Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 274 Don't be nervous, everything is normal

The adjournment of the Immortal Alliance Conference was not long, so Butian Jun and Lu Youyou simply explained a few more details before leaving the secret room.

Wang Luo, who had watched the whole process, just asked curiously: "Just let him pass?"

Lu Youyou asked back: "Otherwise, what else can you do? Do you want to see him crying and rolling on the ground?"

"I really don't want to."

"I don't want to, I came here to let him maintain his basic decency." Lu Youyou sighed again after finishing speaking, "And when this person accepted the position of the country's leader, he actually also received I wish you support. The virtue of the former leader of Yueyang is not enough to convince the public, and we don’t want the neighboring countries to become fragmented, the powerful families to fight, and the top five of the Immortal Alliance to lose control, so we can only push one person to the top. Gao Heng was at that time. Among the candidates, he is considered the best. And in the following twenty years, he has been able to keep his position and not lose his position. Sometimes he does something wrong and we can have a correct reaction. This is very good. That's right, if we really support a waste who has nothing but obedience, we will face more troubles. The Lord said that the biggest pain for those in power is to be with idiots most of the time. "Your teammates are very imaginative." Big, bear with me.'"

Wang Luo could only say: "That's not what she said when she was chased all over the mountain by those in power."

Lu Youyou nodded: "Yes, she has said many times that it is more interesting to tease the current people in power than to take power personally... However, if she doesn't do some things, no one will do them."

"I guess she said the same thing when she passed the Amyrlin throne to you."

"...Yes, so I don't have a choice." Lu Youyou smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, Gao Heng's interlude is over, and it's time to get down to business. Tianzun is about to open his eyes. Do you feel nervous?"

Wang Luo asked: "Do you need me to speak on stage or perform any talents?"

"Well, it might be necessary."

"Then there's nothing to be nervous about."

"Okay, it's best to have this confidence. Let's get ready to go back to the venue." Lu Youyou smiled and subconsciously took Wang Luo's hand, but was quickly interrupted by Han Xingyan's cough.

Lu Youyou was startled, then smiled and said: "That's right, I haven't come clean yet, so we still need to maintain a basic sense of distance between you and me."

Han Xingyan said: "I want to say that before this trip, Master Mo Yu specifically asked me to tell her everything I saw and heard. Therefore, sir, you don't want your holding hands with others to be exposed to Master Mo Yu." Talking about it?"

"...I really should have left her in Guanghan Palace."

"I would also like to paraphrase your words."

Lu Youyou glared at her: "I should throw you back to Qingpingsi Prison!"

"I obey my orders." Han Xingyan looked like he was willing to die.


With the misfortune of being defeated, Lu Youyou returned to the venue solemnly.

As if he was infected by her demeanor, and as if he had foreseen that the next issue would be far more sensitive than the internal strife among the top five, the conference hall fell silent almost instantly.

It saves Lord Changsheng a lot of time.

"Okay, the adjournment time is over, let's continue the meeting. Regarding the issue of impeaching the chief executive just now, the two heads of state have reached a private settlement and will no longer continue the discussion. If you have anything to add, you can put it forward now."

As he spoke, Lord Changsheng looked around and saw only faces that were hesitant to speak.

Obviously, there are many people who want to add something to say, but those who are willing to get into trouble with the chief executive no longer exist at least at this time.

Even if you really have something to say, it would be better to wait until the main topic of this meeting is discussed.

"Then let's get to the point. This meeting was held at the request of the Lord of the Lu Kingdom. The theme is about the chaos of the wild demon that occurred in Rong City. On the one hand, we must hold Yueyang accountable for his fault. Although the two Lords have already Reconciliation was reached privately on some issues, but this does not mean that the issue of Yueyang will no longer be discussed. After all, the matter of determining the famine concerns the entire Immortal Alliance, and the two kings will need to make additional statements later. On the other hand, it is about Rong City. The chaos itself, although the disaster of this chaos has been controlled to a minimum, it is still the most noteworthy chaos in recent decades. Two god-level wild demons continuously penetrated Yue Yang and Zhu Wang's concentration. The desolate barrier has even polluted the governor of Rong City, Han Guming. This incident deserves the vigilance of all members of the Immortal Alliance, because we have no way to guarantee that similar things will not happen in other countries. "

After a simple opening remarks, Changshengjun handed over the right to speak to Lu Youyou.

Lu Youyou didn't waste time: "Thank you Mr. Changsheng for the introduction. Let me first talk about the chaos that occurred in Rong City. In the past week, Zhuwang has issued multiple announcements from the official level, and various countries should have also Enough information has been collected from various channels, so to avoid wasting time, I will focus on explaining a few issues that everyone is concerned about here.”

"First, how did the Desolate Demon hide from the numerous barriers between Zhu Wangyue and Yang? It's very simple. They updated their camouflage technology. Specifically, that's it."

While speaking, Lu Youyou reached forward and took out a ball covered with red silk from a cloud of golden mist, which immediately attracted the attention of the whole audience.

The next moment, Lu Youyou reached out and uncovered the red silk, revealing the true appearance of the ball, and then screamed and screamed one after another.

It was clearly a rat that had been severely polluted by desolation. The traces of deformation were simply shocking, and the unique stench of desolation was even more disgusting!

However, before the red silk was unveiled, no one in the room noticed any abnormality!

"It's a very clever technique that perfectly captures the loopholes in the existing fairy technique system. Huangyuan has been preparing for this for a long time, and it has indeed achieved miraculous results. But the good news is that the technique created based on the loophole is only effective once. We have already mastered the means of countermeasures, and we will share the relevant information with you later."

After a pause, Lu Youyou said, "The next question is the second one, which is also a question that many people wanted to ask before the meeting: Will Wang Luo, the Lord of Lingshan Mountain, turn the wasteland into wasteland?"

Before the words fell, it seemed as if a cold wind blew through the venue, so that some of the weak kings and ministers in the back row shuddered for a while!

This is indeed a question that people are concerned about, and it can even be said that it is the most concerned issue for people at the moment!

When Rongcheng was in chaos, although most of the conflicts took place in the dark, the fierce battle between Wang Luo and Han Wu throughout the city could not be concealed at all, and at that time, Wang Luo's golden elixir condensed by the wasteland poison was naturally seen clearly by many eyes.

It should be said that this matter is far more serious than the matter of Lan'er peeping into the secrets that Bu Tianjun just mentioned.

So now people are looking forward to what kind of explanation Lu Youyou is going to give!

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