Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 33 The correct high profile is low profile

When Wang Luo bowed, even the most radical Qingyi had no intention of using force against him.

Without the impulse to use force, people can naturally calm down and think about more things.

For example, does this broken Dao heart look familiar?

It has been two days since Li Dongyang's broken heart in Shijie Street. Everyone in Qingping Division knows about it, but the fact that the Dao heart is broken is too rare, so few people will associate it with someone in the Shijie barbecue restaurant.

The only reasonable explanation is that Li Dongyang's mentality is too bad and his luck is even worse. By chance, he actually broke his own Dao heart, becoming a big joke in the history of Qingping Division that can be remembered for a hundred years.

But in addition to Li Dongyang, there is also Sha Shuang, whose Dao heart was also inexplicably damaged, but it did not break on the spot, and the symptoms were slightly lighter.

At this moment, seeing that the colleague lying on the ground has become the same as Li Dongyang, this makes people have to pick up the impossible possibility...

Who in this world can break a person's Dao heart?

Just when people were in a state of uncertainty, a dusty man in blue walked in from the outside of the small white building.

As soon as they entered the door, the stagnant atmosphere in the lobby relaxed. Many blue-clothed and white-clothed people who were highly nervous could not help but feel relieved when they saw the man's face.

"Brother Han!"

"Senior Han Yu..."

Han Yu reached out to wipe the pancake crumbs on his hands on his collar, frowned, and said loudly: "What's going on? No one cares about my colleague lying on the ground?!"

A white-clothed man behind the counter shrank and said: "Brother Han, someone... uh, committing a crime?"

Han Yu said: "I know, I just saw it through the tree eyes in the building. Wu Fan flattered... oh, he was eager to make a contribution, and he committed a crime against civilians in public, and as a result, his Tao heart exploded."

This made countless people's eyes almost pop out of their sockets.

In your opinion, is it Wu Fan in blue who committed the crime? !

"What else? Do you want to say that the perpetrators were Wang Luo and Luo Xiao, who did not move at all and only said a few strange words?" Han Yu sighed, "The dignified Qingyi couldn't catch someone on their own territory, and their Dao heart exploded. Then others slandered the captured party as the perpetrator. Please, everyone, have some shame."

The colleagues who were ridiculed as shameless immediately cast angry eyes at the white-clothed newcomer who first mentioned the word "murder" by mistake.

Fortunately, Han Yu changed the subject at this time: "But even if Wu Fan was to blame for his own fault and exploded himself, he was still a registered Qingyi. Are you going to let him lie on the ground and embarrass himself? Li Ge, didn't you graduate from Youren College? You also got an excellent evaluation for your medical skills. Hurry up and give him first aid!"

Li Ge, who was called by name, was the white-clothed woman who had been taught the way of physical cultivation by Wang Luo many times before. Hearing this, she quickly flew out from behind the counter and leaned over to look at the unconscious Wu Fan.

"Yes, it is indeed the backlash caused by the broken Dao Heart. Fortunately, the injury is not serious, just unconscious."

Han Yu nodded: "Well, with his character, he obviously didn't get any benefits from the Dao Heart on weekdays, so the backlash is not serious. Take him to the pool to soak."

Then, he walked to Wang Luo's side and smiled: "It's eye-opening, worthy of being the first Jade Master."

Wang Luo said: "The Jade Master is Shi Yue, I'm just her father."

"...Okay, anyway, you are here to complain, right? Xiao Zhao, come and receive them."

The person who was named was the white-clothed man who was sitting next to Li Ge and chatting and laughing with Wang Luo before. Hearing this, he laughed again: "Brother Han, but the above said..."

Han Yu glared at him: "What? It is not allowed to handle a normal complaint process? Who said that?"

"Of course it is...Oh, no, no, no one has said such a blatant violation of the law. Anyway, it is definitely not me who said it." The white-clothed man said while being overjoyed.

Han Yu glared even harder: "Don't be a joke! Accept it as usual. If any of the blue-clothed and red-clothed people above feel that it is inappropriate, let him come to me." At this time, there were countless blue-clothed and red-clothed people watching the show on the second and third floors, but no one came to Han Yu to complain about it. Han Yu said to Wang Luo: "Okay, your requests will be accepted as usual soon. But Qingping Division has always been busy, and it may not be able to handle your complaints in time..." Wang Luo said: "So I am going to supervise your work here. If there are those who deliberately shirk and delay, or those who do not distinguish right from wrong when handling, and violate the law, they will just lie with the person on the ground..." Han Yu took a breath: "Isn't this a bit overbearing?!" Wang Luo said: "Not as overbearing as your seal." "...Your words are hard to respond." "Don't worry, I still have to be reasonable when doing things. Those who enforce the law and have a clear conscience don't have to worry about anything. The staff of your company, Just perform your duties according to the oath you swore to the Great Law when you put on your official uniform, and you will be safe.

Han Yu was a little curious and asked: "What if we follow the formal procedures, but still have to close your website? After all, if you insist on strictly following the law, the seal may not be unreasonable.

Wang Luo said: "That means there is something wrong with your process, and it should be corrected."


"Even if it is as respected as the Great Law, the lawyers will make various adjustments because it is not adapted to the needs of reality. How come your Qingping Division's business process is flawless and cannot be moved? The closure of Boss Luo's website is whether Qingping Division is enforcing the law impartially or maliciously using the rules. You should know it well. "

Han Yu said: "But you are not a lawyer."

Wang Luo said: "So I can't change your rules. I can only use my own way to urge you to change them."

Han Yu was silent for a long time before saying, "Brother, with such a high profile, aren't you afraid of being treated as a monster and sent for dissection?"

Wang Luo said: "Who will decide whether I am the monster that should be dissected? The one lying on the ground? Or someone hiding upstairs? I got my own Jianmu seed under the supervision of the Great Law. I am an upright Zhuwang countryman. Treating me as a monster means blatantly trampling on the laws of a country. I wonder how many Taoist hearts that person can break?"

Han Yuruo realized something.

Wang Luo added: "The Great Law is the foundation of civilization in the new world, and both Qingyi and other officials use the Great Law to exercise their authority. Therefore, when taking office, they must swear to the Great Law and enforce the law impartially. This oath has formed your Taoist heart. This Taoist heart is not only the basis for the governments of various countries to win the trust of the people, but also the restraint of the law on the law enforcers. Therefore, although this restraint has not been implemented in the past few years. If it is not in place, there are often people who are corrupt and bend the law without losing their Taoist heart. However, among the political powers of the five states and hundreds of countries established based on the great law, no one dares to deny the authority of the Taoist heart. Among them, Zhu Wang, as the leader of the hundred countries, is even more powerful. It is the biggest beneficiary under the Great Law System, so anywhere in Zhuwang, if you ask any expert, scholar, or official leader, there can only be one conclusion: Taoist heart is broken by oneself. . And I just happened to meet it. ”

After saying these words, not only Han Yu was silent, but the entire Xiaobai Building fell into a deathly silence.

In the silence, Wang Luo took out a well-printed booklet.

"Zhuwang General Education Textbook for Young Children"

"It's just social common sense that you can learn and sell now. It's not worth being so shocked. You should really read the book more often."

Han Yu sighed: "I have learned a lesson..."

At this time, Xiao Zhao, who was called to accept the complaint, was also overjoyed and immediately completed the complaint acceptance process, and then said excitedly: "The complaint has been transferred to the prison hall. After that, according to the regulations , Jianmutang should conduct preliminary processing within two working days..."

Han Yu said: "This is indeed the rule of Qingping Division. Two working days is not too much. You don't think it's too slow, right?"

Wang Luo said: "As long as everything is in accordance with the law, it doesn't matter whether I am too fast or too slow. But whether it is fast or slow, whether it is handled impartially or deliberately delayed, I believe the people in Jianmutang know well."

After a pause, Wang Luo's voice was slightly cold: "If you really don't know what to do, you have to bear the consequences."

Han Yu sighed again: "You are so domineering that I can hardly hold it back... There is no need to worry about the Prison Hall. You are not the same as some people. I guess it won't take long for your complaint to be dealt with."

"Oh, since it doesn't take long, I'll wait here."

"You consider this your home?!"

As he spoke, the magic talisman around Han Yu's waist suddenly flashed, and a young man's voice came from it: "Brother Han, someone in the north of Wanxin Bridge reported a robbery. Please come quickly..."

Wang Luoyi cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Han Qingyi."

"Wearing official clothes, you deserve to work hard." Han Yu said, showing his first sincere smile after walking into the small white building, "Okay, there is something else to do here, and I have already said the words I should say. It’s over, I won’t chat with you anymore.”

"Go slowly, don't send me away."

"...You really think of this as your home, don't you?"

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