Even an outsider like Wang Luo has heard of the name Yang Zhao.

The Hunyuan Immortals who originally submitted to the Immortal Alliance briefly described what they knew about Xinheng.

Among them, in addition to Xinheng's historical evolution, current court structure and other common sense, Hunyuanxian also focused on Xinheng's "Mahayana True Monarch".

Although for the Immortal League in the pioneering period, even the real immortals were nothing more than mantises acting like chariots, and the Mahayana was like an ant... But on the other hand, the tens of billions of people in the Immortal League, almost all of whom were practicing immortality, had no support. No Mahayana true king can emerge.

In fact, just cultivating to the Nascent Soul realm is enough to reach the top of tens of billions of people. The number one person in the Immortal League today is only in the middle stage of becoming a god. The difference between Mahayana and Nascent Soul is just like that between humans and ants.

Therefore, even for the invincible Immortal Alliance, the matter of Mahayana True Monarch is worthy of attention - the emphasis is not on Mahayana True Monarch himself, but on the unique environment that can breed Mahayana True Monarch.

Xinheng was only a country for six hundred years, and it took dozens of generations of reproduction to reach a population of 200 million. In fact, with such a population base, it is theoretically difficult to support the existence of the Mahayana True Monarch.

In the old Immortal Calendar era, when searching all over Kyushu, there were often only a few dozen monks in the Mahayana period. When I was young, there were even only a dozen or a few people... They were well-deserved to be chosen one among a billion. And the probability is so weak that it is obvious that the person who achieves Mahayana is no longer the practitioner himself, but more the environment, the right time, place, and people.

In fact, at the end of the old immortal calendar, there was almost a clear consensus in the world of immortality: subjectively, the conditions for achieving Mahayana are naturally the practitioner's own talent and hard work, but in fact, from an objective perspective, the Mahayana True Lord is It's like the Gu King in a Gu dish. Without enough food, no matter how talented the larvae are, they can't become the Gu King.

This bait includes not only the exquisite skills that have been passed down for a long time, but also various kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and vast spiritual veins. It will take hundreds of years of accumulation and the smooth flow of heaven. And more importantly, they are "fellow Taoists" who are walking on the same path. Later in practicing the immortal way, some breakthroughs must come from "plundering".

Therefore, cultivating immortality is essentially a path that only carnivores can reach to the end. The Mahayana Lord is the winner who tramples on countless corpses on this road to the end.

In other words, behind every Mahayana monarch there is at least a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

There are five such mountains of corpses and seas of blood in Xinhengzu, which is more than normal. And behind Yang Zhao is the tallest one.

For such a Mahayana true king, even the immortal officials in heaven will respect him, because there is actually only one fairy training between Mahayana and true immortals. Although this training is enough to distinguish between immortals and mortals, and I don’t know how many Mahayana eventually fell in front of the gate of heaven... But in any case, for the low-level immortal officials who rotate between the Ming and Mo states, the Mahayana True Monarch is enough to be regarded as the same kind.

Then, in the eyes of the immortal officials, Yang Zhao's status was different, half a step higher, and he was almost qualified to communicate with them on an equal footing - this was even better than that of Zhang Jincheng, the national master.

This is because the remaining four Mahayana monarchs of Xinheng are somewhat unjust in their cultivation. The mountains of corpses and seas of blood beneath them are secretly assisted by the immortal officials in heaven - indeed, in theory, the immortal officials One should not interfere in ordinary affairs, but after hundreds of years of operation, there will always be situations of one kind or another that drive people to make exceptions. And the Immortal Law of Heaven is far less absolute than the golden and flawless Immortal Law before the tribulation.

In other words, without the secret help of the immortal officials, Xinheng's national power would not be enough to support the five Mahayana. Neither the accumulation of national power nor the accumulation of time is far from enough...

But Yang Zhao was truly innocent, without any opportunism, nor relying on any external force from heaven. He spanned two dynasties and took nearly seven hundred years to achieve the Mahayana.

Of course, this achievement is not only because of how wise and powerful he is, but also symbolizes that the era and history he carries have a particularly different weight.

Compared with the fellow Taoist who has been dormant in the imperial city and has been a watchdog for hundreds of years; compared with the fellow Taoist who watches the stars day and night in hope of immortal gifts; compared with the fellow Taoist who was lucky enough to be selected as a test subject by the former Imperial Master. Compared with the comrades who live on the bottom of the sea and constantly mine the heritage of the past...

Everything Yang Zhao experienced, carried, and symbolized was much heavier.

The Immortal Officials of the Heavenly Court paid great attention to Yang Zhao's heavy weight, so after he surrendered to the Immortal Alliance, they emphasized the danger of this person even though he was already in his twilight years and his life was on the line; even though he almost only retreated to death in the cave in the north. Lai lingered for a while and no longer paid attention to foreign affairs. But a pure and innocent Mahayana Lord still means huge uncertainty.

Although this uncertainty cannot shake the Immortal Alliance's pace of pioneering, it is very fatal for a mere Nascent Soul who goes deep into the enemy's territory alone.

Therefore, when he heard this name, Wang Luo's heart sank.

As for the people around him, they were horrified. Even Li Fengxian was obviously shaken. After exclaiming, he muttered: "Yang Zhao... No, it can't be Yang Zhao! His life is approaching, and he is not here anymore." To extend his life in the north, he ran to the wilderness of Fenghu... This makes no sense! It is a felony for Xinheng people to leave the country without permission, and it is also a taboo for Liuli Wangguang. He is the guardian of the Duke of Wei, so there is no reason to break the taboo! "

Although his words were impassioned, Li Fengxian never said them loudly. Apparently he knew that these words were just self-deception.

The characteristics of the person the two-headed python saw were so obvious that Li Fengxian could subconsciously name him. How could there be any other possibility? Mahayana-level creatures can't be found all over the wasteland. However, when it was confirmed that the Mahayana Lord Yang Zhao was in the middle of Fenghu Lake not far from here, it was obvious that even Li Fengxian couldn't help but retreat.

Fortunately, this retreat did not end.

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm a little lost... This person must be Yang Zhao. He and Yang Wuyi should have divided their forces to find Yinxing Baoyu. As for why he wants to go to Fenghu..."

Wang Luo said: "I do know this. The center of Feng Lake is a good clue."

"In this case, things are a bit troublesome. This place is too close to Feng Lake, and there is no barrier between the two places. He...may be fleeting. No wonder Yang Wuyi dared to leave behind three thousand elites, but he actually deducted such a A trump card!”

"Ha." Wang Luo smiled and shook his head, saying nothing, just thinking silently.

After a while, it was Wu Qing who broke the silence and said nonchalantly: "Excuse me, did I do something wrong..."

"Of course not." Xia Houying woke up first and comforted Wen Yan, "It would be better to say that you have made a great contribution! The snake in your arms provided crucial information!"

"Really?" Wu Qing's eyes shone brightly, and his arms holding the python became harder, "Shuang'er, you have done a great job! I will give you some more rabbit meat later!"

The two-headed snake squirmed, as if surprised, but also seemed to hide its head behind Wu Qing, no longer facing those pairs of glaring eyes.

But it failed to escape the sharpest pair of eyes.

Wang Luo stepped in front of the spirit snake and asked in a deep voice: "What else did you see about that ice-white man? Wu Qing, help me translate."

Wu Qing was a little scared, but still nodded and let out a hissing sound from his mouth. The two-headed python obviously fell into deeper fear. After struggling for a while, it was calmed down and made the same hissing sound.

"Shuang'er said... that white creature seemed to be looking for something, very eager, and its emotions and its power filled the surroundings of the lake. Then, no living thing around was willing to offend it like that, and then... Shuang'er's words It’s a bit fragmented and I don’t know how to translate it.”

"It doesn't matter, that's enough." Wang Luo nodded, "Yang Zhao is very impatient. This is important information."

Li Fengxian pondered: "In other words, either his condition is worse than the rumors, and he is really fighting for his life this time. Or the importance of Seal Star Baoyu to the Queen Mother's party has made them willing to sacrifice Yang Zhao this ancestor. Or... both."

After a pause, Li Fengxian looked at Wang Luo, his eyes flickering slightly: "However, guessing these will not help. We still lack the means to deal with the Mahayana True Monarch, unless..."

"Unless I take action myself." Wang Luo sighed, "Then without further ado, I will set out to kill Yang Zhao. Please keep an eye on things in and outside the city... don't let me down."


The flicker in Li Fengxian's eyes went out, then his eyes widened, and he repeated in disbelief: "Huh?!"

Wang Luo smiled: "As you wish, I'm going to deal with Yang Zhao... It's rare for a Mahayana true king to jump out of the glazed net and run to my home court. It would be rude not to give him a warm welcome."

"...Ah." Li Fengxian seemed to have some realization at this moment, "Then I wish you good luck in military affairs."

"Well, before I leave, I want to borrow something from you."


Wang Luo moved very quickly, from deciding to take action to arriving at Feng Lake, it only took a short moment.

And Feng Lake is indeed no longer the Feng Lake in his memory. The blood-colored lake is now covered with frost, and the lush vegetation on the lakeside is also withering under the severe cold.

In the middle of the lake, there was an old man suspended like a natural disaster in human form. He turned a blind eye to everything around him and stared at the white lake below him. The two crystal-clear snow-wing flying swords were like shovels and chisels, clanking and digging into the frozen lake water.

When Wang Luo arrived, the hole in the lake under the old man was already more than a hundred meters deep, and beside the entrance of the hole were scattered the corpses of countless evil things in the lake... all of them died in miserable and exploding forms.

Seeing this, Wang Luo quietly took off the two magical talismans on his boots that had become burnt due to overload, and respectfully bowed his hands to the crazy old man in the middle of the lake: "Little man You Chi, see you. Ancestor of the Yang family."

However, the only thing that greeted him was the bone-chilling wind coming from the center of the lake. The strong wind pressure that carried the life force almost instantly caused Wang Luo's Nascent Soul shield to collapse.

And this is just the aftermath of the Mahayana Lord's unconscious release.

Yang Zhao simply turned a deaf ear to the people coming to the lake. His mind was completely focused on the bottom of Fenghu Lake... If there was still a chance that the Yinxing Baoyu might be left here, then he was only one step away from digging it out. Far away. After this step, whether Baoyu was found or whether it was confirmed that Baoyu had been transferred, the answer will be revealed, so before that, Yang Zhao really didn't want to waste his energy on anyone else.

Wang Luo then sighed, took out a shriveled fruit and held it in his mouth. It was a treasure commonly used by Star Army scouts, and it could make his voice particularly penetrating.

"Young man, You Chi, has met the ancestors of the Yang family!"

This time, the sound finally caused Yang Zhao's expression to show a slight change... It was like the snow melting in spring, first a drop of water on the eaves, and then large chunks of snow rolling down. Yang Zhao turned his head slightly and stared at Wang Luo with his scarlet eyes.


Wang Luo put on a fearful posture, lowered his head and said: "The villain is Star Army Colonel You Chite, who was ordered by the commander to deliver a letter to our ancestors on behalf of the distinguished guest in the army, General Yang Wuyi..."

After saying that, he took out a letter with the Star Army's seal from his arms, wrapped it in true essence, pushed it to Yang Zhao like a breeze, and presented it respectfully.

However, Yang Zhao sneered after a moment of silence.

Amid laughter, the letter Wang Luo presented exploded in the air, emitting a cloud of purple-black smoke. As if the smoke had its own intelligence, it reluctantly condensed into a human-like shape in mid-air and rushed towards Yang Zhao. However, it was firmly restrained in place by the spiritual consciousness of the Mahayana Lord, and then twisted and squeezed bit by bit, and finally collapsed and dissipated amidst the screams.

After that, Yang Zhao sighed and said with emotion: "Oh, General Li Fengxian is willing to sacrifice a whole portion of the activated 'Rye Starfall' in order to kill me... You, do you want me to say that?"

Wang Luo blinked and did not respond. He only looked at a loss as if everything was completely unexpected and he was at a loss.

Yang Zhao was a little impatient and lowered his voice, causing the chill around him to suddenly double.

"Disguised as the Sangjun Star Army, stole the spiritual poison used by the army to suppress powerful enemies and hid it in letters, tried to assassinate a Mahayana Lord, and framed the blame on the star army commander... The people of the Immortal Alliance are all in trouble in everything they do. Do you take it for granted? You don’t think that I have been sitting in the cave in the north for a hundred years, just living in ignorance? There are nearly a million people in the seven powerful armies of Xinheng. You dare to pretend to be a member of the Star Army and come to assassinate me! Besides, if you are really a captain of the Star Army, you can't even cross the border, let alone come to me to deliver a message. Your pretentious performance is simply ridiculous!"

With the last word "ji" coming out, Mahayana True Monarch's pressure suddenly solidified and he pounced on Wang Luo.

Wang Luo's body suddenly lit up with several spiritual lights, and the self-defense treasure brought from the Immortal Alliance was fully activated at this moment, supporting a short-term shield to block this fatal blow for him. At the same time, it turned into spiritual wind, carrying him and flying towards the east.

"Want to run!? Dreaming!"

Yang Zhao roared angrily, and then smashed with another pressure, causing Wang Luo's body to tremble... but the shield was not broken in the end. In this moment, Wang Luo was already sliding into the distance like a shooting star.

This made Mahayana True Monarch feel slightly shocked, but despite being shocked, he naturally couldn't let go of the other party.

Although the excavation in the center of the lake has reached the final step, the huge evil thing that lives at the bottom of the lake will be dug out in its entirety and then disemboweled to verify the location of the Seal Star Jewel. However, Yang Zhao had a vague feeling that the Yinxing Baoyu was not actually here. Even more important than the Baoyu was the fleeing assassin.

At this time, Yang Zhao could not maintain his usual composure. His impatience over the past few days made him subconsciously make a choice. He put down the two snow-wing flying swords in the middle of the lake, turned his head and flew towards the east to chase the passing meteor.

Mahayana True Monarch was much faster than his opponent. Even though Wang Luo was blessed by many immortal treasures, he was still intercepted in the blink of an eye - and at this time, the two sides had not even reached the east bank of Feng Lake.

However, after intercepting Wang Luo, Yang Zhao suddenly felt a strong sense of fear in his heart, as if he was in a dead place.

At the same time, Wang Luo, who should have died after being stopped by him, showed a bright smile.

"Ancestor of the Yang family, you are finally here... within the range of our Immortal Alliance's Star Destroyer Divine Sword."

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