Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 496: Old tricks repeated

After Yang Wuyi spoke eloquently, he frankly gave his price tag: recognition from the upper class.

Although claiming to be a member of the upper class is a bit ridiculous, it is only natural for the direct descendants of Duke Wei to say such things.

Even though Yang Wuyi did not have the power and majesty of General Yang Jiuzhong, his reputation in the court was even better. He has a gentle temperament and is relatively well-rounded in his dealings with others. He often acts as a buffer zone between his irascible and irritable brother and others. Whether in the military or in the court, there are countless high-ranking officials and dignitaries who owe him favors.

Therefore, when Yang Wuyi is willing to vouch for someone, even if that person is notorious and has enemies everywhere, he can still get a ticket to the upper class.

And this was once something Li Fengxian could never dream of.

This is what Li Fengxian is now working hard to get in Liuyan City.

However, when Yang Wuyi put such conditions on the table lightly, the atmosphere at the wine table became extremely solemn. The people around the round table had condensed expressions and were speechless. Even Li Fengxian just stared at him gloomily, without showing any signs of being moved.

Yang Wuyi couldn't help but smile when he saw this: "Don't rush to answer, just think about it slowly. I know that you are suspicious by nature. Even when you were the most ambitious as a young man, you always liked to think the worst about things, and you still think about it over and over. So. , I will stay here for a few days and appreciate the three beauties of this place carefully, and you can also take this opportunity to think about it carefully and weigh all the pros and cons before replying to me..."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Li Fengxian sneered: "I don't have to weigh it for so long to tell you now that I don't need your beautiful articles, and you'd better take back that condescending sense of superiority. Decades of suppression are not enough." So that I can become your Yang family’s dog.”

Yang Wuyi smiled back when he heard this, but it was a sincere and helpless smile: "Haha, I knew you would think so. This is really a regrettable misunderstanding. Of course, I don't deny that in the past few decades, the second brother and even the eldest sister have been very fond of each other. Your suppression is a definite fact. But today is different from the past. Both you and I are in a very different environment. The position of the eldest sister and the second brother is not as stable as it seems. The army commander is no longer a dispensable marginal person. You and I both know this very well, so I am not here to give you dog food with a condescending sense of superiority, but I sincerely hope to work with you. Reach a consensus and start cooperation.”

After a pause, Yang Wuyi added: "Perhaps my posture is too easy in your opinion, but after all, it is related to the court's dignity, and what the court needs most now is dignity, so I must control my posture. In this regard, I hope General Li will forgive me. Of course, as compensation, what I can provide is not just an article... For example, General, have you ever been curious about how my second brother broke through to the realm of integration, and how he approached the Mahayana step by step? To the extreme? His talent is not very good. Even with the resources of the Duke of Wei, it is theoretically impossible to reach the stage of becoming a god. Whether he can even reach the state of becoming a god is still open to question. . Cultivation can be so cruel and absolute at times, and you should be aware of this. So, going back to the original question, how do you think my second brother broke common sense?"

Li Fengxian did not avoid the topic this time, but responded seriously.

"A gift from the gods."

Yang Wuyi suddenly laughed and said: "Sure enough, if anyone else had thought about this question, they would not dare to answer it, but you are different. The dignity and majesty of the Xian family have never existed in your mind. So when you encounter unsolvable things , your first reaction was to wonder if the Xian family was causing trouble. Back then, you even ignored several warnings from your second brother and insisted on competing for the position of commander of Dongdu. Then, taking advantage of your position, Go to the stage to seek justice, right? To be honest, the eldest sister and the second brother just kicked you to Sang County and used the star army to trap you. It was already a great mercy for the emperor. For such a mediocre person, most of the time you will be killed with just a piece of paper."

Li Fengxian just snorted coldly, obviously not showing the slightest gratitude.

"In short, this is my condition. The immortal gift that helped my second brother break through the boundary is still in the Duke Wei's mansion. Although it is not much, it is enough for you to break through the bottleneck. And when you present the realm of transformation to the world in front of the world, At this time, you can get whatever you want. People who don't know the inside story will admire your strength; people who know the inside story will be surprised that you can get the gift from the gods and interpret it as a compromise from the north. ...I think that for people who are greedy by nature and are determined to retaliate, the result of this kind of fame and fortune should be a generous enough condition. However, again, there is no need to rush to make a decision. I will give my answer after weighing it carefully. Okay. For the next few days, I will stay...that's all. I will stay in the camp outside the city and stay within your sight. Anyway, I have already experienced the three beauties in this city. Just concentrate on business.”

However, having said that, the way for him to concentrate on his official duties was not to shut up and eat, but to look away from Li Fengxian.

Moved to Tuoba Tiancheng next to him... This time, the county guard was frightened out of his mind.

"General, general, general..."

"No need to panic." Yang Wuyi laughed, "No matter how the situation develops, no one will cause trouble for you. When I kicked you to Sang County, no one thought that you could live for so long and live so well. It can make you live so long. General Li brought you to the banquet today. Your ability to survive has impressed many people. In the officialdom, people like you who are good at surviving are often the ones who have the last laugh. Those who are full of geniuses. , but you will die young because of your excessive talent. Therefore, I am quite optimistic about you. If this happens, you will probably be transferred back to Fancheng. Then I can guarantee you to go to a Bishuyuan and Sang. A more comfortable place in the county. ”

After that, Yang Wuyi looked at Xia Houying again: "In fact, I have heard about your story a long time ago. I was born in Liuyan, returned to Liuyan, gave up the great future of Fancheng, and came back to be an official for my parents... Of course there is real helplessness in this. , but the thought of protecting a pure land is still worthy of admiration. What's more, you have been a peace officer for decades, but you can still sit at the banquet table of General Li Fengxian today. Obviously you also have unique abilities... For example, how do you do it? To make friends with this heroic hero who is eager for justice?"

At the end of the conversation, Yang Wuyi turned his attention to the person who seemed most out of place at the wine table.

The man was dressed in plain red clothes, with a tall and heroic figure, and an evil intention between his brows and eyes that made people feel awe-inspiring. Whether it was his clothes or his demeanor, he was completely different from the others at the table.

But just now, when others were concentrating on talking and obeying, he turned a deaf ear and just kept busy cleaning the food. In a short time, he wiped out all the dishes in front of him... And when Yang Wuyi called his name, he also turned a deaf ear. He only raised his chopsticks, pulled out an invisible thread of true energy, and pulled the pot of steamed vegetables in front of Yang Wuyi.

Yang Wuyi smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to cut off the thread of true energy, and left the steaming vegetable basin in front of him. At the same time, he asked in a gentle and curious tone: "Where are you from? How did you get acquainted with the Lord of Xiahou City? Do you have any? …”

Before he finished speaking, Wang Luo put down his chopsticks and cast an indifferent glance at Yang Wuyi.

The next moment, Yang Wuyi's smile froze and his words stopped abruptly.

This was the first eye contact he had with Wang Luo, who played the heroic hero of the Border County, after he walked into this private room. However, this understatement of eye contact seemed to be a powerful collision, which instantly shook his mind.

Yang Wuyi only felt as if he was suddenly thrown to the top of a snow mountain that broke through the sky. The extreme cold and strong wind enveloped and chipped him at the same time. Everything he was proud of was shattered in the cold wind... In Wang Luo's eyes, there was no chief of staff of the Qing Banner Army, let alone a court that could rank among the top twenty in the military order of the New Heng Dynasty. Important minister.

And there was only one person who dared to interfere with his eating, a ignorant little insect.

Fortunately, before this chill completely penetrated into the depths of his consciousness, a dazzling figure had already stood between the two of them.

Aman lifted up Yang Wuyi's collar with one hand and threw his master unceremoniously behind him. At the same time, he tensed his toes, held his claws with both hands, and leaned forward as if he wanted to pounce. The delicate facial features suddenly became ferocious and terrifying, and a ferocious roar came from his mouth towards Wang Luo.

"Woof, woof woof, woof woof!!"

Wang Luo couldn't help but be slightly surprised by this sudden change, and then he smiled in Aman's determined gaze, as if he might rush over to die with him at any time. In the smile, all the chills disappeared, as if everything that had just happened was just a dream.

At this time, other people at the wine table had just reacted.

Li Fengxian frowned, his eyes showing playfulness and cruelty, as if he was brewing some evil idea. The governor of the county, Tuoba Tiancheng, seemed to be unable to control the loss of body fluids. Xia Houying breathed out a sigh of relief, as if he was relieved.

Aman turned a blind eye to this change and continued to roar: "Woof woof woof woof woof..."

Until Yang Wuyi reached out helplessly and touched her head.

"Let me tell you, I did tell you before that when your master is in danger, you should charge forward like a loyal dog, but that doesn't mean you should really be a dog... Okay, stop barking, it's embarrassing!"

Aman then calmed down his ferocious expression, and then whispered in a very aggrieved tone.

"There are so many things going on. You can't understand what you say and you still blame your subordinates. What a scumbag!"

"..." Yang Wuyi's eyebrows twitched slightly, and his lips moved several times, but he still couldn't speak. In the end, he just pretended that he didn't hear Aman's stupid words, straightened his collar slowly, and walked back to the wine table.

Regarding the conflict that just occurred, he only smiled: "It seems that what I have said today is almost enough. If I continue to say it, it will make people unhappy, so let's stop here. I will go outside the city as I said before. We will stay in the camp for a few days while General Li and others can take their time to weigh things up. I will wait for your good news."

After saying that, he bowed his hands and said goodbye to everyone at the wine table. Aman followed closely behind him, looking back at Wang Luo from time to time and casting a ferocious look, and bared his teeth...

Soon after, Yang Wuyi and A Man, the master and slave, left Liuyan City under the escort of several star military captains outside the restaurant, and settled in a military tent in the temporary camp.

But after the two people left, the air in the restaurant's private room became even more solemn.

The source of solemnity was Li Fengxian. This Star Army veteran did not hide the expression on his face, and this expression almost made Tuobatian Chengzhen pee out of fright on the spot.

The one who can break this deadlock is naturally Wang Luo. He laughed and said, "Okay, stop scaring people and just say what you have to say."

Li Fengxian was silent for a while, then slowly calmed down the anger on his face, then he raised his hand to Wang Luoyi and asked: "I wonder how the envoy felt when he came into contact with Yang Wuyi just now?"

Wang Luo said: "He is proud and conceited, and he is at ease. He left three thousand elite soldiers and only brought a stupid dog, and he dared to go to the meeting alone. It seems to be saying to you: Trash, I knew you didn't dare to touch me."

When he said the last sentence, Wang Luo's tone and tone were very close to Yang Wuyi, but this simple imitation made Li Fengxian almost unable to control his posture.

"So, you have an old grudge with him? And he obviously took advantage of it?"

Li Fengxian was silent for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, your Majesty is indeed aware of everything... When I lost power in Fancheng, it seemed that I was too ambitious and offended Yang Jiuzhong. But in fact, he was always the man behind the scenes, and he kicked me out Fancheng didn't even need me to come forward. Just by taking advantage of the situation, I could make the allies I worked so hard to win turn over one after another. Thank you for his kindness!"

Speaking of this, Li Fengxian laughed coldly, as if he was laughing at his miserable and funny past.

"And now, he's obviously planning to do it again."

Wang Luo nodded and asked, "So, what are you going to do with him? Do you want to kill him?"

This question made Xia Houying startled.

Even though he knew that he was not qualified to join the conversation between the two, he still hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, why did you suddenly want to kill people? Is there anything inappropriate in the conversation just now? Although General Yang's attitude may be condescending. Some, but his conditions are still very real. Isn’t it because of those conditions that we set up outside the city? "

When Li Fengxian heard this, he showed an expression of obvious disgust. Then he looked at Wang Luo with a questioning look.

Wang Luo said: "Yes, this is your prime minister, so it is your responsibility to train him and make him more clever."

Li Fengxian sighed and asked Xia Houying a question.

"Did Yang Wuyi just give you any conditions?"

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