The words of the Lord of Heaven seem to be contradictory.

In order to avoid the backlash of heaven, he spent hundreds of years preparing to reproduce and reproduce, but in the end he failed because of a moment of impatience.

He couldn't bear to hurt Yang Shijun and was willing to put his own life at risk for her, but he also said that people who inherit the immortal law cannot love others at all.

So the summary is that he died willingly for someone he didn't love at all.


But Wang Luo couldn't laugh, because he had already understood the truth in the smile of the Lord of Heaven.

"Yes, you guessed it right."

The Lord of Heaven still smiled candidly, naturally seeing through Wang Luo's thoughts.

"It's about my family, my life, and even the remaining immortals in Jingzhou Heavenly Court behind me. If I can't let go and hesitate just because of my own love, then I will be the most stupid and absurd person in the history of the three realms of Kyushu. Therefore, the immortal ancestors remain in the immortal law. This kind of ruthlessness is just right in my opinion, because I can confidently say that the reason why I can’t bear it is not because of selfish desires.”

With that said, the Lord of Heaven took Wang Luo to the harem of the imperial city, a rather deserted hall. The palace is located at the gathering place of the imperial city's spiritual veins. It is obviously the palace of Queen Mother Yang Shijun with a high status. However, the guards and maids around are quite sparse, and the bricks and tiles of the palace are too old, so that the whole thing actually shows a trace of decadence. temperament.

The Lord of Heaven couldn't help but sigh as he stepped inside.

"Sure enough, every brick and tile has retained its original appearance...even the toys from my childhood are still there."

While he was talking, he had already walked to the bedside in the inner room, looking at the several exquisite toys made by immortal craftsmen that had long since failed on the pillow, and shook his head gently.

"I went down to the underworld as Gan Yinghua in order to find a suitable mother body for reproduction in the testing ground of Xinheng. And I soon fell in love with the little daughter that Duke Wei Guo specially placed in Fancheng. , that is, Yang Shijun. Her talent is extremely outstanding, which is even more rare in this small Mingzhou; and she comes from a famous family, and she has been blessed with talents and guidance from famous teachers since she was ten years old... When she was ten years old, Chen Lin concluded She has the qualifications of the Mahayana, and in my opinion, if she had not been born in Xinheng and was restricted by the glazed net above her head, she would actually have the qualifications of a true immortal. "

Wang Luo followed silently without interrupting.

The Lord of Heaven smiled and said: "It's okay. You can ask any questions you have. I'm not a dying old man who must finish recalling his story in one breath when he is dying. I'm not afraid of interruptions. I just hope that you, as the successor, will give some precious memories to you." The story is fully documented.”

Wang Luo was not polite at all: "So what happened to her that led her to be in such a tragic situation that her control of the combined realm is unstable?"

The Lord of the Heavenly Court shrugged: "What else could have happened? What happened to me? When she was ten years old when she introduced Qi into her body and caused the glazed light to deflect, Wei Guogong tried to change herself on Yang Zhao's suggestion. His youngest daughter was replaced by his second son. From a political point of view, Duke Wei's move was obviously an extra step, and the royal family had no reason to object. However, in the end, the matter was settled. . Because there is one most crucial person who firmly opposes it—Yang Shijun himself.”

When Wang Luo heard this, he couldn't help but ask: "Are you trying to say that she fell in love with you at first sight and was so devoted to you that she refused to go home even if her biological father called her and insisted on staying in Fancheng?"

"Yes, that's what happened."

Wang Luo asked again: "She was only ten years old at that time, and you could actually do it?"

"I'm just the chosen one, and I don't have any actual actions. It's because she recognizes people with her keen eyes, but she takes action first... To be honest, there is really some God's will in this, because I have the Immortal Law to cover it up, and no one else in the world can do it. It is impossible to see through my true body. Apart from my true body, my incarnation in the mortal world, Gan Yinghua, is only of average quality. Apart from being more handsome and handsome, and having a slightly natural Taoist physique, there is nothing special about me. Objectively speaking, apart from being a prince, my conditions are actually not as good as Yang Shijun's, but she decided that I was her true partner, and then... to show her determination, she exposed her pubic area. ”


At this moment, even Wang Luo opened his mouth in shock: "What the hell?!"

"Yes, damn, I had the same reaction at the time. She was really willing to give up her gift as a true immortal! Fortunately, the incident happened at the Yang family residence, and soon various doctors came to the rescue, and the child Injuries always heal faster... It's just that self-destructive behavior is taboo in immortal cultivation. In order to stay with me, she would rather destroy her Dantian. Obviously, the journey to immortality is no longer that important to her. Therefore, the Immortal Dao will naturally not favor her anymore."

Wang Luo frowned, feeling that the problem was still more than that.

"Yes, the problem is much more than that... because at the beginning, I was actually wondering if someone was secretly obstructing my plan to reproduce. After all, the worse Yang Shijun's condition is, the more detrimental it will be to my plan. . And there are many people who want me dead, no matter who is in the world... I initially fell in love with her because she has the talent of a true immortal. But after she broke her Dantian, although she still had a chance to become a Mahayana true king, she still had a chance to become a true king. It was extremely difficult to condense a path of my own, and the value of reproduction was indeed compromised. But after that, she found that I valued cultivation more, and quickly picked up my practice again, and successfully built an immortal in just a few years. Ji, that aura seems to have been repaired by her own hands, as if the path to ascension was discarded by her own hands."

Wang Luo asked: "So, what happened next?"

"Later, I lived with her for decades. She was like the heroines in the stories in my senior sister's stories. She did everything perfectly. Even though she had long seen that I had no love for her, I didn't take it seriously at all... Later, due to changes in Jingzhou, I had to stop my trip to the mortal world in advance, so Gan Yinghua became seriously ill and practiced walking on fire. She died early and returned to heaven. When I parted with her, she. But he said he would wait for me to come back."

"Come back? Could she..."

The Lord of Heaven shook his head: "She doesn't know my identity. After all, the Immaculate Immortal Law is still there... But it's only one step away from the truth. She has long concluded that I am not a human being, but a true immortal from Heaven. I must come to the mortal world." She had an important mission, so she didn't believe the illusion of sudden illness or death. When I was dying, she said she would wait for me. I have to wait. I said that once I return to heaven, my memories in this world will be lost, and she said that I will keep everything as it was when I left. Then, even if I still have a shred of memory left, I will remember her. ...But how easy is it to maintain the status quo? Although people who cultivate immortality have many miraculous skills, the true art of immortality must at least be completed in the realm of integration. When we parted, she was only in the middle stage of becoming a god. If you want to break the mirror and advance again in a short period of time, the result will naturally be self-evident..."

Wang Luo said: "So, she really just let her cultivation become so loose just to stay young?"

"Yes, and the cost of such a waste of cultivation is self-evident... But she always believed that I would definitely come back, and that all the chaos in Xinheng would have subsided by then. So, no matter how tempting Zhang Jincheng was to offer her, People and reasonable bargaining chips are actually meaningless. Even if there is no evidence, even when she is most isolated and without any help or even enlightenment, her belief has not wavered in the slightest. Therefore, in your opinion, it is perverse. , Queen Mother Yang Shijun, who disregarded the lives of hundreds of millions of people, is actually an extremely simple woman."

Wang Luo was speechless.

The Lord of Heaven smiled and said: "Oh, it is indeed difficult to explain. But after hearing this, you should be able to understand why I can't bear with Yang Shijun."

"...Well, I can probably guess it."

The Lord of Heaven sighed: "The Immortal Law left by Chicheng Immortal Ancestor does not tolerate love and selfish desires, but it does not require people to be ruthless. On the contrary, he is the most passionate and romantic person I have ever seen in the world. Back then, he was the first to break through and ascend, and he was the only one in the entire Immortal World. , and only for his own use. If he wanted to, he could completely cut off the path to ascension for everyone in the future, gradually expand his existence, and become the prototype of the origin of all things. But instead of occupying the immortal world, he established the heaven. Reorganizing the Immortal Law, sharing the Immortal World with the world, and paving the way for future generations to ascend, and this was just because he couldn't bear to see those talented practitioners not getting a good ending. Later, as the Immortal World gradually prospered. Crowded, the Immortal Law began to be unsustainable, and he also foresaw the disaster that was coming. At that time, he had a way to survive alone, but instead of abandoning the immortals, he opened the Immortal Gate even more and forced himself to do his best to open up the Star Sea. In the Heavenly Realm, he recreated the upper realm for the people of the Immortal Realm. Although he failed in the end, his legacy was still silently remembered and guarded by the Nine Provinces until his death. It was also because of this that the senior sister was able to dig him out. Put into the illusion of Taixu, the sincere Immortal Law was established to protect the beauty of the world. Although it was once destroyed during the Heavenly Tribulation, and was tampered with and distorted by the three real immortal families who were in a panic. When I inherited the Immortal Law from my master, its most important core had been restored: as the Lord of Heaven, you should have great love, and Yang Shijun is a beautiful person who deserves to be protected with great love. But I rarely became interested and wanted to try to reproduce in the mortal world to extend my life, so I met Yang Shijun. It was clear that God's will was so, so I no longer insisted on extending my life. "

Wang Luo was silent for a long time and asked, "So, how do you plan for me to inherit this inheritance?"

"Yang Shijun? You can go visit the grave occasionally. You don't need to do anything extra."

Wang Luo was a little surprised: "Gravesweeper? She shouldn't be as short-lived as you, right?"

"Well, she was born with a long life, and in order to maintain the beauty when we were apart when we reunited, she actually paid attention to health care in the past few decades. Even though she was working hard as the Queen Mother, and during this period she forced herself into the realm of unity, Even if she wastes her cultivation, she still has at least five hundred years of life left. She is indeed much longer than me. However, for her, she can give up even the chance of becoming an immortal for a mere five hundred years. What's the point? She can say goodbye to me once, but she can't bear the pain of saying goodbye a second time. After I deal with the current situation in Xinheng, she will go to Jingzhou with me, and there will be her. The last stop in life.”

Wang Luo couldn't help but ask: "At this time, you can't bear it anymore?"

The Lord of Heaven smiled and did not answer any more. He just took another step and took Wang Luo back to the Eastern Capital Star Platform.

"We've been gossiping for long enough, it's time to do some serious business. My time is limited, so I will try to resolve it quickly."

The next moment, time and space that had been frozen for a long time resumed flowing again, and the noise outside Dongdu flooded into my ears like a tide.

But soon, a clear voice sounded, suppressing all the noise.


Wang Luo was surprised to find that it was his own voice.

And the simple word "quiet" is like an irresistible heavenly edict, which instantly overwhelms the chaotic people.

The elite soldiers inside and outside the Eastern Capital, the important officials of the imperial court who gathered around the Yang brothers... and even the people in Fan City looking at the Eastern Capital from a distance all lowered their heads at this moment.

From the time Empress Dowager Yang Shijun set a trap outside Dongdu and tried to imprison the special envoy of the Immortal Alliance, and then the special envoy occupied Qianxingtai to awaken the imperial master, and the deposed Immortal Record was used to turn the tables in an instant, and finally the deposed Immortal Record attracted the magic weapon Jinxian Shi Suying. …

After the series of twists and turns, people's hearts were already in confusion. However, as Wang Luo's voice sounded, in just a short moment, all the distracting thoughts in people's hearts were swept away.

After everyone was silent, Wang Luo said again: "The chaos in Xinheng is not the original intention of the royal family, let alone the original intention of Heaven! Everything is due to the civil strife in Heaven. A few immortals took advantage of the chaos and ignored the overall situation, violated the Lord's order, and used evil spirits to destroy It’s caused by magic that confuses the hearts of mortals! Now that the leader of the Immortal Rebellion, Shi Suying, has been killed, the source of Xinheng’s chaos no longer exists. Please calm down!”

The meaning of the second silence is different from the previous one. At the same time, the voice also contained a heart-stopping awe-inspiring pressure. Although these words were far-fetched and even unbelievable, a moment later, from the Qianxing Platform, people leaned down one after another, as if they were meeting a king. Generally, express surrender to Wang Luo.

After that, Wang Luo spoke for the third time: "The dispute between the Queen Mother Yang Shijun and the Imperial Master Zhang Jincheng was actually a puzzle designed by the Golden Immortal from the upper realm to identify treason. The two sides seemed to be against each other, but in fact they were allies. During this period, domestic conflicts arose. We have to bear the burden of the chaos. Now that the chaos is over, the truth should be clarified! However, the chaos in the country was ultimately caused by the Yang family, and the pattern of the Queen Mother listening behind the scenes is not suitable to continue..."

Speaking of this, someone under the high platform involuntarily raised his head, his face full of surprise.

But then, Wang Luo said something else.

"...And with the help of killing the immortals, I will make an exception and ascend to heaven, enjoying freedom forever!"

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