Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 516 Life and Death

The moment Zhang Jincheng's consciousness awakened from his slumber, the spiritual energy on the high platform also condensed, weaving a translucent spiritual body like a silk cocoon, and then wrapped the fragile consciousness in it.

After a long time, the body and consciousness completed the preliminary integration. With a slight twitch, the spiritual body opened its eyes.

Those eyes were like a quietly burning fire, and Wang Luo's figure was clearly and steadily reflected in the firelight. Zhang Jincheng was stunned and confused, and finally breathed out a wind of spiritual energy from his spiritual body, making an incredible sound.

"Master Wang Shan...?"

"Well, it's me. Long time no see."

"Why, Mountain Master, you...ah, you saved me? You came here from the Immortal Alliance to save me?"

Wang Luo said: "You are the important contact person of the Immortal Alliance in Mingzhou. When encountering difficulties, the Immortal Alliance will naturally come to rescue you. What's more, you are still a disciple of Lingshan and I, the mountain master, will of course come in person."

Zhang Jincheng was a little confused: "I am... a disciple of Lingshan?"

"Well, it was recruited temporarily and unilaterally." Wang Luo smiled, "The main reason is to use the power of Ascension Record to forcefully wake you up from this stage. If you don't want this identity, you can quit at any time. But I personally My suggestion is that there are not many rules in Lingshan, but there are no shortage of benefits. There is no harm in retaining the identity of a Lingshan person. "

Zhang Jincheng is still a little confused about the situation: "I am not from the Immortal League, can I still become a Lingshan person?"

Wang Luo said: "You are just not born in the Immortal Alliance, but when it comes to your background, you are more upright than most people in the Immortal Alliance."


"The dignified Ning Yuan Tu Ying Ling is as famous as all the founders of Dinghuang. This is the highest level of origin in the Immortal Alliance. If such people cannot become Lingshan people, then there will be no one available up and down Lingshan."

So Zhang Jincheng was even more surprised and even horrified: "Condensing Yuan Diagram? This, the overall situation of Xinheng's desolation, has it been..."

"It's not that fast. The cornerstone of Xinheng's Desolation has not yet fallen, and the Ning Yuan Diagram has naturally not manifested. So of course you are not a complete heroic spirit on the diagram. But your state of mind has perfectly matched the needs of the Ning Yuan Diagram. , so there is only one thing left for this matter to fall into place. As long as Xinheng’s determination is completed, you will naturally be on the map.”

When Zhang Jincheng mentioned the completion of the New Eternal Desolation, Zhang Jincheng's joyful mood suddenly turned dark and gloomy.

"It's a shame that Zhang is incompetent and trusted the wrong person, which made the situation in Xinheng almost corrupt..."

Wang Luo said: "Wrong, since you have seen me, it means that the situation is far from corrupt. During the time when you were incarnate as the weapon spirit of Qianxingtai, didn't you know what was going on outside of yourself?"

Zhang Jincheng shook his head: "After I ran out of oil on the high platform, my spiritual consciousness was like sleeping forever, unable to perceive changes in the outside world. I dare to ask the mountain master..."

"You don't have to ask me." Wang Luo waved his hand, "Since your spiritual body has been condensed on the high platform, let's see for yourself. However, in fact, it has not been too long since you integrated your body and mind into the high platform to consolidate the seal. Xinheng's The situation cannot be said to have undergone any earth-shaking changes.”

Zhang Jincheng nodded slightly, and the spiritual fire that formed his eyes suddenly became blazing hot at this moment, and his gaze then looked far away, allowing him to quickly scan the surroundings of the high platform, taking in a panoramic view of the intricate situation outside Dongdu.

Then, he fell into deeper doubts.

Even though he was the Imperial Master of Xinheng and had lived here for more than six hundred years, Zhang Jincheng still felt extremely confused after seeing the scene outside Dongdu. It's obvious that not long has passed since he fell asleep, but how did the situation become like this?

But as he gradually regained consciousness...compared to the current situation, he thought that there was one more important thing to ask, and he couldn't wait.

"I dare to ask, Lord Mountain Master, you were able to enter the Eastern Capital in person, climb to the high platform and wake me up, but you borrowed the power of the Seal Star Baoyu?"

Wang Luo nodded, took out the jade and placed it on the stage.

"Now the property returns to its original owner."

Seeing Baoyu, Zhang Jincheng's spiritual body suddenly swayed, like a candle blown by the strong wind. His face was obviously gloomy, and his chest was tightening with pain.

"So, where did the mountain master get this thing...?"

Wang Luo said: "Your confidant 'tourist' entrusted it to me before he died."

"..." The spiritual energy condensed on the body in mid-air stopped flowing at this moment, so Zhang Jincheng melted and collapsed like a candle burned by high temperature.

Wang Luo frowned and the golden light in his hand lit up again: "Zhang Jincheng, come to your senses!"

The order from the mountain master dragged Zhang Jincheng out of the sea of ​​suffering. His consciousness merged with spiritual energy again, stabilizing his spiritual body from disintegrating... But the feeling of excruciating pain had clearly flowed out, making the king Luo couldn't help but be speechless.

"Who are you, that tourist?"

Zhang Jincheng smiled bitterly: "Although we are not related by blood, I have always regarded him as my own child."

"...I see, I would like to ask the Imperial Master to express my condolences."

Zhang Jincheng sighed and shook his head: "Thank you, Lord Mountain, for your understanding. But... I have actually expected this. That kid is always desperate when doing things. Even if it is just to give me a little more chance to survive, he will resolutely rush to a dead end. Haha. , This is indeed the duty of a 'tourist'. Unlike the Immortal Envoy, the tourist is a dead soldier who died for the Imperial Master. It was because I had been with him for a long time that I developed a meaningless affair."

Seeing the slight pleading in Zhang Jincheng's words, Wang Luo did not delve deeper into this topic.

"So, tell me about the causes and consequences of this domestic mutiny from your perspective."

Zhang Jincheng then said: "Ashamed, I am still confused about this matter until now. The Queen Mother... There is really no reason for her to be so stubborn and loyal. Since ancient times, only national teachers have been foolish and loyal to heaven, regardless of life and death in the mortal world. How can there be any mortal world?" The emperor was determined to serve the heavenly court? What’s more, I first convinced the immortal officials who were on duty and went to persuade the Queen Mother with the evidence that the immortal officials had rebelled. For her, it was God’s will that she should surrender to the immortals. Alliance. Her rebellion is clearly against nature..."

At this point, Zhang Jincheng suddenly felt a tremor all over his body for no apparent reason, and his spiritual body became unstable again.

Wang Luo said: "According to Yang Qijian, the reason why the Queen Mother was able to persuade the Yang family and the Gan family to support the mutiny was because she saw the swaying of the golden candle in the high hall of the Temple of Heaven."

"Impossible!" Zhang Jincheng categorically rejected, "This matter is absolutely impossible! The Queen Mother is lying!"

The Imperial Master's categorical conclusion, accompanied by the swelling of his spiritual body, quickly turned into a strong wind and spread to every corner and everyone's ears outside the Eastern Capital.

Including Yang Shijun's younger brothers Yang Jiuchong, Yang Qijian and others, all of them looked extremely ugly!

Naturally, Wang Luo could also see the scenery under the high platform, and couldn't help laughing, and asked: "Why are you so sure that the Queen Mother is lying? She stated this matter in front of the Mahayana Lord. If there is no absolute credibility, there is no way in the world. There won’t be that many people determined to follow her in rebellion.”

Zhang Jincheng said: "I don't know how she bribed eunuch Chen Lin, but the matter of Gaodian Jinzhu is absolutely impossible. Because... Gaodian Jinzhu has always been a scam."

As soon as this statement came out, even Wang Luo was surprised: "Scam? So the golden candle cannot symbolize heaven's blessing?"

Zhang Jincheng smiled bitterly with a hint of sarcasm: "Even the low-level immortal officials on duty have never treated the Xinheng people as human beings. How can the aloof heaven protect the mortal country? The so-called golden candle symbolizes the blessing of heaven. From the beginning, From the beginning, it was just a lie spun by the founder of the country. The golden candle that had been enshrined for six hundred years was just a prop used to maintain the trend of people's hearts in the name of heaven. I still firmly believe that heaven will protect me, and I feel at ease because of this. However, the light of the golden candle has always been controlled by the hands of successive national masters. In the past two hundred years, I have used my inspiration to shake the candlelight three times during the Immortal Ceremony. , as a sign of good luck, but at least this time, I did nothing!”

At this point, even though Zhang Jincheng did not produce any real evidence, the seeds of suspicion quickly spread outside Dongdu.

However, the next moment, the bloody light coming from the imperial city suddenly became dazzling, and the intense light was almost blinding. At the same time, the voice of the manager Chen Lin also swept over like thunder.

"It's nonsense! What the Queen Mother said that day was not only witnessed by me, but also corroborated by the flawless light of Mingyi Shenjian. Not only did she speak from the bottom of her heart, she was not fake in the slightest, and she couldn't even be deceived by illusions...Jin Zhu There is no doubt that you are swaying, but you, the traitor, have no credibility the moment you turn your back on heaven!"

The thunder was rolling, surging far away in all directions, and after being swept head-on by the thunder, the people's hearts that had just floated could not help but become firm again.

Yes, Eunuch Chen is right. Zhang Jincheng has long been a treasonous traitor... It is even unclear whether the person with condensed spiritual energy on the high platform is Zhang Jincheng himself. How can we trust what such a person says?

Regarding Eunuch Chen's rebuttal, Zhang Jincheng only felt a little amused: "So Eunuch Chen's evidence is just your own words and an immortal treasure book passed down from generation to generation by the royal family? However, since I can forge golden candles, can the Yang family just Can't you forge the divine evidence? Using such evidence to support the mutiny is completely ridiculous..."

However, Zhang Jincheng was only halfway through his impassioned speech when he was suddenly interrupted by Wang Luo.

"National Master, there is no need to engage in these meaningless rhetorical debates with them. The quickest and most effective way to win a debate is always to shut up the opponent. On the other hand, if you cannot shut up some people, no matter what you say It's all to no avail... Although you have woken up from your dream, you should be able to clearly see the situation around you. The Queen Mother's current support is only three Mahayana monarchs who are determined to go their own way. The other so-called one hundred thousand troops have become nothing more than scattered sand. The human heart is even more unstable and cannot be used anymore. Therefore, as long as the three Mahayana are silenced, the overall situation of Xinheng's stability will be equal to winning the most critical battle. As for how to silence Mahayana, Imperial Master, you should recognize this thing, right?"

With that said, Wang Luo took out the treasure handed over by the defecting immortal official from his body.

It was a thin book with a dark cover. It had an unattractive appearance, no title, and no aura. But the moment he saw it, Zhang Jincheng burst out with an expression of extreme surprise.

"Deposed, Deposed Immortal Record?! Those immortal officials actually handed over these treasures to the mountain master!? Well, that's right, they should hand it over! Since they have surrendered to the Immortal Alliance, this Deposed Immortal Record will be of great use to them Of course it’s no longer useful!”

"Oh, Deposed Immortal Record? That's an interesting name."

Zhang Jincheng explained: "The immortal officials once said that to be promoted to Mahayana True Lord is actually half a step into the realm of immortals, but it is precisely because of stepping into the realm of immortals that it is easier to manage... The immortal officials never explained the specific principles to me in detail. But they clearly said that the Record of Immortal Dethronement is a treasure of the heavenly court refined by many wonderful golden immortals, which contains the supreme immortal way. The name of any Mahayana in the mortal world will inevitably be included in this Record of Immortal Dethronement. And as long as you find that name in the book and lightly tick it, you can take his life, and there is no possibility of escape or escape."

As he said, Zhang Jincheng's spirit body trembled, and he slowly picked up the black book and opened it. He soon found the names of several Mahayana True Lords of the time on the last page.

Wang Luo took out an ink pen from his storage bag and handed it to him, then asked, "Is it enough to just tick the name?"

Zhang Jincheng smiled bitterly, "To be honest with you, Master Mountain Master, I have only heard about this from the immortal officials, but I have never seen it with my own eyes. During my tenure as the national teacher, I never applied to the immortal officials to use this thing, so..."

Wang Luo nodded, "So, now is the right time to catch someone to test my magical powers. Let's choose Yu Gong, who controls the Dasheng Temple. There are tens of millions of believers in the 18 counties in the whole territory. But he stubbornly stood on the side of the Queen Mother, and shamelessly betrayed me not long ago. It can be said that he has a deep grudge. If he doesn't die, he will become a hidden danger to Dinghuang's great cause in the future."

Before Wang Luo finished speaking, Zhang Jincheng had faithfully carried out Wang Luo's order.

He picked up the ink pen with his spirit body and drew a heavy tick on Yu Gong's name on the last page.

Almost at the same time, Yu Gong, the master of Dasheng Temple, who was standing behind Nan Yingying and observing the situation on the high platform with trepidation, fell down silently.

Before the old man's body touched the ground, it turned into a puff of smoke in the air and dissipated, leaving no trace, only the blue and white wide Taoist robe floating to the ground.

In an instant, the surroundings were deadly silent, and in the silence, boundless terror began to spread. Although only a Mahayana True Lord died, everyone present seemed to have seen their own upcoming end!

"...Fuck!" Guo Yanfeng was the first to react, raised his hand high, and said loudly, "Lord Shangshi, Lord Guoshi, I surrender, don't kill me!"

In the Fancheng Palace, Chen Lin still had a little hesitation.

As a steward who had served the royal family for hundreds of years, he actually knew better than anyone why Queen Mother Yang Shijun insisted on doing it, so he could stand on the Queen Mother's side more firmly than anyone else.

But why did the situation reach such a desperate situation, and the person who should have appeared long ago was still reluctant to show up?

During this moment of hesitation, Wang Luo's voice came from the high platform again.

"Since Eunuch Chen refuses to surrender, let's grant his wish."

Chen Lin watched Zhang Jincheng slowly put down his pen on the stage, and the tip of the pen dipped in ink was like a sharp sword, gradually piercing his chest... The fear in his heart had reached its peak!

At this moment, in the high hall of the Temple of Heaven outside the imperial city, a blazing golden light broke through the dome and rushed straight into the sky!

Then, the sky cracked.

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