Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 502 Death Soldiers

When everyone rushed to the military camp outside the city, Yang Wuyi was already dying, lying on his back on a carpet, with a soul-gathering and rejuvenation formation roughly carved around him to extend his life, and his dead soldier with severed fingers, or his personal maid , was kneeling beside him, his eyes red from crying, and turned a deaf ear to the people who entered the camp.

And the same few people didn't care about this weak-minded Aman. Li Fengxian stepped on the carpet a few steps first, and his rough footsteps almost wiped away the cinnabar that formed the formation, making Aman tremble all over, and finally woke up from his grief... But when she wanted to stand up to protest, she found that she could no longer move.

In terms of cultivation, Aman is actually far superior to Li Fengxian. If he were to fight one-on-one in the wild, Li Fengxian would not be able to survive even if he was given a hundred chances. However, in the Star Army Camp, Li Fengxian commanded the power of thousands of people, and it was easy to suppress just one person.

After eliminating Aman's interference, Li Fengxian asked Wang Luo's consent with his eyes, leaned down in front of Yang Wuyi, and said in a deep voice: "I know you are awake, and I know what you are thinking... Yes, your plan has been If it fails, the reinforcements you want will not come. So instead of lying here and dreaming, it is better to open your eyes and face reality. "

The next moment, Yang Wuyi opened his eyes. He was seriously injured and on the verge of death. His eyes were filled with unnatural blood, like a trapped animal in a desperate situation.

"... You, just you, will never be able to do anything to our ancestors. No one in Xinheng can do it. Who is it? Who are you?"

While speaking, Yang Wuyi suddenly realized everything, and then he directed his almost crazy gaze at Wang Luo.

"You are a member of the Immortal Alliance. Their tentacles have broken through the barrier of the Liuli Net and penetrated into the territory of Xinheng... My eldest sister is right to be worried. It is all you who are causing trouble!"

Wang Luo did not argue, just said: "So, you should also know that your persistence is meaningless. Heaven has abandoned this place. If you don't surrender to the Immortal Alliance as soon as possible, this place will become the front line of the battle between the two sides in the next hundred years. The Yixinheng people will face the tens of billions of beings in the Immortal Alliance..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Yang Wuyi cough a few times, bloodshot blood flowed from all his orifices at the same time, and his inner emotions became more intense at this moment.

"People of the Xianmeng, you know nothing about Xinheng. Your blind self-confidence and arrogance are extremely ridiculous. Your contempt for Xinheng will only make you suffer. Facing the tens of billions of Xinheng... this We already knew this threat as early as the moment Xinheng was founded. Mingzhou is the testing ground for Heaven and it is also the front line of Heaven's resistance to enemies. The Qianli Blood Plain east of Feng Lake is just a land that will be trampled sooner or later. A flat buffer zone. In the past six hundred years, Heaven has given us a place to live in the wilderness, and Heaven has worked tirelessly to fill us with civilization... Becoming loyal to Heaven is a matter of course for us survivors, regardless of Zhang Jincheng's betrayal. No matter how colorful the reason is, it is still a shameful betrayal."

In response, Xia Houying sighed and Li Fengxian sneered. However, Wang Luo turned his gaze away and signaled the two of them not to interrupt.

To this question, Yang Wuyi needed his answer, not the traitors' answer.

The answer Wang Luo could think of was an understatement.

"The Immortal Ancestor soared to the upper realm with sincerity, opened up the Heavenly Palace, established the Immortal Law with his own will, and separated the Upper Realm from the world of mortals forever... Wasn't he betraying the Kyushu where he was born? Later, the Immortal Ancestor fell, the Heavenly Palace collapsed, and the Immortal Realm was no longer The survivors tried to use the Immortal Wuxia to carry the new laws of immortality and rebuild the heaven. This decision to go against the trend and disregard the life and death of hundreds of millions of people in Jiuzhou was not a betrayal of all living beings. And when the Immortal Wuxia fell, the Heavenly Court was reestablished? At the time of the Immortal Law, the Immortal Law was already in pieces, and the beautiful thing of becoming an immortal and ascending was actually polluted into a deformation of flesh and blood. Isn't this a departure from the original immortal way? Yang Wuyi, I can make as many excuses as you want. Come out and tell you. But what can really drive you to make the right decision is your own rationality. And this is what makes people different from animals. So, do you want to be upright or immersed in yourself? Gradually becoming a beast in a satisfied sense of moral superiority only depends on your own choice."

These words finally made Yang Wuyi's emotions gradually calm down, and as the formation on the carpet gradually gathered pure spiritual energy, it helped him repair the injuries caused by his suicide. His complexion gradually turned rosy, and the ferocious bloodshot eyes gradually dissipated.

It seemed that he was moved by Wang Luo's words and had thoughts of compromise in his mind. But for a while, it was difficult to say the words of surrender in person.

However, Li Fengxian couldn't help but frown at this time and warned Wang Luo in secret words.

"Your Majesty, please be careful. Yang Wuyi is extremely arrogant. No matter how gentle and casual he looks, his nature is extremely self-righteous! Such a person will never be persuaded by words, and he will never recognize the truth spoken by others. !”

Wang Luo snorted, and something strange gradually rose in his heart.

It seemed that underneath Yang Wuyi's calm face, there was a laughing face.

"what are you laughing at?"

Yang Wuyi was stunned when he heard this, and stared at Wang Luo with burning eyes, and the smile in his eyes became more and more vivid.

Until Yang Wuyi's laughter really echoed in the camp.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that you could actually see that I was laughing! Is there something I didn't do well enough? But it doesn't matter anymore. You guessed it right. I do want to laugh and I am indeed laughing. I am laughing at you guys. The traitor is like a clown! You must have thought that your words were very clever just now, right? You even thought that as soon as you said those words, I would be deeply shocked, and then I would struggle with my inner struggles little by little, and finally I would obediently bow to you, the Immortal Alliance. Under the light of the righteous path... Stop dreaming. After hearing this, my only thought was that it was ridiculous, because I had already heard your words before. Until this moment, when you were confident that you would win, the situation had changed. Evolution has not escaped the control of heaven... Why, are you curious about what I mean? Unfortunately, I can't tell you more. All I can give you is a simple piece of advice. Go back and polish it patiently. You, the tens of billions of sentient beings in the Immortal Alliance, go ahead. When you restart your pioneering work a hundred years later, I will personally go to the front line to witness your demise!"

Then, without waiting for Wang Luo to refute, Yang Wuyi stared at Li Fengxian with his red eyes again.

"You said that I am arrogant and self-righteous by nature. This is true, but I want to add one more thing. I, Yang Wuyi, am never afraid of death! Aman, do it!"

Under the decisive order, Aman suddenly broke free from Li Fengxian's suppression.

In an uncanny way.

Previously, Li Fengxian used his power as the commander of the Star Army to gather the strength of thousands of elite soldiers from the two battalions into one place. This force can suppress almost any individual below Mahayana. However, the moment Yang Wuyi ordered to take action, Li Fengxian's power disappeared out of thin air.

And the power of suppression that relies on power naturally no longer exists.

After Li Fengxian was stunned for a moment, he couldn't help but be shocked and angry. Because he had just seen the token that was firmly hidden in Yang Wuyi's hand.

That is the Star Stone Golden Order that symbolizes the new eternal imperial power and can only be given by the emperor himself occasionally. Those who hold this order can temporarily assume the imperial power. Under normal circumstances, Xinheng only has two golden orders in circulation. One of them is enshrined in the Duke Wei's Mansion in the north. It is a treasure that has been inherited from the day of the founding of the country and is comparable to a gold medal to avoid death. The other one is held by the Queen Mother herself and is the basis for her to act as an agent in the government. And now, Yang Wuyi actually came to Sang County with one of the tokens! With the power of this golden order, it is enough to take away the power of any Xinheng general in an instant.

No matter how long Li Fengxian has been operating in Sang County, how loyal the elites of the two battalions around him are to him...even if these more than a thousand people could have followed Li Fengxian to raise a rebellion against Fancheng without changing their expressions, and would not recognize any of Fancheng's legal decrees . But before truly abandoning the official and military status, the imperial power of Xingshi Jinling was absolute in the land of Xinheng.

This is also a deadly trump card. Yang Wuyi hid it well enough and used it just right.

With the power of the Star Stone Golden Order, Li Fengxian could directly deprive Li Fengxian of his official status, so that he would no longer be the commander of the Star Army... And although Li Fengxian could immediately start over again and regain control of the two battalions of thousands of people, there would still be a short time lag.

What Yang Wuyi wanted was this time difference, because in the short period of time when Aman broke free from oppression, in this small camp... this dead man with severed fingers who had been with him all year round was almost invincible.

Aman was like a sharp blade hidden in a scabbard. Under oppression and dormant, the power that exploded instantly reached the level of the peak of divine transformation. And this power was almost perfectly controlled by her at one point. In terms of the ability to penetrate at a single point, at this moment, Aman was infinitely close to the state of fusion. Then, this half-step fusion warrior burned all of himself and waved the invisible blade that cut off life and death at Li Fengxian.

It was a magic weapon she had nurtured with her own life, an evil blade that only the top dead warriors were qualified to raise. A dead soldier has to hide it in his body throughout his life, suffering the pain of sharp blades piercing his body and cutting his consciousness all the time. Even after hundreds of years of practice, he cannot sleep for even a moment... And such a magic weapon can only be unsheathed. It only needs to be unsheathed once.

Just like the status of a dead soldier, you only need to die once in your life.

At this moment, Aman's invisible blade was almost absolute, but this absolute killing move did not swing at Wang Luo, but instead struck at Li Fengxian... At this moment, the shock and anger in Li Fengxian's heart turned into despair, and then into despair. Double the anger.

As early as when he heard that Yang Wuyi was about to rush to Liuyan City, he had already made full preparations inside and outside the city. He even thought of the risk that Yang Wuyi might hold the imperial edict in advance, so in the past few days, his control over the soldiers of the two battalions has reached such an extent. The extent to which the arm can use the fingers. This small camp is dotted with agencies.

However, even so, all his preparations seemed pale in the face of Yang Wuyi's trump cards one after another.

Just like when he was kicked out of Fancheng... No matter how smart he claimed to be and how many incredible efforts he made to compete for the leadership of Dongdu, everything was like a joke in the face of Yang Wuyi's endless trump cards. Blood-based allies betrayed silently, and the treasures they were determined to obtain were snatched away by anonymous buyers at increased prices... He did not feel that his abilities were inferior to Yang Wuyi's, but their backgrounds and resources were vastly different. It was like this decades ago, and decades later...he still tasted the bitterness of failure again.

And this time, the result of failure is death.

Li Fengxian died with his eyes wide open... He was unwilling to lose to Yang Wuyi, but what was even more unwilling was why it was him? The person who deserved to die the most was obviously the envoy of the Immortal Alliance. If Wang Luo was not killed, there would be as many Xinheng rebels like Li Fengxian who were willing to be driven by the Immortal Alliance as he wanted. What's more, the Yinxing gem that the Queen Mother's party wanted the most was also in Wang Luo's hands!

However, it could only be him. Wang Luo was able to survive from the hands of the Great Master Yang Zhao, and even achieved a counterattack, so the mere combined-level death warrior's killing move naturally couldn't do anything to him, so the second-best solution in the tent was naturally Li Fengxian.

What a ridiculous way to die.

In the sigh, a sound of a magic weapon shattering exploded in the tent.

Wang Luo shook his head helplessly. There were only a few magic weapons left for protection brought from the Immortal Alliance. Magic weapons that could cross-level protection were rare and priceless even in the Immortal Alliance with a highly developed immortal civilization, and those that could be temporarily activated and applied to others were even more rare.

Now his investment in Li Fengxian is priceless.

But no matter what, the rescue at the critical moment successfully blocked Aman's killing move and saved Li Fengxian. Aman's attack failed, and he looked apologetic and laughed in a low voice.

"Master, Aman is incompetent. This knife was swung by me..."

Before she finished speaking, she fell down powerlessly, and her body had fallen apart halfway, as if she was cut and torn by thousands of tiny sharp blades... The evil blade she had nurtured for a lifetime had begun to take its price.

Li Fengxian watched the girl who had almost killed him just now, and was finally cut into fine sand by the evil blade, scattered on the ground. Not only did he not feel happy, but he was furious.

"Yang Wuyi, is this what you call... never afraid of death? When you fight to the death, you are only willing to risk the lives of your subordinates?"

Yang Wuyi did not respond. His eyes were fixed on the pile of fine sand on the ground, revealing a trace of imperceptible sadness. Then it was replaced by a relaxed smile.

"Li Fengxian, when you were young, you wanted to enter the officialdom through cultivation and learning, and become a noble scholar like Xiahou Ying. But when you first entered the officialdom, you were repeatedly blocked by your background. Later, you were unwilling to waste your time, so you joined the army and tried to win status with military merit. So, do you know why you were not tolerated by the academic community in Fancheng despite your talent?"

Li Fengxian snorted coldly and did not answer.

Yang Wuyi said: "Because people like you who are of ordinary background but ambitious, the more outstanding their talents are, the more they lack the necessary foundation. You don't know some things you should know... For example, do you know that the finger-cutting death soldiers of the Qingqi Army are actually divided into two types. One is consumables. The other is burial objects. I brought Aman with me because she and I have long been one body. When she dies, I will be the new finger-cutting death soldier!"

The next moment, an extremely dazzling knife light exploded in the tent.

Yang Wuyi slashed at Wang Luo with the sword he had nurtured with an unprecedented determination!

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