Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 429 Orange, I found you


With a clumsy muffled sound, Bai Wei, the former city lord of Baiyao City, placed a thick stack of bamboo slips on the table in front of Wang Luo.

These bamboo slips seem ordinary, but in fact... they are indeed just the simplest bamboo products. They have no advanced immortal methods attached to them, and they are not made of special materials to imitate bamboo.

They are just some ordinary bamboo pieces, which have been dried, baked, shaved, and scraped... Then they are written word by word with an ordinary brush dipped in ordinary ink and neatly written in calligraphy.

In the old immortal calendar era, even among mortal families and chambers of commerce, only the most stingy bosses would choose such things that are not touched by immortals to record important family information.

In the new immortal calendar era, the situation is reversed. Only the most luxurious forces can afford such "plain and ordinary" bamboo slips to carry the family's historical information.

Because in an era when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is almost overflowing, and the magical power of immortals permeates every bit of people's lives, it is really not easy to find a pile of bamboo slips that are not stained with the slightest bit of immortal energy. In addition to cultivating these primitive crops that are also not spiritual in a few specially created spiritual places with great effort, if you want to find such "plain and ordinary" bamboo slips, you often have to go to the wasteland ruins to look for the heritage of the old world.

But this kind of extravagance is not meaningless.

Precisely because bamboo slips have not been stained with immortal energy since the moment they were born, in this era when immortal magic is rampant and all kinds of obstacles and barrier-breaking methods are popular, the simple bamboo slips are actually a kind of innocence that is almost like a toad sand. The history recorded in this clumsy way is the most authentic and reliable.

At the same time, due to the limitations of the material, these authentic and reliable historical materials are difficult to preserve for too long without the protection of immortal magic. Therefore, every once in a while, the family would send someone to copy the records manually, and during this period, the family would also ban their cultivation, making the copyists look like ordinary people - or simply spend a lot of money to hire those disabled people who were born in the new era but really have no spiritual energy.

In short, the preparation and preservation of these bamboo slips are extremely troublesome, although they are quite authentic and authoritative. But if it is just to ensure the authenticity and authority, a more economical and affordable method can be adopted - send the records to Guanghan Palace on the crescent moon, and the girls in the palace who always remain neutral will be responsible for preservation and management. This service charges a lot, but it is much more affordable than handmade bamboo slips.

Therefore, among the hundred countries of the Immortal Alliance, there are very few people who use bamboo slips, and there are even fewer family forces that solemnly use bamboo slips to record important family information, and the tradition has not changed for many years.

So many members of the Bai family did not know that they actually had such a pile of bulky information.

As the former city lord, Bai Wei once ranked among the top of the family, but this was also the first time she saw and touched these piles of heavy bamboo slips with her own eyes. Considering that Wang Luo had asked for the information on these bamboo slips right away, the former city lord was terrified, raised his slightly timid eyes, and whispered.

"Master Wang, this is the information you are looking for, the Bai family's directory, and the many industries under the family name... Everything the master can see is basically here, if it's still not enough..."

Wang Luo sat at the other end of the table and waved his hand gently: "No need, Lord Bai..."

"I am no longer the city lord." Bai Wei hurriedly explained, "I am only the consul of the merchant group now, and was specially appointed by Mr. He to assist you in completing the construction of the Star-Destroying Sword."

Wang Luo ignored these greetings and only said: "These materials are enough. If I need them, I will come to you for help again."

Bai Wei naturally heard the hidden meaning, and bowed with a little regret, leaving this confidential room in the former city lord's mansion of Baiyao City alone to Wang Luo.

Then on the way back, he tried every means to guess what Wang Luo's intention was for this trip, and how he would use this rare opportunity to regain power.

This was the second time Wang Luo came as a special envoy. Unlike the previous time, his behavior this time was much more low-key, and he did not even publicize his identity as a special envoy. So much so that at the welcoming banquet in Shengxue Tower, many high-ranking guests really thought that Wang Luo was here to connect with the people of Yueyang!

In fact, many of the organizational and coordination work in Yueyang that is now openly carried out are pushed forward by He Pingjun. Wang Luo just hid behind the scenes, with the assistance of a few elites from the He family and the Bai family, and enjoyed the fruits of his labor.

Of course, from an objective perspective, Wang Luo does not have the conditions to act in a high-profile manner now.

No matter how he concealed it, in the eyes of knowledgeable people, Wang Luo appeared in Yueyang at this point in time, and there could only be one purpose: that is, Rongcheng encountered an unexpected setback in the development of wasteland, so he had to use the record to let Baiyaocheng go north to share the pressure of Rongcheng.

Yueyang was a backup for the pioneering work, which was a plan made by the top leaders of the Immortal Alliance a long time ago. No one could guarantee that the road to Crazy Lake would be smooth sailing after crossing the central axis, so the accident was expected.

However, when the backup plan of Yueyang's pioneering work was actually used, it meant that the proud and even arrogant Zhu Wangren had already suffered a lot in his most important career and had to ask for help from his good neighbor Yueyang.

And asking for help should always have an attitude of asking for help. It would never work if he came to ask for punishment like last time.

So Wang Luo kept a low profile at the moment. There were many things he could do, but he was not convenient to make it public.

However, unlike some people's initial expectations, although Wang Luo was low-key, he did not bow his head. During his trip to Yueyang, he did not flatter anyone, but "summoned" the He family ancestor, an exceptional strong man. When He Pingjun sang praises to Wang Luo in Shengxue Tower with an old woman's attitude, those who expected Zhu Wang to bow his head were destined to return disappointed.

Moreover, after Wang Luo's arrival, the He family ancestor showed a strong momentum like a last gasp. With an attitude that could not be questioned, he quickly coerced several other wealthy families with the help of the Northern Territory Merchants Group. After clearing some obstacles with a quick knife, he resolutely started the emergency development of Yueyang.

Wang Luo's seemingly low-key, but actually tough, and unethical way of summoning the He family ancestor made the upper-class wealthy families in Yueyang quite dissatisfied, but they could do nothing about it. On the one hand, the He family ancestor was really awesome; on the other hand, Zhu Wangren did have the righteousness of pioneering. This made it difficult for the other families to openly oppose even if they had accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts.

In essence, Yueyang had already been tightly tied to Zhuwang's ship for this land reclamation. It would be fine if other problems went wrong, but if the land reclamation really encountered trouble, Ziwu and Zhou Guo could still watch the joke from a thousand miles away, and Yueyang, as a direct supporter, would have to face the aftermath.

Besides the eight great families being suppressed by the ancestors of the He family, Bu Tianjun, as the lord of the country, also acquiesced to Zhuwang's tyranny, as if he had completely lost the courage to sing against Zhuwang since the failure of impeaching the chief of Xiankulin. Even without Lu Youyou taking the initiative to speak up, he would retreat on his own and hang up the banner of exemption from war!

Therefore, under such circumstances, even if they pinched their noses, the people of Yueyang had to cooperate with the people of Zhuwang to build a large-scale project outside Baiyao City to prepare for the city's land reclamation journey after a hundred years.

Fortunately, based on the special need of "not seeing the light", Wang Luo did not abuse his power in this process, which made the people of Yueyang lose face. On the contrary, he only proposed some framework requirements to He Pingjun, and then let go, allowing the local snake He family to organize manpower, set up multiple construction sites around Baiyao City, and build large-scale projects such as mountain fortresses and star-destroying swords.

He himself spent most of his time retrieving and checking those ancient and moldy materials.

For example, on this day, he was carefully checking the family background of the Bai family.

As one of the eight great families in Yueyang, the Bai family unexpectedly has the inheritance of the old world, or in other words, the Bai family in Yueyang is the Bai family that the fourth sister Bai Cheng was born from, the Bai family that once occupied Jingzhou in the old immortal calendar era, possessed the three great secret methods of the prehistoric times, and was almost on par with Taiqing when its authority was at its peak.

However, these glorious pasts can only remain at the historical level. During the catastrophe, Jingzhou was lost, and the Bai family and the seventeen branches were almost destroyed in an instant. Today, the Yueyang family, which inherited the name of the old Bai family, is nothing more than the remnants of the Bai family bloodline rescued from the ruins by the Dinghuang heroes headed by Senior Sister Lu Zhiyao.

It is the Bai family, and it is indeed the Bai family. Even if it is only the remnant bloodline that has been rescued, the first generation of the Bai family does have the blood of the Jingzhou Bai family flowing in their veins, and possesses superior talents and magical powers - even after experiencing changes in the way of heaven, it is still superior.

However, the real Bai family has the same superior arrogance since the moment the family was established. In that barbaric era of the survival of the fittest, arrogance is a precious quality that countless people scorn and ridicule on the surface, but secretly envy. But the Bai family, which survived the catastrophe, seemed to have broken its own spine. The establishment of the family relies on the support and even charity of external forces.

To be precise, it is the strong support of the He family.

For more than 1,200 years in the new immortal calendar, at least 30% of the status of the Bai family as a wealthy family was maintained by the support of the He family. When they lost their Jingzhou family, most of the family leaders and backbones, and only a group of homeless survivors were left, it was the He family who provided them with a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and firmly supported the first generation of the Bai family, effectively integrating the remaining power of the family.

When Yueyang successfully settled the wasteland and the country was first established, it was the He family who overcame all objections and lifted the Bai family, which was still quite insufficient at the time, into the ruling circle of the eight great families. Even the Northern Territory Merchant Group was established by the He family and the Bai family.

Similarly, in many subsequent major historical turning points, it was the He family who either coerced or persuaded the Bai family to clear the confusion and finally make the right choice.

Even in the Bai family's own historical materials, there are extremely complicated feelings towards the He family.

On the one hand, they must acknowledge the support of the He family - and it has been more than once in more than a thousand years; on the other hand, as the descendants of the arrogant, they are really ashamed to admit that without the He family, the Bai family would hardly be worthy of the name of a wealthy family, let alone inherit and carry forward the reputation of the old Bai family!

But these historical materials, in Wang Luo's eyes, obviously have a different meaning.

This Bai family is clearly a wealthy family deliberately nurtured by the He family - unlike the alliance and support between ordinary wealthy families, the He family has hardly asked for any real return from the Bai family in the context of a thousand years of history. Only feeding, no harvesting, only making nests, no fishing... The generosity of the He family almost made the Bai family panic.

Of course, fear is the beginning. When generations of Bai family members live in an environment where the He family takes it for granted that they have to clean up their messes, even the most cautious Bai family members will find it difficult to be wary of the He family. Occasionally, those who are rebellious will be suppressed in a visible or invisible way. Even some Bai family members who are too curious will be severely warned by their own family.

The friendship of the He family is like the rich spiritual energy that accidentally leaked when the neighbor's family built the spirit gathering array. No matter whether it comes from a legitimate source or not, just enjoy it with peace of mind until the neighbor suddenly realizes it. Don't take the initiative to report it and waste your opportunity in vain.

Even after thousands of years of development, the Bai family is worthy of the title of the eight great families, and occasionally when they meet the leader of the revival, they can even slightly suppress the He family... But a useful neighbor is always welcome.

Therefore, the Bai family has long been accustomed to the existence of a selfless ally, and does not take any precautions against the occasional strong demands of the ally.

For example, now, when He Pingjun personally came forward to request, the Bai family simply made a simple gesture and let him do whatever he wanted... and thanks to their cooperation, Wang Luo's initial work was almost unhindered - with just one sentence, he made Bai Wei, who barely ranked among the middle and senior levels of the Bai family, become his personal assistant, and personally moved the Bai family's bamboo slips for him.

Although these bamboo slips are not particularly valued by the family - otherwise they would not have a musty smell - but not everyone can call them out to look at them.

So the question is, why does the He family take so much pains to support the Bai family? Considering that the He family can be regarded as a hidden line controlled by the senior sister for thousands of years, the question might as well be changed to, why does the senior sister instruct the He family to support the Bai family?

The answer to this question, even He Pingjun himself, I am afraid that before recently, he could not answer it. But now, it has finally become clear.

This family, which has been nurtured for thousands of years and has flourished, has the only value of existence, that is, when the ancestor of the family, who should have stood on the same side as the eldest sister, appeared in front of him as an enemy, he could...

While weaving clues in his mind, Wang Luo silently flipped through the heavy bamboo slips. His movements were fast and methodical. He only took two days to flip through the last part of the bamboo slips that were like a small mountain.

Then, as expected, he found what he wanted in this most remote data book.

"Bai Cheng... What a great host who lost both parents and wandered alone."

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