A hundred miles southwest of Sangjun County, there is a mountain with lush vegetation and rich spiritual power. A winding stream flows along the foot of the mountain, creating a beautiful scenery of green mountains and clear waters.

Next to the stream, a young man wearing a scribe's robe was looking up at the top of the mountain, admiring the outline of the ridge that looked like a swimming dragon in the fog.

But when the young man was admiring, there was a girl behind him who was wearing full armor and a green burqa and was lamenting.

"Master, it's really time for us to set off. From Dongdu to Liuyan City, it's only a thousand miles, and you've walked for almost two days..."

This pair of master and servant is naturally Yang Wuyi and his personal entourage.

At this time, the young chief of staff just waved his hand: "There's no rush, no rush, it won't be too late to set off after I've fully explored the scenery here."

He followed the little girl and stamped her feet and said: "You have been browsing here for most of the day! Although the mountains and rivers here are beautiful, you won't miss it for half a day!? What's more, you have never been a refined scholar. You accompanied the old people to enjoy the thousands of mountains in Gui County. You got tired of seeing the wonders of Zhiyunhai after just one day, so you went to the city to listen to a book, but your uncle and the others grabbed your ears and scolded you..."

Speaking of this, the calmness on Yang Wuyi's face became helpless: "How can there be a dead soldier like you who exposes his master's shortcomings at every turn? Normally, a dead soldier should maintain the majesty of his master and will not hesitate to fight with anyone. It’s only right for people to work hard.”

The little girl responded seriously: "You have taught me well in the past few years."

"..." Yang Wuyi laughed, "That's right. If you were still as straight-faced and unsmiling as before, my journey would have been too boring. It's more fun to talk and laugh like this."

The little girl struggled for a while and reminded: "Master, you have to be happy now. When you really get deep into the hinterland of Sang County, please be more serious. Sang County is Li Fengxian's territory, and the infiltration of the Qing Banner Army does not count. Shen, if something really happens..."

Yang Wuyi interrupted: "Don't worry, Aman, if something unexpected happens, I will definitely save you."

Aman was so angry that he laughed: "Master, when did you figure out the Nascent Soul? Why should you be more sincere when you praise Haikou!"

Yang Wuyi shook his head: "You are wrong. If I want to save you, I must rely on wisdom, and it can only be wisdom. We are just two people who have gone deep into the enemy's territory. No matter how high our personal cultivation level is, what can we do? Unless we are so high that we are old. If my ancestors had the magical power of Mahayana, otherwise they would be surrounded by the elites of Li Fengxian's star-throwing army, and they would not even be able to decide on their own death."

Aman was even more furious when he heard this: "Then you left the old capital behind the main force!? The general asked you to take three thousand Qingqi elites to Liuyan City. Do I look like three thousand elites!?"

Yang Wuyi sighed: "At least those three thousand elites combined are not as bad tempered as you."

Aman said coldly: "Master has taught you well...so, master, if you continue to act nonsense, I can only knock you out and take you back to the old capital."

Yang Wuyi weighed the strength comparison between the two sides and Aman's increasingly arrogant style recently, and had to admit that the probability of fulfilling this threat was too high, and he could no longer ignore it.

"Well, since Mr. You praised me for my good teaching, I'm here to teach you another lesson... I left three thousand elites behind, not because I dislike the trouble of management, but because there is new news coming from the details ahead. : Li Fengxian actually recruited civilians to build fortifications in Liuyan City. In less than two days, the fortifications were already higher than the city wall. "

Aman couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this: "So?"

Yang Wuyi said: "So I obviously haven't taught you well enough. Can't you understand such a simple truth? Li Fengxian is obviously building high towers and high platforms, and considering that he may have a seal star in his hand, Baoyu, there’s no need to say more about what this building is, right?”

Aman couldn't help but was stunned again: "What is it?"

Yang Wuyi felt powerless: "... Qianxingtai."

"Oh...ah?" Aman's eyes widened, "Star-raising platform?! Can the Star-raising platform be built by mortals too!?"

Yang Wuyi even sighed: "Didn't my second brother take any cultural classes when he was training the dead soldiers with severed fingers? The Star-Starting Platform in Dongdu was well-made by the Immortal, but the Immortal only built the initial stage, and the daily maintenance for the following hundreds of years was all done." It is us mortals who are responsible. Therefore, even if it is impossible to completely reproduce the tower built by the immortal, it is not difficult to make a temporary replica. At least it is not difficult for the man who was famous for his profound knowledge. "

Aman asked curiously: "Who was famous for his profound knowledge back then?"

Yang Wuyi stopped responding to these interrupting questions and continued: "The fact that Li Fengxian built the star platform outside Liuyan City shows that he has very clearly understood the purpose of the Seal Star Baoyu, and he also knows what we are most afraid of now... and then, he is not even afraid to use it. Qianxingtai is exposed in front of us, what does this mean? "

Aman continued to be curious: "What?"

"It means that he is asking for prices all over the sky." Yang Wuyi asked and answered calmly, "If you really want to reach the sky on your own, there is no need to do it with such a big fanfare. With Baoyu in hand, find a quiet and uninhabited place with a few elites. It shouldn't be difficult for the craftsmen to complete the construction quickly - even if they encounter difficulties, they should overcome all difficulties and follow this idea to the end. With the control of the Xing Army in Sang County, if he implements this method seriously, even if he is afraid of reaching Qianxing. When the stage was completed and he went up to heaven with the jade to listen, we could barely detect anything strange in Dongdu. By then, we were beyond our reach, and no matter how many ways we tried, we couldn't stop him, but he seemed not to care about his treasonous behavior. After being discovered, he implemented military control on the border with great fanfare and recruited civilian workers to build the Qianxing Platform. No matter how rigorous he was in this process and how hard he tried to keep it secret, in my opinion, he just wanted to fish. That’s all.”

With such a clear explanation, Aman finally realized: "So, master, you know that others are fishing, but you still want to take the bait on purpose? Are you stupid?"

"If you are not stupid, how can you show your sincerity? The purpose of our trip is to get back the Seal Star Baoyu, not to kill the rebels for the court. If we rely on a little sincerity and some promises about glory and wealth, we can kill the Baoyu without any blood. If we take back the Eastern Capital, then why should we let three thousand northern warriors bear the risk of fighting to the death? What's more, with Li Fengxian's consistent temperament, once he is forced into a desperate situation and sees that there is nothing he can do, he will definitely choose to destroy the Yinxing Baoyu. Let’s break up with each other..."

After a pause, Yang Wuyi added: "Besides, it is useful to keep these three thousand Green Banner Army in the old capital... This Li Fengxian has been dormant for decades, and finally has the opportunity to show his ferocity. I am afraid he can't wait for a while. It's a pity that he acted too hastily. This person is cunning, vicious, and very calculating, but due to his greedy nature, he often launches hastily before the plan is formed. Therefore, he was not as good as me back then, and now he has been suppressed for decades...even more. It’s nothing to worry about! It would be too funny to have to recruit three thousand elite soldiers against such a person!”


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Amidst a burst of warm and sincere laughter, Yang Wuyi stepped forward on the official road outside Liuyan City, using the magical power of shrinking the ground into an inch with each step to cover a distance of several hundred meters. No matter how he stepped or how far he crossed, his body shape was always as stable as a mountain... In this way, in a few steps, Yang Wuyi brought his sincere smile to a group of Star Army soldiers who came out of the city to greet him.

And when he stood firm, the eyes of the Star Army soldiers were already a little more complex.

Walking like Yang Wuyi on the ground is not very efficient in terms of efficiency. It consumes Qi and blood, but the speed is not necessarily fast. Moreover, once encountering terrain obstacles, you may sprain your feet if you are not careful. But precisely because of its inefficiency, it has become an "official step" for Xinheng's upper class to show off their cultivation.

Only those children of wealthy families who are well-dressed and well-fed, and who have no shortage of spiritual resources since childhood, can hone their official steps to such a natural and smooth level. And this is a level that most Star Army soldiers will find difficult to achieve in their lifetime.

The Chief of Staff of the Qing Banner Army, who came from Dongdu, only had to travel a few miles to leave a deep enough impression on everyone in Liuyan City.

The Star Army's coach's expression was even more gloomy than ever before, and even his polite greetings seemed like evil wind squeezed out of his teeth.

"General Yang... is waiting for you."

Yang Wuyi didn't care about the other party's attitude and responded with a smile: "General Li is too polite. He is obviously busy with official duties in Sang County, but he still made a special trip to receive me... It's not necessary, there is really no need to be so grand. I specially The second brother forced me to stay in the old capital because he didn't want our rare meeting with former classmates to become tense. To put it simply, don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble."

When Li Fengxian heard this, he couldn't maintain his cold face any longer, so he sneered a few times...but before he could finish his laughter, he heard a fussing voice, suddenly interrupting.

"Hey, Master, you and Li Fengxian are classmates?! Have you ever been to school?"

As soon as these words came out, even Yang Wuyi couldn't hold himself tight. He pressed Aman's head hard behind him, forcing her to be speechless, and apologized with a smile: "General Li, I'm extremely sorry, I have a hole in my head right now." , he talks incoherently, but he was very kind to me in the past, so it’s hard to fire him..."

"Okay, no matter how rude your words are to a soldier of this level who has severed his fingers, you won't be willing to throw them away." Li Fengxian looked at Aman coldly and said, "You and I are classmates, so there is no need to say such embarrassing words. ”

Yang Wuyi laughed loudly: "Yes, I have never been able to hide my thoughts from you since before. Although this Aman is not smart, his skills are really good. Most people can survive the same training as a dead soldier. It’s already rare. A qualified dead-fingered soldier must have Yuan Ying level of practical combat ability, and her level is even higher. Even if such a person is a bit stupid, I will tolerate it.”

After saying that, he waved his hand proactively: "Okay, let's not talk in the wind outside the city. Where is the reception banquet? I am a little hungry along the way. It is said that Liuyan City has three beauties. , Now the beautiful jade has become a memory of the past, and the beauty... I have a fiancée at home, so I really don’t dare to accept it, but the food has fascinated me for a long time. Back then, Mr. Mingli personally wrote an article praising the private dishes here. I have read that article many times. It's a pity that the relationship between the Queen Mother and Mr. Mingli was delicate at that time. If I, a direct descendant of the Yang family, traveled thousands of miles to come to the small town in Bianjun to follow Mr. Mingli's footsteps and enjoy the delicious food, I would be expelled from the Yang family on the spot. But now Mingli. My husband has been dead for a long time, and my family is also in power in the DPRK, so there is no need to be so sensitive. "

While talking to himself, Yang Wuyi was about to take the lead and walk into the city.

The Star Army soldiers standing in front of him felt a little embarrassed for a moment. But Li Fengxian quickly waved his hand, letting hundreds of elite soldiers drift in place and separate a road leading to the city.

And in the city, the reception banquet has indeed been prepared for a long time.

Although the supply of materials in the city was not smooth during the military control period, with the efforts of the city lord Xia Houying, the restaurant in the city still prepared a table of excellent food and wine... Of course, this was only by the standards of Liuyan City.

When he followed his master into the private room, Aman started to purr.

"That's it? Have the people from Sang County never eaten anything good... woo woo woo!"

After being forced to press his head down again and interrupting his speech, Aman only expressed his contempt with his eyes.

The restaurant chef waiting outside the private room showed a helpless expression.

For border residents like them, who have lived in peace for decades, the fine clothes and food of people living in the prosperous Liuli Net is something that can almost only remain in their imaginations.

The food and wine on the table is the limit of their efforts. They have insufficient cultivation, insufficient knowledge, insufficient materials, insufficient historical accumulation, and even lack of talent and imagination... Mr. Mingli's article praising the food back then was once It was not until they went to the county town and saw the fine food that was not as good as Fancheng or the old capital that they realized that Mr. Mingli's praise was just a compliment given by adults to children, and that did not mean Children already have the same qualifications as adults.

Fortunately, the distinguished guest visiting this time was, unlike the servants around him, an adult who knew how to take care of children.

Before he sat down, he showed an exaggerated expression of amazement to the table full of food and wine, and said words of praise that seemed to be similar to those of Mr. Akari back then - even though they were just polite, they still greatly comforted the chef's soul.

Others, on the other hand, watched his performance with cold eyes, waiting for him to reveal the true purpose of his trip.

Yang Wuyi was undoubtedly a little disappointed about this, so after taking a few bites of cold dishes, he sighed and said.

"General Li, in my opinion, you are like the good wine and good food on this table. If you stay in your own little world, you will undoubtedly be a delicacy. However, when you step out of the small world and go to When you enter a broader world, you will find that you are not as good as you thought, and you will not be able to achieve the success you expected, and you are limited by your background, your personality, and too many internal and external factors. The factors... may never be as good as those of the successful people in the big world. So, what should we do? Back then, Mr. Mingli used an article to achieve the reputation of Liuyan City. What is lacking now is not rarer ingredients or more sophisticated techniques, but an article from the upper class.”

After a pause, Yang Wuyi said: "And I am willing to write such an article for the general."

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