Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 408 A Fierce Friendship

The roots of troubles!

After seeing Chang Feiran's sluggishness, Ma Cong immediately popped this word into his mind.

In fact, Ma Cong has been familiar with the term "beauties are a disaster" since he was ignorant of memories. Later, as he grew older and became more youthful, he met some friends of the same age at Meng College, and he became even more deeply impressed by this.

Even after many years, he still clearly remembered the scene when he was taken to the school field by his teacher and whipped with a whip for hiding a pornographic book secretly given to him by his friend.

He was originally a talented and well-educated child from another family, and he had never lacked prestige among his peers. But that day, on the school field, under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes, and with the sound of the teacher's unyielding whipping, all the vanity in the past disappeared.

He would never forget that among the onlookers, there was a senior sister who was as delicate as orchid. It was the white moonlight that inspired his youth. However, the cold crescent moon only cast a heart-breaking look of disgust at him.

The regret and shame I felt at that time are truly unforgettable.

Many years after graduating from Mongolian Academy, when Ma Cong had achieved some success in Youcheng Military Academy, he unexpectedly met Bai Yueguang again. The senior sister has become more beautiful, and there is a bit of charm in her delicacy, which makes people fascinated. After not seeing each other for so many years, the embarrassment in Meng Academy was certainly not worth it. The senior sister still treated him kindly and tenderly.

But he was still like the naughty child back then, unable to express his inner feelings. He and his senior sister simply drank a cup of tea, chatted for a while, then waved goodbye, and so far they have not been able to see each other again.

Because the senior sister was already married at that time. Her lover was her junior fellow student at Meng College, and she was also a close friend of Ma Cong.

In this regard, Ma Cong was not angry at being betrayed, but felt that fate was playing tricks on people. Back then, that friend was lagging behind him in almost everything at Meng College. Even his feelings for the little senior sister were something Ma Cong didn't dare to express among his friends because he had a crush on him.

But I didn't expect that Ma Cong would make a big mistake later and ruin everything, while those who were lagging behind would grow steadily and have the last laugh. Therefore, Ma Cong would inevitably think that if he had not lost his mind and had to leave behind the poorly printed booklet, maybe everything would have developed as usual and he would have been the one to win Bai Yueguang in the end?

A few years later, Ma Cong has become a member of the elite frontline troops. He was fortunate enough to follow Chang Feiran, the king of soldiers, and accumulated some military exploits. After experiencing the baptism of actual combat with Desolation, for him, the stories of his student days were like faded scrolls. He couldn't even remember the taste of the tea when he had tea with his senior sister a few years ago, nor could he remember when his senior sister laughed. , the angle at which the eyes are narrowed.

The white moonlight had become dim and blurry, leaving almost only an outline.

Only a poorly printed booklet and the woman on the cover who was dressed in a return to nature are still vivid in my mind!

Also fresh in his memory are the excited whispers from his friends when they handed him the pamphlet.

"Brother Ma, look at this! Doesn't this woman look like a senior sister!?"

Yes, it's really similar.

If not, why did he take such a big risk and hide the pamphlet in his storage bag?

If not, how could he, after experiencing such serious humiliation, still secretly hide the pamphlet and keep it to this day, sometimes sighing at it, beauty is a disaster?

For a moment, Ma Cong held the ivy in his hand and glanced at the captain from the corner of his eye, but the charming smile of the woman in the book with heavy makeup appeared in his mind.

"Hey, Ma Cong, wake up!"

Next to him, Gong Daozi struck with a divine sword, causing Ma Cong's soul to hurt. Only then did he realize that he had been distracted for too long, and his hands were still subconsciously pulling the cane back, almost pulling the woman into his arms!

Ma Cong quickly let go of his hand and blushed: "Sorry, I was distracted."

Gong Daozi said angrily: "Did you do it on purpose or because you were distracted?! If I don't hold you back, you will be preparing to defend yourself when you are punished by military law! You are really good at molesting civilian girls during patrol!"

Ma Cong's eyebrows furrowed when he heard this. Although Gong Daozi was usually a bit talkative, his temper was quite gentle and he had a good relationship with him. Why was he suddenly so aggressive now?

But Gong Daozi still refused to give up, and said in a strange tone: "Old Ma, haven't you always liked Bai Yueguang back then? You can't forget her even after she got married, so why did you break up when you saw someone more beautiful?"

Ma Cong suddenly became angry and wanted to curse his mother.

But when the words came to my mouth, I felt a little strange.

Gong Daozi's words were so intense that he was obviously deliberately targeting him. But when he came, he was still chatting and laughing with me. This change of attitude was too fast, right? It was as if he was telling someone... on purpose.

Realizing this, Ma Cong immediately discovered that the unconscious woman on the other side of Qingteng was actually awake, but she was just pretending to be unconscious and secretly observing the three of them.

This girl has a cautious personality and is very good at pretending to be asleep. At this time, her muscles were relaxed and her breathing was slow. It looked like she was in a coma. However, under the entanglement of the Ivy Technique, the woman's energy and blood were flowing and her true energy was fluctuating... In the eyes of Ma Cong, the person who assisted in the technique, it was clearly visible. Pretending to be asleep seems a bit self-deceptive.

So, what even Ma Cong could see, Gong Daozi could also see.

And precisely because he saw it, he did not hesitate to camaraderie with his comrades and blatantly spread rumors to belittle himself?

Ma Cong felt ridiculous for a moment, and then became angry, and couldn't help but retorted.

"If you really want the marching method, why don't you ask for it first? When the Military Academy taught you to use the Ivy Technique to save people, did they also teach you to use tortoise shell binding to bind them? And just to pull people out of the pit, there shouldn't be any need to use the Ivy Technique. Put another layer of [Ruyi Zhi] on it to assimilate the sense of touch!"

As soon as these words came out, Gong Daozi's eyes suddenly widened and he thought, "When the hell did I ever use Ruyi Zhi?" When did you dare to act like a gangster in front of the captain...

Even the girl opened her eyes immediately, struggled violently, and screamed hoarsely for help.


Seeing that the situation was about to be ruined by the two people's rumors about each other, Chang Feiran let out a low roar, and the power of the Nascent Soul level spread out, causing everyone to stop.

Then, facing the shivering and trembling woman, Chang Feiran sighed, cupped his hands and said, "Girl, I'm sorry to frighten you. The two people just talked nonsense. Don't take it seriously. Ivy is just an ordinary tree. There is absolutely no extraneous or evil magic. We are soldiers from the Shenfeng Battalion of the Dinghuang Army. I am Chang Feiran, the captain of Shenfeng. These two people are Gong Daozi and Ma Cong. When I heard your call for help just now, girl, I immediately Come to the rescue."

His words were mature and steady, and there was a hint of reassuring and focused divine consciousness in his voice, which soon made the woman's anxiety disappear, and she was replaced with a gentle and reassuring smile.

"Thank you, thank you for your help!"

Although she was unable to stand and salute due to her injury, the woman bowed her head deeply, as if to press her face into her chest, with a sincere and polite gesture.

Ma Cong's heart, which had just been filled with anger, was immediately illuminated by a ray of bright moonlight, and all his anger was gone. Even Gong Daozi's pretty face looked much more pleasing to the eye.

After calming down and looking at the woman again, Ma Cong was even more amazed.

When I looked at the pit from a distance, I saw that the woman was charming and charming. But actually when I looked closer, I realized that this girl actually had a delicate and soft look. I felt pity for Xiaojiabiyu's appearance, but her charming style mostly came from the graceful and attractive curves of her body. This kind of contrast fascinated Ma Cong the most, and he couldn't help but feel his heart beat for a moment.

But with the coercion of captain Chang Feiran's Nascent Soul, he could not think of any other thoughts for the moment. He just restrained his mind, did not look away, and then used his peripheral vision to appreciate the unique beauty of the woman's delicacy and charm.

On the other side, Chang Feiran was completely unmoved by beauty, and asked in a business-like manner: "This place is a military controlled area. Does the girl know that it is against the law to trespass here?"

The woman nodded slightly, with a bitter look on her face: "I'm sorry... Of course I know, but there is really no other way. I have a friend who disappeared here five days ago..."

"Missing?" Chang Feiran couldn't help but frown.

In the past few days, more and more people have come to the military-controlled area to commit suicide for the sake of traffic in Taixu Qinglu, and there are also many people who have broken into the area due to "accidents".

But everyone who breaks in will eventually be caught on the spot by patrol soldiers, and then recorded in the case and handed over to Qingping Division for processing. Although as the situation here becomes more serious, accidents occur more and more frequently, but after all, the entire area is within the formation, and there are no missing persons left here.

Chang Feiran asked patiently: "Have you ever asked Qingpingsi?"

"I asked, and they said they had never seen my friend before. They also said... and said that if someone disappears because of trespassing into a restricted area, he deserves to die, and it is not worth wasting precious manpower on search and rescue."

When Ma Cong heard this, he couldn't help frowning and scolding: "What are these words?"

Gong Daozi sneered: "It's almost the exact words you said on the way to save people. Before I saw her beauty with my own eyes, I don't think you were in a hurry to save people."


"Hmph!" Seeing the argument reappear, Chang Feiran was not used to the two people's problems, and issued a forced order from his mind, immediately blocking the two people's ability to speak.

On the other side, the woman just smiled bitterly and shook her head: "These days, there are a lot of people running around in the restricted area. Maybe Qingpingsi can't bear the disturbance. I don't blame them for being in a hurry, but my friend has indeed been missing for a long time. , can’t wait..."

Chang Feiran asked: "How are you sure she came here?"

"Because she said this to me personally before... She used to make original paintings with me in the scroll workshop. We were very good colleagues. Later, the workshop collapsed... I, I recommend that she try to run Taixu Qinglu, but her career is not going well. A few days ago, she heard that the topic of pioneering the frontier was very popular, so she said that she would try her luck here. "

As she said that, the woman looked guilty and lowered her head to apologize: "I'm sorry for causing you trouble, but my friend's parents happened to be seriously ill at home and needed money urgently, and he didn't want to be helped by relatives and friends, so he took the risk..."

Chang Feiran asked again: "Do you think that you recommended her to run Qinglu in the first place, so you are also responsible for her disappearance? If you can't ask Qingping Si for help, why don't you just come to save her yourself?"

"..." Although the woman was silent, the answer was obvious.

In response to this, Ma Cong felt as if there was a bright moon shining on the snow, and he felt a clear feeling in his heart!

What a beautiful and kind-hearted girl! This is the real white moonlight!

On the other side, Chang Feiran couldn't help but sigh: "You haven't thought about it. You are not a professional search and rescue person. If you come here, what else can you do besides catching up with yourself?"

The woman gritted her teeth and said, "I have made serious preparations, but I didn't expect the situation here to be much more complicated than I expected. After going deep into a certain area, most of the magic weapons are completely ineffective. Not long ago, I vaguely locked my friend's position nearby, but when I was climbing the rocks, I was in a hurry and didn't notice that the rocks under my feet were extremely fragile..."

As she spoke, she held up the broken flower plate in her hand again.

"This is my friend's favorite photo-taking flower plate. Not long ago, she changed to a professional style and gave it to me... But there is still a mark of her consciousness on it. By tracing, I can clearly determine her current approximate location. It is in this restricted area, not far away. Excuse me, can you please go and save her!"

After speaking, she struggled hard, as if she was going to kneel down and beg for help regardless of her broken leg injury.

Ma Cong and Gong Daozi on the side also swayed, as if they were going to kneel down and beg Chang Feiran to save people.

But at this moment, looking at the beautiful girl, looking at Chang Feiran with a sad and pleading face, with no trace of other people in her eyes... Ma Cong suddenly felt something else in his heart.

Tsk tsk, he is worthy of being the soldier king Zhu Wang. It is a natural and necessary drama for a hero to save a beauty.

When the troops were sent to rescue people just now, they clearly told the people who stayed behind not to allow any unnecessary troubles, and not to leave the camp without permission even if the sky collapsed in front of them.

But now that there is a beautiful woman's plea, all principles and rules can be thrown out of the Gangfeng layer!

Haha, when we go back from this operation, we must summarize it and report it to the military judges. Normal Feiran, the dignified soldier king Zhu Wang, should not care about one or two violations!

Just when Ma Cong was thinking so indignantly, he saw from the corner of his eye that a fire similar to his own seemed to be ignited beside him!

He tilted his head, but saw Gong Daozi also staring at Chang Feiran's back with a ferocious face, obviously thinking the same thing as himself!

At this moment, the evil fire in Ma Cong's heart was half extinguished.

Wait, what's wrong? Do I like to be jealous so much? ! Even in the most ignorant and ignorant days of Meng Academy, he just hid pornographic books!

However, after finally regaining some rationality, Ma Cong saw that the captain Chang Feiran, who had always behaved as tough as a rock, moved his feet slightly, just exposing the twisted faces of the two men behind him to the woman!

In an instant, Ma Cong seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, and then it seemed that a fire was ignited under his feet.

Chang Feiran, it turns out that everything is caused by you, the beast!

Under the interaction of water and fire, the true energy in the body surged continuously, and the strong seal cast by Chang Feiran was immediately shaky.

However, just when it was ready to go, a red cloud in the sky approached like lightning.

A gentle voice sounded in the ears of several people, just like a breeze, blowing away all the filth.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?"

As he spoke, the man turned his head and looked at the woman in distress on the ground. His deep and gentle eyes suddenly flashed with a strange light.

"Fan Li? I haven't seen you for two years. When did you change your career and become a beauty who brings disaster?"

(It's two in one)

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