Am I the only one who didn't ascend?

Chapter 524: Reproduction and Growth

A sincere smile is always contagious.

When the Lord of Heaven smiled, Wang Luo couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, hahaha."

The Lord of Heaven's smile became even more enthusiastic: "Hahahahaha!"

The laughter of the two people seemed to resonate with the same rhythm in the Gangfeng layer, making the surrounding wind sound like a harmony, and the eyes in the Guanghan Palace of the crescent moon in the distance also flickered.

It wasn't until a long time later that the laughter gradually subsided.

Then Wang Luo raised a question: "When Shi Suying first came, were you the one who called out his name? You used my mouth to say his true name, and forcefully pulled him out from behind the door, and then used the Immortal Deposition Record to catch them all... So, when did it start? Since when has my mind been able to be tampered with?"

The Lord of Heaven said: "Strictly speaking, your thinking was tampered with the moment you were born. Otherwise, how could you, a little fresh meat born in the New Immortal Calendar, have the memories of the Old Immortal Calendar?"

This answer made Wang Luo chuckle: "It's true. Weak people are born to be insulted. Even my birth was carefully designed, so why should I expect any autonomy in thinking?"

"Where does the autonomy of thinking come from in the world? What are the three cardinal principles and five constant principles and the upbringing and upbringing that children are nagged by adults? Which of them is the result of pure natural independent thinking? I see that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It is clearly rotating around the earth, but someone told me I, the earth is actually moving, and I still have to believe it. How is this better than brainwashing? Even the immortal ancestor Chicheng, the epoch-making figure, borrows the core of his immortal law from other people's 'metaphysics', which is equal to his whole life. Living under that person's shadow, do you think this counts as independent thinking? "

Wang Luo smiled again: "I think when you are so sophistical, the answer is already obvious. So, when I completely inherit your legacy, will I still be me?"

The Lord of Heaven did not rush to give an answer, but instead asked a question: "Suppose you and I are not in the same relationship as we are now, and you are just a genius from the old world who has been sleeping for thousands of years and has not yet awakened. As for me, I have no children, and I wish I could give birth to him. All the inheritance is entrusted to your dying old man. Then imagine that after you inherit my inheritance and become the Lord of Heaven, will you still be the same person?"

Wang Luo couldn't help but remain silent.

The other party asked a very classic question, and the answer was also self-evident.

Many times, even if you are promoted to one level, a small person who has bowed his head will suddenly become stiff, let alone the entire heaven as a legacy... At this time, it is said that one should not forget the original intention, even if he falls, he will not change. ...That would be so shameless.

Therefore, the question I just asked does not have much practical significance. However, even if there is not much practical significance to the question, the other party does not answer it directly, which is actually an answer.

So after a moment, Wang Luo shook his head and asked another question.

"Does Senior Sister know that you plan to ask me to inherit the inheritance?"

"You have more say on this issue than me. I haven't seen her for a long time, and over the past few hundred years, everyone will change. I can't use past experience to predict who she is now... Moreover, you In fact, I have already come to a conclusion. I just want to ask me for confirmation. My answer is, you might as well trust your own judgment. If you think she knows, she knows. "

Wang Luo shook his head again and did not continue on this topic.

Of course he had his own judgment on this matter... Even when he left the Immortal Alliance and came to Xinheng to explore the road alone, he had already guessed that Lu Zhiyao was probably behind this trip. Otherwise, as a person with a highly sensitive identity, he would suddenly have to leave the country and go to enemy-occupied areas, and the resistance would be self-evident.

And now it seems that Lu Zhiyao really has too many reasons to promote this matter. And if we think about it from the worst perspective, if Wang Luo's trip does not go well and he even dies in Xinheng, then...

"Heh, that's not a loss for the Immortal Alliance either."

The Lord of Heaven naturally saw through Wang Luo's thoughts and said frankly: "That's true. If you die, although it won't kill me suddenly, it won't let me live longer - at the moment when my uniqueness is destroyed. , my death date has basically been decided, but if you die, I will definitely lose a reliable heir, and for the Immortal Alliance, at least for some people in the Immortal Alliance, the heir to the Lord of Heaven will definitely be more important. The less the better... But that’s definitely not what she had in mind.”

Wang Luo laughed: "You just said you wouldn't speculate on her at will."

The Lord of Heaven curled his lips and said: "Don't be arrogant. Although I am not familiar with her, I at least have basic judgment ability. For example, I know that if you dismantle the lovers in her book in front of her, she will definitely start from the beginning." Muli will jump out and fight you to the death."

"Tsk, that's right. I'm being pretentious."

"Those who are heartbroken will not be hypocritical. She and I have been mortal enemies of each other for thousands of years. During this period, we have used all kinds of cruel methods against each other... It should be said that she and I have been enemies for far longer than we have been as close as sisters. My brother's time is much longer. But after many times of retreat and meditation, I still recall the peaceful time on Lingshan Mountain. Sometimes I can't help but think about it if I encounter some embarrassing things. How to deal with it. Oh, if metaphysics is a shadow or even hidden danger left by the predecessors in the Immortal Law of Chicheng, then Lu Zhiyao is undoubtedly my inner demon. "

After this heart-wrenching confession, the Lord of Heaven said: "So, you don't have to worry about the separation of your positions. When she let you out of the Immortal Alliance, she had already made her choice. And you, on the contrary, have no choice."

Wang Luo remained silent, but he knew in his heart that this truth was not wrong, but it was not so easy to accept.

So Wang Luo quickly changed the question.

"By the way, what does your so-called inheritance include?"

The Lord of Heaven was startled and asked back: "What do you really want to ask?"

Wang Luo said frankly: "Do you have concubines in the harem..."

"Good question, a good question worthy of serializing ten romance novels." The Lord of Heaven said, "But it's meaningless, because there are no concubines in the harem. I knew that my death was approaching and it was necessary to entrust the inheritance to others. How could I cause myself green trouble?"

Wang Luo asked: "What about the person below? She is not your concubine in the harem. Is she just your human toy?"

While speaking, Wang Luo nodded downwards.

On the Qianxing Platform of Dongdu, Xinheng's Queen Mother Yang Shijun was nestling in the arms of the late Emperor Gan Yinghua, her eyes were charming, and she whispered about her worries for decades.

The Lord of Heaven fell silent when he heard this, and a complicated look appeared on his face.

"Forget it, let's go down and talk."

The next moment, the two of them suddenly landed on the ground from the high sky Gangfeng layer.

It was still the Qianxing Platform of Dongdu, and the four directions of time and space were still frozen - even the powerful Mahayana True Lords such as Nan Yingying were like wax figures at this time. Only the time of Gan Yinghua and Yang Shijun was quietly flowing in the world.

Wang Luo looked at his own body that was also solidified not far away, and couldn't help but marveled... Although he knew that the conversation with the Lord of Heaven on the Gangfeng layer just now was just an exchange of consciousness. But the words and experiences during the period, and even the details and feelings, were almost the same as those of flesh and blood entities. And this is clearly a magical power that can only be achieved at the peak of the fusion.

Wang Luo certainly didn't have the ability to combine his body, but the Lord of Heaven temporarily strengthened and condensed his consciousness for the convenience of conversation. The casual actions of the Golden Immortal of Wonderful Law were incredible to the mortal practitioners.

At the same time, the Lord of Heaven walked to Gan Yinghua and Yang Shijun and sighed.

"At first, this was indeed just a game, and a very utilitarian game... I said before that as early as hundreds of years ago, when my senior sister just started to replace me, I realized that my uniqueness was being shaken. At that time, in addition to back-hand plagiarism, I would naturally think of other ways to save my life. Among them, the most promising way is to "reproduce and thrive", and bypass the backlash of the Heavenly Dao by blood inheritance. Specifically..."

But before the other party could elaborate, Wang Luo couldn't help but exclaimed: "I seem to have heard this idea somewhere. Is it like this: before you die, you disassemble the immortal law you hold into several parts, and infuse them into different mothers, and wait for them to give birth to offspring. Offspring They will inherit some of the immortal laws. Then, according to the aggregation principle of the immortal laws, these descendants will start to kill each other, and the one who survives in the end will become the sacrifice for your resurrection. In this way, you are still you, but no longer the original you. It is equivalent to cheating death with death. "

The Lord of Heaven was silent for a moment, and sighed: "Yes, the general idea is indeed like this..."

"This is the setting in the novel of my senior sister, you are blatantly plagiarizing."

The Lord of Heaven disagreed: "It is not plagiarism to move the brain hole setting in the novel to reality. This is undoubtedly a great innovation. Otherwise, wouldn't the literati open their minds and occupy all the original works in the world?"

Wang Luo commented: "This is how copying is done The original party only needs to do their best to bring the good ideas in their minds into reality, while the plagiarism party has a lot to consider. "

"Hehe, isn't Lu Zhiyao's novel also copied from other people's ideas? It's just that no one in this world has seen those novels, so Lu Zhiyao, the origin of all things, was created... Let's get back to the topic. In order to avoid Lu Zhiyao's replacement, I designed a plan for reproduction and survival, but there are many technical difficulties and more obstacles in practice - even in Jingzhou Heaven, not everyone hopes that I can successfully extend my life. In short, when I was really ready and could implement the plan, hundreds of years had passed since the initial design plan was finalized. At this time, my mood was different again. There are few changes, and he is not so enthusiastic about the plan of reproducing to prolong his life. He just thinks that hundreds of years of preparation must have a result, so he simply chooses a suitable mother from the mortal world according to the plan design..."

Wang Luo couldn't help asking: "Why choose from the mortal world?"

The Lord of Heaven sighed: "Because only in the mortal world can I perfectly hide my identity, play the role of an ordinary person, and then marry and have children like ordinary people without attracting any extra attention... Reproduction is a very fragile plan. Any excessive external force will bring uncontrollable risks. "

Wang Luo asked again: "Since you don't want to attract extra attention, why don't you just find a village girl in the wilderness of Xinheng? Why do you have to play the role of emperor?"

The Lord of Heaven laughed at himself and said, "So this is a utilitarian game. The utilitarianism is that I went down to the mortal world in disguise for the purpose of reproduction; the game is that I played the emperor for fun... The mortal emperor is much more interesting than the Lord of Heaven. It is true that the so-called court officials are sent abroad and are free and easy! In addition, the stronger the descendants who inherit my immortal law grow, the higher the success rate of my resurrection. And there are few people in Xinheng who are more conducive to cultivation than those born in the royal family."

"So what happened later? Did the plan succeed?"

"What do you think? You have been in Xinheng for a while. Haven't you heard about what kind of stuff Yang Shijun and I have?"

As soon as the voice fell, the Lord of Heaven thought about it and dragged Wang Luo's consciousness from Dongdu to the Fancheng Palace.

In the hall, Emperor Gan Ai was sitting on the dragon throne, sitting upright and meticulous... If it weren't for his fat body that was almost like a ball, he could show some of the emperor's majesty. It's a pity that a fat body hides all beauty, and he is not handsome to begin with, and his eyes are even more confused. Overall, it is indeed in line with the evaluation of the emperor by modern people: a waste.

Moreover, even if we don't consider these external glitz, just from the plan of reproduction itself, there is not a trace of immortal law in Emperor Gan Ai.

"So, the plan failed?"

The Lord of Heaven nodded: "Yes, it failed completely."

"Considering that what he should have inherited from you, he did not inherit it at all, and even his facial features and body shape are completely different, have you considered another possibility..."

"Haha, the idea is good, but it's a pity that he is indeed my own flesh and blood, and even this sac-like image is almost designed by me. So, if he was born taller and more handsome, we need to consider another possibility... The reason why he did not inherit the immortal law is very simple. When the time comes, I can't bear it."

"?" Wang Luo was a little confused, but gradually he understood in his heart.

"Yes, just as you guessed, the person who inherits my immortal law will basically inherit my fate. Speaking of fate, I can only say that the childhood memories in your mind are real and true."

"Do you mean that the whole family died and the father and mother were killed?"

"Yes, although the senior sister said that this is the fate of the protagonist, it is okay to be the protagonist, but the burden of being the protagonist's parents is still a bit heavy. It's okay for me to bear it alone, but for Yang Shijun... she can't bear it."

Wang Luo asked out of genuine curiosity: "Are you really in love with her?"

"Haha, how is it possible?" The Lord of Heaven shook his head and laughed, "People who inherit the immortal law don't have the ability to love."

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