Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 26 Why should we study hard?

The expression on Zhou Lu's face was obviously not a good sign, and Zhao Xiuwen couldn't help but ask: "Is things not going well?"

Zhou Lu said: "I just contacted Senior Sister Han Ying..."

"Han Ying!?" Zhao Xiuwen couldn't help but exclaimed, "Han Guming's daughter? Is she the senior sister you are talking about?"

Then he hurriedly explained to Wang Luo: "Han Guming is the current governor of Rongcheng, a big shot in the Jinlu Hall. In the past, he was similar to a king with a different surname. He only has an only daughter, and he studied elixir condensation in Rongcheng Academy. Unexpectedly, Zhou Lu actually knows her."

Zhou Lu also explained patiently: "Senior Sister Han Ying is not as unattainable as the rumors outside. She is very approachable. We met in the marrow washing pool of the academy. She also took the initiative to guide me in the Five Elements Tempering Body." Technique..."

Zhao Xiuwen said warily: "The marrow washing pool and body tempering technique you are talking about, are they serious?!"

Zhou Lu said angrily: "Senior Sister Han Ying is straight! I am not as lovable as you think. Not everyone has evil intentions towards me. Finally, don't interrupt me with such vulgar thoughts!"

Zhao Xiuwen apologized quickly, but the look on his face clearly meant that he would dare to do it next time.

"Anyway, I just told Senior Sister Han Ying about the Qingping Division. I thought that if I used Senior Sister's influence, I might be able to directly alert Yu Qing in the Governor's Mansion, or even convene the academy students to study collectively. Putting pressure on Qingpingsi, but she told me that I must not get involved in matters related to Stone Street in the near future..."

After a pause, Zhou Lu said with a bit of discouragement: "Senior sister rarely says such things, she always hates evil as much as she hates it."

After hearing this, Zhao Xiuwen couldn't help but laugh and said: "The daughter of Governor Rongcheng hates evil as much as she hates her? Didn't this evil happen under her father's rule? So is her jealousy of evil as much as unfilial?"

Zhou Lu glared at him: "I can still distinguish between good guys and bad guys! How many of those hypocritical people have we seen from Nanxiang to Rongcheng?"

Zhao Xiuwen asked: "Then why does this truly benevolent senior sister want to be involved in this matter?"

Zhou Lu shook her head: "Senior sister didn't say it clearly... It's strange. She is the daughter of the governor of Rongcheng. She is used to being straightforward in everything she says and does, and is rarely so secretive. So now that she doesn't say anything, it's hard for me to ask more questions. However, Senior sister said that although the Qingping Division matter is difficult to deal with, the two people who came to collect debts and the gang behind them might as well teach them a lesson, just as a warning to the monkeys, which can at least prevent subsequent troubles..."

Zhao Xiuwen's eyes widened: "You mean there will be a sequel?!"

Zhou Lu said: "Senior Sister must be hinting at this, so she is willing to tell us this, which is already a big help. I will go back later and thank you seriously. In addition, I will try to contact the students of the academy and Teacher, let's see if there's anything we can do... But that's all I can do. Sister Shi Yue's debt problem is fundamental, and there's really nothing I can do about it. I've consulted some college gentlemen before and got the answer. The answers were all unanimous. Shi Xiusheng used the management rights of Lingshan as collateral to get a loan from a bank. It was legal and legal. Neither the Qingping Department nor the Department of Industry and Commerce could invalidate the loan, not even the gentleman who hated the bank the most. , all suggested that I persuade Sister Yue to give up Lingshan, saying that this historical burden is too heavy for her. "

In this regard, Wang Luo could only thank these two enthusiastic people on behalf of Shi Yue.

"I will handle Shi Yue's matter, you two can rest assured."

Zhou Lu nodded, frowned, and smiled: "Yes, I heard Xiao Zhao say that you are quite capable, your nickname is mountain pig..."

Zhao Xiuwen was shocked: "It's the master of Lingshan Mountain! The ancient monk who only woke up after a thousand years!"

"Oh, the nickname is very impressive, but the character design is a bit retro... The setting of ancient monks traveling through modern times was popular hundreds of years ago, but now it seems too vulgar."

Zhao Xiuwen helplessly cast an apologetic look at Wang Luo. Wang Luo smiled indifferently.

Zhou Lu said: "Anyway, I'm going to trouble you about Sister Yue. Although your personality is a bit strange, you seem to be quite serious and a perfect match for Sister Yue! I believe you can lead her out of adversity!"

After saying that, Zhou Lu patted Wang Luo on the shoulder to show her trust!

Zhao Xiuwen was almost on the defensive.

Zhou Lu, however, was still unaware of this embarrassment and muttered like a matchmaker: "To be honest, Sister Yue is a real potential stock. Even though she is now heavily in debt and living in a stone street, she was in Meng College before. Her grades have always been ranked first. If she hadn't been dragged down by family debts, she would have gone to Rongcheng Academy to study Condensation Pills the year before last. Some people may think that her stubbornness is a bit silly, but on the other hand, it's like this. A fool is the most loyal to his feelings and most willing to grow old together with his lover..."

Zhao Xiuwen, who was squatting on the ground, suddenly stood up and grabbed Zhou Lu's shoulders.

"Lu, let's study!"

"Huh?" Zhou Lu was surprised, "I haven't finished boasting yet..."

"Let's study!"


"Let's study!!"

Zhou Lu was stunned for a long time before slowly nodding: "Okay, okay. So, how did you do with the past exercises I sent you earlier?"

Zhao Xiuwen sighed: "Everything else is fine, but the calculation is terrible. I'm just waiting for you to come and save my life."

When it came to her schoolwork, Zhou Lu quickly changed her thinking mode and said, "Don't count on me. I can't protect myself now. Professor Song, who teaches arithmetic, even advised me to transfer to Harmony Hall last week to avoid delaying myself. It drags down the performance of Lili Hall.”

"Wow, that's too much. Do you want to file a complaint against him?"

Zhou Lu said: "You're just kidding, Professor Song Hui just has a harsh mouth, but it is said that he has been single for more than fifty years! His academic level is well-known!"

"Wait a minute, what does being single have to do with teaching? Being single for fifty years only means that he has no luck with women!? What did you learn in the academy!?"

"It just describes him as focusing on the academics of immortality. In short, as long as you can continue to practice with him, the future is still very bright."

After a pause, Zhou Lu added: "And last time I passed by the canteen, I saw the vice-dean saluting him proactively."

Zhao Xiuwen immediately changed his mind: "Then do you think we should bring some gifts and pay a visit to Professor Song?"

"Haha, stop being so glib. It's not that easy to get into the door of a senior professor, and we can't afford any decent gifts. Hurry up and take out your homework, and let's analyze what the problem is."

The two chatted and joked for a while, then immediately switched to study mode. Zhao Xiuwen set up a small desk under the butler tree. On the table were several open arithmetic problem books, as well as some scribbles full of sorrow.

Zhao Xiuwen pointed to a corner of the question booklet: "Here, it's stuck here."

Zhou Lu couldn't help frowning: "Why is it stuck on the first question? Let me see."

At this glance, it is like a stone sinking into the sea, with no sound at all. After a while, white smoke faintly rose above the woman's head, which was obviously because her spiritual mind was overloaded.

Zhao Xiuwen was also focused on it. Although there was no vision of white smoke above his head, his blood was boiling and he mobilized all his resources to calculate the questions.

However, a long time passed, and only the steward tree in the courtyard swayed its branches and leaves in a considerate manner, sending a cool breeze that refreshed and refreshed the mind. The two outstanding students from Nanxiang could not say a word.

Wang Luo looked curious, walked closer and glanced at the question, and then said: "The Supreme Master unites Baimu, Qi Lv and Xia Gang. The result should be that the rhyme is promoted to the third level."

As soon as the words came out, even the breathing of the two outstanding students stopped. After a moment, Zhou Lu was the first to realize.

"Really, we should deduce it from the Hundred Eyes Chapter of the Sutra! Why didn't I think of it!?"

As she spoke, the woman curled up the four fingers of her right hand and quickly calculated the result.

"It's really a promotion to the third level!"

Then, Zhou Lu couldn't help but look at Wang Luo with a bit of respect.

"Excuse me, which college do you study at?"

Wang Luo shook his head: "I have never been to the academy."

"Self-taught? That's amazing!" Zhou Lu sighed, but didn't delve into it any further and turned her attention back to the problem set.

Since she left Nanxiang and came to Rongcheng, she has seen too many talented people. Those people seemed to know them from birth, and their starting point was already out of reach... But what does that have to do with her? The most important thing for people is to do their own thing.

But on the other side, Zhao Xiuwen had a complicated look on his face. He quietly stood up and came to Wang Luo and asked his question.

"How do you know about the Taishang Jing? This arithmetic scripture was only published by the Taiyue College of Ziwu Kingdom one hundred and seventy years ago. The Qilu was officially completed only after the 200th anniversary of the Great Law. Both of them are It’s not the knowledge of the old days.”

Wang Luo said: "Strictly speaking, I don't know the Supreme Sutra. I just looked at your questions out of curiosity, and the answer naturally appeared in my mind."

"...Is this the magical power of the Lord of Lingshan Mountain? I'm going to cry with jealousy."

However, Zhao Xiuwen didn't really show any jealousy after that, but quickly focused on the next topic.

Wang Luo's magical powers are worth marveling at, but they don't stop there. For a part-time worker who works as a waiter for Lao Hong’s home-cooked dishes, earning a million a day is a real magical power!

I have even experienced true supernatural powers, so what is this kind of magical power that can be solved instantaneously? If it were an academy professor or some genius boy, they could also solve difficult problems at a glance, but could they make millions a day? !

This couple from Nanxiang knows very well what they should value and what they should do now. At the same time, they have strong concentration and execution ability to do their own things down-to-earth.

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