Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 31: Reasoning and moving emotions

After saying goodbye to Mr. Luo, Wang Luo returned to the Shi Mansion. Shi Yue had been waiting in the inner courtyard for a long time.

Judging from the tired look on the girl's face, she had not had a very pleasant day.

Becoming the Jade Master of Shi Street can only improve her status in Shi Street, but it obviously cannot improve the quality of tourists who come to Lingshan from Wenyou Si Zhaotang. It is not difficult to see from her expression that she was injured by Lie Niu that she once again reproduced the tragedy of the day when the two first met...

And when she returned home, she received new bad news, which inevitably made her physically and mentally exhausted.

"Master of the Mountain, I have heard about the painting scroll transaction. Luo Xiao is in a very bad situation now. He borrowed his cash from someone to advance it to us. If he is really found to be in violation of the law, he will go bankrupt immediately, and the small station may also be permanently closed."

Wang Luo nodded. Although Luo Xiao did not say these words just now, they are actually obvious.

Shi Yue added: "There has never been such a precedent for enforcing the law in Shijie. He was obviously implicated by me, so I can't just stand by and watch."

Wang Luo asked: "What are you going to do?"

Shi Yue said: "I want to meet the local Simu Envoy, the actual person in charge of Qingping Division in Shijie, in the capacity of the Jade Master of Shijie, to see what he has to say. Although if I go there with my identity, I will probably just bring disgrace upon myself, but I have to try anyway. If it doesn't work, I can just implement the original plan, sell the house, and help Boss Luo settle the account first..."

"Wrong." Wang Luo corrected, "If you encounter a problem that you can't handle in the future, you should ask for help from others first."

Shi Yue smiled bitterly: "So I came to ask the mountain master for help."

"Okay, I will visit Qingping Division tomorrow morning, but you should not be idle, take this opportunity to meet Zhang Yu."

"Zhang Yu?" Shi Yue heard something, "The mountain master suspected that he was behind the scenes?"


Then, Wang Luo briefly told Shi Yue what he saw and heard at noon, which made Shi Yue look solemn and puzzled.

"Zhang Yu...why? I know he has ideas about the jade talisman in my hand, but is it necessary to do this? Colluding with Qingping Division to punish the neighbors will only further deteriorate his reputation in the local area, which is purely counterproductive!"

"Tell me about Zhang Yu."

"Ah, okay!" Shi Yue was stunned, and hurriedly played the role of tour guide again, introducing the life of the richest man in Shi Street to Wang Luo.

Zhang Yu is a native of Shijie, born and raised in Shijie. However, unlike most people, his family has been rich for more than 300 years and is a well-known wealthy family in the local area. Therefore, Zhang Yu has received a high-level education since he was a child, and his talent and qualifications have lived up to his family's expectations. Even if he can't be called a once-in-a-century talent, he is at least useless.

In his Meng Academy, the best students almost have a virtual pill in their abdomen when they graduate, and they are only one step away from the perfect pill. The ones with worse grades are also at the great success of building a foundation, and they only need to polish it for one or two years until the realm is perfect before they can impact the golden pill.

Zhang Yu amazed everyone with his great achievement of Qi induction and less than half of the foundation building. In fact, many people are saying that if the Zhang family hadn't been persevering in infusing him with spiritual medicine, he would probably have a problem with Qi induction... He could go to Furensi to apply for disability assistance.

Although Zhang Yu was not good at cultivation, he was very sociable. When he was in Meng Academy, he was very good at dancing with his sleeves and made friends with a large number of powerful children in Shangcheng District. By using the relationships of these people, he quickly took over the family business and developed it in just a few years. When he became the richest man in Shijie more than ten years ago, his influence had spread to all parts of Shijie.

If it were somewhere else, this would be a story worthy of praise from the whole nation. Zhang Yu would become an idol of thousands of people, and people would shout "Dad Zhang" when he walked on the street.

However, in Shijie, Zhang Yu was just Zhang Yu. He would be respectfully called "Boss Zhang" and would be called "Fat Zhang's Dad" by naughty children. Shijie was not a place that focused on authority and wealth. The third jade master Kong Zhang usually set up a stall on the street, and the first jade master often delivered goods to people. Even if the second jade master had a net worth of billions, he was nothing more than between the two.

Zhang Yu was certainly not satisfied with this. He longed for more respect and recognition, and longed to be like the Shi family in the old days, with three in one and power in one.

And the first step of the three in one was the talisman in Shi Yue's hand.

"Mr. Kong is a veteran of the Shijie Chess Club. He has always adhered to the principle of neutrality. It is not worth the loss to rob him of the jade talisman. But I am different. The three jade talismans of Shijie were lost gradually as the Shi family declined..."

"That is to say, the Shi family has a glorious tradition of losing talismans."

"...You are right. And by the time of Shi Xiusheng, the Shi family's performance was even worse, and almost ruined the family's only remaining reputation. So even if I can't keep the jade talisman one day, the people of Shijie will not find it strange. By then, Zhang Yu will hold two talismans, and Mr. Kong, the neutral party, will have no choice."

In order to get the jade talisman in Shi Yue's hand, Zhang Yu made many efforts, such as buying at a high price, buying at a high price, and buying at a high price... It's not that as the richest man, he would only think of such a simple and crude solution, but only this solution could be recognized by the people of Shijie.

The jade talisman in Shijie is not like the green leaves and lübi on the waist of Qingpingsi Qingyi. The talisman itself has no binding force on the people of Shijie, it is just a sign of people's attachment. Taking the jade talisman but losing people's hearts is a matter of abandoning the basic and chasing the weak. Zhang Yu was able to buy the jade talisman with his financial advantage, so the people of Shijie would naturally recognize that he made money wisely and used it wisely. But it would be too despicable to collude with Shangcheng District and instigate the Qingping Division to inspect the Taixu station belonging to a Shijie local and force Shi Yue to give up his talisman.

However, after hearing Shi Yue's analysis, Wang Luo strengthened his judgment.

There must be someone behind the trouble Luo Xiao encountered, and Zhang Yu, if not the main instigator, was at least an accomplice.

Because my senior sister once taught me a simple and universal principle: If you think the worst about rich people, you will probably not be wrong.

"Go find Zhang Yu tomorrow morning and test his reaction by pretending to be a prostitute for nothing."

Shi Yue was a little confused: "What is the face of a prostitute?"

Wang Luo thought for a while and gave an example: "Boss Zhang, you are from Shijie and hold a jade talisman. You are a well-deserved leader. Now that the neighborhood is in trouble, it is time to take the lead and set an example. How can you stand idly by? You are above There are many people in the city, can you contact some big shots to come forward to coordinate? Your family is worth hundreds of millions, and some social expenses are just a drop in the bucket for you, but they are more important to ordinary people in Shijie..."

Shi Yue almost burst out: "Master Mountain Master, you are going too far! Can't you say that Xiaozhi moved with reason and moved with emotion!?"

This time it was Wang Luo's turn to be confused: "What's the difference?"

"...I was wrong. But is my speaking skills really useful for an old Jianghu like Zhang Yu? And I'm really not good at speaking."

Of course Wang Luo had known about this for a long time. After all, when they first met, this loyal mountain guard was holding a little red flag, a little red hat on his head, and a lotus tongue. With extremely solid basic skills, he achieved zero operating income.

"So then you follow this routine..."

While Wang Luo recalled the master of the temptation world, he taught Shi Yue the essence of this.

Shi Yue only listened for a moment before his face turned faintly blue.

"Lord Mountain Master, if I were beaten by someone in the Zhang family, would you come to save me, right?"

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