Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 247 We Are Not Blind

boom! boom! !

On this morning, the sky in Rongcheng was clear, but people in half the city could clearly hear bursts of thunderstorm-like explosions, occasionally accompanied by the collapse of some buildings and ancient trees.

In the first moment of the battle between Wang Luo and Han Wu, the intensity reached the limit of Nascent Soul level, as if a small moving natural disaster swept through the city.

The Lord of Lingshan, who had just condensed his elixir, had no time to practice the many techniques in the golden elixir realm. Therefore, the most effective method in combat was to give full play to the strengths of his natural Taoist body and use simple and pure fist and foot combat to suppress his opponent. After Han Wu was swallowed up by endless negative emotions, he seemed to have forgotten the various magical powers that Master Yuanying should have, and only sprayed obscene words again and again, launching a violent charge at Wang Luo.

As a result, direct collisions at the Nascent Soul level broke out in every corner of Rong City again and again.

Although Wang Luo had tried his best to restrain his strength to avoid the aftermath of sweeping the surrounding areas, the dark beast as his opponent was not afraid at all. It was like a naughty child rushing into the exhibition hall, destroying everything around him with the most intuitive violence.


After another collision that almost cost his life, Wang Luo felt that all the bones in his body were cracking, and his body was falling diagonally from the air uncontrollably... At the moment when he was about to hit the ground, Wang Luo barely stopped his impact. With his strength, he just managed to avoid a group of working social animals who had no time to take refuge, so that they would not be crushed into pulp on the spot.

Not far away, two Tsing Yi patrolling along the street held gold seals in their hands and looked at Wang Luo at a loss, wondering whether they should use the golden light of their duties.

Fortunately, the next moment, the sound of a building collapsing and screams of pain were heard overhead. The Qingyi people’s attention was immediately attracted. However, Han Wu, who was knocked away by Wang Luo, crashed directly into a floating restaurant, and then wreaked havoc on the spot, absorbing the flesh and blood essence of the surrounding living people into his body to repair his injuries.

"Grass..." After a curse, Wang Luo soared into the sky and rushed into the ruins of the restaurant before the Qing Yis could react.

Although Wang Luo, who had just condensed his elixir, could resist this evil beast whose combat power was no less than that of the Peak Yellow Dragon, but was completely unscrupulous, it was difficult for him to effectively suppress it.

But at this moment, in the entire Rong City, he was the only one who could try his best to suppress his opponents.

In fact, in recent years, this city has quietly prepared for development under Han Guming's arrangement. Countless arrays and magic weapons are cleverly placed in every corner of the city. Once faced with a crisis, layers of barriers can be quickly activated to resolve the impact. Theoretically, even the invasion of Mahayana-level wild beasts would be difficult to shake the foundation of the city, let alone the Nascent Soul.


Theoretically, Rongcheng will never be directly invaded by Mahayana wild beasts into the heart and soul of the city.

Theoretically, a city full of Tsing Yi soldiers and garrison troops would not receive inexplicable orders from the governor one after another, causing them to be at a loss and useless when they should be most effective!

In the ruins of the restaurant, Wang Luo saw Han Wu grinning ferociously in the sea of ​​corpses and blood. At this time, he almost no longer had the outline of a human being. His bloody body was constantly disintegrating and gathering, like a ball of boiling mud. It was shocking. It feels increasingly difficult to start.

And just when Wang Luo was thinking that he might have no choice but to eat and fight at the same time...

Several rays of golden light came from outside the building and hit Han Wu, making a burning stinging sound. However, several Qingyi people who came after hearing the news made their own judgment while shrinking and hesitating, and pointed the golden seal at Han Wu.

Although both sides of the war are extremely vicious, even though they have been receiving orders from the governor before and even now, asking them to concentrate their firepower on the master of Lingshan Mountain and let the dark evil beast go.

However, the Tsing Yis are not blind after all.

A senior Qingyi with a red skirt shouted sternly: "Everyone listen to me! Aim at the mud monster and output full firepower!"

The next moment, he heard a cold snort coming from behind him like a ghost: "Just Qingyi, don't come here to interfere with the wasteland. There are things around that need you to do more. Go guide the people and rescue the wounded. I'll leave this to you." Our desertion relief team..."

The person who came was wearing a full-coverage protective suit, with a gold vase and a silver gun in his hand. He was the most elite famine-fighting team member in the garrison!

When Wang Luo saw this group of people, he immediately became vigilant. However, the man who looked like the captain didn't look at Wang Luo at all, as if Wang Luo didn't exist here at all.

Secretly, the captain muttered to himself in a secret voice: "Master Wangshan, I don't know why you ended up covered in desolate poison, but in the battle just now, who was saving people and who was killing... We are not blind yet."

After that, the captain raised his head and loudly ordered: "The desertion team obeys the order, aim at the mud monster, and output full firepower!"

Countless rays of silver light bloomed outside the restaurant, like brilliant rivers of stars flowing in the world. The starlight focused on one place and stabbed Han Wu with holes in it in an instant!

However, after reaping such results, the captain frowned with great dissatisfaction: "Didn't you eat!? The full firepower output is so weak? No, this is the backlash of authoritarian suppression, idiot!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the captain spurted out a stream of black blood from his nose, and he fell to the sky. The soldiers floating in the air behind him were even more unbearable. Even if some people fell to the ground, they were smashed to pieces. .

Obviously, for these desertion team members who have a bounden duty to obey orders, forcibly disobeying the governor's orders will not only greatly reduce their combat effectiveness, but also pay an extremely heavy price.

As for Han Wu, after enduring the concentrated fire that should have been enough to severely injure the God of Transformation, he did not seem to die. His body was wriggling and twisting, and recovered at an astonishing speed. At the same time, this sudden injury even made him more cunning besides being crazy.

Just as Wang Luo tried to step forward and chase, Han Wu, who seemed to be recovering, suddenly jumped up and stretched out his sharp claws to Wang Luo!

But Wang Luo did not dodge or evade, allowing the claws to pierce his chest and abdomen... At the same time, his hands ignited the thunder and fire inherited from the Thunder Sword. In the firelight, his ten fingers were like hooks, firmly locking Han Wu's torso. The thunder and fire burned, and the flesh and blood of the two people almost melted into one.

"Now, you can't run away."

In a grim smile, Wang Luo grinned, revealing white and shiny teeth, and at the same time stepped heavily on the ground, using the recoil force to drag Han Wu to the distant suburbs.

No matter what, he couldn't continue to fight the beast in the city center, not to mention the risk of harming innocent people. Wang Luo was not sure enough to make every soldier who came to support him and the patrolling Qingyi stand on his side.

Han Guming's governor's order was a big trouble in Rongcheng.

Fortunately, there were people in this city that Han Guming could not restrict!

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