Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 291 There is really something important to discuss

Objectively speaking, Huang Long's old comrades certainly did not really want him to fulfill the promise he made when he was young. This group of soldiers who once served with Huang Long are now basically around a hundred years old. Except for Huang Long's achievement of Nascent Soul, and by chance, he also took a young wife. Now they are pure, charming and infinitely beautiful. The others all have only Jindan cultivation level or even lower, they are already old and cannot enjoy themselves at all. What's more, no matter how charming Huang Long's new body is, as soon as she opens her mouth, the accent full of Longshou Mountain style sounds, and the sunset red of the veterans will immediately disappear from the lower body.

But even if the physical body can no longer be happy, or precisely because the physical body can no longer be happy, spiritual pleasure is more important. Old guys like them have lived under the majestic glory of Huanglong all their lives. Although they are convinced, they are inevitably aggrieved. Nowadays, it is rare to see an idol of the same generation encounter something embarrassing. As an old comrade, how could he not rush to laugh at him immediately? Arriving too late means the friendship has faded!

But this group of bad friends were happy, but Huang Long himself couldn't bear it. After being crushed for a few rounds by the old guys with all kinds of dirty jokes that he didn't even understand, he felt deeply that it was true that he was uneducated. If that didn't work, they simply fled on the pretext of visiting their comrades, learning new culture, and discussing important matters to eliminate the famine.

...The above is Huang Jing's objective report to Wang Luo calmly after her anger dissipated.

Wang Luo expressed deep sympathy for this.

"Miss Huang Jing, you have worked really hard."

Huang Jing was merciless to her grandfather, but she was polite to Wang Luo, saying: "I'm sorry, Master Wang, it's because I didn't take care of grandpa that he bothered you with these boring things. If you have something important, , please don’t be polite, just drive him out of the mountain.”

As he spoke, he cast an encouraging look.

Huang Long frowned: "Jing'er, don't be ridiculous. Of course I have something important to discuss with Master Wang."

Huang Jing immediately glared at him, and Huang Long, who had his general killed in a hundred battles on the spot, shrank his head and muttered: "You are really looking more and more like your grandma."

Huang Jing sighed and said: "Master Wangshan, you have also seen that my grandpa is very powerful on the battlefield, but he is a complete waste after leaving the battlefield. If I didn't watch him, he wouldn't even know that he was being eaten... Although he After all, he is Mo Lin's general. I can't just watch him reach his old age and lose all the dignity of myself, my family, and the army, so I have to work hard to stay with him to prevent him from talking or doing random things. If we really have something important to discuss, I hope Master Wang won’t think that I’m being an eyesore.”

Huang Long laughed when he heard this: "Jing'er, you are worrying too much. How can anyone in this world think you are an eyesore? I went to the Military Academy to see you a few days ago, and the team of suitors following you are still as spectacular as ever! "

When Huang Jing heard this, her face turned dark on the spot: "Yes, after you left, they started looking for people to ask for your contact information!"

At this point, the girl consciously made a mistake, coughed with a red face, and silently stepped aside, indicating that you can start talking about business.

Being interrupted by Huang Jing, Huang Long naturally couldn't ask about the original business matter anymore, so he simply talked about the real business matter.

"This time, Master Wangshan, you are definitely going to Yue Yang Bahuang, right?"

Wang Luo nodded: "It is our responsibility."

Huang Long said: "That's good. On Mo Lin's side, Lord Yulong called my name. After all, I was a witness to the desolation, and after the war, I found that my perception of the desolation was a little more keen... ...Huh? What kind of animal is that?”

As Huang Long spoke, he pointed to the low bushes beside the mountain road not far away, and saw a flesh-colored ball bouncing closer.

Wang Luo glanced at Huang Long, who had a curious face, and then looked at the passionate flesh ball, and gained a new understanding of "a bit more sensitive perception".

The old general must have seen Rhubarb in Rongcheng! ? Now she has just become more rounded and cute, and she is unrecognizable!

"It's considered a specialty of Lingshan nowadays." Wang Luo waved his hand, signaling Dahuang not to cause trouble at this time.

Huang Long's attitude towards Desolation has always been extreme, but rather than his stance, he trusts the friendship between his comrades more, which is why he is as close as a brother to Wang Luo, who uses Desolation poison to enter elixirs. Otherwise, without fighting side by side in Rongcheng, his speech at the Immortal Alliance Conference would have been completely different.

And when he heard that it was only a specialty of Lingshan Mountain, Huanglong immediately lost interest in the meat ball and said: "Anyway, this time Yueyang is out of the wilderness, I want to say hello to the mountain master in advance and cooperate. When we get there, if we encounter trouble If the two of us join forces, we can make a quick mess."

As he spoke, the old general's apricot eyes gradually began to glow with aura.

"Master Wangshan, you woke up not long ago, so you may not know much about this kind of transnational deforestation operation, but I have participated in no less than ten similar operations as a representative of Mo Lin's military. I can say responsibly , once we set foot on the territory of another country, the biggest enemy we have to face is no longer desolation, but the endless pushback by the bureaucrats and powerful people.”

Wang Luo heard this, digested it silently, and nodded slowly.

The situation Huang Long mentioned was indeed something he had never heard of before, but it was not difficult to understand.

The simple truth is: the cross-border deforestation operation decided by the Immortal League is not only to single out those who have been polluted, but more importantly, to rectify the desolation strategy of the entire country of Yueyang to ensure that previous tragedies will not happen again. , to ensure that when Rongcheng travels westward, Yueyang can shoulder the responsibilities on his shoulders.

And rectifying national policies will naturally face resistance from the entire country. As the leader of the country, Lord Butian dared to take the lead in attacking Lu Youyou at the Immortal League Conference. If he followed the example, it is not difficult to imagine the attitude of the local bureaucrats and dignitaries. These people may not dare to openly resist the decisions of the Immortal Alliance, but it is inevitable for them to be procrastinating and perfunctory during their actions, or even to condone and cover up. However, it is impossible for the team to completely bypass them and carry out all work in an unfamiliar land, so...

"How does the general want me to cooperate? What kind of cutting method is needed for the so-called quick knife and chaos?"

Huang Long said: "This matter is easy to say. Master Wangshan, your magical power that breaks the human heart..."

Wang Luo shook his head: "It may not be easy to use if you leave the Zhuwang Realm."

"That's it..." Huang Long pondered for a moment and then suggested, "It doesn't matter. If you suddenly break someone's Taoist heart in a foreign country, they may not be willing to admit it. And since you can't expect the other party to admit it, it's better to use something simpler. Effective method."

When he said the last few words, the evil spirit appeared clearly on the pink face.

Wang Luo couldn't help but frown and asked: "General, do you want to kill people in a foreign country?"

"Kill someone to establish authority." Huang Long corrected the details, "But who can be killed cannot be based on one person's subjective assumptions. I want to make an agreement with you in advance: as long as you and I both nod, and as long as you and I both nod, , then this person can be killed. As for how to do it, it depends on local conditions... Wang Shanzhu, the battle is always about war, and war is never about thunder! "

Wang Luo just smiled when he heard this: "General, don't forget what era I grew up in. In my time, killing people never needed as many reasons as now."

"Haha, that's why I came to you specifically to discuss it!"

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