Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 472 Please accept it

Hearing Zhang Jincheng's question, Wang Luo was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

This Xinheng Imperial Master can stand out among 200 million people. At this time of life and death, he represents the Xinheng Dynasty and the Heavenly Court Immortal Officials and surrenders to the Immortal Alliance at the same time. He is indeed capable.

Just from his question, Wang Luo had already guessed what his horrifying idea was.

Instead of using the real land as a refuge, we use the illusory illusion of Taixu as a refuge, abandoning 200 million physical bodies and only housing the souls of the New Heng people!

It may be difficult to guide 200 million people to migrate with their families, but to guide 200 million people to travel in a fugue... Although it is not easy, the difficulty is always much simpler than reality!

Therefore, he answered seriously.

"The Taixu Illusion Realm does not have a real upper limit of capacity, because the illusion mainly relies on the Taixu Walker's own soul to provide the 'base soil'. The more travelers there are, the richer the base soil will be. Not to mention the mere 200 million new Walkers, even if there are more There are two billion, twenty billion, and the illusion can accommodate them all...but this has a prerequisite."

Zhang Jincheng lowered his head slightly to show that he was listening attentively.

However, Wang Luo gave up and asked: "Zhang Jincheng, how far do you and your New Heng Dynasty understand the Immortal Alliance?"

Zhang Jincheng thought for a while and said seriously: "I was born in a middle-class family in Mingzhou. Although I have some talents and talents, I cannot be among the top. In the end, I was favored by heaven and was awarded the position of national master of the new Heng Dynasty. What's more, In this critical autumn, the life and death of the dynasty and the Immortal Officials depend on my unique understanding of the Immortal Alliance. When I was young and ignorant, I had a deep understanding of the mortal civilization far away in the sky. Interest, and for more than five hundred years, in addition to practicing immortality, I studied the limited information on the Immortal Alliance in the court. More than two hundred years ago, because of an article I wrote about the political system of the Immortal Alliance, I attracted the immortal officials of the heaven to come down to earth and receive an unusual promotion. I am the national master... For more than two hundred years, the immortal officials from the Ming and Mo states have repeatedly summoned me to discuss the matter of the immortal alliance. "

Wang Luo listened patiently to Zhang Jincheng's self-narration of his background and couldn't help but nod silently.

After six hundred years of practice, he has reached the peak of integration. According to the standards of the old immortal calendar era, he is actually the top qualification in the practice world. But considering his status as a comprador and the current situation where demons are rampant on the left side of the sky... He must have received a lot of guidance from true immortals in his daily practice, and reaching the peak of integration with the blessings of true immortals suddenly became more subtle. For such a person to become a national advisor and stand in front of him at this time, it does require some unorthodox skills.

In fact, if he didn't have a deep enough understanding of the Immortal Alliance and was considered an expert, he probably wouldn't have been able to come up with such a shocking idea.

At the same time, Zhang Jincheng added: "However, even the chief expert of the New Heng Dynasty, like me, only has a partial understanding of the Immortal Alliance. In the past hundreds of years, although we have done everything we can to understand and study, the material is really Limited. Mingzhou and the Immortal Alliance are too far apart, thousands of miles of blood plains, the boundary of Dinghuang, the difference between the Immortal Desolation... These many obstacles have almost completely blocked the possibility of us understanding each other. "

Wang Luo smiled: "Yes, before you showed up today, no one in the entire Immortal Alliance knew that there were 200 million mortals in Mingzhou. From this perspective, you can actually have a certain understanding of the Immortal Alliance. It’s amazing.”

Zhang Jincheng sighed: "We are actually just relying on the trophies brought back by the Immortal Officials over the past few hundred years when they penetrated into the Immortal Alliance and caused chaos. It is far-fetched. And the more time goes by, the more precious these trophies become. So rare. So much so that most of today's research is nothing more than building castles in the air. In the early days of the establishment of the New Heng Dynasty, two to three hundred years ago in the New Immortal Calendar, the Immortal Alliance structure had just been stabilized, and the Dinghuang enchantment was still there. Some loopholes can often be found, and when it comes to pioneering, they are full of loopholes. Every few years, the immortal officials can bring back a large amount of loot, and sometimes they can even move to an entire village and capture thousands of people there. , for us to study and reproduce..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jincheng showed a complicated smile, which seemed to be self-deprecating, but also seemed to be proud: "The mountain master may not be able to see... but in fact, I have half of the blood of the Immortal Alliance. My mother was the Immortal Alliance back then. A female cultivator who was kidnapped from Ziwu by an official and later married into the Zhang family found a good home. My interest in Xianmeng also came from her mother. They are still very immature and far less capable of destroying heaven and earth than those ancient demons deep in the wilderness, but the vibrant scenes of various countries are worse than those of us who are just learning to walk in Handan and imitating others. "

Zhang Jincheng sighed: "At first, I was still unconvinced. I was born in Mingzhou and was used to seeing the power of the immortal officials. I, like other children around me, have devoted myself to the heaven wholeheartedly, hoping that one day I can serve the immortal officials. The hard work of dogs and horses is the supreme honor... He even regards the mortal civilization on the right side of the sky as his enemy. The ignorant young man often quarrels with his mother... In fact, she is quick in thinking and eloquent, but every time. When she argued with me about the Immortal Alliance, she never pressed for victory. She just tolerated my shallowness and extremes silently. Then when I calmed down, she told me some bizarre stories about the Immortal Alliance to guide me towards that strange land. She would even very wisely tell me that no matter how much I hate the Immortal Alliance, I can only stand out in the future if I learn the things of the Immortal Alliance well. I can face the power of the Immortal Alliance. But my mother... a person in the Immortal Alliance cannot live long even if she steps into the immortal path."

After saying these heartfelt words, Zhang Jincheng took a breath, adjusted his emotions, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I'm a little off topic. But please forgive my mood at this time. I have studied the Immortal Alliance for hundreds of years, but this is nearly a hundred years. Come, it’s my first time to talk to the Immortal Alliance people face to face - since the pioneering of Yueyang 120 years ago, the Immortal Officials of Heavenly Court have never been able to bring back trophies in large quantities, let alone prisoners of war. The mountain master's smooth and comfortable conversation already made me overjoyed. Fifty years ago, I used the Qianxing Platform of the New Heng Dynasty to calculate a question: Assume that I cultivated myself and sneaked into the realm of the Immortal Alliance. Is it possible to integrate into the local area without being noticed by others? Please note that I am already the leading Immortal Alliance expert in the New Heng Dynasty. However, the answer given by Qianxingtai is still very pessimistic. Depending on the country and town I infiltrated, I can not pretend to be different. The exposure time is three years at most and three days at the minimum. It can be said that I still cannot truly understand the Immortal Alliance after hundreds of years. As for other people in Mingzhou, many people even insist on claiming that the Immortal Alliance does not exist at all. If it exists again, everything is a conspiracy of the imperial court.”

Wang Luo couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "It's quite reasonable. After all, most of you have never seen the Immortal Alliance people with your own eyes, so it is inevitable to doubt their existence. However, since the New Heng Dynasty has such a shallow understanding of the Immortal Alliance , then your shocking idea will be difficult to implement. The establishment of Taixu Illusion relies on the Great Law, and the basic condition for traveling in Taixu is to agree with the Great Law, otherwise the spiritual consciousness will not be able to transform the ground. For Taixu's use. If you still have doubts about the existence of the Immortal Alliance, how can you agree with the Great Law? In this case, even if you swallow the highest quality Lishen Powder, it will be difficult to get in. On the way away from God, you are lost in the void.”

After a pause, Wang Luo added: "Besides, even if there are no such obstacles, our Immortal Alliance must have its own safety considerations. There is almost no distance in the Taixu illusion. Once you are admitted to Taixu, it means The entire Taixu Realm is open to you, and the risks here are really high. Maybe you haven’t heard of it, but there have been several poisonous chaos that instantly affected the entire territory, so we also have to do it. There is no way to risk absorbing 200 million Taixu Walkers who are likely to be toxic. "

When Zhang Jincheng heard this, he sighed helplessly: "What the mountain master said... is very true, very true."

At the same time, Wang Luo carefully examined Zhang Jincheng and confirmed that his helplessness at this time was indeed sincere... In fact, the safety considerations were of course false. The safety of Taixu Illusion is guaranteed by the double guarantee of Great Law and Taixu Tianzun. It can be said to be more solid and reliable than the real world. After all, in reality, Tianzun needs the sword guidance of Chief Xiankulin to draw the bow, but in Taixu, Tianzun does not need any assistance at all to open his eyes. In the past, there was indeed a poisonous chaos that affected the whole territory - it was not caused by desolation, but simply by some Taixu Walkers who had too strong desire to explore and too low moral restraint and created some Taixu that were too lethal. Virtual weapons - in theory, those poisonous chaos are enough to shake the foundation of the entire illusion, but the reality is that the moment the poisonous chaos detonated, Tianzun glared back. And those travelers who almost caused disaster were kicked out of Taixu forever.

Therefore, it is theoretically feasible to use Taixu Illusion to absorb 200 million refugees. At least for today's Taixu Illusion, it does not pose any risk or even a burden. In the early Illusion, due to the imperfect laws, Therefore, the infrastructure of the illusion is not stable enough. If there are too many people walking in it, each other's bases will interfere with each other. But today, the architecture of Taixu Environment has been updated countless times, and its stability is hundreds of times better than before. Many popular Taixu scrolls can accommodate hundreds of millions of people, and create twice as many anthropomorphic phantoms in them, forming a complete world. The mere 200 million new users are just a matter of letting the dedicated people in the workshop stay up a few more nights to expand the capacity of the scrolls.

However, for people who have never known the true form of Tianzun, let alone the essence of Taixu Illusion, Wang Luo's reasons are very convincing.

With such a reason, a little testing is just right.

After Zhang Jincheng sighed for a while, he found that he could not raise any objections. But after a moment of silence, he suddenly raised his hand and said seriously: "Master Wangshan, the matter of sheltering the people of Xinheng in the ethereal illusion realm is due to my personal whims, and there must be some unrealistic aspects in it. But for me What is as difficult as ascending to heaven may be just a trivial matter for you, Lord Wang, so please be merciful and give the people of Xinheng a chance!”

Wang Luo laughed loudly: "As expected of the imperial master, he is really shrewd."

Zhang Jincheng may not know enough about Taixu Illusion Realm, and he cannot refute Wang Luo's theory of safety, but he can see that Wang Luo is testing him, so he just lays down and shows his cards, kneeling down completely.

So Wang Luo also quickly stopped his smile and said seriously: "It is whimsical in itself to accommodate living people in the ethereal illusion. Even for people in the Immortal Alliance, when the gods travel to Taixu, they rely on the Lishen San and the Lishen Jue to achieve the goal of Lishen. Two points, the soul still exists in the body, so that it can be maintained for a long time. And if the soul is completely separated from the body, you should be very clear about what it means, even if you are a golden elixir monk. It can be called a narrow escape, how many golden elixirs and how many Nascent Souls does your New Heng Dynasty have?”

Zhang Jincheng said: "The proportion is far from comparable to that of the Immortal League. Even though there are Immortal Officials who have accelerated the New Heng Dynasty many times over hundreds of years, limited by the level of social development, the popularity and development of spiritual practice are not as good as the New Heng Dynasty." Among the 200 million people in the Heng Dynasty, the number of golden elixirs is only one in a hundred, and the proportion of Yuanying is even more appalling. There are even less than 20% of the people in the country who have not set foot on the immortal path at all. Let alone condense the soul, they cannot even draw the Qi to perfection. ”

Wang Luo said: "Then the only ones you can save with this move are the few Nascent Souls and the even fewer Good Luck Golden Pills. As for the others, they can only fend for themselves."

Zhang Jincheng knelt down and begged: "Please ask the mountain master to be kind and righteous, and save the people of Xinheng from fire and water!"

Wang Luo replied: "Benevolence and righteousness cannot change the reality. Forcing all living beings to leave the gods is to send them to death. Or do you think I am just deliberately testing you and teasing you now?"

Zhang Jincheng shook his head: "I'm just doing what I can: apart from begging the mountain owner for help, I really can't think of any other way."

Wang Luo was silent for a moment and said with a smile: "When asking for help, you should show some sincerity, right?"

Zhang Jincheng said: "Isn't the 200 million Xinheng people the greatest sincerity? The foundation of the Immortal Alliance's pioneering lies in the Ningyuan Diagram, and the basis of the Ningyuan Diagram is the military exploits of pioneering the wilderness. So, what other military exploits can be compared to the pioneering work in the wilderness? Saving 200 million compatriots from the devil's hands is more impressive. What trophy can be more generous than 200 million new Hengyuan gods who have lost their physical body and can only survive in the illusion? "

Hearing this, Wang Luo had nothing more to say. What should be tested has already been tested, and whether the other party sees that this is still a test, it is obvious that there are no more trump cards to play. No matter what the final result is, Zhang Jincheng accepts it.

So, let’s just jump to the conclusion.

So Wang Luo summoned Feisheng Lu and used the shining golden light to ask the person who could really make the decision.

"Lord of the Deer Kingdom, what do you think?"

Feishenglu was silent for a long time before he responded.

Lu Youyou's answer is simple.

"Promise him. The Immortal Alliance will accept these two hundred million people."

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