo explained: "There are villains who are like dirt in any era. Senior sister took me on many trips down the mountain. People who commit great crimes and evil are actually extremely rare. On the contrary, these kind of 'cowheads' are everywhere. And senior sister Handled beautifully every time.”

And when he said this, Wang Luo's mind once again filled with memories and emotions.

Senior sister is truly an incredible person. Her daily behavior can be said to be the farthest example from the word "humanity and sophistication" in the world.

However, when she travels down the mountain and encounters sufferings in the world, she is always able to behave in all directions, being able to overwhelm others with strength and overcome strength with gentleness.

Then he is especially good at punishing villains.

For Lingshan people who naturally live at the top of Kyushu, worldliness may be the last thing they need. However, for Lingshan people, "thinking about whether they need it or not" is also the last thing they need.

So there are indeed people in Lingshan who know nothing about the world, but there are also some people who just pretend to be ignorant...

If it were the senior sister who had handled the situation just now, she would have been more skillful and tactful, such as making those two black vests spurt out of her mouth.

His thoughts drifted for a moment, and then he heard that Shi Yue had changed the topic: "Master Mountain Master, before Shi Xiusheng escaped, he borrowed millions from the neighbors on Shi Street, so if I want to repay the debt tomorrow morning, I have to contact him quickly. The Yaren sold the house..."

Wang Luo waved his hand: "Don't worry, not many people will actually come to collect debts tomorrow morning, so you don't need to sell your house."

Shi Yue said: "Well, most of the neighbors are very kind and have always taken care of me. There may not be many people coming tomorrow morning. But I don't want to take advantage of their kindness..."

After a pause, Shi Yue continued: "As soon as Shi Xiu Sheng left, he had nothing to do with the Shi family. I will not accept his subsequent debts. But before he left, every loan borrowed in the name of the Shi family Ling Ye, I will pay it back no matter what."

"The determination is good." Wang Luo nodded, admiring Shi Yue's character more and more, "But in this way, it seems like I am forcing you to sell your house."

Shi Yue said: "No, the words of the Lord of the Mountain have allowed me to let go of some unnecessary entanglements. To be honest, with the speed at which I am making money now, it is difficult to even keep up with the bank's interest rate fluctuations, let alone pay for my neighbors. We have paid off our debt...and someone has actually taken a fancy to this small courtyard, and the price is very good. "

"But if you sell the house, what will Zhao Xiuwen and the others do?"

Shi Yue said: "I will explain to them, and the buyer has a relationship with the Shi family for several generations. If I plead with him, I should be able to let Xiuwen and the others live for another year or two. As for the future, I will also Nothing can be done."

Then, Shi Yue sighed: "I rented the house to Xiuwen, Sister Fan, and Uncle Qin because I wanted to do my best to help those in need. But a person's kindness should not be greater than her ability. Isn’t it selfish to be a good person while taking advantage of the neighbors’ money?”

"That's right." Wang Luo nodded more and more as he listened.

This loyal and kind-hearted mountain protector became more and more popular with him. Although he lacked in talent and qualifications, his character more than made up for it.

In the past, Wang Luo would definitely write a separate letter of recommendation to Shi Yue.

In history, there are many people who were admitted to the mountains as exceptions because of their outstanding character. As long as the qualifications are not too poor, Lingshan's natural resources and treasures can produce a qualified Lingshan person.

It's a pity that there are no natural resources or earthly treasures now, and Wang Luo's mountain master authority has only been restored to a drop in the bucket, and there is no way to turn Shi Yue into a regular official.

There is only one thing that can be done.

"I raised the debt issue, and of course I will solve it. It's only about one million, and one day is enough."

Shi Yue blinked, feeling that his hearing was malfunctioning.

Wang Luo drew out a spiritual talisman and sent a message to the business partner he had just made recently.

"Luo Xiao, I want to sell a few copies of the True Shadow Emperor. It's ready for cash. Can you arrange the transaction today?"

On the other side, in the Taixu Station, Luo Xiao was enjoying himself while trying out the Stanley Martial God freshly released from the pool, and almost choked on his own saliva.

"Brother Wang Luo, do you want to sell cards? Or process them in batches? Didn't you say before that your senior sister forbids you from using your skills in gambling?"

Wang Luo said calmly: "The premise is that there is no shortage of money. When you are short of money, just don't kill people and set fires."

"... Your sect really stands out and has a flexible bottom line!" Luo Xiao was also dumbfounded.

"My funding gap is one million, can you arrange it?"

"Of course you can, but if you are just trying to raise money quickly, then it is not cost-effective to sell the True Shadow Emperor in bulk. The essence of military commander cards is that they are rare and valuable, and shipping too many can easily affect the market. Although Fei Huan Lu is popular, But the market is not that big... It is better to find a few more scrolls and spread the funds." Luo Xiao became more and more excited as he spoke, "I will be responsible for the planning in this area. As long as your good luck remains the same, brother, I will definitely do it before today. I can raise enough for you! Let me contact the buyer first, and we’ll meet later!”

After taking back the magic talisman, what Wang Luo saw was a face that was stunned and stunned.

"Lord Mountain Master, if I understand correctly..." Shi Yue said with some difficulty, "Can you really raise one million within today?"

Wang Luo thought for a while: "If it's not enough, it shouldn't be difficult to add hundreds of thousands more."

"How did you do it?!" Shi Yue could hardly maintain his rationality, "You just got the construction seed today, right?! What kind of business can make a million a day! Even if you go to the construction site to provide construction services in the hot summer, Even if you apply the waterproof spell, you won’t be able to earn two thousand spiritual leaves in one day!”

"Picture scrolls are drawn on behalf of others."

The girl's face was full of questions: "What kind of substitute?"

Seeing that this eighteen-year-old girl, who had just graduated from elementary school for more than a year, was even more out of step with the trend than Wang Luo, an old antique who was over a thousand years old. In this regard, the old antique could only lament that poverty made people fall behind.

"Drawing on behalf of others, to put it simply, it means drawing cards on behalf of others in the Taixu picture scroll..."

Shi Yue was even more surprised when he heard this, and there was also a subconscious disgust in his surprise.

"Taixu Picture Scroll? Master Mountain Master, how did you get involved with that thing?" As she said that, the girl's expression turned wary again, "Taixu scammed a lot, Shi Xiu Sheng was... Master Mountain Master, you must be I’ve been cheated, it’s still too late to go find Qing Yi!”

Before he finished speaking, the talisman in Wang Luo's hand heated up and glowed slightly, and Luo Xiao's roar of joy came from it.

"Wang Luo, the buyer has been found! An absolutely big customer, I showed them the scene of you drawing the True Shadow Emperor to Zhang Dun and others. The other party is willing to spend 1.6 million to buy a piece of Blood Demon Thirteen, and also An advance payment of 100,000 yuan was given directly!”

Then, Luo Xiao's voice was a little nervous: "Brother, I have never seen many such fat customers in my twenty years of work. How is your current situation?"

Wang Luo smiled and said: "Excellent."

"Okay! By the way, I have just transferred the advance payment to you. It was 28 cents as promised before. Pay attention to check it!"

And almost at the same time, a small black and white sword came through the air, stopped in front of the door of Shifu, then reversed the hilt, and gently opened the courtyard door.

Wang Luo opened the door and saw a green bamboo tied under the small sword. After taking the green bamboo, the small sword broke through the air again.

That is Wan Jian Guifeng, the most efficient delivery company in Rong City. Feijian's delivery is more than ten times faster than Shi Yue's Baicheng Tong and his like, and of course it is more than ten times more expensive.

The green bamboo that was so solemnly sent was full of color and crystal clear. It was not necessary to refine the spiritual leaves to see that it was of great value.

Shi Yue wiped his eyes vigorously, and after confirming that it was not an hallucination, he felt that his entire worldview was like a bubble and began to slowly shatter.

"Many scams start by giving small profits to the tipsy, and then..."

Wang Luo then handed Shi Yue a small profit worth 80,000 spirit leaves. The light green bamboo seemed to be as heavy as a stone, causing her to lean forward and her arms to sink.

Naturally, the theory of a scam cannot be continued.

"I, I understand. The Lord of the Mountain is indeed very powerful. A debt of millions of dollars can be paid off in just one day... Oh, this is the difference between the Lord of the Mountain and the mountain protector."

Shi Yue forced a smile and added: "Of course, this debt is mine after all. There is no reason for the mountain owner to pay off the debt for me. I will do my best to pay you back in the future."

Wang Luo said: "Okay, senior sister said that long-term debt is conducive to young people maintaining a fighting spirit, so I won't disturb your struggle."


After saying thank you, there was a sound in Shi Yue's gray vest pocket.

The girl's expression brightened: "Baichengtong is here to make a living! You can earn hundreds of spiritual leaves in one day! Master of the mountain, let's talk when we come back in the evening!"

Then he hurried out and struggled for youth and interest.

After seeing off Shi Yue, Wang Luo walked back to the inner courtyard and stood under the steward tree, lost in thought.

Something was wrong, very wrong.

With Shi Yue's background, character, and luck, how could he end up like this? It would be enough to change to the old era where the laws of heaven were impermanent. In the new era, isn’t there a great law that is helpful to others? Why are such high-quality talents not favored by the Great Law?

Because the remnants of the old era are not considered human beings?

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