Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 471 Selfish Matter

After Wang Luo's repeated beatings, Zhang Jincheng was finally willing to tell the truth.

"Everything is like the Mountain Lord's clear warning... Although the New Heng Dynasty has the intention to surrender, it has long been aware of the difficulty of this matter, and it does not dare to hope that it can accomplish such a big thing in one battle. If the Mountain Lord had just agreed seriously, he promised to All 200 million people have come under the protection of the Immortal Alliance. In fact, I don’t dare to cooperate anymore, because it only shows that the Immortal Alliance has no sincerity in doing things. Ah, please forgive me, the matter is very important, even if we have nothing to do. There is always a way to go, but you have to be more careful with any life-saving straw."

After cupping his hands, Zhang Jincheng said sincerely: "What's more, even if the Immortal Alliance really has the intention and strength to accept the people of the New Heng Dynasty, it is actually difficult for us to complete the docking in a short time. After all, it is a large-scale evacuation of 200 million people, which requires The organizational and mobilization capabilities are far beyond the capabilities of the imperial court. Even if we are given ten or eight years, we may not be able to do it. What's more, we don't have ten or eight years at all. And, to be honest, we haven't even found a safe way. It can make 200 million people willingly leave their homes and take refuge. In the past hundreds of years, although the Heavenly Court has never interfered with internal affairs of the court and delegated everything to the king and courtiers, no Xinheng people living in Mingzhou can. Don't you know the master of the sky above you? Over hundreds of years, more than ten generations of people have accumulated the hearts and minds of the people, and there are not a few people who have devoted themselves to the heaven. The prestige of the court is far less than the power of the immortal officials above, and we, the courtiers, are the lackeys of the heaven. I also don’t have the ability and courage to openly lead people’s hearts to disobey heaven…”

Hearing this, Wang Luo shook his head and interrupted Zhang Jincheng's long complaint: "There is no need to elaborate on these common sense, just say 'so'."

Zhang Jincheng hesitated for a moment and said: "So, opportunities can only be left to those who are prepared. The first workaround I envisioned is to evacuate in batches..."

Only halfway through saying this, Wang Luo couldn't help laughing.

"Do you really want to evacuate in batches? I'm afraid you're abandoning your soldiers to save your car! You're saying it's just selfish... I'm afraid you and others have already planned this plan from top to bottom! Throw 200 million people to Su The Xianmeng who have not met each other are just asking for high prices. The real intention is to pay back the money later. Tell me, how many people do you call prepared? "

Zhang Jincheng said guiltily: "It depends on how much time we can buy each other... At present, there are thousands of people in China who can prepare to leave at any time. As long as the Immortal Alliance can open up a road a little, we can complete the mobilization and transfer within half an hour. , directly arriving outside the Dinghuang barrier."

Wang Luo smiled: "Princes and nobles have priority?"

Zhang Jincheng explained seriously: "These thousand people are indeed either rich or noble, but the mountain owner naturally understands the reason. If he cannot protect these thousand people first, the entire surrender plan will be out of the question. What's more, they will bring a lot of valuables with them when they surrender. Resources, if the Immortal Alliance takes in these people, it will definitely be a profitable business!”

Wang Luo shook his head: "But we don't do business. What's more, when the Immortal Alliance makes full preparations in the future, starts pioneering again, and officially regains the entire territory of Mingzhou and Mozhou, all the precious resources in your territory will be ours. Then Why should we be in a hurry?"

Zhang Jincheng argued again: "The precious resources I am talking about are not ordinary treasures of heaven and earth, but all the information obtained from the massive social experiment of the New Heng Dynasty over the past hundreds of years. Including the confidential secret history of the dynasty. , a massive amount of social and humanistic data... and some data on magical experiments that had to be carried out under the coercion of the Immortal Officials on the human body. These data are absolutely valuable to the Immortal Alliance! Among the first batch of thousands of people, there are many scholars with profound academic attainments! Once the treachery of the New Heng Dynasty is discovered by the Heavenly Court, these materials and talents will face disaster! "

After hearing this condition, Wang Luo became interested and asked in the conscious world.

"Sister, what do you say? What are the conditions?"

Bai Cheng said: "I don't know much about Mingzhou, and I'm not interested in knowing that much. You don't have to ask me how to decide on this kind of matter."

Wang Luo smiled and asked: "Sister, if you tell the truth occasionally, it will not damage your character, let alone shake your position. You did not stand on the side of the Immortal Alliance and betrayed the betrayal you suffered, so …”

"Okay!" Bai Cheng glared at him, and finally whispered, "I didn't deliberately avoid talking because of pretentiousness... What I can tell you, I have already told you before. Xianmengxi If you go forward, you will not only encounter enemies, but also a large number of people who are difficult to distinguish between ourselves and our enemies. How to deal with these people is a big problem before you. I do know that there is a new Heng Dynasty in Mingzhou, but I also know that. As far as I know, even if there is some truth or falsehood in this Jincheng’s words, I am not completely sure about it. In fact, I doubt that the Heavenly Court Immortal Officials who directly manage this place have any concern for the country of 200 million people. What a deep understanding. How can those who seek immortality have the patience to observe the changes in the ant nest? Therefore, you can only think about it yourself how to deal with the new Heng Dynasty, I..."

In the end, Bai Cheng gritted his teeth, endured the pain of distorted outlines, and gave a small hint.

"This is not just a conspiracy..."

After saying that, Bai Cheng's figure became flickering in the conscious world, making it difficult to continue. Wang Luo quickly folded it up and put it away. After returning to the Immortal Alliance, he used Lishen San to send it to Taixu for warming.

As for now...

With Bai Cheng's tips, the decision was immediately easy to make.

Since the matter of the New Heng Dynasty is not just a conspiracy, it is obvious that it must be at least a conspiracy. The so-called conspiracy is, of course, as previously guessed, the Heavenly Court deliberately abandoned the Ming and Mo states and allowed Zhang Jincheng to submit the letter of surrender. Maybe he wanted to give the Immortal Alliance indigestion, or maybe he really lost interest in continuing to rule these two states, or maybe these two states were some kind of sacrifice. But in short, since Heaven wants the Immortal Alliance to accept this gift, it will not be in a hurry to restore ties with these two states. The chaos in Mingzhou and Mozhou will continue for some time, maybe even for a long time.

That means he doesn't have to rush to make a decision at this time.

At the same time, Zhang Jincheng was feeling uneasy, raising his eyes from time to time to observe Wang Luo's expression changes in order to speculate on his reaction.

And just when Zhang Jincheng couldn't control his impatience and was about to add more chips, Wang Luo also thought about his conditions.

"It is indeed possible to evacuate in batches, but the first batch does not require princes and nobles."

Zhang Jincheng was stunned for a moment and asked: "Who does the mountain master plan to want?"

"Local immortal officials, all of them." Wang Luo said, "In the final analysis, the New Heng Dynasty's qualifications for surrender and the asylum coupons for the princes and nobles were all issued by the local immortal officials, so it is natural that they should be sheltered and evacuated. Accommodating them is a priority... What's more, from a utilitarian point of view, even if there are some recurrences in the subsequent Immortal Alliance's attempt to accommodate the New Heng Dynasty, so that it cannot succeed in the end... At least a few immortal officials can be accommodated, and a few desolate demons will be lost in the wasteland, and then the wasteland will be destroyed. The forces of both sides are waxing and waning.”

Zhang Jincheng was slightly embarrassed, but he still nodded: "Although I can't make the decision on this matter, I can convey it on my behalf. I believe those Immortal Officials will not refuse... As long as the Immortal Alliance can promise their life safety, they actually have no chance at all. I don’t care about the safety of all living beings in the New Heng Dynasty.”

Wang Luo said: "Well, you can tell them the conditions now through magic: if they are really sincere and willing to accept being an ordinary rich man in the Immortal League and give up their immortal cultivation, then I will do it now You can make a promise on behalf of the Immortal Alliance: The Immortal Alliance will protect their personal safety in the future, and based on their highest-level VIP privileges within a certain range, the cultivation of the true immortals may not be preserved, but in a world where everyone builds a foundation. , having cultivation in the Mahayana stage is probably much more comfortable than serving as a low-level immortal official in heaven."

Zhang Jincheng nodded repeatedly: "The mountain master is generous and kind..."

Wang Luo then said: "However, this condition is only for those who are innocent. If any of them has participated in any chaos against the Immortal Alliance in the past thousand years, and their hands are stained with blood... at least they must do it They are prepared to atone for their sins and shed tears. Moreover, don’t blame me for not reminding them that not many rich people after surrender can live a life of wealth and freedom. There is no need for me to elaborate on the reasons. It’s better to prepare early and don’t blame me for not reminding you later.”

Zhang Jincheng even nodded: "Of course, of course..."

So Wang Luo didn't say much, and just let Zhang Jincheng silently do what he did on the Blood River, reporting the conditions from the front to the rear. The monks in the integration stage have their own magical powers, and they can deliver messages quickly and orderly in this place where the spiritual energy and desolate poison of heaven and earth sweep into chaos.

However, the remaining immortal officials in these two states were unable to make a decision for a while and did not give Zhang Jincheng a clear response. They only said that they needed some time to think about it.

"It doesn't matter, let them think slowly and think clearly before making a decision." Wang Luo said, "Then, tell me about your second workaround. I think that is the highlight."

But Zhang Jincheng shook his head and said: "The mountain master has misunderstood. The first workaround is not to abandon the soldiers to save the chariot, leaving 200 million people behind to save a thousand people... When the time is right, we Naturally, ordinary people will..."

Wang Luo, however, was obviously not interested in such insincere and hypocritical words. He waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about the second way."

Zhang Jincheng took a deep breath and said: "If possible, I hope that the Immortal Alliance can provide us with a foundation stone to determine the wilderness, and we can lay it down with our own hands to condense our own Ning Yuan Diagram in the New Heng Dynasty. In this way, we do not need to occupy the Immortal Alliance's The precious resources only need to be an independent enclave, and when the Immortal Alliance is fully prepared to restart pioneering in the future..."

However, before he could finish speaking these generous words, he was interrupted.

"Give up this daydream." Wang Luo said coldly, "As the experimental subjects specially raised by Heavenly Court, you usually imitate the behavior of the Immortal Alliance, so you should have a full understanding of the Immortal Alliance and Bafang Dinghuang. You should also have a full understanding of the Immortal Alliance and Bafang Dinghuang. Whether it is knowing the cornerstone of Dinghuang or the Ning Yuan Diagram, the key involved is not the magical magic of Dinghuang, but the human heart. During the battle of Dinghuang, Desolate's actions were so cruel that all living beings in the Nine Provinces resisted to the death. This is why the cornerstone of Dinghuang was created. The possibility of landing. And relying on the divine power of Lord Lu Zhiyao, the Immortal Alliance continued to hunt the true immortals based on mortal forces, and achieved great achievements, and your New Heng Dynasty could not even unify. People's hearts are fleeing from home, let alone uniting their minds to fight against heaven. In such a land, there is no way to lay down the cornerstone of desolation. "

Zhang Jincheng seemed to have expected this, but he was still unwilling to accept it: "Even with today's Immortal Alliance...can't it?"

Wang Luo replied: "Indeed, in the past more than a thousand years, the Immortal Alliance has made unprecedented achievements in many magical theories, and has repeatedly broken the common sense of thousands of years ago... But regarding the basic theory of determining famine, But it has never changed. People can lose their respect for desolation in the entertainment world, and they can even rebelliously yearn for the extraordinary power that desolation gives people... But the mainstream trend of thought in a society must remain firm. Shift. On this point, the Immortal Alliance has never wavered in the past thousand years. In fact, during the Dinghuang War, the comparison of the strength of the Immortal Desolate was always different. At that time, many people belonged to the banner of the Immortal Alliance. People had second thoughts until the end, but they were pushed by the situation and had to move forward. Although the modern people in the Immortal Alliance have a frivolous attitude towards the desolation, deep down, they have stronger confidence in victory than their predecessors. Thousands of times. Such a popular foundation is impossible to have in a place where people have been imprisoned for thousands of years."

Zhang Jincheng was speechless for a long time and could only sigh.

"Mountain Master... Although he has never been to Xinheng in person, his guess about Xinheng is pretty good. In this case, the second workaround seems to be really unworkable. I thought this was the Xinheng Dynasty. The righteous and royal way.”

Wang Luo then responded seriously: "It is indeed the right and royal way, but not everyone can follow this right and royal way. Thousands of years ago, there was the Lord Lu Zhiyao on the right side of the sky, who used his supreme supernatural power to overcome thorns and obstacles and overcome all difficulties. The Immortal Alliance has finally been achieved. The New Heng Dynasty has not produced anyone like the Lord, so there is no hope of repeating the path that the Lord has taken. This is not because you have done anything wrong, it is just... bad luck. It’s not easy to still have a desire to resist after being kept in captivity for thousands of years. Just imagine which animals that have been domesticated by humans have a desire to resist humans and are capable of resisting? How are the wealthy people who traveled around the world in the prehistoric era now safe? here I am?"

Zhang Jincheng was filled with emotion: "Thank you, Lord Mountain, for your comfort. I..."

But Wang Luo waved his hand and ignored Zhang Jincheng's heartfelt words.

"Now, let's hear the third plan that I hid until the end and really wanted to say."

Zhang Jincheng was startled, and after a moment, a relieved smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Master Wangshan, as expected, everything can't be hidden from your eyes. I...the first two workarounds are said to be my selfish motives, but they are just words that others are embarrassed to say openly, and they are said by me alone. Just come out. As for the real selfishness, it is indeed true, but it is too shocking and I really dare not say it unless it is a last resort."

Wang Luo nodded and said, "Then you can say it now."

"...Master Wangshan, before that, I have a question. How many people can be accommodated in the Immortal Alliance's Taixu Illusion Realm?"

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