Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 273 Lost, Show Off

The essence of reporting your family status when you are in embarrassment is that you have nothing but your family family.

If Lord Butian shouts that I am a member of the Immortal Dry Forest at this time, it means that he has no cards to play except this identity card.

The essence of requesting an adjournment is a private compromise.

Shortly after Lord Changsheng announced the adjournment of the meeting, in a secret room at the edge of the venue, the two heads of state met with their entourage and confidants.

Butianjun was the first to speak. He kept his posture very low. He first bowed his hands to Lu Youyou as if he were a subordinate, and then he spoke formally.

"Chief Shenwei, I am convinced. I only hope that Chief Nian will maintain the overall stability of the Immortal Alliance and not kill Yueyang."

Lu Youyou said coldly: "Gao Heng, if you really care about the overall stability, you shouldn't create branches at the Immortal Alliance Conference and defeat this problem."

Lord Butian nodded: "It seems now that I have indeed made a mistake, so I am willing to pay the price. But even if I review the situation now, I had no choice before. If I don't make the move first, how can I wait for the chief minister to use the opportunity to make use of the situation?" Leave all the problems to Yue Yang, leave them to me?"

Lu Youyou asked back: "Yueyang allowed the wild demon to cause chaos first..."

"It's absolutely not the case!" Lord Butian suddenly interrupted, "I'm sorry to be rude, but I really can't afford to take the blame for indulging the wild demon, and I'm afraid no one in the Immortal Alliance can afford it - except for You are beyond your expectations. I admit that there are disadvantages in the implementation of the domestic drought control work, but to say that it is deliberately condoned is an unreasonable disaster. "

After a pause, Lord Butian continued: "Just now, the chief told four stories. The first three stories almost made me break out in a cold sweat, but the last story... the changes in Ningyuan Tu, I really am Rongcheng I discovered it after the chaos. When I discovered this, I was so shocked that I almost lost my mind. All the people around me saw it... And if the chief really has all the plans and his eyes are all over the world, he should at least know that on this matter, I really There is no forgery, so the four stories are just stories, right?”

Lu Youyou said: "Those four stories were not originally meant for you."

"Of course, the most important thing in a public meeting is always to convince the audience rather than the opponent. Now, whether you are telling a story or a fact, it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and cannot be discussed. So if it is my turn to admit it, I will admit it. However, Please take the time, chief, to listen to me tell some stories that are difficult to tell to the Immortal Alliance."

"Okay, you say."

Lord Butian sighed: "I have indeed noticed the problem of desolation and pollution in Yueyang for a long time, but I really can't do anything about it. Among the hundred countries of the Immortal Alliance, Yueyang has the largest territory, but its national power is almost the last among the top five. The aftermath of the resurgence of the famine a hundred years ago has not been completely eliminated to this day. It is simply unrealistic for us to be almost watertight like Zhu Wang... I have said these things before when the chief insisted on promoting land reclamation. , I also voted against it during the voting, but the Immortal Alliance’s decision has been made, and we can only cooperate fully. As for the areas where cooperation is not in place, it is useless to force it.”

Lu Youyou said coldly: "Should I force you, Gao Heng, or force Yueyang? Over the past hundred years, in order to support you in recovering your national strength from the desolation as soon as possible, all the countries in the Immortal Alliance have made great efforts, not to mention their wishes as neighboring countries. ! Zhu Wang opened up the land and chose Yueyang as the supporting country. Did I ask you to work in vain? The risk in the front is Zhu Wang. You only need to take on some production tasks in the rear and you can take the opportunity to develop national strength. reluctantly?"

Lord Butian said: "What comes naturally to top students is extremely difficult for poor students. It would be good if only three out of ten of the investment and assistance provided by the Immortal League to Yueyang can be implemented, but with these three points of resources, you How can we support the expansion of neighboring countries? Once the expansion goes wrong, there is no need to make any mistakes. Just by feeling that the threat of Rong City has been reduced, those things in the wasteland have already started to take action, and the breakthrough point they chose is indeed It’s our Yueyang! You said that Zhu Wang is taking the risk, but is it Yueyang who is bearing the brunt now?”

"Ten points of aid can only provide three points. Can this also be your reason for opposing pioneering?"

Lord Butian said: "The remaining seven points should be given to the Yueyang princes so that I can have the reputation of being the Lord of ZTE and ensure that Yueyang, which was once on the verge of disintegration, can always maintain unity. Chief Lu, you don't want the Immortal Alliance to hold a meeting. When you are in bed, you can only talk to a dying person remotely, right?"

Lu Youyou said: "Now I feel that Lord Butian like that has some merits."

So the current Lord Butian once again handed over his hand: "So even if I am asked to choose again, I can only make a desperate move. The Gao family inherited the resignation of the former master and won the position of the country's leader. There is no way out. In order to protect the survival of the family, In order to prevent the national turmoil from decades ago in Yueyang, even if the opponent is the chief, I will give it a try. Besides, the chief should not say angry words. If you really want to change a puppet to sit in my position, I am afraid it will be your country. There is no need to make plans to open up new lands for twenty years, and the main energy should be used to deal with the chaos in neighboring countries. "

At this point in the conversation, Lu Youyou no longer wanted to waste his time condemning the other party.

Gao Heng was already putting on a bad show, and if he continued to criticize him harshly, he would only be able to apologize insincerely. And to be honest, Gao Heng, who is in bad shape, is indeed a pretty good choice at this stage. At least ten points of assistance can still be implemented to achieve two or three points. If someone else takes the position, I am afraid that even two points cannot be guaranteed.

But on the other hand, not criticizing harshly does not mean letting it go.

"Bu Tianjun..."

"I know that I am here to compromise, apologize, and pay compensation for the defeat, not to ask for a price, so I know what to do." Butianjun sighed, "After that, I will fully support your country's position on the issue of trust in that Lord Wang Shan. Even though he is no different from the Wilderness Demon in my opinion, since the chief supports him, I can also cheer for him."

Lu Youyou was silent for a while: "Okay, then what?"

"Then, taking advantage of the great defeat at the Immortal Alliance Conference, I will try to uproot the initiator of this chaos, the Bai family of Baiyao City. If your country is interested, you can send someone to take over Baiyao City, and I will be at the level of the lord of the country. I will fully cooperate. But at the same time, if things continue like this, my reputation in the country will plummet after this conference, and I need the chief to save some face for me. "

"...Okay, but this also has a price."

"Of course, so it's not just about Lord Wang Shan, and if Zhu Wang has any proposals in the future, Yue Yang will maintain the same position with you."

"What else?"

Butian Jun was stunned: "What else? Chief, although I just said it easily, it is essentially a loss of power and humiliation of the country. If the one who was lingering on the sickbed is still alive, he would probably explode his Yuanying and die with me! What else do you want?"

Lu Youyou just looked at him deeply.

"Ah, I remember." Butian Jun suddenly smiled bitterly, "That Xin'er's family, right? Don't worry, I will find a chance to deal with it. "

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