When he heard Lu Zhiyao's order, Qin Muzhou was simply astonished.

"Senior sister, are you serious? Let me go against Bai Wuhou?! Let me?"

Lu Zhiyao sighed: "That's right. It's really difficult for you, the son-in-law of the Bai family, to fight against one of the five elders of the Bai family. What's more, the difference in strength between you can be said to be fatal. You don't want to risk separation from Bai Cheng. It's normal for you to resist pointlessly at the risk. Then just watch from the sidelines while I look for another candidate... I think Bai Lifu is pretty good. Although his surname is Bai, he is just a branch of the Bai family in the mortal world. Born, now his whole family and friends have died at the hands of the master's family, and he has an sworn hatred with Bai Wuhou of the Immortal Clan, with sufficient motives; in addition, not long after his family died, he dared to take a group of boys to the front of the battle array Although he lacks intelligence and courage, he has sufficient courage; and he is from a local background, so it is easier for him to integrate and resonate with the local formation than for me, an outsider. In summary, let him take over my class. , we must win a bright future for the 500,000 people in Yanwu.”

Lu Zhiyao's words made Qin Muzhou's face turn red and blue.

"Senior sister, you... don't need to speak so eccentrically."

Lu Zhiyao sneered: "Then you don't have to pretend that you didn't expect to be called out by me. Now there are only two true immortals in Yanwu: you and me. When I can't hold on, I can't take care of anyone." Go up? When you came to Yanwu to lay out the Dinghuang Stone, didn't you think that one day you would go to the battlefield in person? Did you think that the one who created Tianting could just follow me and drink soup? Can he win the eternal reputation of being the founding father?"

Qin Muzhou said solemnly: "Sister, you misunderstood. I just didn't expect that there would be a day when you couldn't hold on anymore and asked me for help."

Lu Zhiyao smiled again: "This point is well grasped, and it fully highlights the bad image of Lu Zhiyao, who is reckless, arrogant and oppressing my junior brothers. Then what are you going to do, want me to kneel down and beg you? By the way, according to the According to the plot of my book, you and Bai Cheng have been separated for a long time at this time, and your yang fire is weak, so maybe you still want me to calm your fire..."

"Senior sister!" Qin Muzhou finally couldn't help but burst out a little angry, "It's come to this, and you are still in the mood to tell these jokes? There are only you and me here, and I am the only person you can trust. You... ...Can't you tell me something sincerely? How many cards do you have and what are your chances of winning when the situation has evolved to this point? If Bai Wuhou is alone, we will be lucky. At this level, what are you going to do with the other four elders of the Bai family? After the Bai family, what plans do you have for the other two major families in New Heaven? Not even talking about those families, Master... In short, these Can't you make it clear to me? I don't mind being yelled at by you. Anyway, Bai Cheng and I were always fooled around by you in the mountains, but I hope that when you send me, you will at least You truly trust me!”

"Huh..." Lu Zhiyao let out a long breath and sprayed a stream of corrupt energy and blood that had almost dissipated in her body towards Qin Muzhou's face.

This poisonous aura, which was enough to brew a plague and wipe out thousands of people, dissipated without a trace before it touched Qin Muzhou.

So Lu Zhiyao smiled and said: "It is indeed possible. Although I have been struggling for the past three days, I have finally broken through all the magic of Bai Wuhou. You have been watching the whole process, so you should have some experience. Don't worry, Bai Wuhou has been basically exhausted in the past three days, and he has no more tricks. After all, he has only practiced in heaven for an extra thousand years, not five or six thousand years... Now I have helped you get him. The skill axis has been figured out, and the only thing left is to be patient and dented. Come on, Qin Muzhou, for the sake of man's dignity, try to dent it as long as possible, I believe in you! "

When Qin Muzhou saw this situation, Lu Zhiyao couldn't even utter a serious word from her mouth, she was so angry and funny. However, no matter how absurd the previous words were, he finally heard the four most important words.

I trust you.

This is enough.

So Qin Muzhou took a step forward, and during this step, he changed places with Lu Zhiyao and personally stepped onto the front line of the Yanwu formation.

In an instant, the heavy pressure from the formation caused his pupils to tremble, and all the energy and blood in his body stagnated.

Fortunately, thanks to many years of double cultivation, Qin Muzhou has always been very good at withstanding pressure. Although his expression changed for a moment, he quickly adjusted his posture for bearing pressure and the immortal path in his body, and finally managed to secure Lu Zhiyao. The remaining formations took over.

"Then, I'll give it a try...but senior sister, please adjust your breathing and recover quickly, and come back to take over. I can't hold on to you for that long."

Qin Muzhou looked at the Taoist with disheveled hair and ragged clothes on the lake with caution, while he sincerely warned Lu Zhiyao.

Lu Zhiyao just waved her hand to him and did not answer. And when he stepped away from the front line dock, he didn't even look back.

Because she could no longer turn back.

The cost of the three-day protracted war is not just as simple as running out of oil and drying up the lamp. Her current body is almost using the immortal essence as glue to forcibly stick it together. If she relaxes a little, she will immediately become a Broken corpses on the ground.

Just now, if Qin Muzhou had been more hesitant and delayed in taking over, the consequences would have been serious.

In fact, Lu Zhiyao would not have let Qin Muzhou take over if he had not reached his limit.

Some of what Qin Muzhou said was actually right: Lu Zhiyao didn't trust him, because similarly, Qin Muzhou didn't trust Lu Zhiyao either.

If he really trusts, then why is he so indecisive? When he was urgently dispatched and received orders in danger, he actually wanted to reveal his true feelings... Did he really think he couldn't see the temptation in it? It’s not that easy to know your own trump card!

Of course, Lu Zhiyao did not blame Qin Muzhou for his distrust. Because for what she wants to do now, even if she searches all over the world, few people can pat their chests and say, "I believe in you." Qin Muzhou was willing to follow her and do something against heaven. Although he had blind faith in Senior Sister Lingshan, it was also because hundreds of years of practice had not worn away the youthful spirit in his heart. A ruthless means of refining them all as sacrifices.

In the words of the ancestors of the Desolate Demons, even though the period of ascension was still short, the turbidity of the mortal world has not been washed away by the Immortal Law, and she still has a woman's kindness towards the common people.

Of course, part of the reason is that the Qin family, where Qin Muzhou was born, was brutally refined by a group of ancient immortals who panicked when the catastrophe first appeared, resulting in heavy casualties and painful injuries. Later, the Qin family counterattacked with the strength of the whole family, which also caused many ancient immortals who suddenly lost their immortal laws and had their immortal base shaken to fall on the spot, following in the footsteps of the immortal ancestor Chicheng. From this, the two sides formed a blood feud, so it became a matter of course for the Qin family to follow the current leader of the resistance army.

However, as the situation evolved, there were fewer and fewer reasons for Qin Muzhou to follow Lu Zhiyao.

First of all, the establishment of the New Heavenly Court allowed the surviving immortals to finally have an organization - and the emergence of this organization quickly intensified the division of the immortal group. Some people identify with the new heaven and are willing to accept a new version of the Immortal Law that is completely different from the Immortal Law established by Immortal Ancestor Chicheng. Some people cannot forget the old Immortal Law and choose to cherish themselves forever as the afterimage of the old law. For this reason, they do not hesitate to stay away from the Kyushu Continent. Finally escaped to the moon.

Of course, there are many people who choose to resist to the end and are incompatible with the New Heavenly Court. Some of them can't stand the New Immortal Law and treat ordinary people like ants, while others simply don't want to be weighed down by the three major families... But no matter what , because of the clear division of the immortal group, the New Heavenly Court had to divide and rule the various forces on the Kyushu Continent while establishing the overbearing immortal law. Among them, the Qin family, who had a blood feud, became the object of New Heaven's affection.

Lu Zhiyao didn't care about the specific transaction chips, but judging from the Qin family's attitude towards Qin Muzhou, the New Heavenly Court's bid was obviously not low. After all, Qin Muzhou received family letters on a regular basis, and the content of the letters from his family had been signed in blood by hundreds of people asking for it. The revenge of the tribe turned into concern for his physical and mental safety on the front line of the wilderness, and then turned into telling him that the living are more important than the dead, and there is no hatred that cannot be resolved in the world...

Therefore, the family's blood feud is no longer such a reliable source of motivation for Qin Muzhou.

In addition, Lu Zhiyao's road to settling the famine is a road destined to be full of setbacks and ups and downs. What they faced was not only the immortals in heaven whose strength was unfathomable, but also the unsolvable situation in which the people were in chaos after the catastrophe. Along the way, Qin Muzhou saw unsolvable powerful enemies and helpless dead ends everywhere. And he couldn't always be optimistic like Lu Zhiyao.

Finally, and most importantly, Bai Cheng.

During the catastrophe, Qin Muzhou and Bai Cheng parted ways by chance. When they met again, the two had already taken different positions.

It is true that Bai Cheng is controlled by the Bai family, but in essence, the conflict between Bai Cheng and the family is not an irresolvable conflict. The five elders of the Bai family control Bai Cheng, partly because Bai Cheng's talent is too important to be left to her will. On the other hand, it is precisely because of Qin Muzhou! Bai Cheng's beloved Taoist monk suddenly stood on the opposite side of the Bai family. Under such circumstances, it would be strange for the Bai family not to take control measures against Bai Cheng!

And if there was no interference from Qin Muzhou, how would Bai Cheng choose? She is the Bai family, one of the three major families in New Heaven. She is from direct bloodline. Almost all the five elders of the Bai family today are her direct great-grandfathers! And she has always been close and harmonious with her family, so there is almost no reason to turn against her!

Therefore, for Qin Muzhou, his current position has become a source of conflict between Bai Cheng and his family, and has become an obstacle to his and Bai Cheng's reunion.

Therefore, as far as Qin Muzhou is concerned, as long as he changes his position a little and obeys human nature, all the problems that trouble him can be easily solved.

All it takes is a simple stance switch and that's it.


Behind the Yanwu formation, in a separate Huilingwu Fort that had been cleared out, Lu Zhiyao ended her long speech, poured herself a cup of tea, and said leisurely.

"To sum up, Qin Muzhou's loyalty is actually in jeopardy now. As the protagonist, I am really worried."

In front of Lu Zhiyao, a bronze mirror suspended in mid-air reflected Song Yuan's slightly frowning face.

"It turns out that Sister Lu's current situation is so difficult..."

Lu Zhiyao helplessly shrugged: "The world of adults is so cruel and ruthless. It's hard to find a chance to say what's in your heart to others. Before you, I could only read it to that stupid deer... So little one, you Don’t fall in love casually in the future and get yourself into trouble! If you really feel like it, come and love me.”

Song Yuan pursed her lips and smiled: "Okay! I just hope that my sister won't dislike my little bean sprouts in the future."

"Haha, even though they are small bean sprouts, they taste a bit like tea! At such a young age, the future is limitless."

"Then, since sister knows that Senior Brother Qin is in an embarrassing situation, why do you want him to take over your hosting of the formation?"

Lu Zhiyao heard this and said seriously: "What do you think?"

Song Yuan was silent for a while and said: "Because this is the only way to save him and Senior Sister Bai? If Brother Qin chooses to part ways with you, Sister Lu, at this time, it seems that he can reunite with his lover, but then they will become Sister Lu’s enemy, because sister, you will never change your stance... and there is no room for personal feelings between the enemy and us. "

Lu Zhiyao's expression became more solemn at this moment: "You're right. In these troubled times, even I don't have the luxury to indulge in personal affairs. If Qin Muzhou and Bai Cheng really stand on the side of the wilderness, , even if I don't want to, I can only treat them the same way I treat my enemies. Therefore, when Qin Muzhou is still indecisive, I have to keep forcing him to do the right thing for me. A bit of blind faith, so even if the Bai family is destroyed in the end, he and Bai Cheng will finally have a happy ending, otherwise..."

When Song Yuan heard this, he nodded: "I understand, so Yuan'er will definitely guard the Song family fort for her sister and set up a stone to determine the wilderness. As long as she can win the battle of Fenghu to determine the wilderness, she will be defeated or even killed. Qin Muzhou, one of the five elders of the Bai family, has no room for hesitation! "

"Hahaha!" Lu Zhiyao couldn't help but laugh, "Little one, you are really a human spirit. How could the Nanhe Song family be so virtuous as to raise a person like you! Oh, if there had been no natural disaster, hundreds of years later, the Nanhe Song family would only be With you, you are enough to surpass the Jingzhou Song family where my master comes from.”

Song Yuan was flattered: "Sister, that's too exaggerated, I..."

"Well, it is indeed a bit exaggerated."


Lu Zhiyao explained: "Little one, heroes in this world have to be born in response to the times and swallow up the momentum. If you were born in the Taiping years, you would probably be an idle wanderer who keeps a low profile and your achievements are neither high nor low. But in troubled times, , you have a reason to show off your edge, and what I need now is your edge. Even if your cultivation is still shallow, you are indeed just a little bean sprout, but as long as you maintain your edge, I can guarantee it. , very soon, everyone in the world will be blinded by you."

Song Yuan opened her mouth in surprise, but quickly nodded seriously: "Yuan'er understands!"

"So, before that moment, you must protect yourself, understand?" Lu Zhiyao said seriously, "Whether it is the Song Family Fort or the Dinghuang Stone, even the entire Mozhou, in my opinion, is actually not as good as you now. Important. The most important thing I gained from my trip to the west is actually you!”

Song Yuan nodded again: "Yuan'er... I understand. If encountering danger, Yuan'er will give priority to protecting herself."

"Oh, then it's a deal."

"It's a deal!"

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