Li Fengxian, who succeeded by chance and used the power of the two camps of star soldiers to dissolve the sharp edge of the evil blade, did not show any joy on his face. Instead, as time passed in silence, he became more depressed. For a moment, he seemed to be a dying man who was seriously injured.

Although at first glance, he won a bet on life and death and successfully saved the emperor... However, as early as the moment when Aman's knife flashed, Li Fengxian knew that he had lost everything. What he did afterwards was just trying to recover the loss.

Yang Wuyi and Aman suddenly attacked and injured people in the camp he controlled. No matter how he argued that Yang Wuyi's golden order and the evil blade of the fingerless death warrior were variables that no one could fully control... As the local commander and the future emperor of Xinheng, he could not escape the charge of poor protection for letting his boss take risks.

Moreover, when Aman's blade flashed, it was Wang Luo who took the initiative to save him. If Wang Luo had not used the treasure of the Immortal Alliance to block the sharpest first blade for him, he would have been shattered by now, and turned into burnt dust like Aman.

As for the knife that Yang Wuyi slashed at Wang Luo later, it was... insignificant. Although the knife light looked resolute and sad, Yang Wuyi was not a finger-cutting death warrior after all. He was not proficient in the blade-keeping method of this kind of death warrior, and there was nothing amazing about it. Although it was a double blade, the power was actually not as good as Aman's first blade. Rather than saying that he was trying to struggle and turn the tables in a desperate situation, it is better to say that he was just embracing the remaining warmth of the deceased and going to die generously.

Even if Li Fengxian hadn't blocked the knife, Wang Luo would have had his own way to stay safe... However, Li Fengxian saw clearly that when Yang Wuyi said his last words and slashed out the evil blade, Wang Luo could have reacted, either by fleeing far away or taking the initiative to suppress the knife light, but he chose not to react at all, as if he wanted to deliberately test the knife with his body.

And this scene fell into Li Fengxian's eyes, in fact, it was an obvious hint, no, instruction.

The only chance to save the disadvantage was here, to use his own flesh and blood to block the knife, repay the grace of saving his life, earn a share of the credit for saving the emperor, and prove his loyalty and value... This was the instruction Wang Luo gave Li Fengxian at that moment.

Li Fengxian had no choice at all.

And having no choice was the fate he hated the most. He struggled to move forward all his life, just to have a little space for independent choice at every fork in the road... The promise of the emperor obtained from the envoy of the Immortal Alliance was the best opportunity for his dream to come true - even if the emperor of Xinheng was destined to be a puppet emperor of the Immortal Alliance in the future, as long as he, the front-line emperor, could fully prove his ability and value, then in Mingzhou, the puppet emperor could also be an independent emperor.

But now, with the shining of Yang Wuyi's golden order and Aman's evil blade, his dream of becoming an emperor is close to being broken. He failed to prove his ability, and he made a big mistake in front of Wang Luo. Even if he tried his best to make up for it afterwards, it was useless. It can be imagined that even if everything went smoothly afterwards, the Queen Mother's rebel party fell, and the Immortal Alliance established the foundation of Dinghuang in Mingzhou... He, the emperor of Xinheng, would inevitably have many more shackles around him, and every joint would have more threads of control.

However, what made Li Fengxian feel most depressed was not the fading of the dream of becoming an emperor. In the final analysis, even if he was really just a puppet emperor in the future, it was completely acceptable to him - no matter how unfree the emperor was, could he be less free than the general of a border county? He was greedy by nature and wanted to maximize his benefits in everything, but in a long life, there were few people who achieved perfect merits and many who were unsatisfactory. Those who take the best get the middle, this is the true creed of Li Fengxian.

Therefore, what made him depressed and even desperate was not the loss of these future interests.

But his old enemy died with a smile in front of him.

Yes, he saw clearly that Yang Wuyi had a smile on his face when he exhausted his vitality and slashed out the evil blade.

Obviously he lost his lover and his own life... Obviously he sacrificed everything to slash out a knife that was destined to be fruitless, but he still smiled like a winner with a perfect life.

Yang Wuyi did have reason to laugh. Although he failed to defeat the envoy of the Immortal Alliance after all, he won Li Fengxian, won thoroughly, and would never give the other party a chance to turn the tables.

If it were Li Fengxian, he would also laugh, laugh out loud.

The two of them had a grudge a long, long time ago, so long that Li Fengxian, a vindictive man, had a vague memory.

At that time, he was still a young civil servant with high spirits. He started from humble beginnings, but his career was smooth. Almost from the moment he set foot on the official career, he had walked a path that many old officials had not walked for more than a hundred years.

It was a beautiful era of competition and youthful vigor. The late emperor worked hard to govern the country, swept away the old ills, and opened the door to the world's heroes. The court only promoted talents, and at one time, countless young talents succeeded and became successful.

But it was also a cruel era of survival of the fittest and winner-takes-all. The late emperor liked talents and winners in competition, but he only liked winners.

In that era, only winners could become successful, and losers often had nothing - even if they had good skills, as long as they lost, they would no longer be valued by the emperor.

Therefore, those who are afraid of losing can choose to stop when they have enough and settle for the gains. But if one is unwilling to give up and still desires more, then one must continue to participate in the competition, continue to win, until there are no longer any competitors around him...The imperial court at that time was like a huge poisonous insect breeding dish.

Li Fengxian, on the other hand, was a Gu worm with great momentum and ambition to be the king. He won all the way from an unknown place to Fancheng, won to meet the emperor, and won the best starting point of the road to civil service... For a time, he felt that the heroes in the world were just like this. In the academic circle of literati, he might not be the most brilliant one, but he could definitely be the one who won the most.

Until he met Yang Wuyi from the Duke of Weiguo Mansion in Beijun.

That time, he made a mistake and was defeated with almost no ability to struggle. The opponent seemed to be his nemesis, and all his conspiracies and calculations could not escape the opponent's eyes - of course, Li Fengxian could also guess Yang Wuyi's thoughts. But when the two sides played against each other, Yang Wuyi, who came from a wealthy family, always had a few more cards than him.

That disastrous defeat ended Li Fengxian's road to civil service. Not only was he expelled from Fancheng and lost the favor of the emperor, but even his career in other counties was repeatedly frustrated. There will always be some vulgar and poor opponents in front of him, who have almost nothing to offer except their wealthy background. If he were in the officialdom of Fancheng, he could expose the true colors of these wealthy and powerful families with a little trick.

But he is no longer in Fancheng, and outside Fancheng, there are too many dark corners in Xinheng where the emperor's majesty cannot reach. In those corners, "zero support other than ability" is just a joke.

From the dreamlike talent of Fancheng, to this point in a blink of an eye, Li Fengxian does not think this is the norm for losers, nor does he think his failure is a coincidence. Behind the seemingly logical demotion order, there is clearly the shadow of the Weiguo Mansion.

And that shadow was clearly left for him by Yang Wuyi on purpose.

Of course, until today, these things are just speculations, and Li Fengxian has no real evidence. And from a rational point of view, it is even more difficult to explain-although he and Yang Wuyi have a grudge, they are not deadly enemies. Why would the other party, a member of the Yang family, bear such a grudge against a defeated general of humble origin?

But Li Fengxian firmly believed this, and the reason for his belief was very simple: because Yang Wuyi knew very well that as long as Li Fengxian was given any chance, he would make a comeback.

In fact, Li Fengxian did make a comeback. He gave up his pen and joined the army, and then returned to Fancheng again with outstanding military exploits, and was favored by the late emperor. The late emperor rarely paid attention to those who had failed, but those who had failed but could struggle back to his sight by their own strength often received double favor.

So Li Fengxian was full of confidence again, thinking that he could finally get revenge. However, his life path once again took a sharp turn for the worse. Just when he was about to show his ambitions in front of the late emperor, the late emperor abdicated inexplicably, and the will was to order the empress dowager to rule the country from behind the curtain!

As a result, the most suitable competitive environment for Li Fengxian to play no longer existed overnight, and the person who controlled the court was a member of the Yang family, the eldest sister whom Yang Wuyi regarded as a mother. The empress dowager's policy of governing the country was to seek stability.

The previous emperor had been vigorously governing the country for decades, and it was indeed time for stability to take precedence. The empress dowager's choice was not at all inappropriate, but for Li Fengxian, whose foundation was still insufficient, this change in national policy was fatal. To make matters worse, Yang Wuyi, who had been riding a horse on the road of civil service, actually abandoned his civil service at this time and joined the army, forming the most direct and even tragic competition with Li Fengxian!

It was also at that moment that Li Fengxian was completely convinced of his conjecture for many years-Yang Wuyi was really deliberately targeting and suppressing him. And what else could the reason for suppression be except fear? It can't be to motivate him to make progress? !

For most people, Li Fengxian's situation at the time was almost desperate. Without the emperor who favored him, he, a young general without a foundation, was already shaky in Fancheng, and his old enemy happened to be like a tarsal ulcer! But Li Fengxian still did not lose his fighting spirit. The more Yang Wuyi targeted and suppressed him, the more he felt that he had the possibility of turning the tables.

So on the one hand, he withdrew from the direct competition with Yang Wuyi, and on the other hand, he boldly chose to compete for a remote position of the leader of Dongdu. As long as the matter could be accomplished, he would have a chance to fight for his life. And the method of fighting for his life was beyond everyone's imagination, so that for a while, no one really competed with him.

After all, although the position of the leader of Dongdu was glamorous on the surface, it had almost no actual military power. It was purely a ceremonial guard of Fancheng. Going to Dongdu to work was almost equivalent to early retirement... Fighting for this position would only offend some old people who had already intended to retire, and Li Fengxian was not afraid. Moreover, with Li Fengxian's usual style, if he really behaved smoothly and did not offend anyone, it would be strange!

But the result was that even such an incredible evil path was seen through by Yang Wuyi at a glance and blocked early... After that, Li Fengxian was kicked out of Fancheng and trapped in Sang County for decades, and he was almost lost.

However, even when Li Fengxian was really discouraged, his hatred for Yang Wuyi, his old enemy, never faded. And this hatred made the wildfire in his heart always burn.

One day he will take revenge and win back everything he lost in the past. He wants to prove that his ability is better than Yang Wuyi, and there is no need to "assume that the two have equal resources from the same origin". Even if he is at an absolute disadvantage in origin, he can still win!

However, as Yang Wuyi took over the evil blade in Aman's hand, he died with a smile. The wildfire that has been burning for decades has finally been extinguished.

Jin Ling, Evil Blade, Yang Zhao on Fenghu... Yang Wuyi's winning method is the same as in the past few decades. On the basis of being no weaker than Li Fengxian's ingenuity and strategy, he can always have a few more trump cards than Li Fengxian. Yang Wuyi has never been shy about his own resource advantage, but is better at taking advantage of it than anyone else.

Until the end, Yang Wuyi was still able to defeat Li Fengxian with this move. Li Fengxian's decades of hard work failed to help him overcome resource disadvantages and make a comeback from adversity.

But what really frustrated Li Fengxian was not his failure in strategic planning.

But the story between him and Oman.

Of course, Li Fengxian, who was blocking the sword with his body, could also hear the faint conversation that sounded in Wang Luo's ears before.

The story in the conversation was completely beyond his expectation. He never thought that Yang Wuyi, whom he regarded as his old enemy, was such an innocent person, so innocent that he would risk his own life for a dead soldier with a severed finger!

Li Fengxian has always regarded the other person as his own kind. Although he looks far gentler and more elegant than himself, that is only because he comes from a wealthy family in the north and has been decorated with gold and jade since he was a child. Behind the mask, Yang Wuyi's true nature must be cruel and cold.

If not, if they weren't the same kind, how could he see through his schemes so many times?

"Because he is far smarter and more powerful than you think. He can see through all your conspiracies without the need for similar resonance. All this time, you have been claiming to be your old enemy, but you are just deceiving yourself."

After Yang Wuyi's death, these words could not help but appear in Li Fengxian's heart. No matter how he struggled, these words seemed to be burned into his heart.

Even further.

"Your failure has never been due to being targeted by your old enemy. You were not tolerated by the academic community in Fancheng, and you were suppressed by Mr. Mingli in Sangjun... It's all because you are just a mediocre person, covered in mud and mottled skin, but you pride yourself on being extraordinary. Yours Your ambition and anger are just to cover up your own insignificance. You have no ability to love others, and you are destined not to be loved by others. Becoming someone else's lackey or even a walking dead is your inevitable end."

These words, which he would never have thought about when his rationality was still alive, were now flowing in an endless stream, entangled in his heart like thorns.

Yang Wuyi's evil blade was not fatal, but it was painful and heartbreaking. That knife did not cut off Li Fengxian's vitality, but cut off his heart.

Until Wang Luo reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Wake up, Yang Wuyi and Yang Zhao died one after another in Sang County. Xinheng is about to usher in nationwide chaos. And you have no right to feel sorry for yourself in troubled times."

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