As Wang Luo's words fell, Yang Zhao felt as if a piece of ice exploded in his mind, and countless sharp cold thorns slashed around like snow-winged flying swords... Under the severe pain, there seemed to be a thick The fog was blown away, revealing a view that had never been seen before.

Yang Zhao realized his recklessness at this moment.

Whether it's the deliberate and contrived appearance of a Star Army captain, or the ridiculously shallow poisoning scheme in the letter, they are essentially just a layer of disguise, a disguise that makes Wang Luo look "nothing more than that". When Yang Zhao became more and more anxious, he lost his usual judgment and subconsciously regarded the other party as a worthless person in disguise.

The Mahayana True Monarch Yang Zhao was known for his caution. It was precisely because of his caution since childhood that he was able to survive the troubled times at the end of the previous dynasty. It was precisely because of his caution that he never made a single mistake during hundreds of years of practice, and came to the Mahayana realm with a "pure and flawless" figure, and even walked very far in this realm.

Such a person, whether it is the intrigues in the court or the temptations of inner demons on the road of spiritual practice, has never shaken him, but at the most critical moment, he is scheming and impetuous, blindly pursuing in the wasteland, and steps into the world of his own accord. Death place.

Perhaps, this is the ugly state of a person when he is about to die. Perhaps he has been practicing for hundreds of years and has not become more detached due to the improvement of his cultivation level. Instead, he has become more and more worried.

It's more likely that someone is deliberately blinding his mind and eyes...

However, these are no longer important.

When Yang Zhao finally realized clearly that death was coming, he only felt relieved.

Finally, I can really let go.

Holding back the pain of his consciousness, Yang Zhao tried his best to open his eyes, faced Wang Luo's bright smile, and looked at the tall mountain behind him that blocked the sky and the sun.

The moment Gao Shan's figure came into view, the severe pain in Yang Zhao's mind disappeared, as if he was being infused with an unrivaled, irresistible, supreme and holy power from the heavenly spirit, and everything in his heart was destroyed. All thoughts and thoughts are washed away. There is only one kind of consciousness left, which is called the consciousness of worshiping.

It was like an ant looking at the sky for the first time, like a mayfly witnessing Kunpeng. Hundreds of years later, Yang Zhao once again felt the throbbing that had long been buried in the depths of his memory - when he was a child, when he first saw an immortal descending to earth, he was almost moved. A suffocating throbbing.

Unknowingly, Yang Zhao's wrinkled face was covered with tears.

Ah, what a beautiful fairyland that is...

However, after feeling deeply, a fire suddenly ignited in Yang Zhao's body. The flames instantly washed his whole body, purified his consciousness, and even evaporated the tears on his cheeks.

So he regained his rationality, retracted his gaze from the towering mountains, and looked at Wang Luo.

"Why don't you do it?"

When he was just lost in thought, his whole body was almost undefended... It is true that even the undefended Mahayana Lord is almost an unshakable fortress for the Yuanying monks, but if the opponent has the Star Destroyer God Sharp weapons such as swords are another matter.

According to legend, the Star-Destroying Divine Sword was a weapon specially designed by the Immortal Alliance to kill the Mahayana True Monarch. Even if Yang Zhao was in good condition and still at his peak, it would be difficult for him to face multiple divine swords at the same time, not to mention the fact that he just had a great power. open.

Wang Luo then said: "It's not worthwhile to kill you like this. Just in order to hold on for a moment and a half in your hands, a third of the protective magic weapon I carried with me was broken... It was originally used to deal with immortals." Guan Xiafan’s life-saving thing. Therefore, I have to save some losses. Yang Zhao, surrender, you should know that this is your and Xinheng’s only way out.”

Yang Zhao was silent for a long time, without answering or taking any action.

Wang Luo solemnly said: "I don't know why the Queen Mother's party is so obsessed with being loyal to Heaven, but at least as far as I can see, Xinheng has been abandoned by Heaven long ago. The rotating immortal officials were the first to defect. Now those few have already Living and working peacefully in the eastern part of the Immortal League, many of the confidential matters about Xinheng were told to us by those immortal officials, and so far, Heaven has not sent a successor to come down to earth to clean up Xinheng's mess. The glazed net cannot even filter out an outsider like me. The Immortal Alliance is already close enough that Heaven is not willing to take risks for you."


Suddenly, Yang Zhao spoke, and his deep voice seemed to cause the earth to hum at this moment, and the frost-covered lake gradually cracked under the tremors.

"Then why don't you get closer? Isn't it possible?"

Wang Luo said: "It's not worth it, so it can't be done. The Xianmeng's planned destination for this expansion is only to the east bank of Feng Lake. Any further step forward will mean a hundred times the consumption and completely uncontrollable risks." And your appearance was a surprise to us, and many things could only be prepared and dealt with hastily... including the fact that you, the national masters, took the lead in delivering the letter of surrender, including the immortal officials forming a group to surrender, and finally, including us accidentally learning that, You actually staged an internal coup at this time, and Zhang Jincheng, who submitted a letter of surrender on behalf of the 200 million people of Xinheng, was actually suppressed by the seal. Yang Zhao, since you are the only genuine Mahayana in Xinheng, and the ancestor of the Queen Mother Yang Shijun, if you can change your mind, The Queen Mother is unable to continue on this wrong path.”

"Hehe, hehehe." After a burst of hoarse laughter, Yang Zhao said, "Shi Jun's persistence is never a mistake. You know nothing about Xinheng."

Wang Luo said calmly: "That's right, I just learned and sold it now. It wasn't until Zhang Jincheng took the initiative to go to the feet of the Immortal Alliance to sue for peace not long ago that I heard about the existence of Xinheng for the first time. So, Zhenjun, if you have any advice, , please speak up. If Xinheng has any actual difficulties, you can raise it frankly. We will never stand by and watch the crisis of our former compatriots... In addition, although this place is still in the wilderness, it is already under the firepower of the Immortal Alliance. Within the scope, you can speak out if you have any difficulties, and there is no need to be taboo or afraid of anything.”

Yang Zhao chuckled again: "It's so majestic. You are worthy of being the messenger of the Immortal Alliance. Unfortunately, I have nothing to teach you, let alone surrender to you. I am already a dying man who is at the end of my road, and I really can't stand you. The expectations... So, you might as well use your proud Immortal Alliance firepower to open my eyes."

Wang Luo couldn't help but frown.

Yang he doubting the deterrence of the Star Destroyer Sword, or is he determined to seek death?

Persuading Yang Zhao to surrender was indeed a matter of improvisation. His original plan was to lure Yang Zhao eastward from the center of Fenghu Lake, and once within the range of the Star Destroyer Sword, he would fire directly without leaving any hidden dangers. But at the moment before giving the order to the fortress at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, he noticed the confusion in Yang Zhao's heart, so he temporarily changed his mind...

If Yang Zhao can be persuaded to surrender, it will be tens of millions of times more cost-effective than recovering one Li Fengxian, and the situation in Xinheng will be settled in an instant. In theory, Yang Zhao had no reason to refuse to persuade him to surrender. Since he was a Mahayana man, his vision should be clearer and further away than that of most people in Xinheng. The glazed net set up by the heaven on the border of Xinheng should not be enough to cover Keep his eyes open. He should know better than most people about the existence of the Immortal Alliance. Then, when the pace of Xianmeng's pioneering work has reached a mere hundred miles in front of Xinheng's gate, he should realize more clearly than most people that Xinheng actually has no choice at all.

But now it seems that Wang Luo has wasted all his efforts and words.

but why?

What is so unreasonable and unworkable about persuading people to surrender? Why is Yang Zhao's attitude of resistance so decisive? He said that he knew nothing about Xinheng, so what was the difference in his understanding of Jiujing?

Just when Wang Luo was filled with doubts, he heard Yang Zhao's laughter gradually turning cold.

"Hehehe, what's the matter? Why don't you take action? Could it be that the Star Destroyer Divine Sword of the Immortal Alliance doesn't have the ability to do whatever it wants?"

The next moment, a warning sign flashed in Wang Luo's heart. At the same time, the true energy in Yang Zhao's body began to move with unprecedented determination. The sky and the earth changed color in an instant, and a severe cold storm that could freeze for hundreds of miles was about to break out. come out!

"court death!"

Wang Luo did not hesitate and immediately issued an order to fire at the Star Destroyer Fortress south of Lingshan using the Ascension Record. With incredible efficiency, this order crossed hundreds of miles of wasteland and arrived at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, where it inspired the Star Destroyer Sword Seal engraved in the spiritual veins of the earth.

As a result, the billowing clouds swept by the ice storm were broken by the rainbow light at this moment, and from the foot of the towering mountains in the east, a glorious light comparable to the blazing sun was cast.

The cold murderous intent on Yang Zhao's face gradually disintegrated in the glorious light.

The true energy storm that swept through his chest and abdomen did not explode after all, but melted away like snow facing the sun.

"Ah, it's so, so beautiful..."

After leaving this silent sigh, all traces of Yang Zhao's existence in the world disappeared in the glorious light of the Star Destroyer Divine Sword.


The awe-inspiring power of the divine sword only erupted in a very brief moment.

It's just the trace of the divine sword cutting through the sky, but it lingers for a long time, unwilling to disappear.

Wang Luo raised his head and looked at the sword marks that remained on the sky after the clouds broke away, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This time, he simultaneously activated all the Star-Destroying Divine Swords in the south of Lingshan Mountain. The power of the sword light gathered a little, and theoretically it was enough to kill immortals - including high-grade immortal officials. Even where the light shone, it was left behind. It has left indelible traces, which shows how powerful it is. Used to kill the Mahayana, it seems to be a bit overkill.

However, even now, Yang Zhao's murderous intent at the last moment is still impressive.

The Mahayana Lord's concentrated will was already a fatal curse to a creature at the first level of Nascent Soul. Wang Luo's protective magic weapon was damaged again at that moment... But that was not what impressed him.

Yang Zhao seemed to be deliberately provoking Wang Luo to take action. He knew very well what his murderous intentions would bring about, and he knew even more clearly that Wang Luo's persuasion to surrender was sincere, but he still chose to leave Wang Luo with no choice.

Yang Zhao was destroyed physically and mentally by the sword light. Wang Luo could not see his appearance when he died - the light of the Star Destroyer Divine Sword was too sharp, even Wang Luo, the master of Lingshan Mountain, could not see it with the naked eye. Or look directly at the person with spiritual consciousness.

However, Yang Zhao's relieved and moved face before his death seemed to remain in Wang Luo's mind.

This result made him feel slightly depressed, and gave rise to many doubts and speculations. However, before he could think deeply, he saw a few lines of text lit up in the Ascension Record.

Those were caring greetings from Lu Youyou and others. His sudden use of the Star Destroyer Divine Sword will undoubtedly alarm many people, not to mention that at this time, he himself is only a few hundred miles away from the border of the Immortal Alliance. The place where the Star Destroyer Divine Sword's light can reach is naturally in the sight of many people. among.

However, in response to these concerns, Wang Luo just shook his head and replied that everything was under control and there was no need to worry... Then he took out two magic talismans again, stuck them on the soles of his boots, and walked quickly to the southwest.

Theoretically, he could actually return to the Immortal League temporarily. This time he went deep into Xinheng, and he had gained quite a lot. Not only did he master a large amount of first-hand intelligence, he even lured the enemy deep into the country and killed an obsessive Mahayana Lord. But at the same time, Xinheng's situation is still complicated, and we should brainstorm on how to deal with it specifically.

But Wang Luo felt vaguely that this matter must be done by him alone. On the land of Xinheng or Xingzhou, he is the only one who needs to be a member of the Immortal Alliance. Because there are some things here that are reserved for him alone and are not suitable for outsiders to get involved.

Looking back in hindsight, there were many strange things about Yang Zhao's death. Even since he was invited out of the mountain to look for the Seal Star Baoyu, things have been developing in a strange direction. For example, he stopped in the middle of Feng Lake for several days, but he couldn't even see the Immortal Alliance Spirit Mountain that was "very close at hand"? He didn't realize that he was not far away from the effective fire range of the Star Destroyer Sword?

Yes, he really couldn't see it. When he was provoked by Wang Luo and pursued him, he didn't stop as if he was shocked until he completely stepped into the range of the Star Destroyer Sword. Then, when he saw Lingshan with his own eyes, he showed an expression of shock and even devout conversion.

It seemed that there was something that was always clouding his understanding, driving the majestic Mahayana King towards destruction step by step.

Then, just when Wang Luo's mind was gradually occupied by these conspiracy theories, he had once again crossed the border of Xinheng, crossed a section of green mountains and green waters, and came to Liuyan City.

At this time, outside the restaurant, the girl in green shirt was still chatting and laughing with the restaurant owner. The cheerful laughter was like a clear morning light, which continued to dispel the haze above the head of this military-controlled city. The two-headed snake in her arms was put on the ground and swallowed the live chicken raised in the restaurant. The snake's body was slightly raised and rested on the side.

Not far away, Li Fengxian and others looked gloomy and anxious. It wasn't until they saw Wang Luo falling from the sky that they all showed expressions of disbelief.

Li Fengxian was the first to tighten his expression, bowed his head with his hands in hand, and said in admiration: "Your Majesty is invincible!"

Xia Houying was a little shocked: "The majestic Mahayana True Monarch actually..."

Tuoba Tiancheng also spoke impatiently: "The Queen Mother's party has lost its ancestor, I'm afraid it won't be able to suppress the court!"

In response, Wang Luo just nodded and didn't want to say anything more.

No matter how many conspiracies there are behind Yang Zhao's death, from a practical perspective, the fall of this Mahayana Lord will inevitably accelerate the situation in Xinheng.

So next, he must also speed up his pace.

However, at this moment, Li Fengxian's expression suddenly changed, as if he heard some incredible sound.

Afterwards, he turned a little blue and said to Wang Luo: "Just now, my subordinates came to report that Yang Wuyi actually committed suicide in my camp."

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