Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 434: The Piece on the Plate, the Object in the Net

As the head of the Bai family and an active figure at the same time as Lord Heping, Tian Xin's prestige and ability are unquestionable. When Hepingjun was in his prime and unparalleled, Bai Tianxin not only maintained the delicate alliance between the Baihe family, but also maintained the independence of the Bai family. When Hepingjun led the Northern Territory business group to expand the territory, Tu, taking advantage of the precious window before Lord Butian, the leader of Zhongxing, came to power, rapidly expanded his power, and the Bai family followed closely and received an unusually rich portion of the soup.

Such a person may be inferior to Lord Heping in terms of means and courage, but when it comes to the cultivation of the city, he will definitely not be inferior. Lord Heping still needed to hide his edge with an old posture after retiring, but Bai Tianxin was able to maintain his rule with an unchanging face despite the collapse of the mountain, and maintained his rule for decades.

So, how could such a person have such a change of mind so clearly shown on his face when he hears a name?

So before Tian Xin could respond, Wang Luo had already raised his true energy and gathered it in his mouth.


A short syllable was like detonating a volcano in the void, and a torrent of arrogant and unreasonable energy roared in. Although it did not directly penetrate the protective magic weapons all over the body of the Bai family patriarch, the immediate sense of crisis made him He was able to regain his composure from the shocking gaffe just now.

Only after you calm down can you talk.

"Lao Bai, don't get me wrong, this orange is not the other orange." As he spoke, Wang Luo stretched out his hand to draw in the air, using his true energy as ink, leaving a neat and powerful word "orange", "I'm talking about more than twenty years. The collateral daughter who was born in Wangcheng."

Bai Tianxin frowned slightly and nodded silently, slowly but forcefully.

Wang Luo then smiled and said: "Okay, it seems that Mr. Bai has figured out the trick. From now on, please remember that this person is not the other person. What we are discussing is a young girl in her twenties, not someone who is almost 20 years old." Chitose senior, if you make a mistake on this issue, you will lose your mind as if you were filthy."

Bai Tianxin frowned even more and said in disbelief: "Just now, I was... hiss!"

As he spoke, his thoughts couldn't help but turn to taboos, and his expression once again showed a wavering state.

Wang Luo immediately waved his finger in front of him, and his fingertips drew a round and mysterious path, attracting Tian Xin's attention.

"Next, please listen to me patiently. Mr. Bai, as the head of Yueyang's wealthy family, and with great cultivation in the Nascent Soul realm, you should know that there are some powerful existences. Just mentioning their names and thinking about their concepts , it may attract the attention of the other party, and then impose immortal punishment, so it is often tabooed among the people. Of course, such divine power is almost legendary even in the old immortal calendar era. At least ordinary Mahayana kings can hardly have such divine power. Unfortunately, what we are facing now is a true immortal who has surpassed the Mahayana of the old world. He Pingjun and I have already demonstrated it. After the banquet at Shengxue Tower, I have had secret conversations with Mr. He, and we did not avoid talking about it several times during this period - and you should not have been able to contact Mr. He in the past few days, right? Otherwise, with the temperament of the head of the Bai family, you should not be so anxious to find him in person. I confront."

After saying these words, Bai Tianxin's brows relaxed completely, and there was no more unnecessary expression on his face.

Because Wang Luo had indeed told the truth: when he learned that Wang Luo had hidden a fortune-cutting formation from all directions in the city defense formation, Tian Xin's first reaction was, of course, to go to Mr. Heping for an explanation.

The reason why Wang Luo, an outsider who wishes to wish, can call the shots in Yueyang and mobilize the elite resources of the Bai family to his heart's content, is undoubtedly because of He Pingjun's face. Compared with the wanton behavior of an outsider, Bai Tianxin was naturally more worried about what Lord Heping, who had suppressed him for decades, thought of the Bai family!

As long as He Pingjun can explain the matter clearly and give a serious reason, Bai Tianxin may not be able to make this matter a minor issue. Even if it is really necessary, with his old body, it is okay for him to make some sacrifices for the great cause of eradicating the wilderness - as long as he can get reasonable benefits for the family.

But at this critical moment, Mr. Heping actually claimed to be ill and couldn't come out! Even Bai Tianxin’s famous post is no longer easy to use!

This ancestor of the He family, who had retired behind the scenes for decades, seemed to have really retired behind the scenes at this moment! And this left Tian Xin with no choice. He couldn't directly break down the door of the He family and drag out Lord He Ping for torture. He could only go to Wang Luo to ask for an explanation...

But now it sounds like Mr. Heping actually suffered backlash because he didn't shy away from it!

"Actually, I was the only one who really called him by my first name at that time. Mr. He was just a focused listener. However, even so, he paid a heavy price. So Mr. Bai, even if he sketched the picture in his mind, he would try to use others to represent him. Means, don’t quote that concept directly.”

Bai Tianxin nodded again when he heard this, and then asked: "The head of the He family paid a heavy price, what about you, Master Wangshan?"

Wang Luo smiled: "It's true that I have nothing to do. After all, my status here means that I still have some immunity and privileges. Unfortunately, it is precisely because of this that I was careless and almost harmed Mr. He. In short, now that I am aware of the problem , there is naturally a solution. Although the power of the true immortal is strong, as long as the key concepts are avoided and the bad luck is not directly contacted, the true immortal cannot inexplicably inflict immortal punishments thousands of miles away. So next, just remember. Just stay here, it’s okay if this orange is not the other.”

Bai Tianxin asked again: "Is it that simple?"

"Yes, it's that simple. Although they have the same pronunciation and similar shapes, they are different characters and different people after all. The elements for avoiding taboos are already in place. In fact, similar concepts are not uncommon in modern fairy alliances. I played Taixu Picture Scroll before When creating a new account, you cannot name some important people for yourself. For example, the names of Lu Youyou and Lu Zhiyao cannot be used. But in fact, in the picture scrolls, you can see "Lu Youyou" and "Lu Zhiyao" almost everywhere. ’, even the local Taixu Division of Zhuwang is not very interested in keeping a close watch on it.”

Tian Tianxin frowned and said: "The two kings of Zhuwang have always been known for their generosity, but if it were replaced by Taixu in Yueyang territory, not to mention Butianjun's real name Gao Heng would not be available, even some words with similar shapes or homophones, such as '姮' and '忄亘' cannot be used indiscriminately."

Wang Luo smiled and said: "Yes, but if you change it to 'Diao Heng', 'Gao vertical' or 'Zhongxingzhi Gao and horizontal', it will be fine."


"Anyway, back to the topic, what we are going to talk about next is the collateral female Bai Cheng. I have carefully read the internal information of the Bai family in the past few days. As a marginalized person, there are very few records on paper about her. , this kind of little transparency is never uncommon in a large and prosperous family, but she unexpectedly got a great opportunity, and now she has become an important official on the front line of wishing to open up the land, and has a real impact on the great cause of the development. The power - a very bad one. But I can't fight head-on at the moment, so I can only save the country by taking a detour to Yueyang to find a solution. Among them, the Bafang Cutting Formation has the best effect. It is based on the great cause of pioneering. Affected by the concept of any external force such as a spiritual mountain, the power of law can be concentrated to kill people invisibly, which is unavoidable and unstoppable. Although the cost is high, objectively speaking, no matter how powerful Bai Cheng is now in his body. As long as the opportunities can be evenly distributed among the many children of the Bai family, each person may only need a serious illness, a divorce, and at most a cuckold... to move away the towering boulder blocking the path of the Immortal Alliance. "

When Wang Luo said this, he temporarily stopped talking.

After all, this is not something that can be said openly. Whether it is worthwhile to exchange the cuckoldry of some Bai family members for the death of another Bai family member, at least he cannot decide for the other party in front of the head of the Bai family.

Tian Xin still needs to nod on her own before this matter can proceed smoothly. And if Bai Tianxin refuses to nod... then it doesn't matter. As the head of the family, Bai Tianxin may use it as fuel for the eight-way blessing formation, and the effect may be better.

After a while, Wang Luo's patient waiting was replaced by Tian Xin's sigh.

"Master Wang Shan, there is something I don't understand. What kind of virtue and ability does that child Bai Cheng have to have such an opportunity?"

Wang Luo was a little surprised that Bai Tianxin would ask such an unimportant question, but he still answered it seriously.

"It has nothing to do with Bai Cheng's own moral character, it's her parents' problem."

"?" Bai Tianxin rarely showed a trace of surprise and confusion on his face.

Wang Luo added: "His father is from a branch of the Bai family, and his mother is the daughter of a small vassal family. Both of them have mediocre abilities and qualifications. Although they have some assets after marriage, their respective life fortunes are not comparable. The only thing they have an advantage over other wealthy families is the love between husband and wife. For those born in wealthy families, love is indeed much easier than that of ordinary people, but a long-term love is actually much easier. Even more rare. Because both sides have to face too many temptations of worldliness, but Bai Cheng's parents can support each other from childhood sweethearts to the end. In fact, it is the internal information of Bai family. There are quite a lot of records about this love. Mr. Bai, even though you are the high-ranking head of the Bai family, you must have heard about it, right?"

Wang Luo just asked casually, but from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Bai Tianxin's rather unnatural expression at this moment.

For Bai Xin, who has returned to facial paralysis, this reaction is quite unusual!

But Wang Luo was not in a hurry to reveal the secret, but continued talking as if he didn't notice.

"Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. After the two gave birth to their daughter Bai Cheng, they both died due to an accident. A few years later, Bai Cheng inherited the blessings of his predecessors and became a big shot who could resist the pioneering work on his own... Mr. Bai, you should have heard about what happened on the front line of Rongcheng, so you should also be able to think about why the extremely loving Bai family couple died suddenly, and why their daughter suddenly inherited a huge opportunity. "

After that, Wang Luo fell into a long wait again.

He was not in a hurry because the words did take a long time to digest. And he had already anticipated the questions that Tian Xin might ask and designed answers accordingly.

For example, why now?

Because it happened to be now that the Immortal Alliance decided to set foot on the land of Tianzhizuo and take away the key strategic location of Crazy Lake.

Why would a dual cultivation master who was deeply in love with his Taoist companion have such a vicious curse on his descendants?

To be honest, I don’t know. I can only ask the truth slowly after defeating the opponent. But no matter what, this method of using emotions and fate to manipulate people's fate is indeed her method.

However, this wait lasted nearly an hour.

During this period, Bai Tianxin's face was like a storm, and all kinds of thoughts and complexes were clearly presented...but only chaos was clearly presented.

Wang Luo had been quietly observing, but apart from observing Tian Xin's confusion, he could not read his true emotions!

And this posture... is exactly the same as Bai Huang's not long ago!

This made Wang Luo very puzzled: Bai Huang was invisibly controlling his mind, apparently because Senior Sister Bai also left a back-up in Yueyang. Regardless of the specifics, the influence was not strong anyway, so that Bai Huang Huang came to question him aggressively, but was left speechless by Wang Luo after just a few words.

And Bai Tianxin is the dignified head of the Bai family. Not only is he protected by skilled practitioners everywhere he goes out, but he is also equipped with extraordinary life-saving magic weapons. When Wang Luo first used the mantra to wake him up, his nearly god-level spiritual thoughts swept him away, but they couldn't break through Tian Xin's defense!

No matter how sophisticated Senior Sister Bai is, she cannot easily manipulate the mind of a wealthy family head thousands of miles away in the Immortal Alliance.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be better if she went directly to charm the frontline marshal Guan Tiejun and then pick up the yang and replenish the yin?

No matter how many magical powers Senior Sister Bai has, they will still be restricted within the Immortal Alliance. So, what is the reason for the abnormality of the heart during the day?

While waiting, Wang Luo tried several awakening techniques, but without exception they were blocked by Tian Xin's protective magic weapon. Several of them even alerted the dead men of the Bai family lurking outside the door, and almost caused the two people to die. People's secret conversations attract external interference. Therefore, this also made Wang Luo unable to continue to increase his efforts to forcefully break the magic weapon, so he could only wait for the time being.

Fortunately, Wang Luo still had enough patience at this time.

Waiting until it was getting dark, Bai Tianxin finally responded.

The old man sighed with emotion, and with this sigh, it seemed as if a wall that had been blocked for several years was penetrated, and endless evil thoughts and sadness surged out from behind the wall.

"Master Wangshan, there are some stories that I didn't intend to mention to anyone, but since this matter has become the focus of the moment, I'm afraid I won't tell the rest of the story, and you will have to dig it out sooner or later... Bai Cheng's parents, who The beautiful and sincere love like a story has gained a little fame in the family. At that time, I was encouraging harmony within the family, so I took advantage of this opportunity to attend their wedding in person. "

Wang Luo was shocked when he heard this. Did Tian Xin attend the wedding? This matter has not been seen in any bamboo slips!

"You didn't see it because I forcibly deleted the relevant records. It's a pity that even if I am the head of the family, it takes a lot of effort to destroy the bamboo slips, and the more I destroy them, the more obvious the traces will be. I thought this matter could eventually be solved I was forgotten by everyone, but from then on, I became just a pawn on the chessboard.”

Wang Luo couldn't help but frown and leaned his upper body forward slightly: "Old Bai, stop being arrogant and talk about the main point. What did you do at that wedding?"

Tian Xin raised his head and looked at Wang Luo, but his eyes were focused on the infinite distance behind Wang Luo, as if he was looking at history.

"That day, I met Bai Cheng's mother for the first time. She was obviously not a beautiful woman, but the way she was immersed in love made me moved inexplicably. After that..."


Tian Xin was silent for a while and only said the conclusion.

"Bai Cheng, she is actually my daughter."


"And the accidental death of that couple was also caused by me, because... I originally used fairy magic to cover up the relevant memories, but for some reason, the magic suddenly lost its effectiveness. The young couple who recalled everything became one of mine. Flaw, so..."

"So, are you ready to die?"

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