Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 290 So what is that trick?

In fact, Wang Luo himself didn't really want to go to Yueyang. Because the benefits visible to the naked eye were not enough.

Although the "broken cocoon people" lurking in Yueyang were basically equivalent to fast food takeouts waiting to be collected due to Da Huang's betrayal, did Wang Luo really need those snacks?

If you want to scavenge, there is a lot to do in the vast land west of Nanxiang! Where in the world can there be more and more nourishing wild demons than in the wasteland? Whether it is to promote Dinghuang or simply to kill people and practice martial arts, the west of Nanxiang is the best solution at this stage.

Moreover, unlike Yueyang, which is obviously at odds with Zhu Wang, the people of Nanxiang are really warm and hospitable!

When the rebellion in Rongcheng was just settled, Guan Dingnan, the captain of the Dinghuang Army in Nanxiang, who was far away in Lingshan but provided key support, extended an extremely warm invitation to Wang Luo.

As the son of Guan Tiejun, the Grand Marshal of the Dinghuang Army, he patted his chest and guaranteed his inheritance rights, saying that as long as Wang Luo was willing to go to Nanxiang for guidance, the whole army would definitely give a warm hospitality second only to the standards of the king. Not only can he pick all the tough guys in the army, but even his sister Guan Xiaohe, a talented craftsman who is being fought over by several major military academies, can be pulled to accompany him for drinks. And if Wang Luo likes that country girl, he can even help them arrange a marriage directly, and get married that night.

For such a kind invitation, Wang Luo had no time to respond at that time - after all, there were too many things that needed his priority. Later, until he was surrounded by Taixu Tianzun for a week in the Xianku Forest of Guanghan Palace, he did not wait for Guan Dingnan's follow-up invitation.

According to common sense, Guan Dingnan should have been beaten to death by Guan Xiaohe because of those bold words... But the hospitality of the people in Nanxiang will definitely not change because of this.

Unfortunately, such a warm and hospitable Nanxiang may not have time to visit in the short term.

Because in fact, even if there is no fundamental loophole in the Yueyang Dinghuang barrier mentioned by Dahuang, Wang Luo also knows that it is unlikely that he will escape this mission. At this stage, looking through the entire Immortal Alliance, only he, who has used the wild poison in his elixir and raised a group of wild creatures, can most quickly and authoritatively identify the bad elements hidden among the people and find the defects and loopholes at all levels.

And this is the key to eliminating the hidden dangers in Yueyang.

According to the resolution of the Immortal Alliance Conference, the team going to Yueyang to eliminate the hidden dangers of Dinghuang will be led by Zhu Wang and Mo Lin. Now this matter has not been substantially promoted, and even the team that coordinates the formation of the team has not started to coordinate the formation, but Wang Luo knows that his name must be listed first on the list.

However, according to the usual work efficiency of the Immortal Alliance, no matter how much the relevant personnel work overtime and try their best to promote it. But to coordinate the relationship between the three major powers and jointly deal with a sensitive matter, it will take at most several months, at least several weeks, and there will be arguments and even fights during this period.

So Wang Luo is really not happy.

The momentary unhappiness in his heart was not obviously revealed, but his thoughts were still keenly captured by the loyal Da Huang.

Although the wild demon was dying, he could not hide his loyalty and passion. He immediately suggested: "Master, I just remembered that I had learned an interesting trick. Could you please allow me to perform a few tricks to please you?"

Wang Luo found it a little funny when he heard this: "You are in this state, and you can still perform tricks?"

Da Huang said excitedly: "So this is the magic of tricks. Master, please watch, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a whistle suddenly coming from the mountain.

"Wang~Shan~Master! I~Come~to~pay~homage~to~the~mountain!"

At first it sounded like a sweet and gentle female voice, but in the whistle, there was a passion like ice and iron, which made any tenderness in the voice become sonorous and powerful. And as the sound stirred in the mountains, the branches and leaves of the forest swayed, and the gravel flew, as if swept by a gust of wind.

This is probably a signature greeting that cannot be found even in the entire Immortal Alliance.

General Mo Lin Huang Long, why is he here? !

Wang Luo was stunned for a moment, looked at the meat paste on the ground, and spent a moment to determine that this could not be Da Huang's trick.

At this time, he was not interested in appreciating any wild demon tricks. He moved his feet and left this place with the authority of the mountain master, heading to the source of the sound, in front of the Lingshan Temple.

On the immortal platform, he saw the charming old general. He was still wearing the black and slim beast armor, showing the perfect curves of his body.

Seeing Wang Luo suddenly appear in front of him, Huang Long's almond eyes lit up: "Ha, what a magical power, Wang Shanzhu!"

As he spoke, the old general took a step forward as if he was not willing to be outdone, and also showed his extraordinary magical power. He was as fast as lightning, and gave Wang Luo a very enthusiastic and irresistible dribbling and bumping... or a comrade-in-arms hug on the spot.

"Master Wang, it's been a long time since we last met!"

Wang Luo said, "It's only been a day since we last met at Guanghan Palace..."

Huang Long laughed, "It feels like a long time since we last met!"

"..." Such polite words were really not suitable for Huang Long, so Wang Luo understood: "General, are you in any trouble?"

"...Master Wang is indeed very discerning." Huang Long sighed after he finished speaking, his breath full of resentment and bitterness.

After that, he raised his head and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to complain, but he hesitated.

With Huang Long's generous temperament, this gesture of wanting to say something but not being able to was undoubtedly particularly inconsistent.

But Wang Luo didn't rush him, he just planted the lotus platform casually and asked Huanglong to sit under a tree on the Immortal Platform.

After the two sat down, Wang Luo served tea again. Huang Long drank several pots of tea before hesitatingly asked: "Master Wangshan, a good man should be promised a thousand pieces of gold, right?"

Wang Luo then made up his mind and gave an answer that met Huang Long's needs very considerately.

"A good man should be free to walk between heaven and earth. How can he be bound by mere rules? Those promises that have evil intentions and are detrimental to family ethics and human ethics should be acted upon immediately."

"Hiss..." Huang Long heard this, but did not applaud on the spot. He just asked more hesitantly, "Master Wangshan, where did you hear this...? It really doesn't sound like something you would say."

Wang Luo was a little embarrassed: "It's indeed not my original work. I just copied my senior sister's wisdom. She used to say this often."

"..." As a loyal supporter of Lord Lu Zhiyao, Huang Long's eyes were a little confused on the spot.

Wang Luo asked: "So the general has encountered some trouble with his promise? I have been with my senior sister for many years, and I am barely good at finding loopholes and avoiding restrictions."

Huang Long hesitated to speak again.

But this time, Wang Luo didn't waste any time waiting. I heard a girl's cold voice coming from the long steps below the Immortal Platform.

"What else could it be? The old man went crazy when he was young! He insisted on making an agreement with his comrades to make him happy first. Now that his good brothers have come to visit him, he naturally shrank!"

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