When the same question was asked for the second time, I finally got a relatively positive answer.

"You are Wang Luo, there is no doubt about it."

After a simple sentence, Bai Cheng remained silent again, just looking at Wang Luo with a dull gaze, as if waiting for his understanding and feedback.

Wang Luo opened his mouth and wanted to ask more questions, but in the end he just nodded silently to indicate that he understood.

Bai Cheng's answer was too brief and seemed to have no information - she had been calling herself Wang Luo instead of junior brother from the beginning. At this time, the phrase "you are Wang Luo" seemed a bit redundant.

But "superfluous" itself is also a kind of message, especially after experiencing the two warnings that almost drove her to pieces, repeating what she said before also became a strong hint.

"Sister stressed that I am Wang Luo, so the problem is how to define 'Wang Luo'. Unfortunately, it is not convenient to directly ask 'Am I the Wang Luo who was born in the old immortal calendar era', because it seems like a question A problem that will make Bai Cheng explode."

"But on the other hand, such a simple question cannot get a direct response. Obviously I am not the same person as I remember... But, since we are not the same person, why does she insist that I am Wang Luo? Or, in other words, in In her opinion, how should Wang Luo be defined?"

After thinking about it, Wang Luo asked a sideways question.

"Excuse me, who is Bai Cheng?"

When Bai Cheng heard this, there was a trace of appreciation in her eyes, and then she pondered for a while and gave a very meaningful answer.

"You are now the winner of this chaos I caused, but you risked the world's disapproval and insisted on protecting me, the culprit... That little deer will never let anyone know about this, she will My body hangs high above the fortress, telling everyone in the Immortal Alliance that Bai Cheng is dead. "

After saying that, Bai Cheng gently closed his eyes and his body swayed a little. It was obvious that the words just mentioned, even though they were insinuating, still vaguely triggered some restrictions, and it took her some time to digest them. Fortunately, the price did not seem to be heavy, and it would not have any real impact.

But Wang Luo had already understood Bai Cheng's original intention from these words.

To put it simply, who Bai Cheng is no longer depends on Bai Cheng himself. At this time, even if Wang Luo suddenly jumped out and told the world that Bai Cheng was not dead, she was living in her own sea of ​​consciousness... Lu Youyou would also say indifferently that Wang Luo's brain was damaged during the fierce battle and he began to have hallucinations. , don’t worry, please understand...

To put it bluntly, this is a question of calling a deer a horse. Whether it is a deer or a horse does not depend on the two animals themselves, but on the identity of the person referring to the deer.

Therefore, what can determine who Wang Luo is is not trivial details such as Wang Luo's memory, experience, appearance, and cultivation.

But the one who pointed out the deer.

However, the world is so vast, who is qualified to point out this deer?

Senior sister? Lu Youyou? Or is it……

Unfortunately, before he could fully think about this issue, his thoughts were interrupted.

"Wang Luo..."

Opening his eyes, what appeared in front of him was Lu Youyou.

The Lord of Wisdom had an extremely complicated look on his face, anxious, uneasy, and even frightened...but there was no blame, let alone hostility.

It was as if there was something extremely embarrassing that prompted her to rashly come to disturb Wang Luo at this sensitive and delicate moment, and then make him reluctantly do it.

After a long time, Lu Youyou said: "Marshal Guan Tiejun..."

Wang Luo nodded: "My condolences."

"...No, he's awake."

"Tsk, awesome."

Wang Luo could only express his sincere feelings about this. Although Wang Luo did not attend the decisive battle on the top of the fortress in person, he was always in his sight. He was the master of Lingshan Mountain after all, and he had always seen clearly the fierce battle taking place at the foot of Lingshan Mountain.

Therefore, Guan Tiejun holds the Holy Sword of Ning Yuan and fights the true immortal with the body of Nascent Soul. He also knows the price he has to pay.

It should be said that if we proceed from the theory of immortality in the old immortal calendar era, when he struck out the first sword, he would have been destroyed physically and mentally. The gap between Nascent Soul and True Immortal is so huge that it cannot be bridged by any subjective will. Although relying on the right time and place, he made continuous overdraft attacks and almost killed Bai Cheng with the sword, but the overdraft amount accumulated by dozens or hundreds of swords also made him hopeless.

Such a person actually woke up... Wang Luo had nothing else to say other than feeling awesome.

The timing was not right, and he really didn't want to think too much about Guan Tiejun now.

"He said he wanted to see you."

Wang Luo frowned: "Guan Tiejun wants to see me? Is he looking back on his past?"

Lu Youyou sighed: "No, the situation is much more complicated than that. So... I will help you with Sanshudui. Please help me now, okay?"

Wang Luo sneered: "Of course."

The sneer was directed at himself. He had almost forgotten that no matter how pure Lu Youyou was, she was still a pure man who had governed the country for five hundred years. She had all the skills a country leader should have. As for what happened in Sanshudui, apart from Qin Yu, Han Guming and Huang Long obviously also knew about it.

However, he is the master of kindness after all, so Lu Youyou's words of help at this time are also sincere. Wang Luo felt somewhat sentimental, so he temporarily closed the world of consciousness, folded Bai Cheng and put it away, and temporarily turned his attention back to Lu Youyou.

"How is Guan Dingnan's situation?"

Lu Youyou sighed: "It's not very good, but it's better than his father. Bai Cheng... she didn't kill him after all."

As he spoke, Lu Youyou reached out and grabbed Wang Luo's wrist, and then stepped forward. In an instant, the small figure swelled like a towering mountain in front of Wang Luo's eyes, and then recovered in an instant.

At this time, Wang Luo had returned to the foot of his loyal Lingshan Mountain.

The fortress that controls the Baili Mountain Stronghold is not far ahead, but the sound of joy that echoed in the mountains not long ago has disappeared.

The strong aura of death lingered around, and many of the soldiers who had just vented their joy not long ago began to wear mourning and mourning on their faces.

And when Wang Luo, with the authority of the mountain master, raised his perspective and overlooked the earth, he was a little surprised to find that a considerable number of the 100,000 coalition troops from the hundreds of Immortal Alliance countries surrounding the fortress were sleeping. , his body was filled with an almost corpse-like smell.

The smell of death that he just smelled came from these sleeping soldiers.

They are basically all locals of Zhuwang. More than 90% are from the Nanxiang Dinghuang Army, and only about 10% are scattered among Zhuwang's other troops - most of them hold important positions.

These unconscious, half-dead people are being rescued urgently. However, no matter how hard the medical staff around them try to use elixirs and magic, their lives are still passing slowly but resolutely, and the smell of corpses around them is getting stronger and stronger. Some young soldiers with relatively weak cultivation foundation began to feel instinctive discomfort, and a gloomy black air appeared on their faces, as if they were infected by toxins...

At this time, before Wang Luo could remind him, Lu Youyou had already reached the sky, blooming with a bright white light at a height of 100 meters, attracting everyone's attention, and then ordered: "Everyone, evacuate the battlefield immediately, go to cover position No. 1, and wait. One step command.”

The next moment, the army gathered outside the fortress left in an orderly and efficient manner. Although they belong to different countries and were mobilized for battle, they still have extremely strict organizational capabilities and are completely undisturbed whether they advance or retreat.

After everyone left the scene, a familiar figure finally walked up to Wang Luo.

"Marshal Guan, you are well."

Guan Tiejun shook his head, and a few strands of gray hair fell down, and a piece of dry skin fell off the back of his neck like a piece of mud.

In just a short moment, he quickly lost more than 90% of his vitality in front of Wang Luo, like a decayed mummy... But in the blink of an eye, all the decayed parts were filled with invisible power. The fallen hair grew back with a jet-black color, and new skin that was as moist and plump as a young man's skin grew under the cracked skin.

Seeing this scene, Wang Luo understood immediately.

Guan Tiejun sighed and said, "As you can see, those children...were dragged down by me."

Lu Youyou added: "They did it on their own. When they learned that the Marshal was going to hold the Holy Sword to fight against the True Immortal, they spontaneously organized manpower to form this symbiosis formation... The blood and essence of thousands of people was used in exchange for the Marshal not to die on the battlefield. ”

"Symbiotic formation..." Wang Luo was slightly surprised.

This formation was originally created by the Immortal Alliance during the New Immortal Calendar, and was inspired by the three sects of the Demonic Way. It was used to refine the flesh and blood of living beings and fill them with blood sacrifice techniques.

In line with the great laws of the new immortal calendar, many formation masters of the Immortal Alliance have worked hard to add many strict restrictions to the original blood sacrifice technique in exchange for more extensive and powerful formation magical powers: those who enter the formation must Everyone has the determination to live and die with his comrades, and more importantly, there must be a strict organization with unified orders from top to bottom, and absolute trust in the people around him...

Relying on these rare elements that would never exist among the three demon sects, the Immortal Alliance successfully improved the blood sacrifice technique and created a symbiosis array that could accommodate ten thousand people. The damage suffered by any one person in the formation will be shared equally by ten thousand people. Therefore, unless all ten thousand people are killed, no one among these ten thousand people will ever fall.

In most cases, the symbiosis formation in this army can be called a divine formation. Once the formation is successfully formed, in theory, even if the Mahayana Lord takes action, it will be difficult to cause effective damage to these ten thousand people in a short period of time, let alone reduce the number of people. And with the immortal power of the Immortal Alliance, as long as the number of members is not reduced, the battle formation of tens of thousands of people, supported by various magic weapons and immortal weapons, is enough to compete with any powerful enemy with only individual strength.

The only flaw of this formation is that the requirements for those who join the formation are too strict, so that even before the expansion of Rong City, it was difficult for the Immortal Alliance to find enough elites who could adapt to the formation.

But now, Zhu Wang's soldiers have successfully formed a symbiotic formation. However, the results of the first battle were unexpectedly tragic.

The lives of tens of thousands of people could not make up for the overdraft of Guan Tiejun's sword.

"It seems that not all injuries can be shared equally."

Lu Youyou shook his head and said: "No, because this is not an injury at all, but... the sacrifice that the marshal has long determined. Only the lofty ambition of sacrifice can allow him to resonate with the heart of heaven in a short period of time, burst out incredible power, and compete head-on. Bai Cheng. However, the damage can be shared and reduced, but the sacrifice cannot, because if the cost of sacrifice is offset by the support of thousands of people, then the sacrifice is not worthy of being called a sacrifice, and the original intention of the symbiotic formation is tantamount to being tarnished. so……"

Guan Tiejun said: "So, my death will affect thousands of people. Now I can't live, and I can't die..."

Wang Luo said: "But that's not necessarily the case. There has never been a formation in the world that cannot be deceived. As long as we summon the formation masters to temporarily strengthen and improve the symbiosis formation, we may be able to get the best of both worlds."

Guan Tiejun shook his head and said: "It is no longer possible. Sacrifice ten thousand people to achieve one person. This is not the original intention of the symbiosis formation, but the original intention of the blood sacrifice technique. As for the blood sacrifice technique... As early as when the three demon sects returned to the Immortal Alliance, they had already It is a taboo that must not be touched, because the magic that treats all spirits as if they are livestock has become a wasteland. Since my current life is extended by this magic, it is actually the same as a wasteland... "

Only then did Wang Luo notice that in the process of Guan Tiejun's continuous decay and resurgence, the aura belonging to the Immortal Alliance was passing away little by little, and was replaced by an aura that was indeed close to desolate poison.

"I know that there is no cure for being infected with the desolation poison, but I have been fighting against the desolation all my life, and I don't want to rely on the power of the desolation to survive."

Wang Luo then began to ponder, and after a moment, asked: "So, what do you need me to do?"

Guan Tiejun said: "Refine and seal me, the man who transformed the wasteland, into a weapon, and then place me to the west of the mountain fortress. I am willing to be a fiber puller for the Immortal Alliance to open up the wasteland."


"I know you can do it, and only you can do it. You are the Lord of Lingshan Mountain, the younger brother of the Lord, and you are also a person who transforms desolation. Even someone as strong as Bai Cheng cannot force you to bow down with the power of desolation. This shows your high status in the desolate system.”

Guan Tiejun solemnly said: "Only you can occupy both realms of the Immortal Wilderness at the same time, break this life-and-death situation, and decide my destiny. Only you can allow my body, which is supposed to be decayed, to continue to contribute to the Immortal Alliance. With little effort... walking on the pioneering road to the end of Kyushu, this is the noblest romance of a soldier. Please fulfill it, Master Wang Shan."

Wang Luo finally confirmed: "Refining living people into weapons... I can give it a try, but Marshal you should know the pain involved. In the past, Lingshan only used this torture to treat the most unforgivable sinners. "

Guan Tiejun said calmly: "Any torture is like relief to me. What's more, Lingshan created this technique not to torture the enemy, but to use torture to make sinners atone for their sins. And to me, that is the best result. ”

"Okay, then I have nothing to say...but this technique is not simple. I need some time to prepare."

Guan Tiejun nodded, then closed his eyes. His figure quickly withered and shrank, eventually becoming a doll-like mummy, but still standing proudly on the ground. He was doing his best to reject the vitality filling from the symbiosis formation, so as not to affect the tens of thousands of wishing soldiers who sacrificed themselves.

But this technique is obviously not sustainable, so Wang Luo must come up with a refining plan as soon as possible.

"So, senior sister, help me?"

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