North of Jianmu District, the old residence of the Han family.

Lu Youyou, the king of Zhuwang, nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

Just now, Han Guming told her a very candid story.

There is no reservation in the story. It is almost like an old man named Han Guming was ripped off his muscles and bones and dissected for people to see.

There is no taboo or even privacy in the story. As the head of a family and the governor of a city, all his unbearable thoughts are integrated into the story.

Selfless due to personal love, and derailed by personal love, polluted by desolation... This is the life of the old man named Han Guming across the dining table.

Strictly speaking, Han Guming is not actually old. In terms of his cultivation qualifications, from the age of ninety to the late Nascent Soul stage, he is in his prime. In the Immortal Alliance, among the Nascent Soul Masters with similar qualifications and experiences, there are even those who are over a hundred years old and still look like teenagers. Even Mo Lin's veteran Huang Long, who is decades older than him and slightly less qualified, actually looks younger than Han Guming.

Carrying a heavy burden will naturally lead to aging faster.

Lu Youyou doesn't like this story.

Because when she heard the first word of this story, she felt an indescribable erosion spreading through her body.

Secrets of the wilderness, open and honest.

After a flaw appeared in his heart and was taken advantage of by Desolation, Han Guming gradually mastered a forbidden technique. However, this secret transformation technique, which was considered unpredictable in Mu Yuqing's hands, was surprisingly clumsy when used by Han Guming.

Lu Youyou can clearly feel that the spread of desolate poison is so slow, reckless, and even unconcealed that it can be broken with a finger.

The core key of this desolate secret technique should be swiftness, dexterity, and hidden in the dark, unknown to others. To be open and honest when performing secret techniques, you should also try to use shock, or use questions and answers to attract people's attention, and reduce the provision of effective information.

But Han Guming was self-centered and took out all the secrets in his heart and put them on the table.

Lu Youyou didn't think that the person in front of him would be so clumsy that he didn't understand the trick. Because he has always been known for his intelligence and meticulousness. Whether it is his methods as a governor or his cultivation of immortality, he always thinks more and deeper than others. Even the techniques that he has just learned are often very useful in his hands. Therefore, if Han Guming wants to contaminate someone after transforming into a wilderness, he should do it better than any wild demon. He should never be so unfamiliar.

Therefore, Han Guming's story has only one purpose.

A purpose that was decided before he turned into a desert.

Lu Youyou looked at the person in front of him and said slowly.

"A few days ago, I told you frankly that I was trapped in Han Ying. Soon after, you realized that the original insurance measures had failed, and then you designed a set of backup measures to inform me, and at the same time erased your own memory. . So, I became the only person in Rong City who could kill you. But with the incarnation of Han Wu Hua Huang, your rationality gradually became blurred. Although you can't remember what the backup measures are, you can realize that I am. He may have a killer move in his hand, so after confirming my whereabouts, he took the lead and set up an ambush here. "

With that said, Lu Youyou raised his eyes and looked around.

"You may have been thinking at the time, why is this here? What exactly is here, and why can it be the final word for you? You came here before me, and maybe you searched the room, and then..."

Although the wooden house is simple, the interior decoration is particularly warm. Hanging on the wall are portraits drawn by Han Ying himself. From the simple sketches with rough lines at the beginning, to the lifelike and graceful masterpieces that are more beautiful than real people, they seem to witness the growth of Han Ying and the father and daughter who have been dependent on each other for many years. affectionate.

There is a brocade robe hanging on the hanger. The workmanship is obviously a bit rusty, but every stitch is meticulous and patient. It is a dress Han Ying sewed by herself to celebrate her father's birthday.

There is a shark dragon pearl on the long table leaning against the wall, and a photo of Han Guming and his wife is treasured forever in it. Next to the pearl are several pieces of jewelry left by his wife before her death. They are not expensive, but they are all made by Han Guming himself. There are also several exquisite and spiritual deer dolls at the corner of the case, but they were gifts from Han Guming to his daughter before she became an adult...

Everything was so warm, which was incompatible with the chill at both ends of the dining table.

However, sometimes, the warmth of family affection is sharper and more ruthless than any weapon.

"Han Guming, if you hadn't transformed the wasteland, you should have immediately thought that the backup measure you left behind when you were a human was this humble wooden house and all the personal feelings contained in the wooden house. When you come here, The moment you get emotional, your defeat is already decided. Therefore, you as a human are still stronger than you as a human being."

While speaking, Lu Youyou stood up and easily broke through Han Guming's desolate pollution that was also understated. Then he walked to Han Guming's side and stretched out the two fingers of his right hand, stabbing the old man's forehead and heart like a dagger.

Han Guming just sat there, with a trace of struggle on his face, but mostly relieved.

After all, he didn't live the life he once hated most. Huahuang could change the stance of most of the Immortal Alliance people and instantly pollute their sanity...but in the end he was defeated in this small wooden house and by his decades of accumulation.

His personal relationship allowed him to overcome desolation, but it was also his personal relationship that allowed him to finally defeat desolation.

Then the story should end here.

However, when Han Guming finally put it down, Lu Youyou's fingers suddenly trembled.

The irritability in my heart reached its peak in an instant.

Is the story over here? Killing Han Guming is victory?

Kill this loyal man who has been loyal to Zhu Wang and the Immortal Alliance all his life? In the old family house that he cherishes most, in the appearance of his most beloved daughter Han Ying! ?

What kind of beastly behavior is this! ? Things shouldn't be like this! There should be a way!

If the Lord was here, she would never succumb to reality. She would never kill Han Guming. Even if no one in the history of the Immortal Alliance has killed more wild demons than her, Lu Youyou is very sure that Lu Zhiyao will never do it here!

She will definitely try every possible way to find a way to have the best of both worlds. Then, she will definitely find the incredible way to turn a tragedy that is about to end grandly into a comedy.

Yes, if it was Lu Zhiyao, she would definitely do this.

However, she is not Lu Zhiyao. In the five hundred years after Lu Zhiyao retired, she has been trying hard to catch up and imitate, but she is not Lu Zhiyao after all.

She could only play her role well and be a ruler who guards the status quo trembling on the throne.

Do everything that is beneficial to Zhu Wang, implement all national policies that are beneficial to Ding Huang; restrain one's own selfish desires and fulfill the virtue of the king... For five hundred years, Lu Youyou has been consistent, and now, it should be no exception.

Lu Youyou's hesitation fell into Han Guming's eyes. The old man summoned up his last bit of strength and said in a deep voice: "Lord, do it!"

At the same time, in Lu Youyou's mind, the figure that she had been chasing for five hundred years and was already blurred and difficult to distinguish suddenly became clear at this moment.

She chuckled and leaned over to reach out, stroking her head and pinching her face.

"Little Luer, do it."

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