Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 517: Record of the Deposed Immortal

The moment the golden light in the high hall lit up, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

On the Qianxing Terrace, Zhang Jincheng was so frightened that he could hardly control himself. The ink pen in his hand slipped suddenly, leaving an untidy mark on the page, and the ink mark was less than an inch away from Chen Lin's name.

This inch was the difference between life and death, but whether it was Eunuch Chen who escaped from death, or Zhang Jincheng who failed to kill, they had no time to care about the Record of Dethroning Immortals at this time.

The golden light that pierced the dome in the high hall of the Temple of Heaven was the light of the golden candle!

The small golden candle, which was only three inches long, suddenly burst out with a dazzling light like the scorching sun. It was a brilliance that had never bloomed and could not bloom since the day it was born!

The light lasted only for a short moment. After the pillar of light that soared into the sky stung countless pairs of eyes, it quickly returned to silence, leaving only a thin and long scorch mark on the clouds covering the sky, as if the sky was cracked.

After the light, there was no more Jinzhu in the hall.

Obviously, the radiance that shot up into the sky was a self-destructive overdraft, which not only overdrafted Jinzhu's own spiritual power, but also overdrafted the incense that the Xinheng royal family had offered for more than 600 years. But more important than the overdraft itself is that the unusual movement of Jinzhu obviously contradicted Zhang Jincheng's previous statement!

Could he be behind the scenes manipulating such a strange phenomenon that shot up into the sky? !

"He is lying... Zhang Jincheng is lying!"

Soon, someone reacted, jumped high into the air, spoke loudly, and stimulated rolling waves with blood and qi, ruthlessly exposing the truth.

"Jinzhu is not a scam, the blessing of the heaven is always there! Now the immortal has finally shown his holiness, the traitor Zhang Jincheng, you and your dog master, will soon be annihilated!"

"The queen mother is wise and powerful, Xinheng is blessed with auspiciousness!"

For a time, the rampant words of the survivors were heard one after another outside the East Capital.

On the high platform, Wang Luo couldn't help laughing and asked, "National Master, so you were just talking nonsense?"

Zhang Jincheng shook his head in disbelief: "How could it be...Everything I said is true! The so-called heavenly blessing of the golden candle is indeed just a scam! Although the golden candle can rely on the incense of the mortal world, entrust the luck of Xinheng, and reflect the good and bad luck of the country. But it itself has no ability to communicate with the heaven. It has always been a mortal thing! If not, how can I, a mere mortal, control the things of the immortals!?"

Wang Luo turned his head to look at the ruins of the high palace and the remaining candle ash in the ruins, and shook his head and said, "It's a pity that I can't verify your words now. Then, how to explain the golden candle's bright light just now, which went straight into the sky? Could it be that you killed Yu Gong, and Xinheng's national fortune was auspicious and auspicious? Or did Xinheng finally usher in a distinguished guest who was important enough to shake the world?"

However, Wang Luo did not get Zhang Jincheng's answer next.

The world around him seemed to freeze as he asked the question softly.

All the noisy and flashy sounds subsided unconsciously. The wind stopped blowing, the clouds stopped rolling, and the 100,000 people outside the East Capital City were like mechanical puppets that had run out of spiritual energy, frozen in place in an unnatural posture.

Even the tens of millions of people far away in the prosperous city stopped breathing at this moment.

There was only a thin line in the sky, a thin line that was cracked by the light of the golden candle, like a newborn bud, quietly blooming and extending on the layers of dark clouds. It was so small that it was almost unnoticeable among the clouds with chaotic light and shadow. However, in this completely still and dead world, it was the only living thing, so every move of it attracted attention, as if it was the master of the world.

The creatures on the ground witnessed the growth of the line with a stiff posture, from a barely noticeable thin line, gradually extending and expanding, and in a blink of an eye it had grown into a mark that cut through the clouds; in another blink of an eye, the entire sky was divided into two halves by it.

And in that crack that divides the sky, there is a light that is more blazing and dazzling than the sun.

It is called the light of the Wonderful Law.

According to legend, after the immortal practice reaches the stage of ascending, it is a long process of merging the body with the Tao, and people and the Tao gradually become indistinguishable in this process. Among them, those who have achieved the supreme realm, such as the immortal ancestor Chicheng, are the immortal law of the heavenly court, or even the immortal world itself. And below this realm is the Wonderful Law Golden Immortal. Immortals achieve the Wonderful Law and can do whatever they want, free and easy from ancient times. And such immortals, every move of their hands and feet contains the Golden Immortal Avenue, and every breath brings about mysterious growth. That is no longer an ordinary creature, but a huge miracle that is difficult for mortals to describe.

Now, the miracle has descended from the cracked sky with brilliant traces.

So, Wang Luo's question naturally has an answer: the golden candle is bright because the Wonderful Law Golden Immortal has descended to the world.

Therefore, every person in the mortal world who set foot on the immortal path - no matter which immortal path is on the left and right of heaven - realized the truth of cultivation at the moment of light. Many difficulties that troubled cultivation disappeared in this instant of enlightenment, and the rugged immortal path was illuminated by this brilliant light and smoothed, as if it was smooth all the way to the end of the road.

So people were convinced and converted from the bottom of their hearts, and there were no more extra thoughts in their hearts, just wishing to bathe in the light of the wonderful law forever. The party struggles in Xinheng, the confrontation between the heaven and the immortal alliance... all became insignificant and insignificant at this moment.

Until a crisp shattering sound suddenly came, breaking this flawless immortal realm, like a crack cutting through the sky, awakening people from a silent dream, and making the time between heaven and earth flow again.

Then, as the world resumed operation, people gradually became terrified.

Because they clearly saw that a layer of fine cracks was slowly appearing in the sky. That crack is sandwiched between the clouds and the earth, where the heavenly glass net that protects Xinheng is located! Nowadays, the cracks on the glass are like spider webs, and they are vast, spreading and covering all the way, pointing directly to the boundary between heaven and earth.

And the wonderful golden light flows from the cracks in the sky. Reflected on the cracks in the glass net in mid-air, it suddenly showed a heart-stopping red and black color!

In an instant, the flawless golden light shining on the earth no longer had the holiness it had at the beginning, but became as mottled and mixed as mud.

Then, people gradually realized that the fleeting and long dream of wonderful magic was really just a dream. After waking up, not a single trace of the celestial truth I understood in my dream could remain in my mind. On the contrary, some important memories melted and blurred in the golden light!

Then, people unanimously realized again: the light in the sky is by no means some holy and flawless golden light of wonderful magic. It is actually the light of disaster disguised as holiness and trying to annihilate all things in the world!

If it weren't for the layer of glazed net in the sky of Xinheng, if it weren't for the immortal family's most precious treasure that would protect the world from disaster at the expense of its own body damage, the consequences would have been unimaginable!

Just... why?

On the high platform, Wang Luo shook his head again and laughed: "So, what were you so proud of just now? Is it any good for you to alarm the heaven about Xinheng? You don't think that the immortals in the heaven are really interested in doing something for you? Are the mortal ants trying to bring things back to order?"

Even in the current desperate situation, Wang Luo's voice was still clear and steady.

Smoothly boosting the waves of despair in every listener's heart.

"If you have raised livestock, you should know that when there are signs of plague in the livestock herd, the most economical and effective way to deal with it is to cull it collectively and then replace it with a new crop of livestock. Therefore, during the rotation of the Immortal Officials After you were persuaded by National Master Zhang Jincheng to defect, you have no way out. Once Heaven notices the changes in the world, there will never be any merciful result waiting for you, and it is precisely to avoid that result that the Immortal Alliance sent me here. Try to turn the tide. If we can lay down the cornerstone of the Desolation in Xinheng before the eyes of heaven glance at the mortal world, then even if the magical golden immortal comes to earth, the Immortal Alliance can protect Xinheng Zhouquan. The window period has been missed by you.”

"That's nonsense!"

At this time, a prim-looking minister next to the Queen Mother suddenly couldn't restrain the anger and fear in his heart. He flew into the air and clung to the edge of the barrier outside Dongdu. He pointed at Wang Luo and said sternly: "I will die even before I die." You are deceiving the public with your lies! Xinheng has been a country for six hundred years and has always been loyal to heaven and has great virtues. How could he, how could he..."

The loyal veteran minister's impassioned speech came to an abrupt end only in the middle of his speech.

Because just when he was filled with righteous indignation, the Liuli Net could no longer resist all the golden light of the wonderful method.

Along the fine cracks, a trace of magical golden light broke through the glazed net, penetrated and dripped like liquid droplets, pulling down red silk threads as thin as hair from the sky, all the way to the head of the minister.

The moment the liquid droplet came into contact with the human body, everything belonging to the living being was wiped out. Only a large official robe lost the support of the body and slowly fell... The old minister seemed to have been snatched away from the Immortal Record and died. De and Yu Gong are actually the same!

And just when people were shocked by the old minister's death, bloody drizzle began to fall from the sky.

Although the raindrops were sparse, they completely shattered everyone's faith.

Obviously, what Wang Luo said was right. The Heavenly Immortal had no intention of dealing with the chaos in Xinheng with any mercy. All people, whether they are loyal ministers or traitors, are treated equally in front of the Miaofa Golden Immortal.

Yang Shijun also showed incredible horror and despair at this moment.

"How could it be, how could it be, where are you?"

Beside them, Yang Qijian and Yang Jiuzhong looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes. Since the day of the mutiny, they have led the Yang family to become enemies of the world without hesitation, precisely because Yang Shijun, the Dinghai Shenzhen, has always stood at the forefront. Now, Yang Shijun actually behaves confused and helpless. How should others deal with this? ?

On the high platform, Wang Luo also looked solemn: "Zhang Jincheng, turn the book!"

Zhang Jincheng was confused for a moment. He didn't understand the meaning of this order, and he didn't take any action.

While avoiding the falling rain above his head lightly, Wang Luo explained quickly: "The timing of the arrival of the Miaofa Golden Immortal was so coincidental, it was probably because he was attracted by this book of Deposed Immortals written by the Miaofa Golden Immortal! And he The reason why I was attracted must be because there is some secret in the Deposed Immortal Record that cannot be known to outsiders... So, as the owner of the Deposed Immortal Record, you must find out that secret as soon as possible!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the crack in the sky suddenly expanded, and an incredibly huge giant revealed an eye from the crack that was hundreds of miles long.

Although he only had one eye, the malice and smile in his eyes were clearly imprinted in everyone's minds. At the same time, the voice of Miaofa Jinxian also sounded lightly.

"What a clever little ant..."

However, before the Golden Immortal could finish speaking, Wang Luo's face darkened and he urged sternly: "Zhang Jincheng, move quickly. That man is actually willing to talk to an ant. We have clearly hit the mark. This Deposed Immortal Record The secret may be important, even related to his life! "

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Jincheng no longer hesitated. He quickly controlled his spiritual body with his spiritual consciousness and reached out to flip through the Deposed Immortal Record. However, after flipping through it, he couldn't help but gasp.

The weight of this page is like a mountain! Although he only has a temporary spiritual body at this time, after he was promoted to a heroic spirit on the map, he can use more power than his physical body with the endless spiritual power guided by the high platform. But with his cultivation in the fusion period, he can't turn the page!

Then, a cold voice mocked in his consciousness: "A mere ant..."

Wang Luo immediately lit up the Ascension Record: "Spirit Mountain Zhang Jincheng, concentrate!"

In an instant, Zhang Jincheng's consciousness became clear again, and the weight of the page in his hand seemed to be much lighter!

It turned out that Wang Luo had stretched out his hand and placed it on Zhang Jincheng's knuckles, using his own cultivation to help him exert force.

"Hurry up."

With the combined efforts of the two, the Record of the Exiled Immortal quickly came to the previous page, and Zhang Jincheng immediately widened his eyes and took a breath.

Because the previous page was densely filled with names, and there were as many as twenty at a glance!

However, where are there twenty Mahayana True Lords in the world? ! The Immortal Alliance does not allow it, and Xinheng simply cannot breed so many! In the more than 600 years since the founding of the country, from birth to death, at most ten people can be gathered. As for the first few hundred years, Mingzhou was turbulent and was often collectively killed by the Heavenly Court, and there was no chance to breed Mahayana. What's more, he didn't recognize any of the names on this page!

"Don't stand there, keep turning!"

Wang Luo's urging made Zhang Jincheng quickly come back to his senses and continue to turn the pages with all his strength... and the next page became even heavier. The moment the page was turned, Zhang Jincheng even felt that his fingers began to break.

But then, he had no time to take care of his fingers. Because on this page, he saw several familiar names.

The names of several rotating immortal officials who had a good relationship with him!

In an instant, Zhang Jincheng finally realized the value of this Immortal Dethronement Record... and then, before he could be surprised, he felt deeply absurd.

Such a treasure was actually held in the hands of those lower-grade immortal officials on duty? Then he was brought into the Immortal Alliance without any hesitation, and now, he has it in his hands?

Record of Immortal Dethronement, Record of Immortal Dethronement... This word "immortal" actually refers to the immortals in the heavenly court! ? Record of Immortal Dethronement is basically the life and death book of the immortals?

No wonder the Golden Immortal of Miaofa was alarmed by this thing, no wonder he would send down the light of destruction in such a cruel and ruthless manner.

No wonder he was so impatient!

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