Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 433: Counter-questioning, a nameless mission

As soon as Bai Huang finished speaking, the whole building became silent.

The people who were busy on the night shift stopped their work, looked around in confusion, and then gradually locked their eyes on Bai Huang... and Wang Luo.

Most people had never heard of the Eight-Direction Blessing Reduction Formation that Bai Huang mentioned.

After all, it was a formation that was initially perfected in Zhu Wang's academy a few years ago. Due to some sensitive reasons, the formation diagram was only circulated in a small academic circle. Once it was out of Zhu Wang's territory and placed in other countries, many professor-level formation masters had only heard of the name of the Eight-Direction Blessing Reduction Formation. And among those who can be temporarily transferred by the Bai family to work the night shift, it is naturally difficult to have such a high-level formation master who is proficient in theory.

However, although people have never heard of the name of the Eight-Direction Blessing Reduction Formation, let alone its effectiveness... but at least they can see the abnormality of Bai Huang's words and deeds at this time, and they can hear the hidden meaning of Bai Huang!

In fact, although Bai Huang has never been good at socializing and has very few friends, he is still well-known within the family because of his excellent business quality. People generally evaluate him as introverted and calm, and cautious when facing big people and big scenes.

Such a person came overnight and plucked up the courage to publicly question the owner of Lingshan... This made people curious about the reason. At the same time, because of the huge difference in status between Bai Huang and Wang Luo, when the weaker party is like a mantis trying to stop a car in front of the stronger party, people will naturally tend to sympathize with the weaker party subconsciously.

Therefore, Bai Huang did not even have any real evidence. With just one sentence, the atmosphere on the scene became subtle and tense, and the atmosphere of suspicion and fear was brewing in silence. So that some people who were quick to think had begun to consider whether to find an opportunity to slip away as soon as possible to avoid being killed!

At the same time, Bai Huang's mind was almost blank!

This was definitely not his intention. He had discovered that Wang Luo's adjustment of the battle formation was slightly subtle during the day, and he did have some doubts in his heart, but this doubt was only a spark, far less than his trust in Wang Luo - he was always used to succumbing to power and only followed the lead of the strong. Wang Luo had countless halos on his head. Although he was a Zhuwang person, he had authority comparable to that of the king in Yueyang. Even if such a person called a deer a horse, Bai Huang would definitely delete the concept of deer from his mind unswervingly.

But now, in full view of the public, he was almost pointing at Wang Luo's nose and questioning and condemning him for using the Eight Directions to Reduce Blessings Formation to murder the Bai family!

Bai Huang, what on earth are you going to do! ?

However, before he could think about this problem clearly, countless distracting thoughts suddenly appeared in his blank mind. These thoughts were small and complicated, but soon gathered together and became an unstoppable torrent, which immediately overwhelmed his rationality.

There was a happy laugh in the distracting thoughts. Bai Huang was just a family formation master, but he was able to force the majestic Lingshan Mountain Master Wang Luo into a dilemma in public. This was undoubtedly a great achievement in his life! Moreover, he was the one who uncovered the other party's conspiracy alone and saved countless Bai family members related to the city defense formation inside and outside the small building. His contribution was great enough to be recorded in the family history!

There was also an eager expectation in his thoughts. He took the initiative to expose the truth of Wang Luo's formation in public. The other party would not give up. No matter how Wang Luo argued, he had enough confidence to break the other party's lies!

Although Bai Huang had only studied the Eight Directions Reduction Blessing Formation before, his shallow knowledge could not even guarantee that he could accurately identify the details of the formation diagram... But he seemed to have been instilled with countless knowledge out of thin air in this instant and became an expert in this field. Don't even mention what lies Wang Luo wants to make up to fool people... Even if Wang Luo really didn't set up the Eight Directions Fortune Reduction Formation in the city defense formation at this moment, Bai Huang has the confidence to "prove" that it is the Eight Directions Fortune Reduction Formation from a theoretical level! He now has the confidence to call a horse a zebra!

Then, in Bai Huang's crazy eyes, Wang Luo began to respond.

He didn't try to use his power to pressure others and ask the people around him to take Bai Huang down, nor did he defend his own formation method at all. He just asked a question lightly.

"Where did you hear about this Eight-Direction Fortune Reduction Formation?"

Bai Huang was stunned by this seemingly irrelevant question, and then sneered: "Where did I hear it? What does it matter? Don't you admit that you..."

Wang Luo interrupted: "Answer my question first, where did you learn this formation?"

Bai Huang pondered for a moment and said: "I make a living by setting up formations, and I have never stopped studying the art of formations. Although I am limited by my talent and intelligence, it is hard to say how high my achievements are, but at least in terms of diligence, many people in the family and the merchant group can prove it for me."

This remark was neither humble nor arrogant, and it was well-reasoned, which had attracted many night shift workers in the small building to nod secretly.

Eight-Direction Fortune Reduction Formation, although others had not heard of it, it would not be surprising if Bai Huang, a kid who likes to study, accidentally saw it somewhere and learned it.

But Wang Luo had expected this and asked immediately.

"In that case, you should be able to remember clearly when and where you learned this formation. Was it from the academic literature within the family? Or was it an academic exchange meeting held by Master Zhuwang in Yueyang? Or did you have a personal relationship with a master who is good at this formation?"

When Wang Luo spoke, his tone and gesture were particularly gentle, as if he was not responding to other people's doubts and attacks, but a doctor patiently asking about the patient's condition - obviously a doctor from a private hospital, and doctors in public hospitals definitely did not do this. There is plenty of time, and if you ask too many questions, you will only be greeted by the patient who is at the back of the queue and greets the whole family.

However, it was such a gentle question that made Bai Huang freeze for a moment, his face turned slightly pale, and his expression showed a trace of ferociousness, as if the thoughts in his heart began to compete with each other.

Wang Luo didn't push him, but waited patiently for his answer.

After a moment, Bai Huang shook his head vigorously, throwing away his reserved and cautious mind. He gritted his teeth and asked viciously: "Is this question important? Where did I learn it from, and what's the difference? Do you still want to follow the clues and pursue others? "

Wang Luo smiled and said: "It's very important, because this eight-way fortune-cutting formation has been classified as a forbidden technique after being abused by people more than two years ago. It should not be circulated through public channels, and apart from public channels, I I can’t imagine where else you, as a family formation master, can learn this forbidden technique. Of course, this forbidden technique is not particularly harmful, so learning the forbidden technique itself is definitely not wrong, neither you nor the person who taught you this formation. There is no responsibility. But if you can't even explain the origin of this forbidden technique, then there is a problem. Because, Bai Huang, think about it carefully, what kind of person can do this without knowing it. , suddenly understood the forbidden technique? And it was a forbidden technique that was fully perfected in recent years?"

This question really made many people present stunned.

Although it sounds like Wang Luo's words are a bit evasive and deliberately avoid the core contradiction, but... I have to admit that his doubts are indeed very reasonable.

There is no knowledge that can be obtained for no reason in this world, especially Bai Huang's understanding of the Bafang Fu Cutting Formation, which is so profound that he can accurately extract the key concept points from Wang Luo's sophisticated and complex city defense formation, and then use it to Red lines are woven into specific patterns. Such a high-definition ability to control formations cannot be explained by genius and inspiration. It must have been obtained through quite serious study and study.

And the other origins... may be unfamiliar to other people, but for the people of the Xianmen League who live on the right side of the sky and have been indoctrinated and brainwashed by standard textbooks in Meng Academy since childhood, that answer is, Almost ready to come out.

"That's right, transforming the wilderness. People who transform the wilderness will instantly learn forbidden arts that they have never been exposed to before, as if they were empowered by an immortal, and all kinds of knowledge can be obtained without any effort. And now, Bai Huang, tell me, in order to How much effort did you put into learning the Bafang Cutting Formation? As a family formation master known for his diligence and self-discipline, your study records should be clearer and more rigorous than most people's. It is impossible that you can't even tell the origin of your knowledge. Bar?"

After saying that, Wang Luo stopped pressing questions. Similarly, he did not drive away the night shift people watching the excitement around him, or even urge them to work quickly. He just quietly let time pass by minute by second, waiting for everyone to brew in their hearts. Come up with your own answer.

Bai Huang, on the other hand, has yet to give an answer.

Not only was he unable to answer, he was even unable to maintain his rationality. Sometimes he bared his teeth and looked ferocious, and sometimes he seemed to be in great panic, with cold sweat pouring out of him. And such a schizophrenic attitude made the night shift workers who had secretly sympathized with and supported him gradually change their minds.

Rather than doubting the radiant Lord of Lingshan's better to question this Bai Huang who suddenly made rude remarks! To say that he transformed desolation may be a bit alarmist and exaggerated. After all, White Key City is also a dignified Dinghuang City. There is also a newly built Dinghuang Tower in the city. There is no reason for desolation to penetrate so openly. But Bai Huang's abnormal appearance meant that he was mentally confused and had a broken memory at best. The accusations issued by such people are naturally weak.

Originally, the picture in people's eyes was that of a humble but loyal Bai family formation master, who had the courage to challenge a foreign power. But now the scene seems to be that of a hard-working family worker who has been working for a long time without getting a raise, has become depressed and ill, has lost his mind, and has begun to try to become famous by trying to become famous!

Then, just as the atmosphere in the building silently changed, Wang Luo finally spoke again.

"Bai Huang, if you can't answer my question for the time being, then think about this question carefully first, and make sure you think about it clearly. This will also be a good thing for you. As for everyone else here, please get off work early. Today's project Let’s get here first. After all, there is a Bafang Fu-cutting Formation hidden in the city defense formation. If this matter cannot be investigated to the bottom of the matter, I’m afraid you won’t dare to set up the formation anymore. As for when the work will be resumed, just wait for the family to notify you. I think it won’t take long, so please don’t have too much fun during your temporary vacation, so as not to delay your subsequent resumption of work.”

After explaining carefully, Wang Luo let the night shift workers in the building go back to their homes, and even the menacing Bai Huang ignored him.

Because there are other people who really need his persuasion.


Not long after everyone dispersed in the building, Wang Luo waited for the person he was waiting for.

A white-haired, energetic, and well-built old man dressed in fine clothes.

The old man did not come alone. When he walked into the building, Wang Luo clearly sensed several extremely powerful auras following the old man. Every breath represents an almost flawless pinnacle golden elixir, its strength is no less than that of the personal warriors that Lord Heping has painstakingly cultivated.

In today's White Key City, apart from Lord Heping, there is only one person who can travel with such a group of experts.

Tian Xin, the current head of the Bai family, was an old man who was active in the same era as Lord Heping, but has continued the power in his hands to this day.

Unlike He Pingjun, Bai Tianxin never restrained his sharp edge. When he stepped into the small building, Wang Luo felt an invisible sharp sword coming towards his face, so much so that the peak golden elixirs who followed it , all suddenly seemed small.

Tian Tian's heart was as quick and sharp as a sword. In an instant, he jumped from the door of the building to Wang Luo, and then got straight to the point.

"Master Wangshan, you don't hesitate to use dirty means to secretly sacrifice the good fortune of the Bai family's children to plot against me. It's really unnecessary. I'm here. If you want to kill or cut into pieces, you might as well come face to face. If this old man's body is broken, , If it can be of any benefit to the pioneering cause, I will abandon it without any hesitation!”

Wang Luo couldn't help laughing at this aggressive opening statement.

"Old Bai, this matter has nothing to do with you. You don't need to be so...aggressive."

Bai Tianxin snorted coldly when he heard this: "Master Wang Shan, there is no need for you and me to fight. That boy Bai Huang is indeed abnormal. I have asked the family guards to temporarily imprison him in the wasteland replenishment network." , if he becomes desolate, the Bai family will be the first to not spare him. But what he said is not groundless. There is indeed an eight-way fortune-cutting formation in this city protection formation, right? It’s so precise that it can’t be a coincidence, it must be a deliberate design. But who else has the ability to design this formation now, besides you?”

In response, Wang Luo shook his head helplessly.

Although he had just used clever words to resolve Bai Huang's question in a blink of an eye. But in essence, the moment the name Bafang Cutting Formation was thrown into the public eye by Bai Huang, the original plan was destined to be unsustainable.

Although the formation map of the Bafang Cutting Formation is a forbidden object, you can still collect it if you are willing to collect it. After all, even the formation map that Yu Xiaobo could get his hands on back then was only so precious.

Therefore, if anyone is interested, a simple review will reveal the truth. Regardless of whether Bai Huang has transformed from famine or not, at least it is a conclusive fact that Wang Luo hid a secret in the city defense formation! And such painstaking efforts to hide the killing array must be a big deal.

With the blessings of many Bai family members as sacrifices, who else could be plotting besides the current head of the Bai family family?

Therefore, it is reasonable for Tian Xin to visit in person, and he is definitely not being sentimental.

Fortunately, Wang Luo was already prepared for this.

"Old Bai, are you familiar with the name Bai Cheng?"

The next moment, Bai Tianxin's expression suddenly changed!

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