Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 289: Happy and Unhappy

Before Lu Zhiyao left, she left three major tasks for Wang Luo: improving his cultivation, reviving Lingshan, and completing the deforestation.

And if there is anything that can advance the progress of three major topics at the same time, then naturally...

"Dahuang, come out."

After a while, there was a rustling of branches and leaves in the forest, and a ball of meat with a translucent skin squirmed towards it.

"I've met the master."

The desolate demon that was ravaging Rong City not long ago seemed to have surrendered to the most humble place.

However, before Wang Luo could ask, the humble servant could no longer restrain his excitement and said with emotion: "Master, this place is truly worthy of being the first step to immortality in the old world. Just by resting in the forest these past few days, my strength has become stronger." I have recovered a lot, hehe..."

"very good."

Wang Luo nodded, stretched out his hand, and extracted the desolate poison brewing in the body from a distance, and turned it into his own inner golden elixir, adding a touch of vitality to the round golden elixir.

However, after digesting it, Wang Luo just curled his lips and felt that the taste was not satisfactory.

Compared with the breath of the fairy that made his cultivation skyrocket after being absorbed into his body in the Immortal Withered Forest, Dahuang's carefully polished true energy is just barely at the level of entrance.

But after all, the Immortal Dry Forest is not really the back garden of Zhuwang, and Wang Luo has no intention of being watched by Taixu Tianzun every day, so it is fine to enjoy delicacies occasionally, but he still has to learn to lower his standards in daily diet. Before Rongcheng truly moves west into the wasteland, it would be nice to have a stable supply of high-quality wasteland poison.

When the rhubarb was first raised in Lingshan Mountain, it was just to prevent it from running around and disturbing others. Later, at the Immortal Dry Forest meeting, Lord Butian, the leader of the Yueyang Kingdom, took the lead in self-destructing, causing the appearance originally scheduled for rhubarb to be temporarily canceled... And Now it seems that there is a lot of potential for treating this thing as a kind of animal husbandry?

However, just as he was thinking about it, he saw on the other side, Dahuang, whose master had easily taken away many days of hard work, was making a heartfelt and fierce voice.

"Ah, ah, Master, Master, you make this slave feel so good."


The grand vision of livestock farming evaporated in an instant.

Although Wang Luo knew very well that after he performed the transformation ritual on Dahuang, the object's loyalty could basically be assured. As long as he was not forced to be loyal to the Immortal Alliance, he would naturally put Wang Luo's interests above his own. ——For the desolate demon who advertises freedom and liberation, this kind of class barrier rooted in the core of desolation is really ironic.

But no matter what, Dahuang relied on his full loyalty to successfully protect his own interests.

Wang Luo has decided to change the target of exploitation.

"So, how much do you remember about the pollution in Yueyang?"

Dahuang immediately responded: "Master, I have remembered most of the Cocoon Breakers who were transformed by Mu Yuqing and I - although I will never do anything that is beneficial to the Immortal Alliance, but if it is to be loyal to the Master, then I will You might as well make some changes - but on the other hand, I have to remind you that although we ordered them to stay where they were before entering Rong City and not to act rashly, they have not received further instructions for such a long time. The right to make one’s own decisions.”

Wang Luo was not surprised by this, nor did he mind: "Bu Tianjun failed to attack the chief at the Immortal League Conference, and his prestige has plummeted, so it is even more impossible to allow chaos in the country at this time. Even if it is an overdraft of national power, he will try his best to protect the country in the near future. Stable. If those people who break the cocoon don't want to be transformed into the military exploits of the Dinghuang Army, they'd better wait for me to pick up the items."

Da Huang repeatedly praised: "Master is wise! I hope those little guys can also know right from wrong and accept Master's gifts honestly."

Then, Dahuang seemed to realize that his heartfelt words had seriously affected Wang Luo's appetite, so the topic quickly changed again: "There is one more thing, the slave must remind me, but before reminding, the master may have to Give me some protection."

Wang Luo understood instantly - according to previous experience, once the wild demon revealed information that should not be revealed, or said forbidden words that must not be said, it would immediately explode with a bang to pieces. Dahuang must have revealed some taboo secrets at the cost of self-destruction.

So he immediately used the technique taught by Lu Youyou to invoke the Qing Yuanying in his body, and with the vigorous fire, he covered Rhubarb's body with a thick invisible shield.

Dahuang was stunned on the spot: "Master, your shield... is ineffective against slaves."

Wang Luo was also startled: "I thought you wanted to remind me not to splash filth on my face when it explodes later. Why do you have other intentions?"

Dahuang said quickly: "I have no other meaning. I just want to say that the magic you cast with your own hands, master, is extremely noble to the slave. If the slave's smelly blood and rotten flesh splashes on your magic, the slave will also feel it." Heartache."

"It's okay, don't worry."

After Dahuang twitched, he said: "The important thing is not the cocoon-breakers lurking in Yueyang's country, but the fundamental loopholes in Yueyang, which will lead to people like me..."

Before he finished speaking, the meat ball on the ground exploded into minced meat with a bang. All the flesh and blood were gathered up by the protective shield, and finally fell to the ground, becoming a twitching puddle of filth.

But Dahuang was still not dead, trembling and making a loyal voice: "Master, with your intelligence, you must have understood what my slave meant."

Of course Wang Luo understands.

The two divine wild demons did not directly break through Zhu Wang's Dinghuang barrier to cause chaos in Rongcheng. They took the route of Yueyang and used the resonance channel between the Ningyuan map to break through the defense line of the strongest country in the Immortal Alliance. Then Yueyang, as the first breakthrough point, must have a very serious loophole, and that loophole, in Dahuang's mouth now, is actually a root cause.

You know, the Dinghuang barrier has never been perfect. Almost all the hundreds of countries in the Immortal Alliance have experienced infiltration by wild demons, but most of them did not cause substantial losses. Even the chaos in Rongcheng, although it shocked the world, is actually not worth mentioning compared to the reversal of the Yueyang Wild Tide a hundred years ago and the earlier Jun Changsheng Wild Tide. It is common sense in the Immortal Alliance that there are loopholes in the barrier, which is basically common sense in the Immortal Alliance, and everyone has long been accustomed to it.

But the root loopholes are completely different.

The two wild demons that have infiltrated now are special adaptors carefully selected from the wasteland, with a shipment rate of only about one in a thousand, and are absolutely top-level rare species. Theoretically, even with the vastness of the wasteland, it may not be possible to find a wasteland demon with the same qualifications to infiltrate again in a short period of time. But if the loophole in Yueyang's barrier exists at the root, then the wasteland can quickly adjust its policy and optimize its magic according to the experience and lessons of the forerunners, tear open the loophole bit by bit, and then let more wasteland demons infiltrate.

Wang Luo looked at the mud on the ground and did not ask more questions, because even if he asked, it was obviously impossible to get an effective response.

But in any case, the trip to Yueyang seemed inevitable.

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