Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 251: Breaking out of the Cocoon

Lu Youyou, the Lord of the Blessing Kingdom, enjoys extremely high prestige among the hundreds of countries of the Immortal Alliance, and is worshiped as a god by countless people within his own country, even faintly overpowering the Lord Lu Zhiyao who has been in seclusion for too long.

In people's eyes, Lu Youyou is diligent, self-denial, noble in character, possesses great talents and strategies, and has practical and firm governance skills. He is a great leader who is almost as flawless as a saint, and he is the most qualified successor of Lord Lu Zhiyao.

However, when Lu Youyou thought about it, she should never wish the king any kind of blessing.

Because there are probably few people in the world who are less suitable to be the leader of the country than her.

The nature and group ecology of auspicious spiritual deer make these long-lived spiritual beasts generally cautious and humble, and Lu Youyou is almost a model deer among spiritual deer.

She is more alert and alert than most of her kind, and also more timid and shy than most of her kind. She is more diligent and restrained than most of her kind who rely on long and undisciplined longevity, but because of this, she appears stubborn and rigid, and does not know how to adapt. She is more studious and smarter than most of her kind, and likes to think before things happen, but she also appears indecisive and lacks courage...

Her character traits destined her to be more suitable as a staff member and adjutant, to support a leader who is always confident like Lu Zhiyao.

Instead of sitting on the throne in person and influencing the future of hundreds of millions of people with one's own decisions.

Therefore, when Lu Zhiyao first mentioned that she wanted Lu Youyou to inherit her mantle and throne, the transformed little deer almost exhausted all his life's strength and shook his head under the gaze of the Lord.

Then, Lu Zhiyao smiled and touched her head and said, "I knew you would definitely not be willing, Xiao Lu'er, so you are determined to be my successor!"

There is probably no one in the world who likes to force others to make things difficult for her more than Lu Zhiyao. While admiring the little girl who has been dependent on her for hundreds of years, with a bitter look on her face that is about to cry, she has already put together a complete set of heir training plans like a torrent. Pushed over.

At first, Lu Youyou just smiled bitterly and regarded this as a prank on the whim of the Lord.

Because it is very difficult to reverse the nature of immortal species, the stubborn character of auspicious spirit deer is completely proportional to their long lifespan. Many of Lu Youyou's character traits have been talked about by Lu Zhiyao for hundreds of years. If it could really be changed, it would have been changed long ago.

On the contrary, Lu Zhiyao often acted haphazardly and never did things in a regular manner - except for the serialization of fans.

But in the following hundred years, Lu Zhiyao showed amazing persistence and patience. She tirelessly influenced and even forced Lu Youyou to adapt to her status as a superior, asking her to make various difficult decisions and shoulder the burden of hundreds of millions of dollars. Human life and death.

Later, Lu Zhiyao returned to seclusion on the top of the building, and when her successor sat on the throne, he was already an incomparably qualified leader of blessings. To this day, Lu Youyou's reputation even faintly overwhelms Lu Zhiyao.

From the sad face that was about to cry, all the way to today, only the person involved can fully understand the pain he experienced... Five hundred years have passed, and most of the pain has been washed away by the years, except for one thing. A trivial thing, which had been mostly forgotten by her, suddenly jumped out at this moment.

Five hundred years ago, when Lu Zhiyao left the Amyrlin Throne, she sighed and said: "Xiao Lu'er, you are barely a qualified ruler now, but you are still a little wayward from being excellent. When will you be like me?" With such willfulness, when will you truly be worthy of this throne?"

At that time, Lu Youyou only regarded this sentence as the Lord's daily joke, just like she often laughed at her height... But thinking about it now, Lu Youyou suddenly understood another meaning.

If Lu Zhiyao were here, she would not be limited by a rational analysis of pros and cons, let alone consider the long-term effects. She would willfully put Han Guming's life above the well-being of hundreds of millions of people, and use all means to save him.

Then, after miraculously rescuing Han Guming, in the face of the persuasion from his subordinates, he once again stated in a high-sounding manner, "As a leader, acting arbitrarily is a compulsory art lesson."

If it were Lu Zhiyao, if it was Lu Zhiyao who had been chased by her for five hundred years, no, for thousands of years, she would definitely do this.


Looking at the old man in front of him who was determined to die and urged him to take action in a deep voice, Lu Youyou had never wanted to be completely willful like now!

And the figure of the Lord that suddenly became clear in her mind made her feel as if she had broken a layer of heavy shackles in an instant.

"Xiaolu'er, do it."

Okay...this is what you said!

As a result, the finger that was supposed to penetrate the forehead and heart restrained its edge at the last moment, and was replaced by a gentle stream of true energy that slowly entered Han Guming's body.

The old man's eyes widened in surprise, and then even became angry. He wanted to stand up to stop him, but he had already lost control of his body.

"My lord, you..."

Lu Youyou said condescendingly: "Han Guming, you should know that the magic method I am best at is healing. During the Battle of Dinghuang, I followed the Lord and saved countless pioneers of Dinghuang. Many of them The extremely poisonous and terminal disease can make countless immortals unable to do anything, but it cannot stop me."

Han Guming was stunned and speechless.

Of course, he knew about the legend of the king. Everyone who was familiar with the history of Dinghuang knew about it. As early as a thousand years ago, when Lu Youyou's cultivation was still immature, she had become a famous life-saving doctor at the time with the racial talent of the auspicious spirit deer. However, with the end of the war, Lu Youyou rarely had the opportunity to display her medical skills. After becoming the king, her medical skills almost remained in the legend.

Only at the annual Golden Deer Festival, she would personally cast spells to cure a group of seriously ill patients. Her methods were indeed amazing, but if you think about it carefully, she might not be better than the Dinghuang heroes who inherited the old world's Taoist tradition a thousand years ago. What's more, she was far from the cultivation she has today a thousand years ago.

So, a thousand years ago, what did Lu Youyou rely on to win her seat among the brilliant heroes?

"I can heal the desolation."

Accompanied by this sentence that subverts common sense, the true energy at Lu Youyou's fingertips expanded ten thousand times in an instant, like a surging river or sea, rushing into Han Guming's body in an unreasonable way, making the dignified Yuanying Zhenren as small as a lone leaf in the flood.

And this is definitely not a method that "Han Ying" can use.

The person in front of him, although relying on Han Ying's body, is surprisingly using the power of the king!

Yes, at the moment when Lu Youyou decided to put aside all rational calculations and act arbitrarily, the jade throne that closed the power to her embraced her again.

Everything seemed to be logical, and everything was so incredible.

Lu Youyou used this long-lost power to the fullest, and his thoughts were like the Milky Way pouring down the ground, and the spiritual light was shining.

Some puzzled questions naturally ushered in answers at this moment.

Why can't five hundred years of diligence be exchanged for the full recognition of the jade throne? Why was she trapped in Han Ying's body after a meeting with Wang Luo and a delusion?

Why did the incarnation that was supposed to replace her inexplicably abandon his duties and prefer to sleep beside Jianmu, leaving the throne vacant!

Because for those who left the throne and the whole set of rules, excessive restraint and rationality are never the virtues of a king.

Because the retired Lord Lu Zhiyao has been waiting for his most cherished heir to be able to act recklessly in the true sense!

At this moment, Lu Youyou seemed to have been reborn, emerging from a cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

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