Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 409: Incompetence

Seeing Fan Li again, Wang Luo was both amazed and surprised.

I am amazed that the little girl whom I once felt pity for after not seeing her for two years turned out to be so beautiful. In terms of pure appearance, Fan Li is roughly the same as Shi Yue, but her pitiful temperament and plump and graceful figure allow her to release an irresistible allure.

I was surprised that after not seeing each other for two years, the little girl who was troubled by the problems of her original family and once wanted to go to the underground prison of Qingping Division to seek liberation, now turned out to be the troublemaker who single-handedly brought down three elite anti-famine troops.

If Wang Luo had come a moment and a half later, there would have been at least two more corpses beside the pit, or maybe four if it was serious. After all, when jealousy comes to a head, total annihilation is quite common...

Fan Li was naturally aware of the strange phenomena of the people around him - women were always particularly sensitive to the good and bad thoughts and body odors around them - so the uneasiness between his brows and eyes could no longer be concealed. At this time, when I saw Wang Luo descending from the sky and heard him mention beauty as a disaster, I suddenly felt anxious and could not help but shrink back.

But this movement caused Wang Luotian's clear energy to turn into turbidity, once again affecting the hostility of the three people around him. In an instant, the three people turned enemies into friends, and looked at Wang Luo with the same hatred and hatred.

This time, even Chang Feiran was not immune.

Wang Luo raised his eyebrows and marveled: "It's amazing, even the King of Soldiers was directly attacked! The situation here is indeed getting more and more serious, and we can't delay it any longer, then..."

Seeing that the surrounding air was becoming more and more solemn, as if a war was about to begin, Wang Luo took out a handsome seal calmly.

"look here."

The next moment, three arrogant black armor warriors knelt down on the spot and bowed their heads deeply in front of the commander's seal. Even Chang Feiran was no exception.

The commander's seal borrowed from Marshal Guan Tiejun has magical powers that can suppress millions of Zhuwang troops. In terms of the level of the magic weapon, it is an out-and-out Mahayana magic weapon. Its power and effectiveness are second only to the throne of the Amyrlin.

A mere Nascent Soul-level Soldier King, even with the Soldier King Jade Talisman attached to him, cannot withstand the suppression of this natural rank.

Under the dim light of the handsome seal, Chang Feiran and others were unable to control even the smallest fluctuations of their spiritual thoughts. Don't talk about being jealous for a while, even after some passion, you can see through the trance of the world without desires and desires.

As the faces of several people gradually softened, Wang Luo curled his lips and said, "Sit down."

So the three of them sat on the same spot, their expressions softened and settled, but their postures were meticulous, waiting for the master of the handsome seal to give instructions.

"Well, here is a military formation design problem. The three of you can brainstorm the solution."

With that said, Wang Luo handed a scroll with gold and jade patterns to Chang Feiran. The King of Soldiers unfolded the scroll and was immediately attracted by the puzzle in the scroll. He and his two subordinates were immersed in it and remained silent.

Then Wang Luo stopped caring about these three people and looked at Fan Li with interest.

After not seeing each other for two years, Fan Li has obviously experienced a lot, and there are particularly attractive signs of maturity on his body. But these traces did not make her calm and brave. On the contrary, Fan Li was obviously more shy and timid than before, and for a while he didn't even dare to raise his eyes to look directly at Wang Luo.

Wang Luo then comforted him with gentle words: "Don't be afraid. I know that this matter has nothing to do with you. You are purely involved. In addition, there is no need to worry about those three people. The papers are the final test questions expected to be asked in this year's Immortal Alliance Formation Breaking Competition. , the question maker from Rongcheng Academy gave it to me, to be honest, I can’t do it, so you don’t have to worry about those three people, they can solve it here until they die.”

Fan Li was stunned for a while, then reluctantly nodded and smiled.

Wang Lu then asked with a smile: "Long time no see, why did you come here? And you were injured? Could it be that under the shining banner of pioneering, the young man was so passionate that he joined the army and went to the front line to fight the enemy?"

Fan Li felt dizzy at this string of passionate words and said quickly: "I, I'm here to find a friend."

After that, he stuttered and prepared to retell the story just now. However, Wang Luo was not in a hurry to get to the point and still chatted with her.

"Oh, have you made friends? What kind of people are they? Are they good to you? Can we, the old neighbors on Stone Street, trust you and entrust you to each other?"

Fan Li was speechless for a long time, but finally smiled, and the tension in her heart gradually subsided, and then she began to tell a simple story about her past two years.

To sum up, in the past two years, Fan Li has solved the difficulties of her original family and found a new career - Taixu Qinglu, which she used to run part-time, unexpectedly gained popularity and gradually became her main business. And her main business has boosted her popularity for original paintings, allowing her to continuously receive invitations from all walks of life as a freelance artist, and her life is completely on the right track.

In addition, she also made good friends. In addition to her original neighbors, she included Han Xingyan, an inmate who had lived together in prison, and a female colleague from Sheniu whom she had a good relationship with back then.

"Her surname is Shu and her given name is Shu Quan. We... were very close when we were in the workshop."

"She has a good personality and is a good painter, but she has bad luck. After the previous workshop closed down, she found another workshop, but met a shady boss. She worked in vain for several months and gained nothing. She usually spends money. She spent a lot of money and suddenly felt embarrassed... Then by chance, we met again on Stone Street. She now lives in the south wing where Uncle Qin lived before, and she usually paints, but she obviously prefers to run Qinglu..."

As Fan Li softly told his friend's story, Wang Luo listened patiently, inserting a well-timed question from time to time to control the rhythm of the story.

At the same time, he kept pinching his fingers behind his left hand to calculate.

Consider Fan Li's story, consider the protagonist Shu Quan who appears in her story, and consider how closely all of this is related to the current vision in Red Ridge.

Emotionally speaking, Wang Luo didn't want to doubt Fan Li. Although they had only met a few times in the past, Fan Li left a good impression on him.

But rationally, he had no reason not to doubt Fan Li. A timid and cowardly little girl, she met again in the red land on the front line of pioneering, surrounded by three Xuanjia Dinghuang soldiers who were about to kill each other and fight against each other.

If this picture were placed in the actual scene inspection questions of various countries' military academies, the correct answer would definitely be Fan Li Hua Huang. But in Wang Luo's view, Fan Li was really insulated from the desolation, and the strange phenomena in her body were purely caused by external forces. However, even from Wang Luo's perspective, he couldn't see clearly what this external force was.

Even though this place is located on the edge of the Baili Mountain Fortress, only a few dozen miles away from the wasteland, it is still within the Dinghuang Barrier. It is an out-and-out Immortal Alliance territory... What kind of desolate magical power can penetrate the wasteland without relying on infiltration? Using the Desolate Demon as the fulcrum, directly on the wasteland, extending his hand into the Dinghuang Barrier, directly affecting the sanity of King Zhu Wangbing?

In the past more than a thousand years of deforestation history, there is almost no precedent!

The only way to resolve the current conflict is to calculate.

Taking into account Fan Li, the person directly involved, her words and deeds, her little story, every detail related to her... Through careful questioning, she pieced together all the conditions, and used her own condensed Divine consciousness is the basis, and the left hand's finger tips are the guide, affecting an invisible formation to deduce the truth.

When using calculation arrays to integrate fragmented information and determine the truth, generally speaking, the error will be quite large. But the formation Wang Luo was hosting at this time was particularly different.

Its theoretical framework was designed and completed in 1100 of the New Immortal Calendar. After that, it took the Xianmeng 70 years to complete the practical application of the theory, and another 30 years to actually build the array and put it into practice. Its comprehensive computing power is so powerful that Wang Luo has never seen it before, and it is even more powerful than Daheng Siming's star-steering array.

The formation does not borrow the power of the stars in the sky, nor does it rely on the mountains and rivers, but integrates the brainpower of tens of thousands of practitioners... Now in the logistics area east of Lingshan, there is a majestic building with bright fairy lights, among which It accommodates tens of thousands of people from hundreds of countries. These people have to enter the building every day, sit down and meditate in their own arithmetic array, and then sink their spiritual thoughts into the grand array and become a part of the grand array. Tens of thousands of links resonate together with mysterious force, and they have the ability to deduce the sun, moon, stars, and all things in the world.

And with this almost unquestionable powerful computing power, Wang Luo quickly made a comprehensive analysis of Fan Li's story.

She wasn't lying, but her story wasn't entirely correct either.

The girl named Shu Quan was not as nice as Fan Li said. They were not that close to each other when they were in the workshop.

She is a girl who loves glitz and cannot bear her temper. Although she is not a bad person, she always has her own little thoughts. Her close relationship with Fan Li was entirely due to her deliberate management.

More than a year ago, during an encounter on Stone Street, Shu Quan was surprised to find that the inconspicuous Fan Li in the past was actually living a good life on Stone Street! Live well, be popular, and have a prosperous career!

So, she used a mask called Cheerful Sunshine to break into Fan Li's life without any explanation, and then offered small favors and became Fan Li's best friend. During this period, of course she really liked Fan Li, and she really helped Fan Li solve a lot of troubles with her fierce temperament. Many times she actually considered herself Fan Li's biological sister... But in the final analysis, of course, she I want to use Fan Li's resources for whoring.

Not only does he have a high-quality residence like the ancestral home of the Shi family, but he also knows Shi Yue, who is already a big shot. He is also well-known in Taixu Qinglu, his career is booming, and he frequently receives business orders from many wealthy households... How can he not with such a big body? hug?

However, the person who was hugged was completely unaware that she was being used for free. Instead, she was more and more moved by the small daily favors from her best friend. After her best friend risked her life to seek wealth but unfortunately disappeared, Fan Li was even more anxious than her best friend's biological parents. As soon as his head got hot, he took advantage of the fullness of the golden elixir in his belly, urgently read some wilderness survival textbooks, and hurriedly broke into the restricted area.

Then he almost died.

But even though she was seriously injured, and almost became the beauty's trouble, and was involved in a battle of the king's level, her first priority at this time was to find her best friend!

"Wang, Master Wang, you have always had great powers. Can you, please, help me find Quan'er! She has been missing for so long, I am really worried about her..."

Wang Luo also put away his left hand behind his back at this time - the computing power carrying a large array of ten thousand people was also a heavy load for him. Normally, this required an array within an array, co-hosted by more than ten senior professors , rather than one person controlling the power of ten thousand people. Now that he has come to a conclusion, he will no longer force the main formation.

The conclusion is obvious. This Fan Li met a female scumbag and then fell deeply into it.

As expected of being a prison cellmate with Han Xingyan, the two are indeed destined!

And it is reasonable for her to appear in the restricted area at this time. After all, the frontline restricted area is already riddled with holes. Any Qinglu Lord can drive straight in... Those small-probability events are controlled by an invisible hand. It has become inevitable under manipulation.

But after breaking into the penalty area and changing jobs, the disaster of being a beauty cannot be explained by a small probability event.

Chang Feiran, Ma Cong and Gong Daozi, these three people have all been listed in front of the front-line marshal Guan Tiejun. Although the military rank is not high, the military rank of the Shenfeng Battalion is two levels higher than that of other battalions. Every soldier is selected from the best, and their strength and temperament are impeccable... Such people, even if they really want to seduce them with beauty, they must be carefully designed and work slowly.

Expecting love at first sight, the three comrades in the same team will be blinded by lubrication and jealous... I'm afraid only Lu Zhiyao will draw such a story in the book.

Chang Feiran and others were obviously touched by the invisible hand, and as for Fan Li, she was just a medium to confuse their hearts. If other women were here at this time, the effect would be similar, and even if it was Xiao Li from Zhou Guo, it might not be impossible to have a similar effect.

However, the only thing that can be determined at this time is that the three people were controlled by the brain. Where did the invisible hand come from? How could it easily break through the protection of the Dinghuang barrier and directly cover the Yuanying-level soldier king... At this time, there is no clue.

Even if the parties involved are directly included in the calculation, and the power of ten thousand people is used to deduce, there is actually no trace!

However, sometimes no result is also a result. If there is no trace after calculating with the ten thousand people array, it can only mean that the trace has been blocked from the root.

Then, this ten thousand people array, based on many factors such as security, does have some shielding issues, so... At present, this result has helped him narrow the scope of deduction.

For a while, although Wang Luo put away the array, he fell into deep thought, and a little spiritual light flickered in his mind.

But just when the spiritual light was about to take shape, Wang Luo suddenly felt his consciousness shaking, and the outline of the spiritual light suddenly dispersed.

In front of him, a strong light was particularly eye-catching.

It was Fan Li who lit the colorful light used to draw pictures out of thin air on his fingertips.

"Master, this is what Quan'er looks like..."

Fan Li said, while enduring the pain in her body, and pinched a spell, and then with the gesture of her fingers, a bright and lively female face appeared in front of Wang Luo.

This painting skill is quite wonderful, and the woman in the painting is also sweet and lovely, but Wang Luo can only shake his head helplessly after seeing it.

When the truth is about to be revealed, a ray of light interrupts his thoughts. This kind of coincidence...

Can it happen to me?

(Or two in one)

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