Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 418 A Match Made in Heaven

Hai Qingyun's hesitant explanation was soon understood by his colleagues.

"Well, patients are the most important thing in the world. Since you still have patients, let's put this celebration banquet on the account first. When we visit Zhuwang in the future, remember to make it up to us."

"Or if you are willing to move to Ziwu and stay as a guest for one or two years or ten or eight years, I will definitely arrange a celebration banquet for you every meal."

Amidst the laughter, Gong Daozi silently lowered the cloud flag behind Hai Qingyun, and the famous doctors from hundreds of countries gradually waved their hands and disappeared in the formation.

Finally, Hai Qingyun shook his head, turned to look at Wang Luo, and said with a bow: "Then, mountain master, I still have patients to take care of..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a young doctor in white clothes in a snow-white building next to the fortress. He looked panicked and stepped on the military rainbow light like a flying sword. However, his cultivation was not good enough. When he came in front of Hai Qingyun, the rainbow light under his feet flashed, and he fell to the ground, and his nosebleed dragged a long "——·······" on the sand.

"No, it's not good." Although his face was bruised, the young doctor was unaware of it. After struggling to get up from the ground, he said anxiously, "Mr. Hai! The patient's condition has relapsed again. Please go and have a look..."

Hearing this, Hai Qingyun's face became gloomy on the spot: "That brat, it started again?!"

The young doctor nodded vigorously: "It's heartbreaking again!"


After shouting in a low voice, Hai Qingyun didn't even bother to talk to Wang Luo anymore. His figure turned into a ball of green mist and flew to the snow-white building. His speed was even faster than the military rainbow light, showing his Nascent Soul foundation.

Wang Luo couldn't help but be curious. While wiping the blood from his nose on the ground, he handed a wound medicine to the young man and asked, "What's the situation?"

The young doctor took the pill casually, and then he was surprised to find that the gentle young man in front of him was actually the owner of Lingshan Mountain. He quickly stood up and saluted, and replied in panic: "That, that, there is a, that..."

Seeing that this person was useless, Wang Luo shook his head and drew a circle in front of him, so the young doctor immediately forgot about the person in front of him, turned around blankly, and went back to the small building with rainbow light.

At the same time, someone happened to come to Wang Luo's side smartly to answer his doubts.

Gong Daozi whispered: "Mountain Master, my teacher heard that a strange disease appeared on the front line, so he came here specially. He has been taking care of the patient these days, but it seems that the progress... is not very encouraging."

Wang Luo immediately nodded in understanding.

As a famous doctor of Zhuwang, Hai Qingyun would not have to sit in the front line in person without special reasons. On the one hand, the front line has been developing for more than a month, and no major war has broken out. The number of casualties is minimal. Even the military doctors on the scene are busy with daily alchemy and medicine making, and rarely have the opportunity to treat illnesses and injuries. On the other hand, east of Rongcheng, there are also many patients in the rear area of ​​Zhuwang who need urgent treatment. It is not the case that the operation of the entire country will be stagnant because of the development of a city.

But if there is an extremely rare and difficult disease, even if there are thousands of mountains and rivers, it cannot stop the first-class famous doctors from seeing the prey.

Wang Luo was also a little curious for a moment: "What kind of patient is it?"

Gong Daozi apologized: "I don't know either. I have been patrolling the front line with Captain Chang these days. It was only when I occasionally consulted with my colleagues remotely that I heard them mention it and knew that the teacher had come to the front line."

After a pause, Gong Daozi's face showed a strange expression: "But according to them, the patient's condition is really rare. It's like he was hit by some powerful black magic. He often has a heart-wrenching attack, and the front-line doctors can't resolve it no matter how hard they try. But his identity... is really extraordinary, so we invited the teacher to use the life-weaving technique to forcibly keep the patient alive."

Wang Luo heard this, but his doubts deepened.

There is actually a person of extraordinary status suffering from a serious illness on this frontier? As the owner of Lingshan, how could he not know about it? Although he doesn't attend every regular meeting hosted by Guan Dingnan, let alone know everything about the front-line camp. But if there is really something big, Guan Dingnan will specially use the talisman to notify him alone.

While he was in doubt, he suddenly heard a dull and hoarse voice of an old man behind him.

"Because it was a ridiculous thing that was not very good, I didn't think of telling the mountain master, but I didn't expect that in the past one or two days, the situation seemed to be out of control, and the rumors in the streets became increasingly absurd... It's really shameful."

Wang Luo turned his head and saw an old man with scars all over his face, and next to the old man, Guan Dingnan looked submissive.

This old man was naturally no one else, but the highest military rank of Guan Tiejun on the front line of Zhuwang.

As an old soldier who relied on military merits and was promoted from a soldier to a marshal in the Nanxiang wilderness, Guan Tiejun's temperament is unique.

Countless times of life and death have left him covered with wounds. Even if he condensed his Nascent Soul and received physical treatment from famous doctors many times, the scars could not be eliminated anyway, as if the wounds had become a part of his life.

Countless separations with relatives and friends have made him deep and introverted, but the old man's gray eyes have never lost hope for the future and love for life. Under the old and decayed appearance, his soul is still as hot as fire.

This is an old soldier who even Lu Youyou would respect.

Therefore, when he saw Guan Tiejun, Wang Luo also bowed and saluted: "Marshal Guan, I borrowed the seal from you yesterday, and it's just right to return it to you now."

After Guan Tiejun took back the seal, he continued the topic just now: "Master Wang Shan should remember the injury that caused Doctor Hai. It was General Hu Xiao under my command, Jiang Shanghan."

Wang Luo suddenly realized: "It was him, why was it him?"

Jiang Shanghan was the first General Hu Xiao to lead an elite team out of the barrier, into the wilderness, and remove the anchor nails for the westward road of Rongcheng. Although that action was not perfect, it achieved the tactical goal very smoothly. And its symbolic significance triggered a wave of enthusiasm in the rear. It can be said that the merits behind the military exploits are more prominent.

For this, he also won everything he should have won. Marshal Guan Tiejun personally awarded him the jade talisman. Holding this talisman is almost equivalent to entering the ranks of the top Yuanying in the world. Now the front-line soldier king Chang Feiran is taking this path of promotion.

Moreover, unlike Chang Feiran who is obsessed with the grassroots, Jiang Shanhan is taking the path of leading troops and commanders. Once he has the Yuanying cultivation, he has the capital to compete for the position of the next marshal. In fact, Guan Tiejun appointed him to lead the team, which was indeed meant to focus on training.

Wang Luo naturally had an impression of such a promising general. Wang Luo personally attended the ceremony of bestowing the talisman and shook hands with Jiang Shanghan. He only remembered that he was a passionate man with a good cultivation. How could he be reduced to being specially cared for by Hai Qingyun in less than a month?

"I remember that he was accidentally injured during daily training before, but it was just a broken bone, right? Could it be that because he lost face in public, his heart of Taoism was broken because of his face?"

Guan Tiejun sighed when he heard this: "To be honest, I am also responsible. The scene was indeed not good at that time. So many reporters gathered, and there were many people who usually exaggerate. I was afraid of trouble, so I asked him to go back to the rear to recuperate before coming back, which was also considered to let him avoid the limelight. As a result..."

At this point, the old marshal shook his head in some distress, and his face surprisingly revealed a sense of loneliness in the face of the overwhelming trend.

After that, Guan Tiejun didn't explain any more, just turned his back and left in a hurry. It seemed that just mentioning this topic was extremely painful for him.

However, Guan Tiejun was the riddler because his son Guan Dingnan would give the answer.

"Alas, this matter is indeed a bit... absurd." Guan Dingnan brewed his words and sighed, "General Jiang Shanghan was sent back to the rear by my father to rest. In fact, it was originally a reasonable vacation for him so that he could hold the jade talisman and return home in glory. As a result, he made a mistake that many married men would make: he did not announce it in advance, but secretly went home to give his beloved wife a surprise."

Hearing this, Wang Luo had guessed the fate of Jiang Shanghan with his rich experience of following his senior sister for many years.

"It is said that at the moment he opened the door and went home, his wife, who had loved him for many years, and her lover, on the bed where they had made their vows of eternal love, made a sound of harmony in their lives."

Wang Luo praised: "Your rhetoric is quite artistic."

Guan Dingnan was helpless: "It's not my rhetoric, it's Jiang Shanghan's own wailing. After the incident, he got drunk all day to numb himself. When he saw his comrades who came to visit him, he would grab them and describe the scene he saw that day in various words. I chose the most plain and vernacular version. There are also seven long poems and two elegies. I won't use them to make fun of them for the time being..."

These words made Fan Li, who had wanted to leave for a long time but had not found a suitable opportunity, so he had to silently endure the embarrassment and listened to the whole process, stunned.

"This is too..." Although Guan Dingnan didn't know Fan Li, he only thought she was Wang Luo's friend. Seeing her expression, he smiled helplessly and said, "Too dramatic, right? Jiang Shanghan is a man who is extremely romantic. When he was young, he studied poetry in the Art Academy of Youcheng and practiced the way of words and spirits. At the age of 20, he condensed a golden elixir for himself with a long poem. But after meeting and falling in love with his girlfriend, because the girl admired the romantic story of men who gave up their pens to join the army, Jiang Shanghan simply followed the characters in the story and gave up his bright future in literature and directly joined the Dinghuang Army. He has a good foundation in cultivation and is hardworking and serious. Although his personality is a little romantic, his performance in all aspects after joining the army is impeccable. He soon became General Huxiao under my father's command. After that, he repeatedly made military achievements and became a future candidate for marshal. It can be regarded as reaching the peak of life in another direction." Wang Luo said, "Then according to the general story, For example, when he reached the peak of his life, his wife should have also gone astray in life..."

Guan Dingnan immediately shook his head: "No, no, no, Master Wang, you misunderstood. General Jiang and his wife are very loving. They have been a model and even a legend in the Dinghuang Army for more than ten years. Every time someone in the army has a marital dispute, people often bring up the example of Jiang Shanghan and his wife, asking why they are so harmonious...but they didn't expect that this legend would end like this. "

"Wait." Wang Luo had to interrupt and raised his own doubts, "Don't you think that this story is unreasonable when you tell it yourself? Now that Jiang Shanghan's wife has cheated, it is already ironclad evidence in front of you. How can you still say that they are loving? It can't be that because the leadership has emphasized their harmony in the past, even if the world is wrong, the leadership can't be wrong, and you have to bite the bullet and say that they are loving, right? "

Guan Dingnan's scalp was numb when Wang Luo said so bluntly: "Master Wang Shan, you have misunderstood again. There are also many irrefutable proofs of their love as husband and wife. After he joined the army, his wife gave up her life in Youyou in order to support him after he joined the army. With a bright future ahead of her, she made a special trip to Nanxiang to open a humble shop. Then she bought the wedding house for the two of them in Nanxiang with money from her family. Jiang Shanghan was originally a spiritual practitioner and transferred to the army. There was a period of difficulty in getting used to the martial arts, and it was also his wife who deceived and abducted countless magical elixirs from his father-in-law, and almost fed him into a tiger-roaring general that symbolized sharpness... During those years, he never stopped. The help my wife has received makes countless people envious and make their eyes bleed. To be honest, if someone treats me so well, just go out if she wants to cheat!"

"..." After this rebuttal, even Wang Luo was speechless. Indeed, other women have reached this point, what else can you question? Can't everything in the past ten years be the master's task? !

The only thing that needs to be questioned is, since they are such a loving couple, why did someone cheat on them out of nowhere?

"We still haven't figured this out." Guan Dingnan was troubled. "At first, we suspected that she had been deceived, but then we asked someone to find out what she was saying. She just did it on purpose and didn't like her. Not only did she not love her, she even hated her deeply. She had torn all the memories of the couple's love in her family to pieces, and she vowed not to look back. If I asked her again why her temperament suddenly changed, she would not say anything. He expressed that he wished to break off the relationship immediately and have nothing to do with him anymore, but it was related to a military marriage, and it was in this sensitive period of pioneering, so it was not easy to break up. Moreover, after Jiang Shanghan encountered this incident, his heart was really broken, and his heart was broken. He had been pursuing romance all his life, and Romantics are always afraid of hurting themselves. He is a half-step Nascent Soul, a candidate for marshal, and plays an important role in the pioneering strategy, but now he is just like a piece of rotten meat... How can he let her leave just because she wants to? "

Wang Luo suggested: "Then find a mentalist who is good at brainwashing and give that woman a good brainwash. Let the past be the past and let the two of them renew their relationship."

Guan Dingnan shook his head and said: "...Mountain Master, to be honest, if it were an ordinary woman, maybe we would have followed this method, but Jiang Shanghan's wife is not an ordinary person. Her name is Haiyun, and she is Hai Qingyun. The only daughter of the doctor Lailai Fangde."

"..." When Wang Luo heard this, he fell into a long silence again. After a long time, he suggested, "I think Doctor Hai has a good health and is still full of energy after he is over a hundred years old. Maybe he doesn't mind having another obedient daughter to compensate Jiang Shanghan. ?”

"...You should go and tell Dr. Hai about this. At least my father would not dare to speak like this."

Just as Wang Luo gradually fell into deep thought, he heard Guan Dingnan sigh again.

"Moreover, General Jiang is not the only unlucky person recently. Many of the soldiers who worked with him to remove the anchors had family conflicts suddenly break out during this period. It is really inexplicable."

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