Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 25 The atmosphere created by the neighbors

While Wang Luo was thinking under the housekeeper tree, the door of the west wing creaked open.

Wang Luo turned his eyes somewhat unexpectedly.

He saw a slender woman with long hair down to her waist, holding the door with her hands, half of her body out, looking around with vigilant eyes. When she saw Wang Luo, she was a little surprised and a little scared, so she shrank back behind the door, closing the door mostly, and only half of her face was exposed.

However, just this half face was enough to make Wang Luo admire her.

This is a delicate face that can represent the four words "I still pity you when I see you". In terms of appearance, apart from those idealized virtual images in Taixu, this woman is the best Wang Luo has seen since he left Lingshan and entered Rongcheng.

In addition to her appearance, her immortal cultivation is also quite good. The golden elixir in her abdomen is round and full, and the fluctuation of her true essence is light but not jumping. Especially her attainments in the Yuanshen are amazing. Her divine thoughts are like substance, sensitively probing the surroundings, but not ostentatious.

She is definitely a master who graduated from a professional school.

Obviously, this was Fan Li, who Shi Yue and Zhao Xiuwen had mentioned before, who was concentrating on elixir in Rongcheng Academy and specialized in calligraphy and painting.

Unfortunately, Fan Li did not recognize Wang Luo. After hesitating for a moment, she whispered, "I have already called Qingyi. You, you are now trespassing. You'd better leave."

Wang Luo was stunned for a moment, and then he realized with regret that Fan Li had regarded the dignified Lord of Lingshan as an accomplice of Black Vest when they first met. However, considering that her other cultivations were first-class, but her physical cultivation talent was worse than Black Vest, she was blind and ignorant, so he did not blame her.

"I'm Wang Luo, a new tenant, currently staying in the back room."

Fan Li was startled and apologized repeatedly, then asked: "Then, have those debt collectors left?"

"They shouldn't come again in the short term."

"Great." Fan Li was obviously relieved, and then said, "I just reported the case with a talisman, but the people from Qingping Division refused to come. I was worried about what to do..."

Wang Luo raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Do the Qingyi people in Shijie always do things this way?"

Fan Li shook his head, and then shook his head again: "I, I usually I seldom come into contact with Qingyi here, and I am not sure if they always do things this way, but it stands to reason that as long as they receive the message from the talisman, they should send someone anyway..."

"Interesting, then logically speaking, should I complain to them?"

Fan Li was shocked: "You want to complain to Qingyi! ? No, it will be very troublesome if Qingyi holds a grudge against you!"

"Slacking off and dereliction of duty, and holding a grudge against others, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

"But!" Fan Li wanted to explain, but didn't know how to phrase it, and her cheeks flushed with anxiety.

"Okay, the complaint is just a casual remark, you don't have to be anxious, go back and rest quickly."

Wang Luo kindly reminded her, because Fan Li's delicate face still had two obvious dark circles.

Even if the physical cultivation talent is zero, it is incredible that a dignified Jindan Zhenren can leave dark circles on his face. Usually, this happens only when he encounters the crazy collection of the masters of the Hehuan Sect. And Fan Li is clearly still a virgin.

But no matter what, the best choice is to rest on the spot when the deficit reaches such a point.

Fan Li was relieved when Wang Luo gave up the complaint, and then put on a faint bitter smile: "Thank you for your reminder, I will pay attention to rest."

Then with a slight sigh, the woman closed the door, and it was obvious that what she was going to do next had nothing to do with rest. As a young person of the new era, her temperament of the scroll king was no less than Shi Yue.

In this regard, Wang Luo could only respect, understand and bless, and there was also a little curiosity.

Shi Yue had clearly been prejudiced against Taixu, especially Taixu painting scrolls, so why did she take in Fan Li who worked in the painting scroll workshop? Because there was also mutual appreciation between scroll kings?

However, regardless of these details, Fan Li's appearance eventually led to another problem.

The two black vests who came to make trouble just now might have been tacitly condoned by Qingping Division behind them.

Of course, maybe it was just that Qingping Division was busy and couldn't spare any manpower; or maybe as the current manager of Shijie, Qingping Division wanted to test the ability of the Jade Master reserve; or maybe Qingyi had actually arrived just now, but Wang Luo solved the problem too quickly and didn't give them a chance to appear.

But Wang Luo's intuition told him that things might not be that simple.

At this time, he stood in the inner courtyard of the Stone Mansion, subconsciously looking up at the sky, and through the gaps between the branches and leaves of the housekeeper tree, he could only see a piece of blue. However, in this clear blue, it seemed that there were thousands of invisible thin lines, interwoven into a messy net, slowly covering it. Countless threads were like tentacles with fangs and claws, reaching out to both the Stone Mansion and him!

This sudden inspiration made Wang Luo's mind move immediately, and he set up an invisible derivative array under the tree, following his intuition upstream.

For a person who can draw cards almost every time, intuition is always worthy of respect.

However, when it came to the derivation that did not rely on intuition, Wang Luo's progress became very slow. He had just woken up from Lingshan, and his understanding of the new world was still very thin. It was difficult to deduce more based on the existing information, but he was idle anyway...

This calculation lasted until the evening, and the door of the east wing creaked open, interrupting Wang Luo's thoughts.

Zhao Xiuwen yawned and walked out of the door. This ambitious southerner who worked part-time to pay for his studies knew the importance of concentration, so he was also focused enough when he slept, and he didn't know anything about what happened during the day.

So, when Zhao Xiuwen learned that Shi Yue was being asked to pay a debt, and it was an unreasonable debt, he was angry and a little guilty.

"The rent Sister Yue paid us was only half of the market price...otherwise, she would have been much less stressed about repaying her debt. She is short of money than any of us, but she has never put money in an irreplaceable position. As for us, The tenants are actually being taken care of by her.”

After that, Zhao Xiuwen couldn't help but tell the story of Shi Mansion and several tenants. Although he had not been in Rongcheng for a short time, he was cheerful and easy to inquire about. He was actually a good man about the story of Shi Mansion.

The first is the story of Shifu.

Many stone street blind people think that Shi Yue inherited the Shi Mansion from his father Shi Xiu Sheng, but in fact, this small courtyard was inherited by Shi Yue from her grandfather Shi He as early as when she could remember. At that time, Shi Xiusheng had not yet become addicted to gambling, but obviously in the eyes of the older generation, it was already clear whose future the Shi family belonged to.

It's a pity that Shi He died too early, and Shi Xiusheng degenerated so quickly that the family's little property was squandered by Shi Xiusheng before it could be gradually handed over to Shi Yue. Even the jade talisman was almost pawned by him. But no matter what, Shi Xiusheng's debts cannot be implicated in this Shi Mansion.

Therefore, if Shi Yue can live a more utilitarian life and put aside all the burdens brought by her family, she can completely collect rent from this exquisite courtyard and live a wealthy and comfortable life.

But she refused. Not only did she shoulder the family's debts by herself, she even used the small courtyard to help others.

The first beneficiary is Fan Li.

Fan Li has excellent talent. She studied at Rongcheng Academy and worked in the Taixu Scroll Workshop, which has been booming in the industry recently. She earns a lot of money and is an out-and-out civilian elite... But in fact, she has her own difficulties. Her native family is almost Drained her blood. While working overtime day and night, most of her income is used to make up for the shortfall of her original family. The money she has at her disposal is often less than that of Zhao Xiuwen, who works hard during the work-study program.

Such a financial situation is not enough to support her and other colleagues from renting a house in the bustling area around the workshop. If Shi Yue had not provided her with a west wing room at almost half price, Fan Li would have had to find a single room in the suburbs of Rongcheng. , living a four-hour daily commute is no better than living on the floor at your workplace.

The second beneficiary was Qin Yu, a sad-looking old man who rarely interacted with others. Zhao Xiuwen didn’t know much about him either. He only knew that he had an accident in his middle age and left the academy street where elites gathered. Directly reduced to wandering on the stone streets. If it weren't for Shi Yue's help, Qin Yu would have been desperate. Shi Yue not only provided him with a low-rent south house, but even introduced him to a job as a janitor.

The third beneficiary was Zhao Xiuwen. He and his girlfriend Zhou Lu came to Rongcheng from Nanxiang and determined to be admitted to Rongcheng Academy. However, in the end, only Zhou Lu barely passed the test, and Zhao Xiuwen failed by a narrow margin.

The price of losing one's reputation is far from being as simple as wasting a year.

To enter Rongcheng Academy, you must pass the entrance examination, and to take the entrance examination, you must first obtain the examination qualification. There are roughly the following ways to obtain qualifications: first, one is from a top-notch family, so naturally someone has secretly established the relationship early on. To qualify for the exam, one only has to wait for Feijian to arrive; second, one is recommended by a teacher from a top-notch Meng College, Zhao Xiuwen. I was originally going to take this path, but unfortunately my performance in the admission test was abnormal, and the shelf life of the recommendation letter is only once... The third time I came, I attended the Chengyintang hosted by the outer courtyard of the academy - that is, a cram school. By the end of the school year, those with good grades will You can get valuable admission qualifications.

This Chengyintang has many requirements for students, the first of which is to have a stable place to practice in Rongcheng. This requirement may seem simple, but it contains a hidden secret, because according to the laws of Rongcheng, an ordinary residence can be regarded as a place of residence at most, and the word "place of practice" has extraordinary gold content. Among the tens of millions of houses in the entire Rong City, not one has been certified as a "practice place".

To put it bluntly, this is a condition for selecting elites. If you can't even afford a place to practice, why do you expect Rongcheng Academy? What's more, the academy has lowered its standards in recent years, and even renting can count. If you can’t afford a practice place, why can’t you afford to rent it?

Zhao Xiuwen is exactly the kind of person who cannot afford to rent. The house prices in Rongcheng are already sky-high, and those with the blessing of a spiritual practice are even better. The monthly rent for even a single room with the size of a toilet is five to six thousand spiritual leaves.

Then, Shi Mansion is a rare exception in the entire Rong City. Because of its historical origins, although this small courtyard is located on Stone Street and has an unprepossessing appearance, it is really a small paradise that can assist practitioners! It was certified by the Golden Deer Hall thousands of years ago. It is a rare genuine product among the many monasteries in Rong City!

Shi Yue rented the east wing room to Zhao Xiuwen at less than half the market price. He even gave the room a lot of secret books on exercises and techniques that he had used before, including many Shi family heirlooms, which were valuable!

"So Sister Yue's matter is my matter. My ability is limited now, and I can't help much with money matters. But now there are debt collectors coming to the door, which is too much. Most of my classmates in Chengyintang specialize in Laws, such illegal things are perfect for practicing!”

Zhao Xiuwen was already gritting his teeth as he spoke.

Wang Luo then reminded him that he did not need his help with money matters, and he had already solved the imminent million-dollar debt.

Zhao Xiuwen's reaction to earning a million a day was not as exaggerated as Shi Yue's. He just marveled that the legendary Lingshan people were really omnipotent, and then said seriously: "This matter has nothing to do with money, but basic laws." Regarding the question of legal justice, today the Qingping Division allows scoundrels to come to the door to steal money. Will they let a few robbers hold open fire to rob them tomorrow? Let Zhou Lu also come to help. She is a serious college student and her appeal is much stronger than mine. Many students there like to participate in social practice..."

While he was talking, he heard a cheerful woman laughing from outside the hospital.

"Can I help you with anything?"

Before the laughter ended, a girl in yellow had already stepped through the inner courtyard door and appeared in front of the two of them.

The girl looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. She was born delicate and graceful. It was a wonderful time when childishness and charm coexisted. Her graceful curves had begun to take shape, and her pair of long legs were particularly eye-catching.

Obviously, this girl who can come in uninvited is Zhao Xiuwen's proud girlfriend Zhou Lu.

Zhou Lu walked into the inner courtyard and saw Wang Luo under the butler tree at the first sight. Her bright eyes couldn't help but shine and she blurted out: "So handsome! Are you that Wang Luo?"

Then the conversation changed naturally and he looked at Zhao Xiuwen: "Only a little worse than my boyfriend."

Zhao Xiuwen couldn't help but be startled when he heard this, and then smiled bitterly: "We must also follow the big laws when we praise people..."

Zhou Lu came over and patted Zhao Xiuwen hard on the shoulder: "Why are you suddenly so thin-skinned? Are you worried again? What were you discussing just now? Do you want my help?"

Zhao Xiuwen glanced at Wang Luo and saw that he had no objection, so he briefly stated what he had just discussed.

After hearing this, Zhou Lu was immediately filled with righteous indignation: "This is too much! What on earth does Shijie Qingping Division want to do?! They don't care about such illegal and chaotic crimes in broad daylight, are they worthy of the Qingyi they are wearing?! I'm going to find my senior sister right away! Discuss a solution!”

With that said, Zhou Lu raised her hand to draw the talisman and began to contact her classmates in the academy. However, the content of the conversation was not convenient for outsiders to listen to, so she turned and entered the east wing.

Zhao Xiuwen handed over his hand apologetically, and then said: "Zhou Lu has always been so resolute in doing things. From Nanxiang to Rongcheng, she is the master of everything..."

Wang Luo said: "No wonder Hehuan Daoyin pose, you practice Yin pose."

Zhao Xiuwen almost choked out his stomach juice: "How did you know!?"

"It's obvious, right? The air floats but the blood sinks. Why do you think others can't see it?"

"Except for you, no one can see the flow of Qi and blood of others through their clothes, skin and flesh, and by the way, they can deduce the posture of Hehuan!"

Wang Luo couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that not everything in the new era has progressed... so she came to you to practice dual cultivation?"

Zhao Xiuwen said: "Strictly speaking, he is giving me tutoring. My recent academic progress has not been good, and I have been near the bottom of several quizzes. I can't afford the one-on-one tutoring teachers in Chengyin Hall, so I have to Let Zhou Lu reluctantly come to help."

While talking, the door to the east wing suddenly opened, and Zhou Lu walked out with a look of astonishment and confusion on her face. The talisman in her hand trembled in the wind, like a dead branch.

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