Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 427 Hopeless Fight

Faced with the conditions suddenly thrown out by Bai Cheng, Ding Nanguan was puzzled, hesitant, and then panicked.

Something that is harmless to the Immortal Alliance but beneficial to Bai Cheng? What a silly joke! ? Anything that is good for the wasteland is harmful to the Immortal Alliance. This is common sense that children understand! This matter is unquestionably black and white, unless...

Unless, the relationship between Bai Cheng and Xianmeng is not black and white.

That's why she can easily break through all the defense lines set by the Immortal Alliance against the wasteland.

That's why she said that she was not exactly the Bai Cheng that the other party thought she was.

So, she...

If this is really the case, maybe agreeing to her conditions wouldn't be a bad thing.

If this is really the case, perhaps agreeing to her conditions is the only wise move now!


However, all these are just subjective conjectures based on impulse and baseless ideas.

All this may not even be his own thoughts!

The more Ding Nanguan thought about it, the more heartbreaking pain he felt.

Although from the beginning, he had been struggling with all his strength, thinking, trying to break through the opponent's routine, and surpass the opponent's expectations... But no matter what he did or said, it seemed that he was just rolling around in vain in Bai Cheng's palm. The more you struggle, the deeper you get trapped in this web.

However, he could not give up the struggle.

To hold on to hope at all times, this is the oath he made when he joined the Dinghuang Army as an intelligence officer. Over the years, he has always been proud of this oath and relied on the tenacity to keep the oath to overcome many obstacles. Many difficulties. But now... he had to hate his own stubbornness and curse the existence of that oath.

If there is no oath, he can, obviously can let himself die more happily.

"Oh, don't rush to die. I won't let your help go in vain. Let's do this. Before you make up your mind to help, I will tell you something that you must be interested in. In this case, if you have one in ten thousand , the chance of escaping from me alive is one in a billion, and you can return to your comrades with the secrets that can put me to death... By the way, there are many benefits to defeating me, for example, you The destination of Rongcheng's pioneering is Fenghu, right? Do you know how far it is from the current location to Fenghu?"

Ding Nanguan grinned reluctantly, but of course he would not answer.

Bai Cheng said: "What you are thinking about is that there are still 331 kilometers left - this is the data from the frontline battle report that was placed on the desks of the generals as of yesterday. From the official westward journey to the present, in the 37 days, Rongcheng has moved westward. We have advanced 111 kilometers, and the average daily progress is exactly in line with the plan. Although there are occasional twists and turns, it will take at most two or three days to get the journey back on track... So according to the original calculation, the distance to Fenghu at this time is about the same. It’s 331 kilometers.”

Ding Nanguan didn't say a word.

"However, your Gangfeng Observatory and the wandering scouts have continuously sent out warnings - although there is no problem with the actual distance Rongcheng travels every day, the scenery along the way is different from the Kyushu map in the early years. There is also a deviation in the observations before departure. There is currently no good explanation for this deviation, and it is temporarily considered that the wasteland has distorted the observation results. But in fact, many people, including you, have vaguely guessed another possibility. And now, I can confirm it for you. Yes, your distance from Fenghu is not 331 kilometers as expected, but 442 kilometers at the beginning of the journey. Although you also experienced the removal of anchors on the 37th day of your journey westward, you are actually 37 kilometers away from Fenghu. The distance between Fenghu and Fenghu has not shortened one bit.”

Ding Nanguan remained silent, but the shock in his eyes could no longer be concealed.

Bai Cheng smiled and said: "Don't be so surprised. You encountered almost no obstacles on your way westward. That is obviously because your achievements are not worthy of being hindered. Of course, you will subconsciously argue that even if you are not beheaded, You have eliminated so many wild monsters, but you have actually obtained a large amount of land. Can land be created out of thin air? The answer is of course. You have spent so much energy moving mountains and reclaiming seas that you should have had it. Such an effect. Ziwu and Zhou Guo's reclamation projects are more cost-effective than this, aren't they? Hehe, if Senior Sister were still here, she would definitely not sit back and watch you make such a low-level mistake. The essence of pioneering is not plundering. The territory of the wasteland, but... I think about what my senior sister said at the beginning, oh, by the way, pioneering is to spread one's religious beliefs. So, after a month of vainly cultivating the wasteland, nothing of value was destroyed. Pagans, you should have been on full alert a long time ago.”

Ding Nanguan's eyes flickered, his lips moved, and he was obviously confused.

Everything Bai Cheng said was specious. It was inconsistent with the indoctrination he had received over the years and his personal experiences. However, the outlines fit perfectly, so that he simply could not resist himself... to trust her. .

Then, think along the trajectory that Bai Cheng has laid out long ago.

Yes, after more than a month of pioneering, all kinds of strange situations have accumulated too much. Although the rear party was reveling all day long, as if victory was already within reach, on the front least among those frontline circles who had the most exposure to the news, panic had already begun to brew. Long before the poison of separation broke out, some people were already wondering whether this month of rapid progress was just stepping more and more into the trap of desolation.


Bai Cheng added: "It's just that under the enthusiasm, there is no room for pessimistic remarks. However, even if the distance from Fenghu is not shortened, it can be regarded as a gain to reclaim a large amount of wasteland... But the reality is not like this. ”

As Bai Cheng spoke, he projected a terrain map around Rong City in front of Ding Nanguan.

"For example, have you ever read the reclamation reports on the new land east of Rong City? I have! This piece of fresh land, which is more than a hundred kilometers away from east to west, was divided up by countless giants long before Rong City officially headed west. It was clean, and Bolan Village, controlled by the Gu family, benefited greatly from it - the construction of a new city will be led by Bolan Village. In the past few days, various real estate chambers under the business group have sent elite forces to select the city. The location is precisely calculated, and a real-time report is sent to Sister Shishi's desk every morning and afternoon through Wan Jian Guifeng, and almost every one of these reports mentions that the fertility of this new land is not as good. expected."

Having said this, Bai Cheng smiled slightly, and did not deliberately look at the change in Ding Nanguan's expression, but continued talking on his own.

"Now is the era of rapid progress. Such subtle negative news will not and cannot attract attention at all. Therefore, the following experts who are good at calculation have found a reasonable explanation on their own - because the Immortal Alliance has never officially crossed Kyushu in the past. The central axis opens up to the west, so it is likely that the land that was opened up was too deeply infiltrated by waste poisons in the past, far beyond the land that was opened up in the past. Therefore, the new land now obtained is slightly barren according to the standards of the Immortal Alliance in the past. ”

"Oh, it is indeed a very beautiful theory. It can even accurately predict the future situation to a certain extent: as Rongcheng continues to move westward, crossing two hundred kilometers, three hundred kilometers and more more successful nodes, the gains The land will become increasingly barren, so that when you cross the 400-kilometer mark, the land at the foot of Lingshan Mountain will be almost barren. From then on, every step you take towards the west will only make the city further away from the Immortal Alliance. Far away, the Great Barrier of Dinghuang is forcibly stretched to an extremely dangerous level. The thick and insurmountable barrier will become riddled with holes on its own, and when that time comes, you will find that the wilderness is full of holes. The power is actually not as weak as you advertise.”

"The reason for all this is that you have misunderstood the essence of pioneering. Senior sister said that pioneering is missionary, and the value of missionary lies in two points: first, let your own beliefs defeat the enemy's beliefs; second, please your own gods. ... On the issue of pioneering, it is to please the heaven on your side. During the hundreds of kilometers of Rongcheng's westward march, you can convince your own people that this is a glorious victory and worthy of double the celebration, but you cannot convince the heaven. , although it is taciturn, it is not blind, and it is also very stubborn. The spoils that were promised to it before pioneering cannot be discounted casually. "

"You haven't eliminated the wild demons, you haven't occupied the truly fertile land, but you still ask for the spiritual energy from Heaven to move mountains and fill seas. What do you think Heaven will think? Oh, it wouldn't have any ideas in the first place. Heaven and earth are unkind. , but you personally gave it a hazy personality one thousand two hundred years ago, so although it cannot think, it will give intuitive reactions. The optimistic situation is that it will gradually recover its investment in Rongcheng. You will find that the pace of the westward advance is getting more and more difficult, and the vigorous earth veins are rapidly withering. However, the long-term rapid progress has made it impossible for you to turn back, so you can only do your best to gather more power from the Immortal Alliance and the Heavenly Way. , marched into the depths of the wilderness with a more blind attitude, and finally suffered a tragic defeat on the way, losing Rong City, losing half of the Dinghuang Barrier, and even losing one of the five states on the right side of the sky. As for the pessimistic situation, Dalu. The law is likely to collapse directly because of this, and without the Great Law, what do you think will happen to the Immortal Alliance?"

Bai Cheng didn't seriously ask Ding Nanguan to guess. He just shook his head and said: "In fact, targeting Feng Lake is a good move, because it is a node that is crucial to the entire wasteland and is the target of heretical believers like us." Holy Land. If Rongcheng can really occupy Fenghu, then the battle between the old and new orthodoxy that has lasted for thousands of years will basically come to an end. The next few hundred years will be nothing more than the death struggle of the elders of Heaven... Therefore, before you arrive at Fenghu, you will also face unprecedented resistance. Among them, I am the one who serves as the vanguard. Because of some special fate with the Immortal Alliance, I can play the most significant role in this position. If I don’t die, Rongcheng will never get even a step closer to Feng Lake.”

After saying all this, Bai Cheng squatted down, looked directly at Ding Nanguan, whose eyes were gradually blurring, and said.

"My story has been told, are you ready to fly away immediately and warn everyone you meet? But unfortunately I can't just let you go, because after telling the story, I need you Come fulfill your promise and do me a favor.”

Ding Nanguan wanted to say, I never promised to help you with anything... But he found that maybe it was because he was too engrossed in the story when he just listened to it, and now he was becoming more and more incapable of helping himself.

After receiving a meeting gift from someone, it is true that... you have to give a response.

"Haha, don't be so nervous. It's very simple to ask for your help. Listen to me tell a story, and then tell me what you think. Be honest."

Afterwards, Bai Cheng couldn't help but plant a lotus platform for himself and leisurely told the last story.

"In the Battle of Dinghuang, your victory was a miracle. At first, when the aborigines of Kyushu raised a rebellion, we all thought it was a joke. It was some immortals from the Demon Sect who wanted to refine blood pills and deliberately deceived the ants. This is because you have no chance of winning. The difference in strength between those who have ascended and those who have not ascended is far more exaggerated than the smeared stories in your history books. Moreover, before the calamity came, the top group of Mahayana kings on the Kyushu continent. , has been forcibly absorbed by the Heavenly Court, leaving only a few sect pillars such as Saint Taiqing. And what about the Heavenly Court? There have been more than a thousand ascended immortals in the past, and these people also have the ability to thrive in the immortal world, despite the cost. It is relatively heavy, so that there are not many native immortals. But when the heaven was at its peak, that is, the moment before the catastrophe, the so-called immortal world was just Chicheng and his three thousand beauties. Most of them perished in the disaster, and the more senior they were, the harder it was to survive. But even if there were only dozens or hundreds of people left, it was self-evident what it meant to the Nine Provinces Continent, even with the prosperity of the Immortal Alliance. It is absolutely impossible to compete with hundreds of true immortals, and even the methods you have in Xianyue Guanghan Palace are far from enough. What's more, during the Battle of Dinghuang, even the genuine Mahayana Lord in Kyushu could not be found. Count. So the resistance from Kyushu is like the food on the dinner plate turning around."

At this point, Bai Cheng suddenly sighed and looked at Ding Nanguan with a slightly lonely look: "Yes, just like you are trying to use the last resort Wang Luo left for you to ask him for help."

While speaking, Bai Cheng turned his palm and showed a note written with painstaking efforts. There were only two sad words on it: Bai Cheng.

"Wang Luo's idea is very good by temporarily joining the outer gate of Lingshan Mountain to obtain unlimited dialogue rights with the mountain master on the Ascension Record. You also executed it very covertly. At least I was really concealed from you before. But very soon It's a pity that you and Wang Luo missed something... I am also from Lingshan, and I am a more senior Lingshan person than this generation of mountain masters. According to the rules of Lingshan for thousands of years, the ability and strength of the mountain master at the beginning of the succession. If it's not enough, we old guys have the right to take temporary custody. So, your request for help is sent directly to me. Unfortunately, your struggle ends here."

As he spoke, the bloody letter burned into a ball of ashes and slipped away together with Ding Nanguan's last hope.

And then, the story that was enough to shake the foundation of the Immortal Alliance was finally told.

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