Rest time is always short.

Not long after the lively conversation with Song Yuan ended, as if in the blink of an eye, Lu Zhiyao was still in Huilingwu Castle with her eyes half-closed, recuperating... when she felt the sunlight coming from the window was strangely dazzling.

The abnormal change in light forced her to stop her precious leisure time and opened her eyes. What caught his eyes was a faint blood color, and the sky above his head seemed to be filled with pink mist. Seeing this color, Lu Zhiyao sighed, rubbed the still dozing deer head next to her, and stood up.

Lu Youyou was suddenly jerked off without any warning, and suddenly woke up. She was a little confused for a moment, but she still shook her ears neatly and forced herself to be nervous.

Although he has not yet transformed and his spiritual intelligence has not been fully enlightened, Lu Youyou is already very clear about his mission here.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm not asking you to donate blood and pluck out hair. After cutting off the external sources of waste poison pollution, it's no longer up to you to remove waste in this formation." Lu Zhiyao smoothed the deer's ears and whispered, "It was Qin Muzhou who couldn't hold on any longer and was reminding me to take over... His performance was pretty good. He lasted for about a day and a half this round. With his level, he could even be considered an extraordinary performer."

Linglu immediately let out a low cry of joy and nudged Lu Zhiyao with his head, as if to say: "You were really worried before."

Lu Zhiyao laughed and stretched out her hand to push the little head away: "The little guy's intelligence has not been fully enlightened, but he is obviously getting smarter and smarter, and he knows how to take the initiative to provide me with emotional value. Don't worry, although I value it the most The little one in Songjiabao, I must love you the most...because you are the only one who has the chance to stay with me until the end."

Linglu suddenly looked confused.

"It's okay, you will gradually understand in the future. But now, I am going to take over. This round, with you helping me restore my Qi, blood, immortality, and eradicate the desolate poison, I should be able to hold on for another three to five days. However, I'm a little doubtful whether these three or five days can go through smoothly. Little guy, remember, if something unexpected happens in Yanwu when I go to host the formation, don't worry about anything else. No one, including me, will do it. Don't worry about it, just use the techniques I taught you to run away as far as possible, and don't get close to anyone during this period, not even people you know well, do you understand?"

Although Lu Youyou was still a little confused, he nodded firmly.

"So good, that's how it should be." After Lu Zhiyao finished speaking, she petted the little deer's ears again.

The next moment, she left Hui Lingwu Fort and appeared at the frontline dock. The expression on her face returned to her daily relaxed and freehand expression.

"Xiao Qin, you performed well."

Hearing this, Qin Muzhou trembled slightly, and with this movement, a faint blood mist erupted from every pore on his body, and the Yun Shang plain clothes woven from the white clouds of Lingshan also appeared here. It was stained blood red for a moment.

"Fortunately... I did not disgrace my life."

When he spoke, his voice was hoarse and dry, as if his throat had been burned by fireworks.

Lu Zhiyao hummed, stepped forward to support her shaky junior brother, and naturally took over the position of hosting the formation.

The pressure coming from the formation was easier than expected.

Lu Zhiyao looked into the distance and saw ten miles away, in the middle of Feng Lake, Bai Wuhou still had disheveled hair and gray robes. Even the expression on his face was no different from a day and a half ago, or even four and a half days ago... However, compared to four and a half days ago, he had indeed become weaker.

And the degree of weakening was a little more than expected.

Obviously, this war of attrition that once brought Lu Zhiyao to the point of running out of fuel was equally painful for Bai Wuhou. Although he had practiced for more than a thousand years more than Lu Zhiyao, facing the wheel battle between Lu and Qin, especially When there was an auspicious spiritual deer behind Lu Zhiyao, the advantage of cultivation that had lasted for more than a thousand years was almost gone.

In fact, before the war started, Lu Zhiyao had already made a very clear calculation: as long as she could completely anger Bai Wuhou, no matter how many shrewd calculations he had in his mind, he would be burned out by the instant anger and turn all his attention. They were all locked in the Yanwu Formation, fighting such a stupid battle with Lu Zhiyao, so under the war of attrition, the first one to be unable to hold on would be Bai Wuhou.

In a wheel battle between two against one, the result is bound to be this.

No matter how indecisive Qin Muzhou is, he will not openly change his position, at least when Lu Zhiyao is approaching and trying to insinuate him. On the contrary, he will act even more desperately and spare no effort, believing in Lu Zhiyao like a self-deceiving believer. Yao.

At present, it seems that Qin Muzhou's desperate efforts have even exceeded Lu Zhiyao's expectations. In this day and a half of fighting, he successfully weakened Bai Wuhou, which made Lu Zhiyao more relaxed in the next round of protracted battle.

"...Have a good rest." Lu Zhiyao patted Qin Muzhou on the back, "Go and take a nap. Next time you wake up, you will be at the celebration banquet."

Qin Muzhou was stunned for a moment, then forced a smile: "Senior sister, don't show off."

"Tsk!" Lu Zhiyao frowned and reached out to pat Qin Muzhou again. This time, she actually used some strength, and immediately sprayed out a faint mist of blood, which made Qin Muzhou almost vomit blood.

"When was it your turn to instruct me so condescendingly? Go to sleep now!"

Qin Muzhou staggered a few steps, smiled helplessly, and then said goodbye to Lu Zhiyao.

After his figure staggered and disappeared at the end of the dock streets, Lu Zhiyao waved her Yao sword, using the majestic power of the formation to slash at Bai Wuhou's underworld.

"Ming Zong, the countdown is about to begin again."


The second tug-of-war with Ming Zong was extremely long every moment. Although Ming Zong had become weaker, Lu Zhiyao's condition was obviously not back to its best.

But Lu Zhiyao didn't care. While she flawlessly blocked every dark technique from Bai Wuhou, she even had time to whisper to herself.

"Actually, I originally had a lot of things to say to Qin Muzhou. While I was holding the formation, in addition to recuperating, he was also responsible for supervising the Yanwu people to complete the condensation of the Desolation Stone. Once the foundation stone of Yanwu's Desolation Stone is truly formed, then with The Dinghuang Stone in Songjiabao can resonate and extend into a 'smooth stone wall'. Then, as long as the blood of the Nine Provinces Ten Thousand Spirits flowing in the blood river is used as paint, the Ning Yuan Diagram can be drawn, and then the first Jiuzhou Continent can be activated. "Dinghuang array."

Speaking of this, Lu Zhiyao sighed and said: "The reason why Yanwu was selected as the front line of the desolation is actually not the water and land spiritual veins here, let alone the six major families and millions of living beings in Yanwu. . But this great formation, based on it, can be used to transform the Desolation Formation, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort. In particular, it can also defeat the vanguard general of your new heaven, and if it goes well, maybe the pattern of the new era can be determined in one fell swoop."

After that, Lu Zhiyao sighed again, and her voice became even deeper: "As for these words, I have actually said these words to Qin Muzhou more than once. He is almost the first group of true immortals to buck the trend and defect to me. I always You have to paint a pie for him and exaggerate the great ideals. For leaders, there are only zero and countless times of painting the pie. Once you start painting, you can't stop for a moment, even if the other party has no doubt about you. Keep feeding him cakes, and keep feeding him, because if you stop feeding him, he will wonder if you don’t trust him, or if your great career has encountered some setback.”

"So, I originally prepared a lot of things to say to him. In addition to drawing cakes, I also wanted to remind him that when I couldn't get out of the formation, he had to look after the rear to prevent a fire in the backyard. ...Unfortunately, he worked too hard in the past day and a half. Not only did he last for half a day longer than I expected, but he even suffered some minor injuries to Ming Zong. And the price is: if I had forced him to eat the cake, He was afraid that he would die right in front of me, so I had no choice but to tell him to go and rest quickly, and I could only keep the many good words for now. However, I always like to talk, so since I couldn't say it to him, I had no choice but to give it to him. I’ve told you. If you don’t want to hear it, Mingzong, you might as well tell me a flaw and be cut off eight hundred miles away by my sword. Leave Fenghu, the place where everything is wrong, and find a remote and quiet place to take shelter... Well, it seems that you are a little stubborn and refuse to leave, so I’ll just assume you want to hear it.”

Lu Zhiyao chuckled lightly and then said: "Mingzong, the Bai family is one of the oldest families in heaven. You are the youngest and weakest among the five elders of the Bai family. But due to the natural disaster, The Immortal Law collapsed, and the other four elders were seriously injured. Instead, you, the younger generation, came from behind and became the most powerful one in existence. This gave you an excellent opportunity to gain momentum. The reason why you are in the New Heavenly Court Group. In front of the immortals, they are rushing to take over the job of occupying Feng Lake, just to make great military achievements and leave their mark in the new immortal law, so as to establish their status as the chief elder of the family and even the head of the family. "

Lu Zhiyao said these words with a smile, as if she was just telling a story after dinner. Her voice was quite low, and it was impossible to hear her clearly unless you were very close. And Bai Wuhou, who was ten miles away, was naturally even less likely to hear it.

But as the stories were told after dinner, the atmosphere in Dafeng Lake gradually turned cold.

Even though the blood rain is still falling from the sky, even though the evil things from the netherworld are still pouring out of the lake and rushing towards the smoke dock, even though Bai Wuhou is still going all out when he performs thousands of magic changes, causing strange phenomena in the world at every turn... But if you look at the overall situation from a higher perspective, it is not difficult to find that the situation in Fenghu is coming to an end at an extremely fast speed.

And Lu Zhiyao’s story continues.

"But, Mingzong, have you ever thought about it, although the four elders of the Bai family were each injured, which one is not an ambitious person with thousands of years of foundation? Before you, they maintained a four-way tug of war and did not elect a co-leader. Is it because there is no suitable candidate? Is it because of mutual humility and inability to make a decision? After you joined them and became one of the five elders, why did they let you continue to take credit? Because the seniors showed their spirit and gave way to the young people? ? Or do they pay attention to the structure, put the cause of heaven first, and take the initiative to let stronger people shoulder more important missions? Or, each of them knows that Fenghu's job is not easy... whoever touches it will die. "

When he said the last two words, a breeze suddenly blew from behind Lu Zhiyao, like a gentle invisible hand, the fingertips brushed Lu Zhiyao, the blue shield, and the boiling Fenghu... came all the way to Bai Wuhou.

Bai Wuhou's face remained motionless, as if he was completely unaware. But the power of his underworld magic began to decrease quietly, as if some of the magic charm was blown away by the invisible breeze.

Lu Zhiyao is in a tit-for-tat position, so she naturally feels this clearly.

So after sighing again, she smiled and said: "It seems that Qin Muzhou is also restless. Instead of sleeping and recuperating, he went to speed up the condensation of the cornerstone of the desolation... According to this progress, in two days at most, Yan Muzhou will The Dinghuang Stone in the dock can be put into use. And I am sitting on two Dinghuang Stones. Even without the Ning Yuan Diagram, I can use the power of the formation to prevent you from leaving Feng Lake. So, Ming Zong, if you want to escape, You need to seize the opportunity now. If you leave later, you really won’t be able to leave.”

Bai Wuhou did not react at all to these false threats.

And time, in such a subtle wind, came two days later.

At this time, the breeze blowing from Yanwu to Fenghu Lake was no longer invisible. Although the actual force of the wind cannot be felt with the skin, every time the breeze blows, the evil things on the lake will disperse a little, and the thick blood color on the lake will turn slightly clearer.

The Dinghuang Stone in Yanwu has begun to show its power.

Just like the tremor of a baby bird before hatching, although it is slight, it is full of life.

At the core dock, tens of thousands of survivors silently gathered together to witness a flawless white square stone gradually emerging from the void... That gentle luster can give endless confidence to people in disasters.

Then, when the monument turned from empty to solid, Lu Zhiyao felt the pressure on her body suddenly relax.

Bai Wuhou in the middle of the lake chose to retreat before this moment came.

It was as if he had no nostalgia for this battlefield that he had chosen and on which his future and ambition rested. And his withdrawal naturally meant that the battle that had been going on here for a long time finally came to a resolution.

Those evil things in the lake that came at his command were still rushing towards the formation without knowing anything about their master no longer supporting them behind them. The color of the lake water is still scarlet and viscous, like dirty plasma. But the voice of victory had already come from behind Lu Zhiyao.

Surrounding the Dinghuang Stone in Yanwu, the indulgent voices of tens of thousands of people soared into the sky.

And a tired voice also sounded at this time.

"Sister, congratulations..."

Qin Muzhou held on to his broken body and congratulated Lu Zhiyao. In the past two days, he was almost burning his essence, forcing himself to accelerate the formation of the Dinghuang Stone... It can be said that he took the greatest credit for the current victory.

However, what greeted him was a pair of cold and even cruel eyes.

Lu Zhiyao turned around, but her eyes did not stop on Qin Muzhou for the slightest moment. Instead, she looked directly into the distance, towards the Song Family Fort, which was hundreds of miles east of Yanwu and located on the south bank of the Blood River.

Just when Yanwu's cornerstone of desolation finally fell, Songjiabao's cornerstone of desolation... suddenly shattered.

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