Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 428 Bai Family, here I come

"Master Wang Shan, this cup is a collective tribute to you from our Northern Territory Business Group. Without your encouragement more than two years ago, our Northern Territory Business Group would have been dazzled by some petty profits and missed the current flow. The general trend. Master Wang Shan is so kind to us!"

At the wine table, a little old man with a gray beard sighed, just like an old lady chattering on the stage. However, even though his words and actions were ridiculous, the wine glass in his hand shook out half of the wine... In the end, When he tried his best to raise the wine glass high and handed it to Wang Luo, the young master of Lingshan Mountain happily clinked the glass with him and drank down the liquor carefully prepared by the other party.

This is the most basic respect for an old man who helped the pioneering cause even in his twilight years.

More than two years ago, Wang Luo and Huang Long, on behalf of the Immortal Alliance, launched a land reclamation movement in Yueyang that was not so popular with the locals. Just when he had just opened up the situation and achieved some results, Wang Luo accidentally fell into the memory of the saint. So Huang Long, with the help of Yulong Lord Ling Xiao, completed all the next work alone... When summarizing the work achievements of the famine relief team internally, of course, this can be reported upwards. But in fact, local work in Yueyang naturally requires the support of local people.

And the little old man in front of him, two years ago, led the He family, one of the eight wealthy families, to join the Huanglong banner almost without reservation, and his leadership immediately attracted the attention of the Bai family, who was also a wealthy family... To this day, Among the more than a hundred Dinghuang towers on the northern plains, at least 70% of them were implemented thanks to this old man with an unattractive appearance.

Lord Heping, the contemporary head of the He family, and the nominal leader of the Northern Territory Business Group. His glorious story began fifty years ago and lasted for a full thirty years, affecting an entire generation of Yueyang people. Later, due to a serious illness, his cultivation was almost half-impaired, and he gradually lived in a more reclusive life, allowing his power to slip away from his hands little by little.

To this day, several rising stars of the He family have taken away the glory of their predecessors. Many young He family members only know popular leaders such as He Lan and He Yuan, but they do not recognize the people they often see in the garden of the business group headquarters. The rickety old man enjoying the cool air is actually the wise and powerful contemporary head of the family in the portrait placed in the center of the headquarters hall.

But even a sleepy old man will release his accumulated strength when necessary. Two years ago, when Wang Luo fell asleep, Lord Heping chose to open his eyes. At that time, the wealthy family entrenched in the northern region suddenly realized that even though he had been asleep for twenty years, Lord Heping was still Shang. The master of the group.

Therefore, even though He Pingjun once again regained his old and funny look at the dinner party that night, no one among the hundreds of guests in Shengxue Tower who were lucky enough to be present dared to look down upon him.

The banquet lasted until late at night. As Lord Heping lost energy, he couldn't help but doze off at the banquet. As the host and guest, Wang Luo immediately proposed to disperse. Even though the other guests were reluctant to leave, they left Shengxue Tower in a very short time.

There were only a few people left in the huge banquet hall. Apart from a few family members who had to serve Lord Heping personally and served as bodyguards and doctors, there were only two people, Wang Luo and Lord Heping.

At this point, the sleepy old man opened his eyes again and paid respect to Wang Luo again with a calm and hoarse voice instead of the sharp voice of a stage veteran.

"Master Wangshan, it's a pleasure to meet you. I didn't expect you to come to Yueyang at this critical moment. It seems that the front line is in big trouble."

Wang Luo was also very calm: "The Northern Territory Business Group should have a very detailed report, so I..."

He Pingjun shook his head and said: "It's very detailed, but also very conservative. Children nowadays are very taboo about taking the slightest risk to expose the truth. I can only see the smeared numbers on the report, although I can roughly restore it. These numbers are what they are, but I think my current energy is no longer enough to use my brain like I did when I was young, so just tell me the truth."

Wang Luo smiled: "The truth is that the pioneering plan is about to go bankrupt. The Immortal Alliance spent more than a month squandering four earth spiritual veins that could move mountains and reclaim seas, as well as unquantifiable folk enthusiasm. In the end, they only gained A piece of land that is poorer than expected, and then further distances itself from the destination - there is a limit to the distance that Rongcheng can go westward. If it exceeds 500 kilometers, many supporting strategic plans will have to be overturned. And if we can't reach the planned destination of Crazy Lake, the pioneering work cannot stop at all. Therefore, after traveling more than 100 kilometers west of Rongcheng and still unable to shorten the distance to Crazy Lake, the pioneering work is already in danger. Now we are suffering from an unprecedented miraculous desolate poison, and the morale of the frontline troops is about to collapse.”

As soon as these words came out, some of the dead soldiers guarding the banquet hall couldn't help but have their eyes wandering and their hearts beating faster. Although in theory they should stick to their duties like shadows, they are still human and make mistakes.

In response to this, the person who made the mistake fell into panic almost instantly, but Lord Heping smiled and shook his head: "Master Wangshan, don't use these alarmist words to scare my little guys. Tell me directly. , Just do whatever you need me to do for you.”

Wang Luo was not polite: "I need Yueyang to start a backup development plan, and go two hundred kilometers north of White Key City to hunt the barren valley."

This request once again shocked those dead soldiers who were supposed to be silent. But Mr. Heping nodded almost without hesitation.

"Okay, I will integrate the strength of the Northern Territory Business Group and make a feint attack."

Wang Luo said, "It's not enough."

"I will contact the heads of several other families for you, but whether you can convince them depends on your own ability. As for Lord Butian..."

Wang Luo said: "At least he won't get in the way."

"Okay." Lord Heping nodded, closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then opened his eyes and said with some regret, "It's a pity that I can't help you get to the end of this battle..."

Wang Luo asked: "How much time does Mr. He have?"

He Pingjun said: "Early autumn, I hope that the autumn wind of the Northern Territory will see me off on my last journey... She used to love the early autumn of Yueyang the most. I think that riding on the wind of early autumn, she might be able to survive after death. world to see her.”

Wang Luo heard this, thought for a while, and said: "This time I come to Yueyang, there is actually one more thing. Mr. He may have time to accompany me to witness it until the end. In this way, I can have more topics to chat with my daughter while riding the wind."

Jun Heping was a little curious: "What's the matter?"

"I want to dig into the Bai family."

Lord Heping couldn't help but be surprised: "The Bai family?"

Then solemnly: "The Bai family!?"

For this old man who has been dormant behind the scenes for twenty years, surprise is already a very precious and rare emotion. And this emotion is also very dangerous.

As a secret line arranged by the Lord Lu Zhiyao from thousands of years ago, the head of the He family has many secrets, some of which are even higher than those of the head of Yueyang...including the Bai family.

Since thousands of years ago, one of the meanings of the He family's existence has been to suppress the Bai family. That's why the Northern Territory Business Group is jointly run by the He family and the Bai family, and under the control of many chess players, it has maintained a balance of power for thousands of years.

Two years ago, the Bai family declined slightly due to the loss of Bai Wei, the lord of Baiyao City. However, after Lord Heping regained consciousness, he overrided the opinions of the family and provided strong support to the Bai family, which restored the Bai family's appearance as a wealthy family. And be grateful to the He family - of course, just being grateful is not enough. During this period, there were naturally many exchanges of interests and penetration of power. Now is the time when the He family has the strongest influence and even control over the Bai family.

However, even though he took care of all this with his own hands, Lord Heping was actually just acting in accordance with the instructions of his ancestors. This master of the secret line, who is directly responsible to the Lord Lu Zhiyao, is just like his ancestors thousands of years ago. He only knows how many things are and does not know why.

But Lord Heping knew very well that when his hidden line was touched by others, it often meant that the Immortal Alliance was in great danger!

Even though he had just heard that Rongcheng's pioneering efforts were almost in vain, Lord Heping was not too surprised, but felt that it was natural.

The first step for the Immortal Alliance to officially cross the Kyushu Central Axis, no matter how exaggerated it is to create momentum or stir up fanaticism... it is essentially a risky move. And since it is a risky move, success or failure is normal. Even if the pioneering fails and the entire Rong City is destroyed, so what? The Immortal Alliance is no longer the Immortal Alliance that it was 1,200 years ago that could not withstand the slightest setbacks.

Even if it is temporarily depressed, as long as it takes one hundred or two hundred years to lick its wounds and endure hardships, the Immortal Alliance will definitely be able to make a comeback. For a family head who can lie dormant and guard the secret line for thousands of years, the strategic gains and losses of the Immortal Alliance in one or two hundred years are not that important.

However, the Bai family, that is another concept.

After pondering for a moment, Lord Heping raised his hand and made a sign of disbandment. Then the dead soldiers around him left the banquet hall with slightly shaken eyes and set up an extremely tight barrier to completely isolate them. Inside and outside, make sure that only the two parties involved can hear the conversation within the barrier.

"Master Wangshan, although I should accept your mission unconditionally, in order to do everything perfectly, I think it is best to understand the matter more clearly and comprehensively, so..."

Wang Luo nodded and said: "That's the truth. At least Mr. He should know the whole story about this matter. Then, I will speak frankly. I suspect that the one standing in front of Rongcheng this time is the immortal ancestor of the Bai family. My Fourth Senior Sister Bai Cheng.”

Hearing this answer, even though He Pingjun had thousands of bizarre speculations in his mind, he couldn't help but feel suffocated.

Therefore, even though he hates nonsense more than the previous heads of the family, he still has to say more nonsense.

"How can I see it?"

Wang Luo sighed: "To be able to ignore the Dinghuang enchantment, ignore the geographical advantage of Lingshan, and wantonly spread the poison of separation on the front line...meeting these conditions at the same time, the fourth senior sister is almost playing a bright card. She was a master of dual cultivation back then, and the dual cultivation master Tao, in addition to the art of combining yin and yang of qi and blood, the most important thing is fate. It is said that if you are destined to come thousands of miles to mate, but if you are not destined to fall from the sky, you must be a skillful practitioner who is good at manipulating fate and fate. Senior Sister Bai Cheng, this attainment is unparalleled in the world."

Hearing this, Lord Heping couldn't help but sigh: "The Bai family... has never shown such talent before."

Wang Luo explained: "Because the threshold of this technique is so high, it has already exceeded the focus of practitioners in this world. Senior Sister Bai only started to come into contact with the destiny of cause and effect when she became a god. She only made some achievements in the integration stage. It is only when one is about to break through the Mahayana that one can enter the temple. This technique cannot be accomplished by a single person, so for today’s practitioners, the highest state of dual cultivation has been lost.”

Lord Heping looked hesitant, but did not argue. He just nodded and accepted the argument.

"In short, I can think of the only person who can meet these conditions at the same time is Senior Sister Bai Cheng. Although she died in a natural disaster according to historical records, but according to historical records, I was also a dead person in a natural disaster. So I used my imagination I let go a little bit and locked onto Senior Sister Bai Cheng."

"Do you have any solid evidence?"

Wang Luo said: "If there is, I don't need to bother He Lao. Everything is just my subjective assumption. I did not publicize this matter, nor did I conduct any investigation, so as not to alert the snake."

Lord Heping nodded approvingly and said, "That's how it should be...but, will Lord Wang Shan's trip to Yueyang alarm her?"

Wang Luo said: "It's very possible, but there is no way. Although I am the master of Lingshan Mountain, I am also Bai Cheng's junior brother. Now if Lu Zhiyao does not come forward, she will have a better home field advantage than me in Lingshan Mountain . Then instead of fighting with her in Lingshan, it would be better to jump out of her preset battlefield and come to Yueyang. If she chases me all the way, the pressure on the front line of Lingshan will be reduced. If she doesn't come, I can just do it. Use your hands and feet to your heart’s content.”

Jun Heping reminded: "If she doesn't come, it may mean that she doesn't care at all."

Wang Luo smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. He, I have many ways to make her care. As long as she is still a member of the Bai family, there are some things that she cannot control."

Jun Heping whispered to himself: "As long as she is still a member of the Bai family... Shanzhu Wang, I can probably guess what you are going to do."

Wang Luo was not surprised: "That's great, that's why I thought of using Mr. He's line on this matter. If it were the new generation like He Lan and He Yuan, even if they thought of it, they would definitely pretend that they didn't think of it. And then there was a lot of pushback about what to do next.”

Lord Heping was silent for a moment and said: "If I am unable to cooperate with the mountain master's actions in time due to some unexpected reasons, the mountain master can go to He Qingliu. Although he is incompetent, he has the cruelty that a family leader should have."

"Oh, it turns out that the title of Young Master is genuine." Wang Luo chuckled and said, "In that case, let's get started. Yueyang's pioneering is the background, and the Bai family is eager to wash away the past two years ago. With stigma as motivation and Mr. He’s thunderous methods, I believe the Bai family will be able to cooperate very well.”

He Pingjun couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

"Yes, everyone will definitely cooperate well."

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