Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 248: Veterans Never Die


In the north of Rongcheng, on a wide main road, a red-black meteorite fell from the sky, creating a deep pit of astonishing size on the flat road surface. The aftermath instantly blew away the flags of the roadside shops, shattered several fragile glass windows, and caused a burst of terrified screams.

But the next moment, the meteorite took advantage of the momentum to soar into the air, and in an instant it disappeared from the terrified sight of the crowd, turning into a burning trajectory.

After gliding in the air for hundreds of meters, the upward momentum gradually ran out, and it turned to fall. During the period, the falling momentum turned over several times, and almost hit a densely structured residential building. Finally, it landed five or six meters in front of the building, and instantly turned a carefully maintained flower bed in front of the building into nothingness, and then it soared into the air again.


Bang! !

Time and again, the meteorite flew into the air and fell to the ground. It was heading towards the northern part of Rongcheng, Changping District, which belongs to the sixth suburban district, at an astonishing speed. However, as it gradually moved away from the prosperous area of ​​Rongcheng, its momentum was also declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wang Luo had never felt that his steps would be so heavy...

Born with a Taoist body, he was born extraordinary. Since he entered the Lingshan Mountain to practice, he had experienced the exhaustion of his true essence and the sluggishness of his mind, but he had never been exhausted.

But now, Wang Luo felt that it was becoming increasingly difficult to continue. Every time he flew into the air, he could clearly feel the shaking of his limbs and bones. Every time he landed, his indestructible body would instinctively send a signal to stop.

His injuries were a bit too serious, breaking the self-healing balance of the natural Taoist body. The wound on his chest pierced by the claws seemed to be blocked by an evil curse and could not heal for a long time. The charred and smelly blood kept pouring out of the wound, and the parts of his hands that were ignited and melted by the thunder and fire were gradually losing their vitality, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the force to lock his opponent.

In front of him, Han Wu was still wriggling and roaring. Perhaps because of Wang Luo's weakness, the roar of this evil beast became more and more ferocious, as if it could break free from suppression and start counterattack at any time.

After taking off again, Wang Luo couldn't help but sigh in his heart as he looked at the towering and holy white light at the end of his sight.

How could this Rong City be so big?

He was running as fast as he could at this time. Without General Mo Lin's cloak, his speed was still not slow, enough to make many Jindan-level professional flying sword riders ashamed, but this was still not enough, far from enough.

Before he ran out of strength, he might not be able to reach his destination...

Just when this thought just arose, a group of fully armed garrison soldiers flashed rapidly in the air in the distance, with golden bottles and silver spears, it was the wasteland removal team!


Wang Luo really couldn't help cursing, but as soon as he cursed, he saw the leader of the team holding up his spear from a distance, swinging it left and right, and using a striking silver light to send a signal of not wanting to fight and maintaining peace!

Wang Luo had never heard of the rumors about the cunning and deceitful nature of the wasteland removal team, so...

The captain suddenly said loudly: "Ahem! The following is just talking to myself, and it is not to convey any information to anyone: Not long ago, we received a request from friendly forces - ahem, I don't want to emphasize it, but the friendly forces I am talking about are idiots who failed to execute the governor's order and were attacked and vomited black blood! He wants us to guide the wasteland demons that are rampant in the city away from the prosperous area. Based on the basic duties of the Rongcheng garrison to defend the country and the on-site judgment of the front-line commander, I think that instead of intercepting them in the air, we should send the wasteland demons to the outskirts of the city first."

Wang Luo was stunned when he heard this. But then, the captain gave an order, and all the wasteland removal team members raised the golden bottles in their hands, and clear spring water flowed out of the bottles, quickly gathered together, unfolded like soft silk, and turned into a flowing waterway, laying in front of Wang Luo!

The intention to help was obvious. Wang Luo certainly would not miss the opportunity. He immediately circulated his true energy, adjusted his flying momentum in the air, and landed on the waterway. The next moment, he felt his body lighten. All the pressure on his seriously injured body seemed to be taken over by someone, and the fatigue brought by forcibly suppressing Han Wu was recovering at an astonishing speed. This clear water flow not only has the ability to carry all things, but also contains extremely strong nourishing effects. And the water flow is like light, carrying him to the north, and the speed is no less than when he was running alone just now!

The military formation fairy method used by the wasteland removal team to launch a rapid march in the air waterway was a great help at this time!

In a blink of an eye, Wang Luo passed by the wasteland removal team in front. Including the leading captain, dozens of soldiers followed their duties and turned a blind eye to him. They just followed him silently to maintain the development of the waterway.

Wang Luo did not say or do much, but of course he remembered this favor.


Han Wu, who had lost all his rationality, was keenly aware of what had just happened and what he would face next. His festering body suddenly stopped shaking, and one of the beast heads suddenly turned its head, looking back at the wasteland removal team members who were following closely behind him, and uttered a series of blasphemous words.

The wasteland removal team was immediately suppressed by the authority. Although the backlash was not severe, it still made these tenacious warriors sway, and some of them even vomited blood on the spot, but everyone still held the golden bottle high and maintained the clear waterway to the outskirts of the city!

Wang Luo took a deep breath, and with the nourishment of the water flow, he squeezed out the power in his body again, turning it into a more severe wasteland removal thunder and fire, which blew Han Wu away from his care!

Soon, the last section of the road came to an end.

The ten-meter-high ancient white stone was clearly visible. Even without the control of its master, Huang Long, this Longtai Dingshan still had the power to make all the desolate subconsciously fear it. Even Han Wu, who was full of madness, felt a little shivering under the illumination of the white light...

However, Wang Luo himself was unaware of it.

Is it because he has not transformed into a desolate nature in essence? Or is the purity of the desolate poison high enough to resist the Mo Lin Holy Treasure?

Perhaps it was the slight relaxation brought by the long march finally reaching the end that distracted Wang Luo and lost his concentration...

The next moment, he felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a burly and fierce figure suddenly flashed in front of him, with a murderous intent like a boiling mountain fire, and punched him hard.

The punch was understated, but in the eyes of the person in front of him, he only felt that half of the sky was covered by the fist shadow, and this punch was simply unstoppable!

But why should he block it?


A muffled sound exploded in front of Wang Luo's chest. The dark beast locked in front of him was like a punctured water ball, exploding into countless black fragments, and a burst of white light shone from Longtai Dingshan not far away, sweeping away all the fragments.

And the fist that covered the sky and the sun just stopped in front of Wang Luo's chest, not an inch more or less.

"Old general, you are not dead..."

Huang Long laughed: "If I die, who will help you get rid of this wild demon! But how come you have turned into a wild demon, cough..."

When he said the last word, a mouthful of black blood spurted out uncontrollably!

At this time, Wang Luo noticed that there was a bloody hole in the old general's chest!

His heart was gone...

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