Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 505: The new generation replaces the old

Wang Luo's "supervisory comfort" has a miraculous effect on Li Fengxian.

Almost instantly, the depression of the sad old general was swept away, his eyes gathered spirit again, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

For Li Fengxian, there is nothing more nourishing than the word "profit". Any wounds of the mind and spirit can be healed instantly driven by greed.

Previously, he was trapped in Sang County for decades and almost completely lost his spirit. But after the arrival of Wang Luo, the envoy of the Immortal Alliance, he saw the opportunity and ignited his ambition, and thus restored his former madness in one fell swoop.

Now, losing to Yang Wuyi certainly made him depressed and painful, as if the pillar of belief that supported him in the past few decades of decline had collapsed... But at the same time, Wang Luo's words "the whole country is about to usher in chaos" ignited the wildfire in his heart again.

Yes, the chaos is coming, where is there time to complain? As long as he can laugh last and ascend the throne to become the emperor, there will be great scholars among the 200 million people in Xinheng to argue for him and prove that he is better than Yang Wuyi!

And the chaos in the country that Wang Luo said was not an empty talk. The Yang family lost two generals in succession, one of whom was a Mahayana True Lord who suppressed the family's fortune... This is not only adding insult to injury for the already precarious Yang family, but also cutting off the firewood from the bottom of the pot.

The reason why the Yang family can suppress the world is that on the one hand, the Queen Mother holds the destiny of heaven and the legal system granted by the late emperor's will, and on the other hand, during the decades when the Queen Mother held the imperial power, she constantly favored the public interests of the country over private interests, which made the power of the Northern Border Weiguogong unprecedentedly expand, and its tentacles almost spread throughout the 18 counties of the whole territory.

However, now, the Queen Mother Yang Shijun broke with the Imperial Master Zhang Jincheng, openly launched a mutiny in the court, killed a group of immortal envoys and suppressed the Imperial Master himself in the Qianxingtai of the East Capital, demoting him to a traitor... For the Xinheng people who have lived under the glass light of the Heavenly Court for 600 years, this is basically shaking the imperial power itself.

Under the heaven, only the immortal officials have the right to punish the Imperial Master. The emperors of the mortal world who interfere in this matter are disrespectful and will inevitably bring disaster.

No matter how the Queen Mother's party sent their own great scholars to whitewash this move, no matter how she claimed that the Imperial Master was a traitor... However, people's doubts grew like weeds, and with the long silence of the Heavenly Court, it became more and more difficult to suppress.

During this period, the Yang family relied purely on brute force to suppress domestic opposition and doubts. And among this brute force, the deterrent power of the Mahayana True Lord is crucial. Among the five Mahayana True Lords in Xinheng, two directly obeyed the Queen Mother Yang Shijun, and one of them was a True Lord Yang Zhao who was able to have an equal dialogue with the immortal officials. With Yang Zhao around, none of the other three Mahayana True Lords dared to act rashly. And if Mahayana didn't move, the various powerful people in the eighteen counties naturally didn't dare to move either.

Even if the opportunity was clearly in front of them.

In fact, the Yang family, which originated from the northern border, has always been regarded as a hidden danger by the royal family for hundreds of years, and has been suppressed indirectly. Once its influence leaves the northern border, it will decline sharply. In the Queen Mother's era, the Yang family was finally able to expand at will, but it lacked a foundation after all. Even when its influence was at its peak, it could only barely mobilize six of the eighteen counties in Xinheng. And when the Queen Mother broke up with the national teacher, the attitudes of three of the counties were shaken... The only power that can be truly regarded as confidants is the remaining three counties.

The three counties no longer have absolute suppression power over the eighteen counties in the world. It is all thanks to the Queen Mother's years of ruling with clever means, constantly dividing the powerful people in the other counties, so that there is no force in the eighteen counties that is more influential than the Yang family. In addition, the powerful deterrence of True Lord Yang Zhao can barely maintain the high-pressure rule of the Yang family.

But now, Yang Zhao is dead. Although he died outside the country, the news will be delayed due to the obstruction of the glass net, but the fall of the Mahayana is enough to cause a major event that will cause a change in the world. It will not be too late for the other counties to learn the news. By then, it is hard to say what the other four Mahayana will think and how to respond.

In addition, Yang Wuyi's death is also fatal. Although his position on the surface is only the chief of staff of the Qingqi Army, he does not directly command the army, and he has always lived under the shadow of the great general Yang Jiuzhong, and his presence is slightly weak. But in fact, he is the biggest contributor to the expansion of the Yang family's power in just a few decades.

The Qingqi Army went south from the northern border and entered Fancheng. In just a few decades, it has taken root in the capital like the Fancheng Imperial Army. It makes the capital of a country almost the same as the capital of a family. Yang Wuyi can be said to have made great contributions! He is extremely intelligent and thoughtful. The key is that he has been calm in dealing with things for many years, which has left him with an excellent impression among the court officials. Any difficult matter handed over to him to deal with can always have a result that makes both the host and the guest happy. The Yang family was able to make many allies and their influence exploded during the decades of the Queen Mother's rule, and a large part of it was due to Yang Wuyi's successful layout and operation again and again in private.

It can be said that without Yang Wuyi, those minions who were willing to be driven by the Yang family on weekdays would have a different mind. Even some important officials in the court who clearly allied with the Yang family had to start to seriously consider a way out - when Yang Wuyi was there, people could trust Yang Wuyi, but when Yang Wuyi was gone, who could guarantee that the successor of the Yang family would have the same moral integrity?

In this case, the pattern of the Yang family's dominance over the world could fall apart at any time.


"My Lord, please allow me to return to the county city immediately and reorganize the entire Xingjun army to prevent the Yang family from jumping off the wall."

Li Fengxian bowed and clasped his hands, solemnly advising Wang Luo.

"Based on my understanding of Yang Jiuzhong, after learning of the death of his brothers and ancestors, he will not sit and wait for death in Fancheng. He will most likely gather all his elite troops, find a target, and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys to deter the world. And now there is no more suitable target than the Sangjun Star Army! He will definitely frame us and say that we colluded with the forces of the Immortal Alliance to plot against Yang Zhao and Yang Wuyi, and then use this as an excuse to raise troops and slaughter... This is the only chance for the Yang family to survive!"

Wang Luo did not question Li Fengxian's speculation.

Of course, local people know the local affairs best. Although Li Fengxian is not as smart and strategic as Yang Wuyi, he is still resourceful. Especially when greed expands, his mind will be particularly clear.

This future Xinheng emperor, although not as smart and strategic as Yang Wuyi, is also the most useful card in Wang Luo's hand.

"Okay, go ahead."

Li Fengxian couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this. Wang Luo's statement showed that he still trusted him, and now the most powerful weapon in his hand was the trust from the envoy of the Immortal Alliance. Only with the trust of the envoy can he sit firmly on the throne in such a big Mingzhou.

In the previous contest with Yang Wuyi, he lost miserably... Although the winner was dead and the loser was alive, Li Fengxian knew very well that he, the commander of the Star Army, was by no means Wang Luo's only choice. As Wang Luo's understanding of Xinheng continued to deepen, he would always recognize smarter and more promising people. At that time, the throne of the emperor promised in his early years was definitely not a guarantee. After all, even if Wang Luo really kept his promise... he only promised to let Li Fengxian become emperor, but never said that he was the greatest emperor in history. The shortest-lived emperor is also an emperor!

What can maintain a promise is not the promise itself, but the manifestation of the value of the transaction. The only way to make the Immortal Alliance recognize Li Fengxian's rule in Xinheng is to prove his own value.

Now, it is his only chance to turn the tables, and he must seize it firmly!


With his rapidly expanding ambition, Li Fengxian simply organized the two elite battalions outside Liuyan City and prepared to go to the county city to rectify those subordinates who were not very obedient.

He acted very quickly, and his military methods were also clever and skillful. The two elite battalions were even more elite... Therefore, he completed the chores of Liuyan City in almost no time. However, even so, before he set off to return to the county city, he still welcomed an uninvited guest.

The visit of the uninvited guest was accompanied by a heart-pounding vision of heaven and earth. At first, it was just a strange color in the afterglow, but soon everyone noticed the vision in the sky. On the southern skyline, a sad and beautiful red glow burned like a wildfire.

The fire was like a dragon, and it pierced the clear and blue sky in an instant, like a sharp wound torn from the south to the north, from far to near. In the blink of an eye, the sky of Liuyan City was on fire.

Wrapped in the red clouds, a silver-bright water-drop-shaped shuttle, reflecting the surrounding red clouds, fell from the sky like blood rain, as fast as lightning, catching everyone off guard.

In the military camp outside the city, Wang Luo looked at the shape of the shuttle, and several memories emerged in his mind... The shuttle Zhaoxue that Han Guming, the governor of Rongcheng, customized for his beloved daughter, was roughly like this. However, let alone the Zhaoxue of Rongcheng, even the Qingxue, which has better performance, is not as fast and amazing as the shuttle in front of him.

When it comes to fairy craftsmanship design, the fairy alliance is naturally better, but the water-drop shuttle in front of him, the structure and function are imitated everywhere from the fairy alliance Zhaoxue, but there is an advantage that Zhaoxue can never have.

The person driving the shuttle is a Mahayana True Lord. A charming and graceful woman.

If she hadn't exuded a strong pressure that was enough to make everything submit, and she didn't hide her power at all during the flight, staining the sky with blood... In fact, at first glance, she looked like a fashionable and cheerful young lady. However, it was impossible for any ordinary young lady to condense that indescribable depth in her eyes.

The woman drove the shuttle and landed in front of the Star Army Camp like a thunderbolt. The shuttle changed from moving to still in just a moment. And the next moment, she broke through the many barriers of the Star Army Camp and appeared in Wang Luo's tent. Two deep eyes looked straight at Wang Luo.

Wang Luo looked back calmly, his posture was neither hurried nor slow, neither humble nor arrogant.

Although he had no means to compete with the Mahayana True Lord in Xinheng's glass light net, he also saw clearly that the "young" Mahayana in front of him did not need to be competed with by himself.

The two people's gaze only lasted for a short moment, and there was no fierce confrontation of thunder and fire. However, thousands of people inside and outside the tent were almost all dormant, even trembling.

Li Fengxian was standing next to Wang Luo, barely maintaining his standing posture, but he was shaking like a sieve, and he dared not raise his head. He could only grit his teeth and said hoarsely: "I, I, meet the Duke of Feng!"

This sentence was hoarse and unpleasant, and almost as thin as a mosquito's buzz, but it successfully aroused the woman's interest. She stopped looking at Wang Luo for a while, but looked at Li Fengxian with interest.

"Oh? You can actually speak in front of me. Your name is Li Fengxian? I haven't heard of it before, but now I remember it."

Then, she turned her eyes back to Wang Luo, no longer holding her posture, but smiled and lowered her head slightly.

"My concubine Nan Yingying, meet the envoy of the Immortal Alliance."

For a moment, Wang Luo couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

He had naturally heard of the name of Fengguo Gong Nan Yingying. When Hunyuanxian introduced the five Mahayana monarchs of Xinheng, the first one was naturally Yang Zhao, followed closely by Nan Yingying... This woman whose name is like Xiaojiabiyu has actually been practicing for more than three hundred years. It's not as youthful as it looks. However, in the three hundred years to Mahayana, this progress in cultivation is shocking in both the old and new celestial eras. The legend of her attainment of enlightenment is no less legendary than that of Yang Zhao.

To put it simply, she was spotted by Zhang Jincheng and became an experiment for the immortal officials in heaven. And among that batch of experimental subjects, she was the only one who survived to the end.

In fact, during the more than two hundred years that Zhang Jincheng served as the national master, only a few of the thousands of people he selected as experimental subjects were able to walk out of the experimental site alive. Among the survivors, only Nan Yingying actually achieved success in the experiment. This success is difficult to replicate, but it is worth remembering forever.

With the "gift" of the Immortal Official, Nan Yingying's cultivation speed increased by leaps and bounds, and then she expelled the direct lineage and won the title of Fengguo Gong. After more than a hundred years, he did not let go of the power in his hands, and became the most feared leader of the border princes after the Queen Mother came to power.

The above is Hunyuanxian's concise and comprehensive introduction to Nan Yingying. But now that he actually met him, Wang Luo felt that Hunyuanxian's introduction was really an understatement!

Therefore, Wang Luo responded politely to Nan Yingying's proactive salute and asked, "Are you Duke Feng of Nanfeng County?"

"Yes." The woman nodded, "He is also the best friend and most powerful ally of Imperial Master Zhang Jincheng in Xinheng. I am fully aware of his ambitions and overall plans and fully support him. It was just before the Queen Mother Yang Shijun took action. They have locked me in my own territory and cannot move. It was not until Yang Zhao died that I finally had the opportunity to welcome the superior commander... But there was a lot of helplessness here, and I hoped that the superior commander would not think that I was just watching from the sidelines. Came for speculation.”

Wang Luo pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "So, how do you show your sincerity that you are not speculating?"

Nan Yingying smiled and said: "When I learned that Yang Zhao died, I immediately put down my family business and ran to support the envoy. Is this considered sincerity? You know that the Yang family had secretly gathered at the border of Nanfeng County before the mutiny. With an army of 200,000, my hometown will be open to the public."

The next moment, Nan Yingying's smile faded and she solemnly said: "However, compared with the 200 million sentient beings in Xinheng, the life and death of the Nan family are nothing!"

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