Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 32 What the people want

Early the next morning, Wang Luo appeared in front of Qingping Division's Xiaobai Building on time.

Luo Xiao, who had dark circles under his eyes, was already waiting there in advance. Not only did he get No. 1 on the self-service wooden counter, he also held a bowl of tofu puffs and a bag of flat-belly buns.

"Brother Wang Luo, have you had breakfast? I just brought it from the corner bun shop on Xiangshan Road. It's still hot!"

Wang Luo was not polite: "I'm interested."

When Luo Xiao saw Wang Luo eating and drinking freely and confidently, most of her thoughts that had been hanging on her mind were settled.

But there was still a small half left, which made him sleepy and uneasy.

There was only one portion of the breakfast in his hands. Either he had eaten it in advance or the buns were not to his liking. His mouth was full of foam and he couldn't swallow it.

"Last night, a brother Taixu knew told me that what happened to me this time may be deeply involved, and it is directly related to the recent special renovation of Stone Street."

Wang Luo laughed after hearing this: "Isn't that directly related to me?"

Not long ago, he dismissed the deputy leader of the special operation at Li Ji's Roast Meat Shop.

"No, no, no, what I mean is that my case has become a typical one, so it would be very difficult to overturn the current conclusion, which would be equivalent to directly questioning the special operation."

Wang Luo asked again: "What do you think of the special rectification of Qingping Division?"

Luo Xiao thought for a while and replied seriously: "To say it is useless would be to vilify Qingpingsi and beautify Shijie. Qingpingsi has made a lot of contributions in managing Shijie over the years... But in recent years, with the Things that are done in the name of goodwill are also in front of everyone. More than 20 years ago, when the relationship was still harmonious, many people in Qingyi would go to Xiangshan Road to eat, and the boss would give them an extra side dish. But during the recent special operation, The boss often refuses to accept the payment.”

Wang Luo understood the meaning and couldn't help but laugh: "So as a Shijie person, even if I question the special operation, what's wrong with it?"

Luo Xiao was silent for a long time after being asked, and then explained: "Your question is similar to questioning the Nanxiang Dinghuang Army's order to eradicate deforestation..."

As a fake Nanxiang native, Wang Luo had to admit that the other party mentioned his blind spot in knowledge. He really didn't know what the evacuation order was. But everything in the world has the same principles, and what Luo Xiao wants to say is nothing more than that in the face of the general trend from above, personal power is limited and it is difficult to resist...

But this is actually another classic cognitive misunderstanding. Boss Luo Xiao is thorough in business, but his knowledge is limited to business.

No matter how grand the layout is, it still needs people to execute it, so what needs to be solved is never illusory forces, but real people.

In this matter, Qingpingsi did not treat people well, so don't blame him for treating people wrongly.

It would be fine if the people in white, green and red in the little white building were united as one. But Wang Luo didn't believe that the current chaotic situation was what everyone in Qingyi wanted.

Wang Luo patted Luo Xiao on the shoulder: "Don't worry, just leave everything to me."

Luo Xiao was still a little nervous and restless, but when Wang Luo patted her on the shoulder, it was as if she was immersed in a hot spring in the ice and snow, and all the fear was gone.

"Huh...I know, I'll leave everything to you, brother!"


When Luo Xiao walked into the Xiaobai Building, he still felt the familiar expansion of space and the familiar brilliance of heaven. However, in addition to the familiar feeling, there was an inexplicable sense of disobedience, as if he had become an incompatible alien. Or maybe it's prey that has stepped into a trap.

Countless gazes with different thoughts, accompanied by invisible pressure, came from all directions, including Bai Yi sitting behind the counter, Qing Yi standing on the second floor looking down, Gray Yi cleaning the mess in the hall...

Some people were looking at it frequently, as if they were waiting to watch a show.

Some people frowned and curled their lips, as if they didn't care about what was about to happen.

"Brother..." Luo Xiao followed Wang Luo and spoke softly.

Wang Luo waved his hand: "You don't have to be so cautious when speaking. No matter how low your voice is, the Qingyi people can still hear it. If you have anything to say, you might as well say it clearly."

Luo Xiao had no choice but to bravely say: "They seem to have been prepared for a long time and knew that we were coming."

"It's better to be prepared in advance. The more preparation we do, the better it will be for us."

"The more advantageous?" Luo Xiao really couldn't understand.

“The more unpopular things I do, the easier it will be for me to deal with them.”


"Otherwise, do you think these Tsing Yi people, who spend most of their daily life on Stone Street, would really like to block a Taixu Station that they might have frequented in their daily lives despite the disdain of the locals? Do they really like to treat the above-board and aboveboard business? Are you not confident in your daily work?”

While the two were talking, Wang Luo had already walked towards the familiar counter with a gentle smile.

The familiar female in white clothes was pretending to sort documents behind the desk, deliberately ignoring Wang Luo's arrival.

It wasn't until Wang Luo walked all the way to her desk that she sighed helplessly and whispered: "I can hear what you just said and know what you are here for..."

Wang Luo kindly reminded: "Don't be so careful when speaking, no matter how loud your voice is..."

The woman in white immediately rolled her eyes and said loudly: "Then you should go back quickly, the complaint will not be accepted!"

"Really? Then I want to complain."

The female Baiyi laughed out of anger: "Who are you complaining about, me?"

"Of course not. I want to complain to Qingping Division for illegally sealing Luo Xiao's Taixu station. The person who enforced it at the time was..."

Luo Xiao quickly added: "It's Wu Xiong in Tsing Yi."

"Yes, we will file a complaint against Wu Xiong."

The woman in white tried hard to hold back her breath: "Didn't you hear what I said just now? Your complaint will not be accepted!"

"Why? Isn't it the right of every person to file a complaint according to the law?"

A man in white at the next table interrupted: "You have been listed as a typical case of the special rectification campaign. The adults have already concluded that this matter is an ironclad case, so of course your complaint will not be accepted."

Wang Luo smiled and asked: "Who said that complaints about typical cases and ironclad cases cannot be accepted?"

The man in white thought for a while, He couldn't help but smile: "Brother, you really stumped me. It seems that there is really no such rule. Unfortunately, it's useless to tell me this."

"Who should I talk to?"

The harmonious and friendly conversation was suddenly interrupted by someone. A sturdy man in green standing in the corner of the first floor hall saw Wang Luo and his friends chatting and laughing. He frowned and interrupted them sternly: "You two, if you want to make trouble, go out and make trouble. Don't disturb the normal work here!"

While speaking, the man in green walked over quickly, his face full of gloom and fierceness. He wanted to reach out to grab Luo Xiao, a commoner in front of him, by virtue of the power of the sky in the small white building.

The two white-clothed men behind the desk quickly restrained their expressions, retreated to their workstations, and dared not speak again.

Wang Luo turned his head and said, "Making trouble? We took numbers normally, made reasonable demands, and had friendly conversations. Which eye of yours saw someone making trouble? What qualifications do you have to ask us to leave?"

The man in green frowned, but unexpectedly, the official power of the man in green could not suppress the person in front of him, so he stopped talking nonsense and just stretched out his hand to pinch Luo Xiao's shoulder. His green clothes shone, leaving the bald boss without any resistance, and he knelt down.

However, when he was about to grab Wang Luo again, he felt his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, thumping, as if it was the alarm bell of the end of the law, foreshadowing the impending disaster.

But at this time, he was showing off his green power in public. I don't know how many colleagues on the second and third floors were watching him. How could he stop because of an abnormal heartbeat?

Gritting his teeth, he put his hand on Wang Luo's shoulder.

The next moment, Wang Luo smiled.

"Heh, maybe no one ordered you to do this. You just wanted to show off in front of your boss, so you acted on your own."

These words made the Qingyi's heart beat faster, and an unprecedented sense of fear spread.

Then, he found that he couldn't even lift Wang Luo. With his Jindan-level cultivation and a set of Qingyi magic weapons, he could even take down those big figures of the upper-grade Chengdan in the Qingyi home court of Xiaobailou, but he couldn't lift a foundation-building one at this time.

He only felt that his hand seemed to have fallen into a bottomless abyss. True essence, strength, and even courage were rapidly fading away!

At the same time, Wang Luo was still talking: "You are mediocre in ability, clumsy in mind, and you forget your roots when you see profit. You have a bad reputation in Qingping Division. Not only can you not win the trust of your colleagues, but you can't please your superiors. Your situation in the workplace is like a dog that has lost its home and a rat crossing the street. So now that you see us, you think your chance has come and you can abuse your power to flatter the superiors... You are worse than a beast. It is really defiled to wear a green robe on you."

When Wang Luo said this, every word was like a heavy hammer, hammering the green-clothed man's face pale step by step, and as the last word fell, the green-clothed man's heartbeat like a drum also turned into a heavy explosion sound.

An invisible Dao heart that had long been covered in dust shattered on the spot with Wang Luo's words.

The Dao heart was broken, and the law backfired. In an instant, the green-clothed man fell to the ground with blood flowing from his seven orifices, and his official clothes also faded rapidly.

The whole audience was shocked.

The white-clad people behind the window retreated in horror, while the blue-clad people watching the show on the second and third floors looked at each other. Some were happy to see the bad guys suffer, but more were at a loss when they saw their colleagues fall to the ground.

Some people held the golden seal on their waists and subconsciously wanted to subdue Wang Luo at all costs, but when they saw the bloodshot eyes and faded blue-clad colleagues on the ground, they remembered the experience of a deputy team leader in a barbecue restaurant on Shi Street a few days ago... The courage to take action was reduced by one or two points. And when he thought of those adults who insisted on their own way and caused the current situation, he was even less interested in getting involved in this matter.

Some people just stood up and wanted to do something, but seeing that everyone around them was restrained, either intentionally or unintentionally, they simply pretended to be stupid.

For a while, there was silence in the small white building!

Wang Luo looked around, observing the reactions of the people, and couldn't help but smile.

He bowed and saluted everyone.

Xie Gongdao is still in people's hearts.

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