Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 506 I, the Former Emperor

Duke Feng Guo's statement is undoubtedly sincere.

As she herself came galloping thousands of miles from Nanfeng County, what Li Fengxian was most worried about was that the Yang family's dog jumped over the wall and the army pressed on the border was destined to not happen.

It is true that even a Mahayana Lord cannot compete with thousands of elite armed troops on a national battlefield, but the actual strategic value of a Mahayana Lord far exceeds that of thousands of troops.

On the one hand, no one with thousands of troops could cross thousands of miles, penetrate the ten counties of Xinheng, and arrive at Sang County as soon as possible in such a short period of time after Yang Zhao's death, openly supporting the source of the chaos. This kind of strategic mobility will make any form of defense appear to be full of loopholes in front of the Mahayana Lord.

On the other hand, no army composed of ordinary people can have the influence and appeal of the Mahayana Lord.

Nan Yingying's high-profile arrival in Sang County was almost equivalent to directly telling the world about Yang Zhao's death, making it impossible for the Queen Mother and her party to hide or suppress the news. And those contradictions and conflicts that are already on the verge of boiling over will also usher in a complete explosion.

She dared to leave the 200,000 troops at her doorstep and go north alone, precisely because she had concluded that if the situation really turned upside down, the 200,000 people would not be able to move at all, so she actually had no worries.

The two hundred thousand troops were divided into five groups and stationed in the three border counties of Nanfeng County. However, those three counties had been cultivated seriously by the Nan family for hundreds of years! Although on the surface, the powerful officials in the three counties are all loyal to the court, and they are completely clean with Duke Feng... But even the corrupt scholars in Fancheng cannot believe this innocence. Therefore, as long as Duke Feng really raises his voice, the four southern counties will become independent kingdoms almost instantly.

And if the south is in chaos, the rest of the country will not be safe either. Although the Yang family, with the Northern Green Banner Army and the Great Internal Controller, was still the most powerful in the world, it no longer had the deterrent power to suppress eighteen counties at the same time.

Under such circumstances, if the Yang family dared to raise troops to besiege Sang County, then it would be their turn to open their own doors. This is an absolutely unbearable risk for the Yang family who is trapped in Fancheng and Dongdu.

Therefore, with Fengguo Gongnan Yingying's direct rebellion, all strategic initiative is now in the hands of the "rebels".

However, compared to this change in strategic situation, Wang Luo paid more attention to Nan Yingying herself.

Because she is an extremely valuable... insider.

Since joining Xinheng, I finally have someone who understands the overall situation with whom I can communicate.

In the camp, Wang Luo briefly invited Nan Yingying to sit down and got straight to the point.

"You said that you know everything about the National Master's plan, so let's talk about that plan and the changes in the plan first."

Nan Yingying responded: "Okay, it's actually simple..."

"It doesn't have to be so simple. Now that we have no immediate urgency, we might as well go into details."

Nan Yingying was startled, then smiled and said: "Okay, if the envoy is willing to listen, then I will say more. First of all. Lao Zhang...that is, Zhang Jincheng, actually has rebelled against him for a long time. You should know his origins, right?" ? An extremely rare mixed race..."

Wang Luo nodded: "I heard from him that his mother was Ziwo and was robbed to Mingzhou during a famine more than 600 years ago. Later we investigated the historical data..."

Nan Yingying interrupted at this time: "Your Majesty, if possible, please do not investigate this matter. The old lady did not tell anyone her identity until her death, not even her own flesh and blood. So I I think it’s better to keep it a secret forever.”

"Okay." Wang Luo nodded again, "When I get back, the relevant information will be banned and will not be made public."

"Then I will thank the envoy on behalf of Lao Zhang. In short, although the old lady's cultivation is mediocre, her character and knowledge are far beyond those of us Mingzhou barbarians. Lao Zhang once privately told him what his mother told him when he was a child. The fairy tales were compiled into books as a way to commemorate her, and I was lucky enough to read a few of them. It was true... Even though we were separated by hundreds of years, she felt more like she was living in the modern era than I was, or even in the future. Although I had never met the old lady. , but I always have respect for her.”

Nan Yingying let out a breath as she spoke, and her expression showed a sense of sadness that she was born before I was born.

"Your Majesty, it may sound a bit...ridiculous. In fact, when Lao Zhang first tried to instigate me, I acted hypocritically but I really didn't think so. After all, it was Heaven that gave me the power to reach heaven and earth, and I was able to be defeated in the first place. The reason why I was chosen as the Lixian boy and received the favor of heaven is because I have been bathed in the glazed light since I was a child. I have sincere respect for the immortal officials and have an extremely clear mind. Even though I have long realized that the Lixian boy is just a sacrifice and has nothing to do with it. Almost nine out of ten of my sacrifices during the same period were damaged, but as a lucky person, I was still very grateful to Heaven. But Lao Zhang was not good at anything else, but he was particularly good at identifying one thing. He was so lucky at that time. He was politely rejected or even rejected by me for the first time, but he persisted. He knew that he could not incite me to rebel with empty words, so... he actually read the old lady's story to me. At first, I thought it was a bit ridiculous. How old is he? Still expecting to brainwash people with fables? And it would be even more ridiculous to say that I wanted to use the opportunity to chant sutras and perform magic, because my cultivation level was no weaker than his at that time. But later, with each story, it seemed that I was being manipulated by the old lady. Holding hands, we were led into a new and unknown world. Many things in that world were similar to the information we recorded about the Immortal Alliance, and even more things were thousands of times more exciting than what was described in the information. For a while, I became addicted to it and couldn’t extricate myself.”

Speaking of this, Nan Yingying sighed leisurely, and her spiritual consciousness couldn't help but outline the scene in her memory and projected it outside, making Li Fengxian and others in the camp couldn't help but become intoxicated.

Wang Luo just shook his head and was not disturbed... This made Nan Yingying's eyes light up and she nodded lightly.

"In short, although I just listened to many stories at that time and never thought about betraying my family, Xinheng or even Heaven, when a person has in his heart 'I really want to be a member of the Immortal Alliance, not a member of Xinheng', the so-called His loyalty already has a fatal flaw. And even though I am a person who listens to second-hand stories, Lao Zhang has been listening to the old lady telling stories since he was a child. How could his position not be biased towards the Immortal Alliance? Therefore, when I thought that someone like Lao Zhang was actually the Xinheng Imperial Master who was deeply trusted by Heaven, I felt that this world was really ridiculous. So not long ago, Lao Zhang hurriedly came to me and said that he had made a move. When the rotating immortal officials from the Ming and Mo states defected together, I was not surprised. "

Wang Luo asked: "So, he has actually been planning for a long time?"

"It may not be possible to talk about premeditation. After all, before the Immortal Alliance officially set off to the west, he had never considered breaking away from the control of Heaven, nor did he formulate any strict executable plan. He just kept wandering around the country, cultivating some people like me. He has never thought about how to activate or act on the seeds of his wavering mind. Of course, he is a national master after all, and he often has to face the immortal officials. If he goes too far, he may be killed. Zhang was probably pretending to be confused, waiting for the opportunity to come. As for when the opportunity would come, no one knew, he could only hope... Fortunately, the envoy finally came. It's a pity that Lao Zhang has been waiting for it all his life, but at the last step. I suffered a big loss."

Speaking of this, Nan Yingying couldn't help but shake her head: "But Lao Zhang can't be blamed for this matter. When he observed that the Immortal Alliance had achieved a great victory in pioneering and eliminated a large number of desolate beasts and even the immortal officials on both sides of the Blood River, he He made a decisive decision to persuade the remaining immortal officials to surrender to the Immortal Alliance together. Due to the rush of the matter, many things could not be done too carefully, but even so, he carefully considered the impact of all aspects, especially the attitude of the royal family. . He even had an emergency secret conversation with the Queen Mother and obtained a reliable commitment from her!"


Nan Yingying said helplessly: "At least that's what he said when he came to me to explain the overall plan. He almost patted his chest and gave Yang Shijun a guarantee. He said that the Queen Mother had agreed to his plan. As long as he could convince the Immortal Alliance people to If Xinheng is dealt with in a Huairou way, then the royal family will not insist on going its own way, let alone push 200 million people into despair in order to be loyal to heaven. Although I did not see with my own eyes how he and Yang Shijun made a secret agreement, but Lao Zhang said this. People are not so stupid that they can be deceived at will. Moreover, even now, I still feel that Yang Shijun has no reason to cling to his loyalty to Heaven. For her, the benefits that Heaven can give cannot be given by the Immortal Alliance. Not anymore? Besides, the Imperial Master should be loyal to the Heavenly Court, and the royal family should be loyal to its own imperial authority. Now that even the Imperial Master has rebelled, why should she persist?"

Wang Luo said: "Perhaps she feels that all the chaos in front of her is only temporary, or even a test deliberately set by Heaven. And once they lose control and really betray Heaven, they will immediately be killed. ”

Nan Yingying shook her head vigorously: "This doesn't make sense, your Majesty. In the past thousands of years, Heavenly Court has been straightforward in doing things and never concealed its intentions. Even when they regard Mingzhou as a testing ground, they have never directly dealt with those who are qualified. Those who spoke to them concealed it, let alone conducted any tests, not to mention that this kind of loyalty test was simply destroying their dignity... Because only those who are unable to control the overall situation will try to control people's hearts with the fear of God's unpredictable will. To put it bluntly, even if Yang Shijun was really impressed by the glazed light of heaven and had an unbreakable mental seal, and he did not dare to openly resist heaven anyway, there is really no need to take a stand so resolutely, right? Isn’t this bad? Now that the whole country is in rebellion, hundreds of years of prestige of the Yang family in the north have been wiped out. It’s really hard to imagine how the gains outweigh the losses.”

Wang Luo heard this and asked thoughtfully: "So, do you think the Queen Mother may have some other trump cards in her hand?"

Nan Yingying shrugged: "I don't know, at least I can't see what other trump card she has. The one that can be regarded as a trump card by the Queen Mother is nothing more than reinforcements from Heaven. But Lao Zhang has been dealing with the immortal officials of Heaven for hundreds of years. , The understanding of Tianting is far better than anyone else, even better than most immortal officials themselves. If Tianting really has a hidden trick in Xinheng, Lao Zhang will definitely not be able to discover it... So after comprehensive consideration, I would rather. I believe Yang Shijun is in a daze because his brain is filled with water.”

"That's why you are willing to respond to Zhang Jincheng's call and submit to the Immortal Alliance."

Nan Yingying didn't mind when her thoughts were read, and said with a calm smile: "Yes, instead of following a crazy woman, believe that all this is a big chess game played by the heaven, and pray that the immortal officials will suddenly descend from the sky and kill all the rebellious officials and traitors. Roll on... I would rather believe what I see with my own eyes - now all the most loyal immortal officials in the Ming and Mo states have died in the Bloody Plains, and the rest of the immortal officials have surrendered one after another under the lobbying of the national master, but the Heavenly Court has never done anything. Any reaction. This is definitely not a trick to lure the snake out of the hole, but it is clearly a sign of defeat and lack of strength. As for Mingzhou Xinheng, he has become an abandoned son who has no time to care. In this case, I just think Xinheng surrendered. The sooner the better. Because even if Heavenly Court wakes up at some point and becomes free to deal with Xinheng's chaos, their response will never be favorable to Xinheng."

Wang Luo said: "It is consistent with Zhang Jincheng's theory."

"That's how he persuaded me." Nan Yingying said, "And he also said the same words to many other people. Those people may not be as straightforward and decisive as me, but they will never stand on the side of the Yang family. So. Sir, although these words sound a bit blindly optimistic, the overall situation of Xinheng has been decided at the moment of Yang Zhao's death. It is only a matter of time before the Yang family's rule collapses... However, the matter of time is probably the most important thing. A problem that cannot be ignored. Although my personal judgment is that Heaven must be in an extremely embarrassing and delicate situation now, so that it has to sit back and watch the situation in the Ming and Mo states deteriorate, but this embarrassing and delicate situation cannot continue forever. . I have no doubt that Heaven has the ability to intervene in the mortal world at any time. Maybe in the next moment, there will be several high-level golden immortals above us. Therefore, we cannot wait for the Yang family to collapse on its own."

Wang Luo nodded and said, "It makes sense, so what do you think we should do next?"

Nan Yingying was silent for a while and sighed: "I don't know, Lao Zhang never told me what to do in this situation. And although I am quite confident in my vision and judgment, I never Good at business strategy.”

At this time, someone in the camp who was obviously good at strategy was eager to try.

Nan Yingying glanced at it and said: "Hey, Li Fengxian, just say it if you have something to say, don't worry about whose limelight you will steal. I have no desire for Xinheng's power or wealth, I only hope that I can live in the Immortal League forever after the matter is accomplished. …In the old lady’s story, there is a magnificent sea in Ziwu, which I have always wanted to see with my own eyes.”

Li Fengxian did his part and immediately said: "I think we should raise a serious banner as soon as possible to inform the people of the world. The envoy said that the Immortal Alliance must lay down the cornerstone of desolation in Xinheng in order to isolate the threat of heaven within the barrier. Externally. The foundation needs the support of the people, so simply overthrowing the Queen Mother's party will not make the general public support the Immortal Alliance. They will only think of it as an ordinary political struggle and civil strife, and in troubled times they will only pray to the Immortal Official for help. From now on, we need to make an upright appearance in order to guide people’s hearts in the future.”

Speaking of this, Nan Yingying's eyes suddenly lit up and she thought of a wonderful idea.

"Speaking of which, Sir Envoy, has anyone ever said that you look very much like the late emperor... Why don't you just claim to be the resurrected former emperor! That way, no matter what you say, people will be more likely to believe it!"

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