Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 419: Heartbreak Poison

"Father-in-law, please... leave me alone."

On the bed, the withered General Hu Xiao groaned hoarsely.

"Let me decay and sink in this endless darkness..."

Hai Qingyun, who was standing beside the bed, said coldly to the young doctor beside him: "Hmph, Suan Wen can't even pull it! Stick another sleeping talisman on him, and then add another one every two hours, so that he can sleep all the time and stop struggling in vain."

The young doctor couldn't help but stammer, but before he could make a coherent sound, Hai Qingyun had already glanced at his stern eyes and said without question: "Since I want to save him, even if he rots a hundred times or a thousand times, I will save him back to his original state!"

The young doctor quietly raised his eyes to look at the famous doctor who had been famous in the Immortal Alliance for nearly a hundred years, and then just nodded slightly to show that he obeyed, but it was obvious that he was not so convinced.

Hai Qingyun could see it, but he could do nothing about it.

The story of Jiang Shanghan and Haiyun is now almost known to everyone in this frontline hospital. Naturally, people have different positions and judgments on this.

Some people firmly believe that all this is just one-sided words from Jiang Shanghan, and the woman must have had no choice but to do so. Behind the sweet and loving life of the couple, there must be ruthless exploitation of the woman by the man. Otherwise, why would a person who has sacrificed her career and father-daughter relationship for a man for more than ten years risk the world's disapproval and cut off her own retreat? To put it bluntly, even if the woman really experienced the seven-year itch and finally fell in love with someone else, she would not do it so decisively, right? This kind of behavior that is clearly not for practical benefit and is only for revenge on society must be caused by long-term resentment.

Naturally, some people sneer at this and believe that judging right and wrong cannot be based solely on the losses of both parties. After all, compared with the woman's blatant cheating, the man's heart-wrenching scene on the spot, showing the ugly appearance he has never had in his life in front of everyone, is the real determination. Even if the right and wrong are judged by the damage done, Jiang Shanghan should be judged as the truly innocent party. Besides, the frontline soldiers have witnessed what kind of person Jiang Shanghan is. Although he is a little frivolous, he is able to be self-disciplined and dedicated to the public, and is skilled and sophisticated in both personal ability and handling the relationship between superiors and subordinates. Therefore, he is well-known among people. Therefore, at least most people on the front line are unwilling to question his character.

Of course, there are also cold-eyed spectators who think that no one is innocent behind this mess. For many years, Jiang Shanghan and Hai Yun have only been concerned with throwing out stories of affectionate couples, and countless single soldiers on the front line have rolled on the ground with their eyes accidentally. Now they have finally suffered retribution! There is no true love in the world, and playing with scrolls alone is the wise future!

What's more, no matter what the reason behind it is, this couple essentially put an unbearable family affair on the table, which caused extremely negative consequences and even seriously affected the front-line pioneering cause. Jiang Shanghan has many missions on his shoulders. Marshal Guan Tiejun appointed him as the vanguard general to lead the people to fight the first battle in the wilderness. He hopes that he can further sharpen his edge with victory and fight several tough battles that must be fought on the way from Rongcheng to Crazy Lake in the future. But what about now? What can a sad middle-aged man who has no strength to write poems and essays on the sickbed shoulder? Can he live up to the expectations of the marshal and even the entire Zhuwang and Xianmeng?

Then, a famous doctor who is famous in hundreds of countries has neglected his daughter for more than ten years. Now when his daughter made a big mistake, he hurried to the front line to put on an upright attitude. It's really a drama!


Even if Hai Qingyun didn't deliberately inquire about the above discussions, they would always reach his ears through various channels.

He had no choice but to do this.

Because he himself didn't know which side to support. It is true that he is a famous doctor known in hundreds of countries, but he is only good at medical skills. In terms of human relations, he is actually quite clumsy. The reason why he has to put on a cold face all year round is that the experience of practicing medicine for a hundred years is often to keep people away from him, so that he is less likely to hurt people.

On the other hand, it is also because he is not good at interpersonal communication, and even does not understand people's hearts and finds it difficult to empathize, that he can focus his life on medical skills, and hone a skill thousands of times, almost like Tao.

And now, his daughter and son-in-law have caused such a big disaster on the front line, and all he can do is to pick up the only skill in his hands and save the dying and the wounded. As for how people talk behind his back, he has never paid attention to it for more than a hundred years, and now it will naturally be no exception.

However, when he shook the millions of silk threads in his hand again, ready to sew up Jiang Shanghan's broken body and mind, a lingering shadow flashed through his mind again.

A shadow that seemed to have seen through all the darkness and sneered at him with disdain.

"Don't lie to yourself. You are not unkind at all. You are just extremely cold and selfish. Apart from pursuing the path of medicine, you don't care about anything else or anyone else. You have never cared about your daughter and son-in-law, and you have never even loved your wife. You married her only because she is the daughter of a famous doctor. If you marry her, you can inherit the mantle of a famous doctor and gain countless benefits in your practice. At least 40% of your fate-weaving skills came from your father-in-law. You also received his full support on the road to the Nascent Soul stage. So you must maintain a relatively stable family and give birth to a daughter whom you have never loved, in order to relieve your wife's increasingly difficult desire for companionship."

"You also have no affection for your daughter. She impulsively married Jiang Shanghan. The reason why you didn't object was not because you were enlightened and visionary, let alone doting on your daughter, but because you threw toys away for naughty children. , can make her stop crying temporarily. Just like when you left your daughter to your wife. As for your son-in-law Jiang Shanghan, if he didn't suffer from such a strange disease, how would you remember what he looked like when you threw away the pills? Give it to him, half of it is because you just need someone to test the medicine for you!"

For a moment, the voice in his mind seemed to expand rapidly, so that in a daze, Hai Qingyun slowly bowed his head to it.

Yes, I am a ruthless person, but it is precisely because of my ruthlessness that I can achieve success in this life. It is precisely because of being ruthless that you can win the affection of those around you. My wife obeys me, my daughter respects me, and my former father-in-law also liked me very much... With such an achievement, can those who have feelings do better? What's more, compared to a mere personal relationship, my attainments in the life-weaving technique can benefit hundreds of millions of people in the Immortal Alliance, and my name will also be recorded in history in an extremely glorious way! Ruthless yet righteous, this is the person who cultivates immortality!

As the voice expanded, Hai Qingyun also expressed his heartfelt voice. The voice was like the rising sun on the sea, red, as if with hard work, and as if it would turn into a golden light in the next moment, completely lighting up the sky!

"Hai Qingyun, wake up!"

In an instant, the morning sun and the sea shattered together, and the swelling voice in his mind seemed to be forcibly taken away, and fell silent amidst a burst of distorted howling.

When he opened his eyes, it was still the neat and simple ward. On the hospital bed, his son-in-law Jiang Shanghan had a sleeping charm taped to his forehead. He had fallen into a deep sleep, with only a look of pain and fatigue on his face that could not be removed no matter how long he slept. The young doctor who took care of him on a daily basis had left at some point, leaving Hai Qingyun alone.

And Hai Qingyun, unknowingly, broke out in cold sweat, and his soul became even more dim, as if he had just experienced a hard training.


In confusion, Hai Qingyun turned his head and saw only a young man in red, smiling gently at him.

"Finally caught up, Doctor Hai, how do you feel now?"

Hai Qingyun was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the person in front of him was Wang Luo, the owner of Lingshan Mountain whom he had met not long ago, so he cupped his hands and subconsciously replied: "It's...ok."

"It doesn't sound very good." Wang Luo smiled and handed over a pill, "I just saw that you were about to fall into a demonic barrier, so I used some strong awakening methods. It may have hurt your soul. Take medicine to replenish it." Make up for it.”

Hai Qingyun was stunned again, and then reviewed the experience and thoughts just now in his mind. He suddenly felt an unprecedented heart palpitation, and the cold sweat penetrated the gown again.


Wang Luo said sternly: "You just almost fell into the same pit with your daughter and some of the soldiers on the pioneer front line, which is called the deep pit where wives and children are scattered and families are broken up... This is a very powerful desolate poison, specially designed for It destroys people's hearts and causes them to suddenly change their temperament, causing them to hate everyone close to them and cherish them, and make choices that were never possible before. "

Hai Qingyun couldn't help but frown: "But..."

"Hai Qingyun!"

Wang Luo didn't give Hai Qingyun a chance to ask questions. When he was confused, his soul suddenly burst into glory and shouted questions.

In an instant, Hai Qingyun's mind was captured by it, as dull as a puppet, and he responded stiffly: "Yes."

"Let me ask you!" A low hum sounded from Wang Luo's throat like a mountain shaking. Every syllable that made up the language vibrated directly to the depths of Hai Qingyun's soul, making him unable to control himself.

"Do you love your family?"

Hai Qingyun was dumbfounded, but replied firmly: "Of course... I love each of them... My father-in-law is as kind as a mountain to me, my wife will be with me for life, my daughter is my most cherished baby, and Jiang Shanghan, although he is with me He has a bad temperament, but I have always regarded him as my son..."

"..." After saying this, Wang Luo couldn't help but be startled, "I didn't expect that when you face your true heart, you are quite eloquent. Then, keep your true words firmly in mind, and don't be fooled by the inner demons again. Provoked."

After saying that, Wang Luo restrained his magical powers, causing Hai Qingyun to gradually wake up.

After a while, Hai Qingyun let out a long sigh, his expression returned to his usual indifference, and then he bowed seriously to Wang Luo and saluted: "Thank you, Mountain Master... This desolate poison is so powerful, I didn't notice it at all, really... It’s shameful.”

Wang Luo shook his head: "Don't say you didn't notice it. Lu Youyou, who you openly disliked but secretly admired so much, didn't notice it either. And if I hadn't been accidentally reminded by someone, I would have missed such an obvious clue and almost killed you, a master of medicine. Come in too."

Hai Qingyun asked again: "So, has the mountain master now seen through the true face of this desolate poison?"

"Of course not, otherwise I will go directly to the lawyer here to eradicate it from the legal level. And now I am rescuing you, Doctor Hai, because I want to use your professional ability to help me examine this desolate and poisonous thing. Complete appearance.”

Hai Qingyun nodded immediately: "It's all up to the mountain master. I will do my best... However, when it comes to eradicating the wilderness, should we call in experts in this field, such as Chen Ying from Mo Lin..."

"No need. Speaking of experts in clearing wasteland, the garrisons around the mountain fortress are the most professional experts in the Immortal Alliance. The method of regenerating wasteland that Doctor Chen developed was also based on the technology of the Molin Army. Now, among the hundreds of thousands of Immortal Alliance garrisons on the front line, no one has noticed the infiltration of the wasteland poison, and even their own generals cannot be saved. It can be seen that conventional wasteland clearing technology is meaningless in the face of this poison."

Hai Qingyun frowned, disagreeing with this theory, but did not refute it.

Wang Luo smiled and said, "I know you have an idea, but listen to me for now. What I need is an eyewitness who can combine his own experience to try to capture the invisible traces of the wasteland poison in a real form. Even if it is a blind man touching an elephant, it is better than theoretical deduction."


Wang Luo said, "The current known situation is this: the obvious poisoning is the 200-person team that walked out of the wasteland and removed the anchors. Among them, Jiang Shanghan is the most seriously ill, but others have also had attacks. The symptoms are basically broken families, marital estrangement, and then bad luck. And I asked Guan Dingnan to retrieve some information temporarily, and summed up a very strange rule: those who are poisoned are all those with harmonious family relationships, and the more loving and harmonious they are, the more serious the poisoning."

Hai Qingyun was stunned: "This... …”

“Not only that, there is another symptom that has not yet been fully counted, but I can roughly guess: the more selfish and ruthless, the more bad deeds they have in terms of men and women...the more good luck they have recently. For example, there was a playboy in the vanguard team who once caused a major storm and was almost crippled on the spot by his superiors. This person joined the first battle team as a meritorious person, but after returning, he unexpectedly won a big prize and had the urge to retire and squander on the spot. ”

Hai Qingyun was even more stunned: "… Mountain Master, forgive me for being frank, I have been practicing medicine for a hundred years, and I have never seen such a strange poison! There are too many things that cannot be explained here! ”

“So it can hide from the world, spread and break out under our noses, and ruin your daughter and son-in-law. ”

When mentioning daughter and son-in-law, Hai Qingyun suddenly became solemn.

"...Yes, after I heard about my daughter's situation, I immediately did a comprehensive examination for her, thinking it was some kind of black magic or mind control or spirit manipulation technique, but I found nothing. This matter can indeed no longer be considered according to conventional theories."

Wang Luo nodded: "Yes, you have personally experienced the strangeness of this poison, so you don't need me to waste more words with you, you can put aside common sense and accept this incredible conclusion. If it were those respected professionals, they would definitely argue with me until the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, but I don't have the heart to talk nonsense with them."

Hai Qingyun sighed lightly and admitted that Wang Luo's considerations were indeed reasonable.

The more experts, the more stubborn they are.

"However, this poison is strange and difficult to prevent. It must be a powerful killer move in the wilderness, but it seems to only destroy human feelings... What's the meaning of this?"

Wang Luo said: "It's very simple. Can you imagine a society without human warmth, without the love between husband and wife, the filial piety of fathers and children, so that even the basic family structure is difficult to maintain?"

Hai Qingyun was silent.

Wang Luo didn't keep the secret and said directly: "It's the world of immortal cultivation before the heavenly tribulation."

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