Fancheng, the Temple of Heaven, Gaodian.

The dome that was once broken by the golden candlelight is now covered by a huge piece of soft jade.

It is like Xinheng, which is trying to be calm after the chaos.

The Lord of Heaven, through Wang Luo's mouth, left a few unquestionable declarations, and after putting an end to the entire Xinheng chaos, he left the world temporarily with the Queen Mother, who symbolized all the good things in the world. Before leaving, he said to Wang Luo, "Come to Gaodian to find me after you finish the chores here", leaving the mess on the ground for future generations to clean up.

Cleaning up the mess of Xinheng is really a tedious and annoying task, so Wang Luo is not interested in doing it himself. Based on the principle of proximity, he directly settled down in Gaodian, and then picked a few acquaintances, and they took the lead in forming a post-processing team to prepare all the post-processing matters in Gaodian.

Now all the members of the team are in place, and they are patching up the broken situation of Xinheng with their enthusiasm. Wang Luo himself was like a transcendent god in the classroom, wandering in the sky while others were working hard.

As a temporary dome, the soft jade on the high hall that could change shape and color as people wished came from the famous Jinzhifang in Fancheng. Its refining formula and craftsmanship were the result of ten years of painstaking research by many god-transforming craftsmen, and it was also the pinnacle of Xinheng Xiandao skills.

Even in the Immortal Alliance, whose national strength was dozens of times greater, this was a set of advanced technology that could be fully presented. If the Heavenly Court had expanded the scale of the mortal test site, not limited to Mingzhou, but expanded to Mozhou, Luzhou and even Jingzhou...

Wang Luo looked up and carefully examined the jelly-like soft jade, as well as the hazy night sky behind the soft jade, and was lost in thought for a moment.

In front of him, several old men dressed as pedants who were temporarily transferred from Fancheng Academy to the aftermath team were gathered in a circle, arguing over the biggest problem at the moment, and their faces were red and their eyes were broken.

"No, no, the idea that the late emperor and the envoy are the same person doesn't make sense at all! Which emperor would abandon his country and travel to the Immortal Alliance for decades just to 'get first-hand intelligence on the enemy'?! Moreover, the late emperor was already middle-aged when he passed away, but now he has regained his youth, how do you explain this!?"

"It's the adventure of the Immortal Alliance! The right side of the sky is a place of chaos and disorder. People who have been there can turn from male to female, let alone regain their youth! What's so difficult to explain about this!? Moreover, we can use magic and elixirs to disguise ourselves. This technology The problem is not worth discussing at all! As for the motive, can we just attribute it to the rebellion of the Heavenly Court, so the late emperor had to endure humiliation? ! "

"Everything is the fault of the Heavenly Court, do you think the Heavenly Court is a garbage can? ! Originally, it was far-fetched to blame the civil strife on the Heavenly Court in the upper realm. Using the same excuse too many times will only make this excuse less convincing. Use your brains!"

"This is not okay, and that is not okay. Tuoba Tiancheng, besides repeatedly finding faults, have you contributed more than half a constructive opinion?"

"Ha, I didn't Did you guys kick me out of the academy because you disliked me for being a smooth talker and having no control over my subordinates? ! Now you dislike me for being picky? Now I have been entrusted by the envoy to supervise you. I have no obligation to make suggestions. It is enough for me to keep an eye on you!"

"Tuoba County Magistrate, the situation is urgent now. The chaos in Fancheng and Dongdu must be explained to all citizens as soon as possible. This is really not a good time to take revenge. The envoy entrusted you to supervise us in order to draw useful conclusions as soon as possible. And if there is really no usable explanation, even if it is full of loopholes, 's explanation is also an explanation. "

"Tsk, besides the theory of identity, are there any other explanations?"


"Shut up and listen to me! It should have been my turn to speak long ago! I just have one sentence: the theory of father and son! I have said before that only the theory of father and son is the correct one now. Explaining the special envoy of the Immortal Alliance as the lost child of the previous emperor can avoid many contradictions of the theory of identity. And it can also allow him to take over the throne of Xinheng reasonably and legally! And only by inheriting the throne can..."

However, before the old scholar finished his words, he was interrupted by a cold voice.

"Your Excellency, Duke Feng wants to see you."

The voice contained a hint of rust, which silenced all the passionate scholars present.

Because the owner of that voice was Yang Jiuzhong, the general of the current court.

Although theoretically, this general who planned the mutiny, killed the 18 immortal envoys beside the national teacher, and led an army of 100,000 to fight against Wang Luo should have been the biggest war criminal...

But since the late Emperor Gan Yinghua personally declared on the Qianxingtai in the East Capital that the Yang family was just enduring humiliation, then Yang Jiuzhong naturally became a meritorious official with no faults. Later, he was appointed as the deputy leader of the aftermath team. Now he leads a group of elite soldiers to guard the Gaodian, providing a top-secret environment for the discussion in the hall.

In front of this Yang family member, no matter how ostentatious the scholar is, he dare not talk loudly about the succession to the throne...Although everyone knows that the Yang family's abdication is a foregone conclusion, how to abdicate and to what extent are still unknown. These scholars were temporarily transferred to the aftermath team and held power, but this power was only temporary. If they offended the Yang family with inappropriate words during this period...

At the same time, Wang Luo came back to his senses after hearing Yang Jiuzhong's voice, nodded, and stood up: "Just right, I'll go out for some fresh air."

Yang Jiuzhong frowned: "Sir, the range of the secret-keeping formation is limited. Once you leave the high palace..."

"It's okay, I will be careful about the volume when talking to Duke Feng."

Yang Jiuchong still hesitated: "But..."

"Then how about you become the team leader?"

Yang Jiuzhong lowered his head helplessly: "I don't dare...but please send two personal guards to follow with a secret tent to prevent people with ulterior motives from taking advantage of the opportunity to spy on top secrets."


After saying that, Wang Luo had already arrived outside the high hall.

When Feng Guo Gong Nan Yingying saw Wang Luo, he immediately knelt down respectfully and saluted with meticulous gestures.

Wang Luo smiled: "Don't worry, what I promised you before is still true. There is no need to act so serious and hypocritical."

However, Nan Yingying insisted on performing the etiquette of meeting the saint, her posture was like a slow dance, until finally she stood up straight and put on a relaxed smile.

"I know, but it just occurred to me that since I took over as Duke Feng, I have never performed this ritual seriously. Whether it is to the late emperor Gan Yinghua, the current emperor Gan Ai, or Yang Shijun... I have always been casual. Even at the Immortal Ceremony, it’s a good idea to make up for this while the title is still there. There should be no need to use this etiquette in the future.”

"So, are you sure you want to go directly to the Immortal League? Why don't you stay for a while?"

"Be sure, otherwise there will only be trouble if you stay in Xinheng... I still don't fully understand what happened in Dongdu before. The four southern counties have always been run by me as my own backyard, but at the critical moment, they were People suddenly launched a huge blood sacrifice in the four counties, which not only caused the death of all living beings, but also almost completely broke my wish for all living beings, causing my death on the spot. Next, as usual, I should go back to the four counties, kill those traitors who shamelessly harmed my compatriots, and then cover them with evil soil so that they will never be reincarnated. However, how to distinguish who is a traitor and who is a loyal person? The people in important positions in the four counties are all people I have personally identified and trusted, and it is really a headache to choose traitors among them. "

Wang Luo nodded and said: "Actually, Yang Jiuzhong gave me a list..."

Nan Yingying waved her hand: "Forget it, it's better not to watch."

"Okay." Wang Luo didn't say much, and casually burned the list that was related to countless people's lives.

Nan Yingying smiled and said: "Hehe, now I feel relaxed... In the final analysis, the root cause of the tragedy in the four southern counties is still my incompetence in governance, Duke Feng. Because I practice the wish of all living beings, I usually go deep into the people, and often I have always been involved in government affairs in various places. Therefore, I have always considered myself to be diligent, not only among Mahayana kings, but also among several princes and princes. But in fact, when I was in power, I mostly acted in a haphazard manner. , and even insisted on going my own way. Many decisions and deployments were only supported by the overtime work of my capable ministers. When I was running the four counties, personnel appointment and dismissal, etc., it was not that I didn't have advisors around me to remind me, but I relied on my ability and vision and never took it seriously. … Now that I’m going back to sort out the situation, even I think it’s a kind of incompetent rage, which is too ugly.”

Wang Luo said: "If you care so much about being ugly, you are indeed not suitable for politics."

"Haha, your Majesty, your Majesty, really hit the nail on the head... So, I will simply let it go and ignore the affairs of the four counties. Anyway, the Nan family has many capable people. Without me, the Mahayana True Monarch, weighing down their heads, maybe it will be able to make people who are truly suitable Therefore, I came here specifically to say goodbye. Then, if there is anything you need me to do, whether it is here or there, please feel free to ask."

At this moment, Nan Yingying's expression was unusually serious, and the light was rekindled in her eyes that were dimmed due to the injury.

Wang Luo shook his head: "You don't need to do anything. Once the road is clear, you can just go."

Nan Yingying smiled: "Then I will record this matter in the account first, and I will be waiting for dispatch at any time in the future..."

As the laughter fell, Nan Yingying's figure gradually disappeared into the night. Apparently she also saw that Wang Luo didn't have much to talk about at this time, so she didn't stay much.

After Nan Yingying left, Wang Luo sighed.

The Mahayana True Monarch...even the former Mahayana who was degraded due to injuries is by no means an easy person. Nan Yingying said she was frustrated and exaggerated that she had accomplished nothing, but in fact it was just an excuse because she didn't want to wade into the muddy waters of Xinheng.

What happened on the Qianxing Platform in Dongdu before was impossible for her to know because of the impeccable Immortal Law of the Lord of Heaven, but it was also impossible for her to be completely ignorant. After all, the golden immortals with wonderful magic skills almost died without resistance under the deposed immortal record... Then Wang Luo made several declarations in front of countless people. The words were almost ridiculous, but they were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in an instant and convinced everyone. This The magical power contained in it is obvious.

On that supreme stage, even the magical golden immortal who has almost reached the realm of immortality cannot protect himself. What is the difference between a mere Mahayana and an ant?

Nan Yingying has been the Mahayana True Monarch for hundreds of years, and she is the one and only person in the four southern counties. However, on the stage of Dongdu, she is just a precarious extra.

Therefore, after escaping from death, she obviously did not want to have anything to do with beings who were too high... As a Mahayana Lord, this idea undoubtedly seems a bit cowardly, but on the other hand, as a mere mortal, such an idea is more appropriate. .

Considering that she had finally achieved success before, Wang Luo no longer cared about her cunning at the moment and made sure she retreated bravely.

Without Duke Feng, it will indeed be a lot more troublesome to deal with the aftermath of Xinheng, but... after all, there are still some people who can't run away or retreat, so let them put more thought into it, that's all.

Thinking of this, Wang Luo glanced at the Imperial Guard soldiers not far behind him, who were wearing black iron helmets and holding secret tents in their hands. He gestured to them, then jumped into the air and flew out of Fancheng. The two soldiers hesitated for a moment, but finally did not dare to follow, so they quickly reported the news back to Yang Jiuchong.

On the other side, Wang Luo flew over Fancheng for a short time before arriving at Dongdu Qianxingtai.

The high platform that had been sealed by Zhang Jincheng with his life now no longer has a barrier - except for the tens of thousands of Qingqi elites who guard the city and prohibit any other people from approaching.

And on the Qianxing Stage, Zhang Jincheng, the hero on the picture, has also been waiting for a long time.

Unlike Nan Yingying and others, this heroic spirit not only witnessed the arrival of the Lord of Heaven, but has not forgotten it to this day.

The Immortal Law of Heaven no longer has jurisdiction over the heroic spirits on the Ning Yuan Diagram.

"Lord Mountain Master..."

"Let's reduce the needless etiquette a little. How is the matter of establishing the cornerstone of the famine being handled?"

"..." After a moment of silence, a spiritual body was once again formed on the high platform. Zhang Jincheng still did not exempt himself from those etiquettes and said to Wang Luo respectfully, "The cornerstone has been laid, and the growth has been smoother than expected... …”

"Oh, the cornerstone has been laid so quickly?"

Zhang Jincheng said: "Xinheng has always been driven by the Heavenly Court, and everything operates in imitation of the Immortal Alliance. In fact, there is already a foundation for establishing the famine. Although people usually worship the Heavenly Court Immortal, the Heavenly Court is high and ungrounded. Even the rotating immortal officials rarely show up, so many times the people's attachment is only to those agents who act in the name of immortals. Now that even the Lord of Heaven has chosen to reconcile with the Immortal Alliance. , and even completely withdrew Liuliguang, then guiding the people here to change their ways is actually like following the current. No, it is actually just following the current. Now the domestic chaos has not been settled, and most people in the eighteen counties have no idea what happened, but the cornerstone remains. It was so easy, as if someone had already dug a trench in the earth’s spiritual veins.”

Speaking of going with the flow, Zhang Jincheng's tone was a little self-deprecating.

"So, in the past six hundred years, Xinheng was just a pawn sailing against the current. For the Lord of Heaven, 200 million creatures, no, even 2 billion mortal creatures, may not be as good as what he is ambushing here. Those magical golden immortals...perhaps since the founding of the country, we have been living here from generation to generation, and the value of developing civilization is only to become a stage for rebellion six hundred years later."

After listening to Zhang Jincheng's heartfelt words, Wang Luo was silent for a moment and said.

"Just spread the emotion you just expressed to more people. Compared with any civilizational progress... the unwillingness to face the behemoth is the core driving force for determining the famine."

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