When Wang Luo called Bai Cheng to provide technical support, Lu Youyou also evacuated the last batch of coalition forces in the surrounding area, leaving the huge fortress empty, so Wang Luo could do whatever he wanted in it.

Looking at Wang Luo who was deep in thought, Lu Youyou hesitated to speak. In the end, he just reached out and placed a seal based on the throne of the Amyrlin on Guan Tiejun's remains. Then he nodded to Wang Luo and left silently.

After Lu Youyou left, Bai Cheng relaxed into Wang Luo's conscious world and said, "Guan Tiejun is trying to remonstrate."


Bai Cheng explained: "He held the Holy Sword of Ning Yuan and laid a sword net around me. Although he finally ran out of energy and failed, his son Guan Dingnan could only thrust the last sword. But in the sword array, that sword In fact, it was still done by him, so he could clearly see what you did to me when the Holy Sword was killing evil."

Wang Luo then suddenly realized: "So, when he saw that I deliberately let you live, he was afraid that I would surrender to the enemy and save the country, so he deliberately took his last breath to show me his spirit of self-sacrifice as a marshal, hoping that I would not act impulsively. Stupid thing?”

Bai Cheng whispered: "As a general, you should take the lead and set an example. He knows very well that if you decide to leave, no one in the Immortal Alliance can keep you. And he is not good at using words to keep people. So, He should have died generously after the decisive battle, but he insisted on holding on, even at the cost of ten thousand lives, to persuade you to turn back. "

Wang Luo was a little surprised: "Do you understand him very well?"

"I have lived in the quiet realm outside Nanxiang for hundreds of years, and I have seen a lot of the tempers of Nanxiang soldiers. And Guan Tiejun is a typical Nanxiang person that has been rare for hundreds of years."

Wang Luo asked curiously: "So, is he considered a civilization in your mind?"

Bai Cheng responded to this slightly prickly question with a slightly prickly rhetorical question: "Are you referring to the ant civilization that faced a powerful enemy and had to overdraw a hundred times, but could not persist until the last moment?"

In response, Wang Luo responded with an equally barbed answer.

"If we were a person in the wilderness, facing a powerful enemy a hundred times stronger than ourselves, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to persist even for the first moment, right?"

Bai Cheng sneered and said: "Yes, in heaven, the strong are respected, and the barriers to strength are strict. The weak are not qualified to persist at that moment. However, the fear of the unknown and powerful enemies is one of the driving forces for immortal practice. . We can never know what kind of disaster we will face. A person as powerful as the Immortal Ancestor Chicheng will fall overnight and affect the entire fairy world, so we must keep walking on that endless road. Go to a place farther away than any immortal ancestor, and more powerful than any disaster. However, our civilization will stop at every turn, sacrifice long-term interests for temporary happiness, and fight against the same kind for superficial interests. Blades facing each other..."

"I will sacrifice myself repeatedly for my lofty ideals. I will also explore unknown areas that are not expected by anyone based on curiosity, and then get fruitful results that are not foreseen by anyone... In fact, you also understand these truths. After watching the Immortal Alliance for hundreds of years outside Nanxiang, and collecting so many books and artifacts on a special trip, it is clear at a glance what is right and what is wrong in the debate over the Immortal Law. You yourself have no choice, but for those who have a choice, you... …”

"Okay, stop analyzing others." Bai Cheng was a little impatient, "You want me to help you refine Guan Tiejun, but I'm not good at drawing talismans and refining weapons. The paper figures who protected Lingshan back then were all masters and masters. My uncle made it himself, and no one in our generation has truly passed on that skill.”

Wang Luo asked: "But the classics left by the master have always been placed in the Wanfa Palace. Although most of the classics in the Wanfa Palace have disappeared inexplicably after the catastrophe, you should have seen the painting method of the paper figures. Bar?"

Bai Cheng was silent for a while and said, "Why do you think I have seen it?"

"Because Master has told you to go and take a look when you have time. When other crafts are abandoned, they will be abandoned, but the method of drawing Lingshan Mountain Protector Paper Man must be learned by someone in every generation."

Bai Cheng asked: "Then why didn't others go to see it!?"

"Because now I can only meet you, so, have you read it?"

"...I have seen it, but I haven't finished it because it is really troublesome to make standard paper figures. You also said that only the most unforgivable sinners will be used in Lingshan. The master is in charge of Lingshan. In those hundreds of years, there were only a handful of people who had the courage to commit crimes against Lingshan. And among the people of the same generation, there were still lawless people like Lu Zhiyao, so who would want to seriously learn such troublesome things... In short, Bian Just think about it as you go, it’s just a mortal technique after all.”

Wang Luo reminded: "But now you don't have the immortal essence to use."

Bai Cheng said: "Oh, you haven't noticed it yourself? The immortal essence in your body, that is, the desolate poison in your mouth, is the highest quality immortal essence. In terms of the current immortal law in heaven, if the immortal essence If you lose the level, you will immediately become someone else's puppet, and you will not be at a disadvantage when facing me. "

Wang Luo pondered: "How is the grade of this desolate poison determined? When I use the desolate poison to enter the elixir, all I devour are nameless people."

"It has nothing to do with the source of the immortal essence... Even if a mortal emperor eats vegetables watered by manure, what will grow is the supreme jade body. Practitioners can absorb complex spiritual energy in the withered land, and the essence extracted according to the cultivation method can also Incomparably pure. Therefore, the level of immortality is determined by you."

Wang Luo couldn't help but be surprised: "Is there such a setting?"

Bai Cheng sneered and said: "Today's Heavenly Court is set up like this. It emphasizes the distinction between top and bottom, and the order of superiority and inferiority. Those who are from a wealthy family, or have the immortality before the Heavenly Court was established, are generally in the upper position, and the helpless scattered Immortals, or juniors transformed from the Immortal Alliance, will almost always be inferior... However, thanks to this setting, you can possess the superior immortal energy with your ant-like cultivation, and I can also take advantage of the poverty in your body. resources, to try to use the immortal method to reversely refine the mountain guard paper man."

After ridiculing, Bai Cheng reminded: "But now I am just a remnant soul, and my deduction ability is far from comparable to that of a real immortal. Moreover, I have lost all my memories of Lingshan. Back then, I lost all my memories of Lingshan. I’ve only read half of the book on drawing paper figures, so don’t expect too much.”

"It doesn't matter, even if you provide me with a basic idea... please."

The sincere request made Bai Cheng sneer: "It seems that Guan Tiejun's self-sacrifice is really effective for you. Are you moved?"

"Yes, I am indeed very touched. Although I have no intention of changing my position, fighting side by side with such a person is better than standing on the opposite side of him." Wang Luo asked back: "Don't you?"

Bai Cheng changed the subject: "...remember your previous promise."


After the conversation, Bai Cheng began to project the remaining Lingshan classics in his memory into the world of consciousness.

Of course, there is very little content left in Bai Cheng’s reappearance. Perhaps she was on the verge of life and death and it was too late to preserve too many detailed memories, or perhaps the hatred of being imprisoned and suppressed in the netherworld for hundreds of years burned away her attachment to Lingshan. At this time, almost all that appear in the conscious world are only incomplete pages. It is simply impossible to analyze and deduce the complete method of refining paper figures from them.

However, Bai Cheng himself couldn't help but laugh at himself when he saw the result.

"There are still so many left... It seems that my anger is only to this extent. No wonder I will be defeated at your hands. Well, since I have these materials, give me half a day and I should be able to remove the paper man's The painting method has been restored to 80% level. ”

Wang Luo couldn't help but frown: "80%, can't it be higher?"

Although he himself knows nothing about the techniques of drawing paper figures, he still knows the basic principles. He also saw smart paper figures walking inside and outside Lingshan. Therefore, Wang Luo also knew very well that the 80% level mountain-guarding paper man was not enough to carry a powerful and dazzling individual like Guan Tiejun, not to mention that Guan Tiejun's situation at this time was between the immortal and the wilderness, and was extremely delicate.

The painting technique, which is 80% level, really lacks the required heat.

Bai Cheng said: "Oh, if Lu Zhiyao could have thought more about the friendship between the same disciples when he started, I can probably recall more content now. What's more, there is an 80% original case, and you can find some academy professors to jointly deduce it, It should be possible to restore the original appearance. Isn’t that what you originally planned?”

"Yes, but the key to all the process of reverse deduction and restoration is the first step. The more complete the initial case you can provide, senior sister, the more quality the final product can guarantee. Only then can Guan Tiejun... be able to become Rongcheng "Pioneering fiber puller. Well, I don't expect anything more. Please take action, senior sister."


Half a day later, Bai Cheng borrowed Wang Luo's hand and used desolate poison as ink to write thousands of words out of thin air.

And this martial art book suspended in mid-air is Bai Cheng's knowledge of the immortal family, and based on the existing fragments, it is a secret technique that has been circulated in Lingshan for more than five thousand years, and the method of drawing paper figures protecting the mountain. .

Wang Luo wrote with his own hands and analyzed and chewed it, and he kept praising in his heart.

Although Bai Cheng had repeatedly humbled himself beforehand and could only restore 80% of the painting... But judging from the actual situation, the profoundness and mystery of this painting method is probably still higher than that of the original version.

"What a great skill, senior sister."

But in the world of consciousness, Bai Cheng's figure has become flickering due to the consumption of drama, and his answering voice is also full of fatigue: "Remember what you promised me..."

"Of course, after I verify the effectiveness of this method, I will go and take my little niece to Taixu."

"Don't be so disgusting!"

"Otherwise, I can just think of her as my biological daughter."


Bai Cheng's resistance was obviously more intense, but unfortunately he was also weaker and could not make any sound.

Wang Luo smiled, mobilized the true energy in his body again, and tried to act according to the words in mid-air.

The process was quite smooth. Perhaps it was because, as the master of Lingshan Mountain, he had a natural affinity for all Lingshan magic techniques, or perhaps it was due to Bai Cheng's reappearance.

However, at the moment when the technique was about to be completed, he suddenly felt a wave of true energy coming from not far in front of him. Then I saw a person suddenly appearing in a bush with sparse branches and leaves.

The man's appearance was so unexpected that there was no sign at all. Even Wang Luo, the Lord of Lingshan, was not aware of it in advance.

However, after seeing the man's face clearly, Wang Luo was relieved.

"It turns out it's you... It's been such a long time, Professor Song."

The person who came was dressed in black, and his appearance was unimpressive. His posture of bowing with his hands behind his back was slightly old, but the pure and surging true energy in his body was more vital and powerful than any young man.

It was Song Hui, the re-employed professor of Lilu Hall who had met many times at the ink-washing pool of Rongcheng Academy a long time ago.

Wang Luo hadn't seen this person for a long time, so that when he saw him again, it felt like a lifetime ago. However, precisely because it was like a lifetime ago, I was able to see this person with a clearer eye at this time.

"...I didn't realize before that you are also from Lingshan."

In Song Hui's body, at the core of the vast true energy, the fairy aura belonging to the old Lingshan Mountain was clearly visible.

Song Hui shook his head when he heard this: "I have retired, so there is no need for you to discover my identity. Unfortunately, today I was temporarily arrested and forced to do things that people from Lingshan would do. In this case, there is no need to hide it. identity."

"Caught temporarily? By whom?"

"It's not important. What's important is to finish what you're doing as soon as possible." Song Hui said, and suddenly came to Wang Luo.

The movement was so fast that even with Wang Luo's current strength, he couldn't help but feel his eyes blurred.

Song Hui's actual cultivation level was even higher than his expectations!

"It's not a great cultivation level. Don't expect too much from me. I can't help you with what you are doing now, and don't come to me for help. My working years have come long ago, and now is my retirement. time."

As if he had read through Wang Luo's thoughts, Song Hui glanced at him while chanting. There was no emotion in his dim pupils.

However, Wang Luo couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.

He was actually impressed by this delicate but lifeless, lifeless but intentional look...

"Are you the paper man who protected Lingshan back then!?"

Song Hui emphasized: "I have retired, so I am not under anyone's jurisdiction. Even if you are the owner of Lingshan Mountain, you have no right to ask me to serve..."

Wang Luo was surprised that the paper man who looked like a blank paper back then was now as indistinguishable from a pure living thing as he nodded and said: "I understand, there will be overtime pay for overtime work, so you showed up specially because you were attracted by Lu Youyou. Why do you want to work overtime?"

Song Hui said: "Correct these unsightly things."

The next moment, he stretched out his hand and wiped away 30% of the handwriting condensed by desolate poison floating in the air.

"It's a wonderful deduction. The mystery is even better than the original version, but the traces of desolation are too heavy. The paper man made according to this method is directly a poison pot. Lord Lingshan, which desolate demon did you ask for help? , to deduce such evil things?”

However, Song Hui obviously did not expect the answer. After sighing, he said: "Leave it to me. In three days, I will send you the available paper figures. Then I will cooperate with you to send Guan Tiejun Sealed in the paper man. From now on, I won’t owe any favors to the Immortal Alliance, and don’t use any reason to attack me.”

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